Plane crash at Entebbe
A SOUTH African-registered plane crashed immediately after take-off at Entebbe Airport yesterday morning, killing two expatriates involved in Uganda's mineral exploration exercise.

The 8-seater, a light aircraft operated by Fugro Airborne Surveys, went down immediately after take-off, crashing at or about 7.37 a.m. The French-made Reims craft took a nosedive and suddenly disintegrated in a depression between the eastern taxiing lane and the western runway, aviation authorities said.

But investigators will need time to establish the cause of the accident, transport State Minister Simon Ejua told a press conference at the airport.

"The aircraft took off at Entebbe Airport at 7.37 a.m. this morning for aerial surveys north of Entebbe and crashed immediately after with two people on board. The two people on board sustained fatal injuries and were rushed to Mulago Hospital," said Mr Ejua, reading from a prepared statement. "Investigations into the probable cause of the accident have been instituted..."

But an airport employee, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak, said the South African pilot, Capt. Erard Peter, died instantly, while the technician from Botswana, Ms Selina Mareme, died almost immediately after being extracted from the wreckage.

"I think the plane could have crashed due to up-thrust, because the pilot took it up sharply like a military jet and then the engines suddenly failed, and we saw it coming down," said the source, who is fairly knowledgeable in aviation matters.
At the crash site, broken glasses and aircraft parts, including the tyres were strewn all over, and the fuselage and tail surfaces lay about 75 metres apart.

"What happened at 7:37am this (yesterday) morning is that a small aircraft of type F406 crashed immediately after take off at Entebbe Airport. The destination was supposed to be northern Uganda," Minister Ejua said at the press conference. The exact destination was Masindi District, he added.

Mr Daudi Migereko, the minister for energy and mineral development, said the crash was "unfortunate". "They [the dead] have been doing good work and the preliminary report of their aero-magnetic surveys (for mineral exploration) have been interesting in that they had identified different parts of this country with mineral potential," Mr Migereko said in a phone interview.

He said the government would engage Fugro Airborne Surveys to determine how to proceed with the surveys, which began in November 2006 and were due to end in December.

Minister Ejua told Daily Monitor in a separate interview that he had constituted a five-member committee to immediately investigate the crash. Mr Moses Adriko, a former president of the Uganda Law Society, will chair the probe team and Ms Patricia Asiimwe, a senior state attorney in the office of the Attorney General, will be its secretary.

Other members include; Mr Ben Kwobe, an airworthiness surveyor, Mr Robert Ntambi, a senior air transport regulation officer in the Ministry of Works, and Captain Paul Tamale, who has been a pilot with DAS Air cargo. Knowledgeable sources speculated that the accident was most likely caused by pilot error. Former minister Francis Babu, a flight captain, said the incident could not be a measure of Uganda's air safety, because "you must treat each accident on its own merits".

And according to former minister Mike Mukula, also a flight captain, the accident could have been the result of many scenarios, most especially pilot error.
The investigators will need to establish if there was a weather problem, whether the aircraft ran out of fuel or if certain regulatory standards were not met, he said.
"Entebbe international Airport is in excellent state. New equipment has been installed and the runway is of international standards."

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Topic for discussion

The Last King of Scotland hosted by Richard Komakech (Administrator)
Does The Last King of Scotland depict a true picture of Idi Amin and Uganda?
(63 posts) Post your opinion View Latest Posts

Posts (Latest First)

King of Scoland, and despot of Uganda – the narrative of Idi Amin authored by Trym Skarra on 23. March 2007 at 02:46
Muzungos give the narrative dimension of Idi Amin – it`s okey but they forgot about almost 350 000 deaths; the actors play the madness very well but they are still alive. My friends in europe asked me if this is a good movie and I told nupe; if you don`t know nothing about Africa – I told them to see first of all T”he Devil Wears Prada “, then “ Sometime in april” and “Blood diamond” before “Last king of Scotland” because we all need more info., history than muzungo filmmakers are able to give incl. “peoples war”. This bloody film is more about the Scottish doctor than Idi Amin; the narrative makes Idi more stupid than ever and there never really was a Scottish doctor like Nicholas Garrigan – its culture-conflict from the very start; Scotland/Uganda and Nicholas/Idi Amin. I actually realized while watching the film that the narrative structure of The Last King of Scotland mirrors perfectly that of The Devil Wears Prada. Think about it: both stories are about recently-graduated, ambitious youngsters who befriend and learn from horrific, yet accomplished elders and eventually realize that their mentors are evil people. The fact that I would automatically make that comparison shows how deeply this movie fails, when it could have been so brilliant. It seems just like The Devil Wears Prada because the film gives absolutely no historical context whatsoever. We have no sense of how much time has passed, of what Amin has done for his country (whether it's good or bad), or what the people of Uganda think of Amin. In trying so hard to make this a personal tale, Giles Foden's writing robs the reader of the true drama: the actual history of Uganda in the 1970s. Stylistically, the movie fails as well. There are terrible pacing problems in the second half of the film, mainly due to how Kevin MacDonald tried to incorporate a number of Hollywood suspense scenes that of course would never have actually happened. A scene where a character tries to assassinate Amin is particularly poorly handled, as the build-up to the climax is far too lengthy, the crosscutting disorienting and the payoff nonexistent. The best thing about the movie, period, is Forest Whitaker's genuinely terrifying portrayal of the bizarrely erratic Idi Amin. He expresses so many emotions in this film it's hard to know where to begin. He's captivating as the incendiary firebrand, the eloquent general who rallied his country to support his coup through the power of his words. His kindly, paternal demeanor toward Nicholas is very endearing and adds great dimension to Amin, who otherwise is this kind of unknowable mythological character. And his rapid, mystifying mood shifts and rampages become terrifying when considering that he could marshal the state apparatus to satiate his gross passions and whims. The Last King of Scotland is certainly not a kingly movie at all. It's a very shallow view of history that also doesn't work as a piece of dramatic narrative.

