Wednesday, August 29, 2007


But, in an extraordinary interview on the weekend of his death at the age of 80, his fifth wife Sarah said the Butcher of Uganda was much misunderstood.

Sarah Amin, mother of four of the 43 children he claimed to have fathered, called him a "true African hero" and a "wonderful father".

She said: "He was just a normal person, not a monster.

"He was a jolly person, very entertaining and kind. I think he was very kind to everybody." BRAVO. Most stories writened by the western Jounalist, & some Newspapers in Uganda are all False. like some one in the I watch one of video they acted that Amin got Angry and shot one of his minister with pistol, that was not him, you can see how Evil his opponents are. almighty allah protected him from the groups of Devil, until he died of Natural death in the holy land. may almighty allah rest his soul in Eternal peace, AAAmin. August,29,2007. Alemi Jonior & Family. in Vancouver,Western Canada. Peace.

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