Monday, July 2, 2007


Re Gulomo Gathering is now confirm will take place start, July, 6, 2007. up to July. 14, 2007. in koboko district, Adibu Clan. The Organizers are. Baaba Hussein Diliga, Chairman, M.C. Jaffar Remo. and all members of the Adibu Families will Attend. the Invited Guests, 1. The Former vice President Under President Idi Amin, Major General. Mustafa Idirisi. 2. the Political Advisor to M7 West Region, Mrs. Anuna Umari 3. Lt. Gen. Moses Ali, 4. Lt. Col. Former Governor of Central Province, under Idi Amin, Nasuru Abdalla, Major. Ratibu Mudu F/I/o in Miltary Police. Major Mze Yossa, F/ [SRB] the widows of the late, dada. orphans of the late both baba Ramadhan, Baba Major. Moses Abdu Nebbi, All the Aunties koboko distric commissior, the chiefs in the area. government officials in west nile as well around uganda will be in Attendence. Kakwas in DIASPORA also will Attend. I have been intouch with organisers, they keep me informed of the arragements. the events will be carrying live through the website My young brother Jaffar Remo he will be setting in koboko then added into my website this one. I & My wife, Mariam Alemi Amonye & Family sends Specials Greetings to all Brothers and sisters down there, the Elders. the Advice daddy gave me before he died, are of unity amoung the the Family members, avoid the fitina whithin the community, roumers, those who will like to devide the families. phone calls with false Advice. keep me informed, Remo. Check these websites. From Mr. Alemi Amonye Junior & Family in Vancouver Western Canada. July, 2, 2007. peace,love,unity and reconciliation is the road to success. Bravo.

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