But Forest Whitaker will always be remembered as the king of this film. His psychological
darkness is the film's shining light - "The last King"

Movie magic authored by jaky on 22. March 2007 at 23:50
I have had experiences with people where on meeting me for the first time thought I was from one of the Caribbean islands. However, I went on to say that I was in fact from Uganda. Those with sufficient geography or history background or simply watch news and thus have knowledge about world issues; immediately knew where I came from. It warmed my heart of course till someone said, “Oh is that Idi Amin’s Uganda? Tell me is he still alive? What did he really eat?” I was too young to know what this man ate or did for that matter. I had read a book about him and even watched the movie about Entebbe (cannot recall the exact title). But this gave me the crude picture and all. Movie making is all about tapping into the honey pot or potential money maker. Whether is true or not there are instances where the characters are exaggerated for movie magic. The viewers love that. However, the truth may be distorted and it depends on who is telling the story. If you asked some people they may say the man was terrible while others he was alright.
However, if this man made mistakes he is certainly not the first or the last one. There are many worse things people have done and are still doing. So don’t dwell on this if you feel that his character was exaggerated. For example, a lot of my friends from Rwanda feel that Hotel Rwanda did not do them any justice; however, this has passed and now Uganda gets to “shine” though not the way many of us envisioned. Certainly a lot of people will want to know more about Uganda and feel free to open up and educate them.

Movies Have meanings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! authored by adam on 21. March 2007 at 16:30
Movies are not acted to only entertain you Mr. Olaya, they are acted beside entertainment to pass a message to the public about an event in history or some fore thought event and/or character of the society. example watch "God must be crazy", it tells you Namibia is a desert, watch "Binaigeria", they tell you how the socities in Nigeria are organised e.t.c

It is worth it to discus "The Last King of Scotland" with care, because the movie says once was a ugandan president who was brutal and did alot of attrocites.

One of the student meet me on campus recently and asked me " Excuse me sir, from which country " i said Uganda." he continued Uganda of Iddi Amin" i said Yes, he kept quite for some time and said "sir is sex legal in uganda to an extend of playing with one you meet on bus for the first time",i said no , i continued who told you, he said A watched a movie.

That was the massage passed by that movie to many people in the world,
So dont get supprised one day to be abroad and some asks where are from.
You say uganda and he says let go have it tonite,
Yaa am serious because that is the society the movie has told the world you ugandans are.

Most observers here are not aquainted with film writing that is why, objection!...!....! authored by Oloya on 21. March 2007 at 02:32
They are not after truth, they are after entertainment why, when, who, how?

And yet this still send the message about this regime.

The Most boring movie i have ever watched!!! authored by obotha Esther on 20. March 2007 at 18:04
I watched the last king of scotland and even had to throw out the copy i purchased because it was a waste of my little money.

This movie doesnot depict anything near Idi Amin's character. I was so dissappointed because i was at campus at the time this movie was being made. I rushed out to buy one when it was realised but ended up throwing it away not ever wishing that even my kids or friends watch it.

How can someone win an award over that gabbage of a movie???
I donot think that Ugandan women were so loose that they slept with anybody they met on a bus for the first time... leave alone a white person.This movie director should give me a break...uh..

The woman in the movie was so stiff both in movement and in action . Uganda doesnot have stiff women who move like they re on remote control.
One of these days, i will have to make a movie and expose these freaks who think they are the best and want to remove dirt from their friends eyes before they do it to their own.

I think NO, but never underestimate the wisdom of a Mad Man authored by adam on 20. March 2007 at 17:21
As a ugandan I took trouble to instead of watching the movies again I went for the novel and read it more than once to understand the theme of last king of Scotland.

Assuming the story was true I would conclude that fine Amin Did not rule well to some extend.

This story rises alot of questions down reasonable mind and it requires alot of research, I dont think Amin was a wrong president either, but he was some leader who could not be allow him self to be illuminated by so called masters.
If his excellence with due repect thinks that the movie (last king of Scotland)is all about showing how Amin (rest in peace) rulled brutally, he need to be reminded of 1980-86 rebel war and 18 year war in the north. During the rabel war, those who were killed were they killed by choice or by fate chosen by the rebels.
If you died in this war by fate is it not equally brutal..??."if we acted a movies from the events in Sewing the Mustard Seed, my dear you would see how brutal the leaders of Africa come to power, and they forget that they once killed", I can not fogive the current goverment from the people they killed in the rebel war, the toll is greater than the people that you claim Amin killed.

Conclusively, unlike presidents like Binaisa(who did not dip thier hands in alot of blood) i dont think we have a good president as yet and all of them are equally movie stars like Amin.
Lastly we need to understand why Amin did some of those things they claim he did. And do you know why you are reminded of bush war again and again " Think again"


LIES, lies - business as usual in hollywood authored by omuriwe, shilla on 20. March 2007 at 14:22
When I watched the movie I was not disappointed because my theory was proved right – ‘foreigners’ can NEVER re-enact African issues and the sad part is that they easily sell this nonsense they come up with to the unexposed 'non-Africans' for lack of a better word to use.

So what was my disappointment? First and foremost, the fact that I was not proved wrong and secondly is that Whitaker actually won awards for this crap.

1. Please explain to me why or how someone that couldn’t correctly present any of the Swahili lines – not even a single word correctly pronounced - was given an award. The person that should have won was ABBY MUKIIBI for an excellent performance.
2. I was not of age at the time but from what I know of the way girls/ladies are raised in Africa you do not meet someone on a bus and then you are in bed with them the next moment. I believe that was specifically set aside for the Americans or the so-called civilized people.
3. Then you have some Nigerian trying to act as a Ugandan doctor. Ahhh, do I have to say anything about this?? I DON’T THINK SO.

To cut the long story short. I refused to watch Hotel Rwanda just by looking at the clips they were using to advertise it and I believe I made the right choice. It was painful to watch Ugandan history being twisted and modernized to fit the times but what hurt most is that people actually bought that crap and someone won an award. How unfortunate!
It makes me second guess the motives of the producers of BLACK HAWK DOWN (a movie that I actually love and believe was well done but hey, probably some Somali was complaining too). What message are you trying to put out there? Are you trying to avoid similar situations or trying to depict Africans as some hooligans? Why not ask questions like why the Africans would react that way? What mighty ‘YOU’ have done to cause such a situation? Anyone??? …..

I second the proposal to produce our own movies and watch them ourselves if we have to because its our history and not someone’s way of CASHING IN or making the big bucks or name for that matter. Idi Amin did some horrible things and that’s a fact, the Brits did some horrible things and that’s a fact too. I think there are 4 films about Amin but how many have been made about the Brits involvement? Anyone??

My prayer is that God uses his people for the good of everyone. I pray that during productions of such historical facts and issues His wisdom is sought to be able to bring healing and not pain. AMEN!!

cheap stunt authored by ocorobiya lloyd on 19. March 2007 at 10:13
i have not watched the last king of scotland. my comments about Amin shall be restricted to what we all know or should know by now: there was complicility by the west especially by Britain to have Obote killed by Amin on account of his socialist policy viz nationalising the industries and empowering the ugandan. second was coz Obote was making scathing attacks on apertheid in south africa and the arms sales by Britain.

what am i driving at? when Amin overthrow Obote in Jan 1971 was with the backing of the British. they expected to control Amin. In fact they even looked aside when the attrocities were be committed. wasnt there a Brit called Bob Astles who was an Amin Adviser? There Isrealis were also involved at an earlier stage although they fell out.

the last king of whatever is what it should be: the last attemt to depict Ugandans as savages without bringing out blatant complicity. i agree with one writer that we need to make our own movies and show the satanic face of the west. any one remember Patrice Lumumba's torture and death, CIA; the overthrow of Osagyefo the Brits and their American Cousins. they have formented so much havoc in south America.

Let us wake up from the drunken stupor and make our own movie. it may not sell on the international scene but we can do it KiNigeria.

a caveat though: I do not condone whatever evil Amin did or any other President for that matter

long live Ugandans.

"Look beyond your shoulder" authored by Africa kapondo on 18. March 2007 at 21:32
How did this man dramatically act the last king of Stotland without the permision from the Ugandans communities.He has wronglly published Amin. Almost every african governor has ever polluted hiscountry .None is perfect to date. Even the pressent and to be are equally worse than Amin. Death is still huge in their hands using secret leathal tools.Amin has done a lot positivelly to the Ugandans by his moto "Why is that there is no.....Let there be.......from tomorrow. He built Bugolobi Flats,Beaches like Lutembe,etc.Some of his products are being sold out to the foreigners at a give away prices.Men can we come to our senses,value our hero's effort Amin. Tell that man of yours so stop that film

Kojo .W authored by Kusubira on 17. March 2007 at 11:44
Some parts of Mulago could be memorials by what one could see in early 70s. King leopald activities in afr are said to dwarf the latest.


Sunday, September 23, 2007


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September 20, 2007




In this issue:

* Guidelines on Zakat and Charity !

* Debt, Debt Management and Supplications to rid oneself of debt !


Abdulmajid, Assalamu-Alaikum and Greetings !

We hope that you are enjoying your Ramadan and making the most of it spiritually ! In this month, we want to take a few moments of your time to discuss a couple of important topics.

First, as you know, Zakat / Charity is a big topic in the month of Ramadan. Muslims all the world over follow the prophet's guidance to be the most generous in this month. Therefore, we invite you to read a few facts about Zakat and also invite you to read the Zakat e-book included in the article below.

Second, debt and debt management is another important topic for Muslims. Debt has become such a common thing of the present times that some of us are either out there looking to get loans or are doing their best to rid themselves of the loans (and accompanying interest) that we have accumulated over time. The article below provides you the one master Quranic verse that covers the topic of debt and also provides you with supplications that deal specifically for helping oneself relieve from the burdens of debt.

We pray that you are able to put more effort in this Ramadan than the previous years, thus bringing you closer to your Creator than ever before.


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Saturday, September 22, 2007


Photographic history related to UGANDA

Political and Military

Idi Amin Dada 1975

Major-General Idi Amin, (1925 - ) Ugandan soldier, and head of state, (1971 - 1978), takes the Oath of Office at the colourful ceremony in Kampala when the new government was sworn in.


Idi Amin, (1925 - ), Ugandan soldier, and head of state, (1971 - 1978), firing a rocket launcher

Idi Amin, President of Uganda, with President Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, previously Joseph Desire Mobutu, watching a military parade in Kampala.

President Idi Amin of Uganda addresses African heads of state at the OAU (Organisation of African Unity) Summit Conference in Gabon

Ugandan foreign minister J Wanube-Kibedi holds a copy of the 'Sunday Post' article which accuses the government of causing bloodshed in Uganda, an accusation which he refutes.

White Mans Burden early 70's

British soldiers at checkpoint stopping a local.

Idi Amin 80's

Idi Amin Dada,meets Tito as president of Uganda;

Mr. Amin at a 1975 rally in Koboko. (AP Photo)


Mr. Amin is carried by four British businessmen during a party for diplomats in 1975. A Swedish businessman holds an umbrella in the manner of servants who once shielded tribal rulers from the sun. (AP Photo)

Idi Amin called himself "a pure son of Africa,eight years as president of Uganda

Mr. Amin at a 1977 news conference at the Arab League Headquarters in Cairo. (AP Photo)

Mr. Amin waves to thousands of Ugandans gathered at a ceremony in Kampala in 1971. (AP Photo)

Idi Amin 90's

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

zakat is the third pillar of islam

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. The Quran mentions zakat eighty-two times, along with prayers=salat to emphasize the importance of it. The Zakat means growth, blessings and increase in good purification. It is called zakat because wealth grows through the blessings of giving it and prayer of those who receive it. Zakat also purifies its giver?s sins and extols him by testifying to the genuineness of his faith. Every Muslim who possesses a zakat payable amount (Nisab) for one lunar year has to pay Zakat (2.5% of Nisab). Through this program The Zakat Foundation of America, is privileged to plays the role of being a bridge between givers and receivers.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007


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Monday, September 17, 2007


Sunday, 16, September, 2007 (04, Ramadhan, 1428)

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WAMY Distributing Food Baskets Among the Poor
Javid Hassan, Arab News

RIYADH, 16 September 2007 — Food baskets worth SR2 million are being distributed by the World Assembly of Islamic Youth (WAMY) to the poor and the needy during Ramadan, in addition to Iftar packets for those who are fasting.

Dr. Saleh Al-Wohaibi, secretary-general of WAMY, told Arab News that the organization has also allocated an additional SR2 million to help Islamic organizations in Africa and other countries around the world during the holy month.

Under a separate program, school bags have been distributed to needy boys and girls to help them after the reopening of schools at the end of the summer recess.

The distribution of food baskets is part of WAMY’s long-term plan to give away 100 million baskets over the next five years. Each basket consists a month’s supply of rice, macaroni and sugar for a Saudi family of seven.

This is in addition to the distribution of Iftar packets for people across the Kingdom. An amount of SR2 million has been allocated for such a program.

Dr. Al-Wohaibi said: “We also help thousands of needy students, both boys and girls, by supplying them with school bags. Our volunteers either go to schools or move from house to house distributing school bags. The other channels are the local Saudi organizations and mosques, which can undertake the distribution.”

Referring to WAMY’s charitable program abroad, the secretary-general said that some 50 countries around the world are benefiting from it. Under this program, an amount of SR2 million has been allocated to financially help the poor, mainly in Africa and other developing countries.

In response to a question, Dr. Al-Wohaibi said, “Restrictions on WAMY have affected our activities. But we are coping with the situation as best as we can. In spite of difficulties, we continue to give scholarships to Saudi students pursuing higher studies in Sudan, Malaysia and other Muslim countries. In Sudan, we even provide them with residence and meals. Saudi students pursuing higher education are helped financially,” he added.

In an earlier interview, the secretary-general said that it was able to provide scholarships to some 500 young men and women, who otherwise had no way of pursuing college education.

“Over the years, our scholarship program has made it possible for thousands of students all over the world to obtain degrees in various fields of study, get decent jobs and lead happy lives,” he said.

Asked about the criteria for handing out food baskets, Dr. Al-Wohaibi said that care is taken to ensure that the beneficiaries are those who are in genuine need. He added that food baskets were purchased with sadaqa money and not zakah.

He pointed out that WAMY was sponsoring over 30,000 orphans. With its help and that of its donors, these young boys and girls could get food, shelter and proper education.

“We have a number of programs and short-term training courses to help people learn important skills such as time management, team work, computer skills, foreign languages and the like,” he said.

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Prince Ahmed Bin Salman


Arab News 30th Anniversary Supplement

Life of Prophet Muhammad



Here is a short article on the miracles of Quran. Please read
and be sure to forward it to all your family and friends. Remember,
everyone can get a free downloadable copy of Quran for free at

Numerous books and literature have been published that
point to the various scientific miracles of Quran. This
article highlights some of those amazing facts.

=> Both the words Al-Hayat (Life) and Al-Maout (death)
are mentioned 145 times each in the Quran

=> Both the words Al-Rajl (Man) and Al-Mara'a (Woman)
are mentioned 24 times each in the Quran

=> The word Al-Yom (Day in English) is mentioned 365 times

=> The word Al-Shahr (Month in English) is mentioned 12 times

=> The word Al-Yahom (Day in English) is mentioned 365 times

=> Both the word Iblees (Devil) and the verses seeking
refuge from the devil are mentioned 11 times each

=> Both the words referring to "hardship" and the one referring
to "patience" are mentioned 114 times each in the Quran.

=> A person came to the prophet Muhammad (saws) and asked him whether
Allah (God) will indeed put humans back together in the hereafter
after they die in this life. Allah replied in the Quran "Does a man
think that We shall not assemble his bones? Yes, We are able to put
together in perfect order the tips of his fingers." (Quran, 75:
3,4). Now we know that fingerprints are unique for each individual
and the verse in the Quran refers not only that Allah will put them
together but the process will be accurate to the level of putting
the fingerprints together.

=> Einstein was among the first who explored at length the concept of
relativity of time. The Quran states: "...A day with your Lord is
equivalent to a thousand years in the way you count. (The Qur'an,
22:47)". Also "The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day
whose length is fifty thousand years." (The Qur'an, 70:4)"

=> The process of formation of rain through winds over water is a
phenomenon only scientifically discovered. However Quran mentioned
it hundreds of years ago in the verse: "It is God Who sends the
winds which stir up clouds which He spreads about the sky however
He wills. He forms them into dark clumps and you see the rain come
pouring out from the middle of them. When He makes it fall on those
of His slaves He wills, they rejoice (The Qur'an, 30:48)"

*** Download Quran for Free at ***

Best Regards,
Free Islamic E-Books
=====> Download Quran for Free at +++

5405 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92604, USA

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Saturday, September 15, 2007


Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ramadan Greetings

Ramadan Mubarak
Ramadan Kareem

You & your Precious Family

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'Ala accept :-

> all your Fasts

> accept all your good deeds

> Forgive you always

> bless you and your family

> put Barakah in your lives

> give you good health and a long happy life

> continue to surround you with peace

> and permit you to witness and observe many many more Ramadan,inshaa Allah.


the MYC Facility Committee

the Youth Council

The Muslim Youth Centre
#208 - 7750 - 128th Street,
Surrey, B C
V3W 4E6

May Allah accept all your good deeds and may He forgive you always.


Enter to win a night a VIP night out at TIFF

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 10:01 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, August 05, 2007
conference 2007

Please mark this important time on your calendar

Muslim Youth Centre

Annual Conference

Saturday October 27th,2007
10:30am to 4:00pm

Conquering the Waves

Admission is FREE !!! // NO registration fee

Kwantlen University College
Conference Centre
12666 - 72nd Avenue
Surrey, B C

Contact : Br. Saadiq at 604 - 584 - 7865
: Br. Kamal at 604 - 763 - 2774
: Br. Abdul Kareem at 604 - 278 - 4006

Please forward this information to others. Thank You.

Zoom In And See The World Up Close With Live Maps

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 3:42 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, February 22, 2006
spring camp

Boys Spring Indoor Camp 2006

Starts Friday 17th at 6pm
ends Sunday 19th at 1pm
Place : Muslim Youth Centre
unit208 - 7750 - 128 Street, Surrey, B C
Age : 12 to 19 years
Fee :- $20.00 each
Contact : MYC 604-502-8692[TMYC]
MYC Abbotsford Drop-in Facility 604-852-3316
Organized by the MYC Youth Council. Please register early

The Muslim Youth Centre provides activities for both genders; ladies and men, girls and boys.

Private Halal Swim Schedule

Girls & Ladies


March 17

April 21

May 19

June 16 & 30


please mark dates on your calendar

Boys & Men

March 18

April 22

May 20

June 17

at Newton Wave Pool
13707- 72 avenue, Surrey, B C
Adult $8.00 // under 10yrs-$5.00
Please forward to others.
Activities provided by the Muslim Youth Centre. 604 - 502 - 8692[TMYC]
and MYC Abbotsford Drop-in Facility 604-852-3316
For more information, please call
the MYC-Surrey at 604-502-8692
MYC Abbotsford Drop-in Facility,
the manager, Sister Hidayah 604-852-3316 or 604-826-9654
Vision :- Protecting the future generations of Islam

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 5:48 PM | 4 comments

Friday, February 10, 2006
Sunday April 9

Assalaamu alaikum
For those of you who have not had the opportunity to sell 5 tickets for this special occassion, please get in touch with us.
Muslim Youth Centre
6th anniversary Dinner
Honouring 21 Muslim Women from our Community
Sunday April 9th starting at 4pm
Riverside Banquet Hall
14500 River Road, Richmond, B C
Adult $15.00. Under 10years - $5.00
Swim/Sauna/Exercise Room
Update & Reminder
The MYC provides activities for both genders; Female & Male, Sisters & Brothers, Girls & Boys.
Girls and Ladies :- Friday February 17
Boys and Men :- Saturday February 18

Get into shape and keep fit before it's too late.
Please attend and pass this good message around.Thanks
Adult $8.00 Under 10yrs - $5.00

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 11:10 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, January 29, 2006
Islamic Calendar

Islamic Calendar 1427 / 2006
The calendar is on one sheet of paper. The size is 8.5 X11
If you wish to have a calendar please send a
Muslim Youth Centre
unit 208 - 7750 - 128 Street,
Surrey, B C
V3W 0R6
There is NO charge, as this is a gift from the MYC.
The MYC provides activities for both genders; Sisters & Brothers.
Our next monthly swim, inshaa Allah is -
Boys and Men :- Friday February 17
Girls and Ladies :- Friday February 24
same place, same time
Get into shape and keep fit before it's too late.
Please attend and pass the good word around

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 12:44 AM | 1 comments

Sunday, January 15, 2006
honouring 21 Muslim Women

Assalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

Dearly Respected and Beloved in Islam

We are requesting you to please

Sell 5 or 10 tickets for this good cause.

6th Anniversary Dinner

of the

Muslim Youth Centre

will be held on

Sunday April 9th, 2006 at 4pm

The theme this year is

"Honouring 21 Muslim Women from our Community"


Riverside Banquet Hall

14500 River Road, Richmond, B C.

Tickets:- Adults $15.00. Children under 10yrs is $5.00

Contact. MYC Surrey at 604-502-8652 OR

MYC Abbotsford Drop-in Facility 604-852-3316

OR Email us

Please forward this information to others. Thank you.

May Allah bless you for your participation in this community effort.

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 10:01 PM | 0 comments

Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak
May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'Ala accept all your good deeds & bless you and your loved ones always.
May He also fulfill your dua.
From your Sisters and Brothers of the the Muslim Youth Centre
Unit 208 - 7750 - 128th Street, Surrey, B C V3W 0R6 Canada.604-502-8692[TMYC]
Unit 008 - 2580 Cedar Park Place, Abbotsford, B C, V2T 3S5. Tel. 604 - 852 - 3316
The Muslim Youth Centre serves BOTH genders; Sisters & Brothers, Women & Men, Girls and Boys.
Private Swims

Friday January 20th
Boys & Men

Friday January 27
Girls & Women

From 9:15pm to 10:45pm
Health, fitness, vitality and fun
Newton Wave pool
13730 - 72 Avenue
Surrey, B C
Admission at the door
Adults $8.00
10years and under $5.00
Every Sunday 1pm to 3pm
Girls & Women Fitness Program
at the MYC
Please forward to others. Thanks

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 8:09 PM | 0 comments

About MeName: Muslim Youth Centre
Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Protecting the future generations of Islam. Complementing & Supplementing Youth activities of all Associations & Organizations.

View my complete profile

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conference 2007
spring camp
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official opening
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August 2007
September 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Uganda: Mufti Counsels Muslims on Ramadhan Language

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12 September 2007
Posted to the web 13 September 2007


THE Mufti, Shaban Mubajje, has advised Muslims to desist from using foul language during the month of Ramadhan, reports Halima Shaban and Yasin Kintu.

"As we enter the month of Ramadhan, we need to revisit our souls, deeds and utterances because it is upon these that a believer destroys his fast. I encourage you to fast and persuade your relatives and friends to fast as Ramadhan is the month of frequent good deeds," he said.

Addressing journalists at the new Uganda Muslim Supreme Council headquarters at the Gadhafi National Mosque yesterday, Mubajje said fasting was not self-torture but the temporary abstention from food and drink.

The headquarters were moved from the Old Kampala Mosque.

Relevant Links

East Africa

The Mufti urged Muslims to worship Allah, abide by his laws and resolve their differences peacefully.

Mubajje said the Gadhafi National Mosque would be officially opened by President Yoweri Museveni and Libyan President Col Moammar Gadhafi in October.

He also called for the speedy conclusion of the peace talks between the Government and the Lords Resistance Army rebels.





Thursday 13th September 2007

*** EVENTS ***

City Circle Event: Social Iftar

Join us for a social iftar at City Circle on SATURDAY (not Friday)
15th September at Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, off Edgware Road,
London W1H 4LP. It will start at 5.45pm and finish at 8.30pm.

This will be a chance to meet friends and to have an free and open
discussion about our community, where it's at and what's needed to go
forward. And a chance to catch up on some of CC's project work. City
Circle's normal Friday circles will recommence after Eid, insha'Allah.

A complimentary iftar and meal will be served and prayer facilities
will be available.

Free entrance. All welcome.

TIME: 5.45pm, SATURDAY 15th September 2007

LOCATION: Main Hall (Ground Floor), 45 Crawford Place, London W1H

DIRECTIONS TO VENUE: Come out of Edgware Road Underground Station
Bakerloo, Hammersmith & City and Circle line) on to Edgware Road.
Turn left and walk up for a few minutes until you see Cafe Nero.
Crawford Place will be on your left. Turn into Crawford Place and
number 45 is located on the left a few minutes up.



I'm an Arabic teacher, trained and welling to teach adult and kids
especially the spoken language in the Arabic world, as well I teach
kids on Saturday morning in an Arabic Lebanese school in South
Kensington. I'm looking for student interested to learn Arabic, and I
can provide lessons on the evenings and on the weekend.

If interested please contact me on my email:



Qualified, female, primary school teacher available for private
tuition, evenings and weekends. Redbridge and Newham areas only,
competitive rates.
Experience of working in Muslim as well as mainstream schools.
Knowledge of National curriculum and importance of Islamic education.
Contact -



To Adults and Children of all ages
On One 2 One or Group basis
For the following subjects:

-Financial Accounting
-Cost Accounting
-Management Accounting
-Financial Management
(The above at GCSE, A-levels, Degree, MBA and ACCA

-Maths (Pre GCSE and GCSE levels)
-English (Pre GCSE level)

-Arabic (Basic and Intermediate levels)
-Quran (Basic Qaidah, basic principles and ability to
read Quran)
-Other Islamic Subjects (Basic level)

Contact Salman Sheikh on 07950731355
-ACCA Finalist
-Part qualified CIMA
-Degree in Commerce
-Arabic Language Course, Umm ul Qura University Makkah

-Arabic Language Course, Islamic University Madinah
-Hadith Faculty (Two years) Islamic University Madinah


Television documentary on The Holy Qur?an ? Contributors wanted
We are making a documentary about the Holy Qur?an and its relevance in
the everyday lives of British Muslims.

We are looking to talk to (both male and female) Muslim professionals
of all ages, working in a wide variety of careers. We would very much
like to learn your views and hear about your experiences.

If you are interested in participating in this project and would like
more information please contact:

Viva Van Loock



Anyone interested in teaching Quran to young children in Harrow? We
are looking for an enthusiastic qualified teacher with tajwid to teach
between 4.30 - 6.00pm for a class of 9 on Monday and Wednesday. Each
session will be paid £30.
If you are interested in applying please contact Sobia on 07980614791
or email


I have two little girls aged 3 years and 14 months. We live in
central london near Regent's Park mosque. I need someone for approx.
20 hours a week - I am flexible regarding days and times. Ideally I
am looking for a practicing muslimah who will come to my home and
enjoy spending time with the children. Rates are negotiable depending
on experience. References are essential.
Please contact me on 07779 146682 or


Fundraising Manager, Muslim Youth Helpline
Salary: £27,000 - £30,000
Location: Swiss Cottage, NW London
is a national award winning charity providing faith and culturally
sensitive support services to young Muslims in the UK. Its core
services are a free and confidential Helpline, and an online peer
support forum.

We are seeking to appoint a full-time Fundraising Manager to manage
all fundraising activities at the Muslim Youth Helpline. The
successful candidate will raise funds through managing a wide
portfolio of donors, from grants/trusts, corporate donors as well as
community/events fundraising.
Candidates should be of graduate calibre (or equivalent), have a
proven track record of account handling or project management (two
years relevant experience) as well as experience of strategic
planning, analysis, monitoring and evaluation. MYH is a vibrant and
innovative organisation, and the successful applicant will contribute
to the dynamism that lies at the heart of MYH?s success. Knowledge of
the contemporary social and welfare issues affecting Muslim youth is
also required.

For a full job description and application pack, please contact
Mohammed Imran, Chief Executive Officer at Muslim Youth Helpline, 2nd
Floor, 18 Rosemont Road, London, NW3 6NE

Telephone: 0870 774 3518

Closing Date: Friday 21st September 2007

Interviews: Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th September 2007

To apply, please submit a CV, and supporting statement/cover letter
addressed to Mohammed Imran at the above postal/email address.


I have a 3 bedroom house available for short-term let. Here are some facts:

- Gants Hill, Essex area. (5 min walk to Gants Hill or Newbury Park stations)
- Zone 4, central line - 20 mins from central London
- 90% furnished

- Nice kitchen and bathroom
- Beautiful 70 ft garden
- Clean throughout
- Available from now until September/October

£1050 pcm plus bills

Please contact me if interested.


Lovely 3 bedroom flat available five mins from Camden Town Station,
massive lounge, 3 good sized double bedrooms, light and airy, Communal
garden. Price £130, £130 and £120 a week, pls contact


I have a 3/4 bedroom house available for short-term let.

- Walthamstow, E17, (3 min walk to blackhorse road station - victoria
line, both tube and rail, Zone 3)
- only 15 mins to kings cross.
- Nice kitchen and first floor bathroom
- All double bedrooms.
- Well looked after garden, with large shed storage
- Very Clean
- Available from 1st September 2007

Tarik - 07773 362 633


I am a single muslim girl looking for an accomodation with only muslim
ladies in Leyton area. Email:


2 double bedroom flat available to rent from Wednesday 29 August
Zone 2, 10 minutes maximum by bus to Clapham Common and Brixton Tube
stations Large living room and Kitchen
Off Street Parking available
Rent: £1000 PCM (negotiable)
References required

Anyone interested should contact Mrs Momtaz on 07950 201 506 or email:


1-bedroom flat, 1 reception room, recently fitted kitchen and
bathroom. Good condition. unfurnished. white goods supplied. Harrow &
Wealdstone. 10 mins from Harrow & Weald station (10 mins to London
Euston on the BR. Also on Bakerloo line). £750/month. For further
details please contact Uzma on 07909 684 915

DISCLAIMER: The City Circle does not take responsibility for any of the
listings on this noticeboard, other than its own. Those interested in taking
part in any of the events or enquiring about any of the announcements should
contact the appropriate organisations or individuals directly. The email is
offered as a community service and is compiled weekly on a best endeavours
basis. If you wish to put up an announcement please email by Wednesday afternoon. We reserve the right to edit
submissions and not to include requests.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Muslims begin holy month of Ramadan

Weather commencing holy month on Wednesday or on Thursday, Muslims hope for tranquil holiday season.

TRIPOLI - Muslims in several countries begin marking the holy month of Ramadan on Wednesday, with hopes for a tranquil and joyful holiday season.

The start of Ramadan, the ninth and holiest month of the Muslim calendar, is traditionally determined by the sighting of a new moon, often dividing countries and sects over the exact date.

Libya, however, does not look to the moon but to its centre for astronomical studies, which declared Wednesday the start of Ramadan, based on astronomical calculations.

Across much of the Middle East, Ramadan will begin on Thursday, including in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

During the holy month, Muslims are required to abstain from food, drink and sex from dawn until dusk as life slips into a lower gear during the day, and activity peaks between "iftar," the breaking of the fast at sunset, and "suhur," the last meal of the day before sunrise.

Shiite Iran, which is also due to begin fasting Thursday, bans restaurants from operating during the day throughout Ramadan.

Confusion about when Ramadan was starting led some people to wake up in the Afghan capital Kabul at 3am Wednesday for a pre-dawn meal -- just in case it was the first day of the month-long fast.

Once the sun was up, broadcasters said that the holy month would start in Afghanistan on Thursday, with restaurants opening only in the evenings and government offices closing by 1pm.

The nightly curfew in Baghdad and a vehicle curfew will be eased during Ramadan to help families celebrate the breaking of the fast.

Baghdad's 400-year-old Shorja market has been bustling with activity with war-weary residents stocking up on spices, sugar, tea and nuts -- these days imported from neighbouring Syria.

Residents of the Gaza Strip spending their first Ramadan under Hamas, which seized control of the tiny territory in June, are hoping for a few weeks of peace and calm with their families during Ramadan after months of partisan violence.

"Everyone must respect the month of Ramadan," said one resident, Nabil al-Ali. "We just want a little serenity and calm to bring us closer to God."

Saudi Arabia, birthplace of Islam, is this year preparing to receive around one million pilgrims expected to perform "umrah," or a smaller pilgrimage, to Mecca.

In Bangladesh, the government has offered rice at a 20 percent discount around the country, while also opening 100 convenience stores around the capital Dhaka to sell other foods at reduced prices.

"We want poor and middle class people to have a comfortable Ramadan," food secretary Dhiraj Malakar said. Print Printer Friendly Version


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Bush expected to announce troop cut in speech

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Special Free Week offer to either the Print or Online editions of The Wall Street Journal!!!

Uganda Safaris & Travel Guide (click here)


STATE POWER | Karoli Ssemogerere


The facts and fiction behind the NRA Luweero bush war
September 13, 2007
The war in Luweero was inevitable. The seeds of Luweero were sown by the British who sought to punish the Baganda for asserting themselves and trashing their plans for a mini-geopolitical entity called the East African Federation. The story of pre-independence Uganda and what happened in the first years are not the beginning but rather small stones along this path.

In 1959 J.V. Wild published the Wild Report that recommended self rule and direct elections across Uganda. In 1961 when the first direct elections were held, the Democratic Party emerged victorious even though these elections were mostly boycotted in Buganda.

Ben Kiwanuka was a square peg however in the plans of the British. He was too close to the Americans and during his term, 300 Ugandans were spirited off to the United States for advanced training in critical fields to anchor the needs of post independent Uganda.

Kiwanuka also had another problem; he was a Catholic at a time when Catholics were presumed to take orders from the Vatican, a global question many candidates for office who were Catholic faced at the time including John F. Kennedy in America in 1960.

In Dr Apollo Milton Obote, the British found the perfect foil. He was handsome, charismatic and wily enough to serve their short term goals. The UPC-KY alliance was not discouraged by the British. It disenfranchised one quarter of voters in Uganda, installed Dr Obote, a former trade unionist, rather than Kiwanuka, the barrister in power and delayed inevitable questions like the referendum on the lost counties in Bunyoro.

British ties with Uganda strengthened throughout the 1960s even after the bloody putsch exiled Frederick Muteesa to London where he died in a flat either from poisoning or abuse of alcohol.

Obote of course was sugar to the British who continued running the judiciary, playing a dominant role in the private sector and most importantly enjoying a monopoly over Uganda’s exports of coffee, tea and cotton which were traded as commodities in London.
At the end of the 1960s, Obote was suspected of exhibiting propensity to become politically independent of the British. The UPC government had credibly managed the economy both before and after 1966 without incident.

Idi Amin came into play as the perfect foil to re-appeal to sentimental Ganda interests hoisted on their wish to return the dead Kabaka home and reinstall the Kabakaship.
By supporting the 1971 Amin coup, the British were willing to make one step lower than the university dropout to an actual school dropout who would be much easier to manipulate than Dr Obote. At a time when goons were emerging across the African continent like Emperor Jean Bedel Bokassa, their desperation drove them into Amin’s hands even though the results were a disaster.

They, of course, assembled Buganda’s best and brightest brains to provide intellectual fodder for Amin. Every prominent Muganda including Ben Kiwanuka, DP’s leader had a role in Amin’s regime, its creation and sustenance.

Yoweri Museveni, the quasi intellectual warrior, succeeded for three main reasons; he was able to understand that ruling Uganda depended on playing each of the major political factions against each other. Second, he, unlike the other political throne pretenders, was willing to assemble a force from scratch over which he and only he had absolute control, a reason why better educated and probably better leaders cannot aspire higher and succeed in Museveni’s organisation.

Third, as long as the outsiders guaranteed him political power, he would serve them to the joint end of his and their vision. Obote understood part of this story but was so tainted by the events of 1966 when he did the remote control work for the British.

Amin had the most detailed intellectual capital a regime has ever had at inception but got lost in the details of running the modern state whose design was oriented outwards rather than inwards. Neither of the others were strong enough or had the disciplined message and troops to maintain a bureaucracy especially in the opposition. DP, FDC all have many good men but the same fatal flaws that their predecessors in DP, CP, KY had.

In execution Museveni, however, was not flawless. He departmentalised responsibilities leaving NRM’s thinking faculties skewed towards the West, its operations in Buganda and the Infantry just like the British in the North.

The amorphous East, the intelligentsia; outside the West have struggled to find a role in NRM. A few intelligentsia now mostly decamped to Forum for Democratic Change got an illusion that they could rise to the top and replace Museveni and are now licking their chops, some returning to the fold on Museveni’s own terms. Bukenya has read the signs well and asked for out………the show has only begun.

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Ministry of Finance - Call for proposals
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Uganda launches a Campaign on Hand Washing with Soap
Cabinet decision on status of MUBS
Ministry of Education and Sports- Press Release
Q SOURCING to hold job fairs
Uganda’s hottest CD of the year out now

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Sunday, August 05, 2007
conference 2007

Please mark this important time on your calendar

Muslim Youth Centre

Annual Conference

Saturday October 27th,2007
10:30am to 4:00pm

Conquering the Waves

Admission is FREE !!! // NO registration fee

Kwantlen University College
Conference Centre
12666 - 72nd Avenue
Surrey, B C

Contact : Br. Saadiq at 604 - 584 - 7865
: Br. Kamal at 604 - 763 - 2774
: Br. Abdul Kareem at 604 - 278 - 4006

Please forward this information to others. Thank You.

Zoom In And See The World Up Close With Live Maps

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 3:42 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, February 22, 2006
spring camp

Boys Spring Indoor Camp 2006

Starts Friday 17th at 6pm
ends Sunday 19th at 1pm
Place : Muslim Youth Centre
unit208 - 7750 - 128 Street, Surrey, B C
Age : 12 to 19 years
Fee :- $20.00 each
Contact : MYC 604-502-8692[TMYC]
MYC Abbotsford Drop-in Facility 604-852-3316
Organized by the MYC Youth Council. Please register early

The Muslim Youth Centre provides activities for both genders; ladies and men, girls and boys.

Private Halal Swim Schedule

Girls & Ladies


March 17

April 21

May 19

June 16 & 30


please mark dates on your calendar

Boys & Men

March 18

April 22

May 20

June 17

at Newton Wave Pool
13707- 72 avenue, Surrey, B C
Adult $8.00 // under 10yrs-$5.00
Please forward to others.
Activities provided by the Muslim Youth Centre. 604 - 502 - 8692[TMYC]
and MYC Abbotsford Drop-in Facility 604-852-3316
For more information, please call
the MYC-Surrey at 604-502-8692
MYC Abbotsford Drop-in Facility,
the manager, Sister Hidayah 604-852-3316 or 604-826-9654
Vision :- Protecting the future generations of Islam

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 5:48 PM | 4 comments

Friday, February 10, 2006
Sunday April 9

Assalaamu alaikum
For those of you who have not had the opportunity to sell 5 tickets for this special occassion, please get in touch with us.
Muslim Youth Centre
6th anniversary Dinner
Honouring 21 Muslim Women from our Community
Sunday April 9th starting at 4pm
Riverside Banquet Hall
14500 River Road, Richmond, B C
Adult $15.00. Under 10years - $5.00
Swim/Sauna/Exercise Room
Update & Reminder
The MYC provides activities for both genders; Female & Male, Sisters & Brothers, Girls & Boys.
Girls and Ladies :- Friday February 17
Boys and Men :- Saturday February 18

Get into shape and keep fit before it's too late.
Please attend and pass this good message around.Thanks
Adult $8.00 Under 10yrs - $5.00

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 11:10 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, January 29, 2006
Islamic Calendar

Islamic Calendar 1427 / 2006
The calendar is on one sheet of paper. The size is 8.5 X11
If you wish to have a calendar please send a
Muslim Youth Centre
unit 208 - 7750 - 128 Street,
Surrey, B C
V3W 0R6
There is NO charge, as this is a gift from the MYC.
The MYC provides activities for both genders; Sisters & Brothers.
Our next monthly swim, inshaa Allah is -
Boys and Men :- Friday February 17
Girls and Ladies :- Friday February 24
same place, same time
Get into shape and keep fit before it's too late.
Please attend and pass the good word around

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 12:44 AM | 1 comments

Sunday, January 15, 2006
honouring 21 Muslim Women

Assalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

Dearly Respected and Beloved in Islam

We are requesting you to please

Sell 5 or 10 tickets for this good cause.

6th Anniversary Dinner

of the

Muslim Youth Centre

will be held on

Sunday April 9th, 2006 at 4pm

The theme this year is

"Honouring 21 Muslim Women from our Community"


Riverside Banquet Hall

14500 River Road, Richmond, B C.

Tickets:- Adults $15.00. Children under 10yrs is $5.00

Contact. MYC Surrey at 604-502-8652 OR

MYC Abbotsford Drop-in Facility 604-852-3316

OR Email us

Please forward this information to others. Thank you.

May Allah bless you for your participation in this community effort.

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 10:01 PM | 0 comments

Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak
May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'Ala accept all your good deeds & bless you and your loved ones always.
May He also fulfill your dua.
From your Sisters and Brothers of the the Muslim Youth Centre
Unit 208 - 7750 - 128th Street, Surrey, B C V3W 0R6 Canada.604-502-8692[TMYC]
Unit 008 - 2580 Cedar Park Place, Abbotsford, B C, V2T 3S5. Tel. 604 - 852 - 3316
The Muslim Youth Centre serves BOTH genders; Sisters & Brothers, Women & Men, Girls and Boys.
Private Swims

Friday January 20th
Boys & Men

Friday January 27
Girls & Women

From 9:15pm to 10:45pm
Health, fitness, vitality and fun
Newton Wave pool
13730 - 72 Avenue
Surrey, B C
Admission at the door
Adults $8.00
10years and under $5.00
Every Sunday 1pm to 3pm
Girls & Women Fitness Program
at the MYC
Please forward to others. Thanks

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 8:09 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, December 28, 2005
2006 programs

Muslim Youth Centre
Protecting the future generations of Islam
These are some of MYC's major programs for 2006
January 1
Official Opening of the Abbotsford drop-in Faciity.
Lower Mainland. Theme:- "Muslims for Peace and Harmony"
April 9th (Sunday)
6th Anniversary Dinner
"Honouring 21 Muslim Women of our community"
Seminar in Abbotsford.
Theme:- "Muslims for Peace and Harmony"
Conference in Kelowna
Theme:- "Muslims for Peace and Harmony"
September 17th
Converts/Reverts 4th annual Program. "Our unique journey to Islam"
Please mark these dates on your calendar.
More details will follow as the events draw close.
Please visit our website.
Please forward to others. Thanks

posted by Muslim Youth Centre at 9:46 PM | 0 comments

About MeName: Muslim Youth Centre
Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Protecting the future generations of Islam. Complementing & Supplementing Youth activities of all Associations & Organizations.

View my complete profile

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Akhis Its Time To Get Wet...Brothers Swim Fri Dec ...
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