Friday, May 16, 2008






kadara kursum amonye is suggesting the following article from

Youths' Creativity Linked to Jobs
Hasan Hatrash, Arab News

JEDDAH, 17 May 2008 - A young Saudi woman has taken a major step to help and support Saudi youth by creating a project, which she says is a "strategic solution for unemployment."

Amal Al-Jibreen, founder of Rahalah, said that she and her team - in an effort to turn people's hobbies into professions - are organizing five annual exhibitions and contests where talented Saudi youth can exhibit their creativity.

She told Arab News that the contest and exhibition would each year cover a certain region of the Kingdom, beginning with the Central Region. "The exhibition can be about anything. The contest this year is about creativity inspired from the Central Region," she said.

This year's event is to be held on June 1-3 at the Jeddah International Exhibitions Center, and will have 150 booths. Amal said that the booths would be given to exhibitors for a minimal fee. "If someone cannot afford to buy space, we would find him or her a sponsor," she said.

The contest, entitled Bandar Al-Jibreen Award for Achievement, is named after Al-Jibreen's late father. "To enter the contest one needs to present a piece of work, of any type, that takes its inspiration from the Najd region," said Al-Jibreen.

The first prize winner will be awarded a golden compass and SR75,000, second prize winner will be awarded a silver compass and SR50,000, and the third prize winner will be awarded a bronze compass and SR25,000, she said.

The exhibition is open to men and women, and will showcase works relating to fashion, design, decorations, poetry, writing, photography, films, graphic designs, cartoons, cooking, calligraphy, painting, sewing and other hobbies.

Al-Jibreen said that Rahalah, which was officially launched in January, is a company run by Saudi women to eradicate unemployment and support Saudi youth.

"Our mission is to develop a flexible marketing formula that can turn each hobby into a profession and each profession into an industry," she said. She added that Rahalah is working on creating a network of people stretching from amateur hobbyists to industry owners and decision makers.

She added that after covering the Kingdom, the event would be introduced into the Gulf region for five-years, and then the Arab world and beyond.

"We are trying to contribute in a global way. We are also looking at exporting peace through art," Al-Jibreen saidre: Forwarded by Majid Amonye & Family in Vancouver, Western Canada. May.17-2008.


Bush in Egypt to discuss stalled Mideast peace
Arab Herald
Saturday 17th May, 2008

Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt), May 17 (Xinhua) US President George W. Bush Saturday arrived in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, the last stop of his three-country tour in the Middle East.

Shortly after his arrival at the Sharm el-Sheikh international airport, Bush began holding talks with his Egyptian counterpart Hosni Mubarak on the latest developments in the region.
According to an earlier report, Bush will hold talks with the Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) schedule here Sunday.
The meeting with Karzai will focus on the US commitment to the stability of Afghanistan, while talks with Abbas will deal with issues related to the stalled Middle East peace process.
Bush is on a five-day Mideast tour that took him also to Israel and Saudi Arabia.

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1st generation / Guki

2nd generation/ Yeki

3rd generation / Zaki- Jaki

4th generation / Temeresu son of Zaki at Mount Liru Bango son of Zaki –Jaki at Oleba

5th generation / Wangita- Adibu son of Utusi from Obali –Okapi at Oleba
Ora extending to the other side

6th generation / Dada son of Ide of the Nyikamero Oka - Okapi at Oleba

7th generation / Baba son Atta of the Nyori Clan Enzu- Okapi at Oleba

8th generation / Dada son of Aka of the Morobu Clan Lewoziya- Okapi at Oleba

9th generation / Nyabira son of Ute - Biyu of the Turupa Clan Avudri- Okapi at Oleba

10th generation / Al-Amin Dada son of Atata of the Godiya Clan Lenya married from the Bura Clan

11th generation/ Buda married from the Mbokolo Clan

12th generation / Aate was betrothed to Al-Amin Dada

13th generation / Idi Al-Amin Dada son of Aisha Aate of the Okapi –Bura Clan

14th generation / Jaffar Remo Al-Amin son of Nakoli of the Ba-isemuwaya-Ngobi Clan

15th generation / Idi Alemi Al-Amin son of Tiko of the Leiko-Yatwa Clan



13th Century
Temeresu son of Zaki-Jaki
from Kupera Clan Mama Iriyaka from
Odhobu Clan Mount Liru Koboko District

14th Century
1360-1410 Wangita son of
Temeresu from
Taranga Clan Mama Utusi from Ora Mount Liru Koboko District

15th Century
1460-1510 Dada son of Wangita
from Ora Clan Mama Ide from
Likamero Keri River Koboko District

16th Century
1560-1610 Baba son of Dada from
Likamero Clan Mama Atta from Nyori Keri River Koboko District

17th Century
1610-1660 Dada son of Baba from
Nyori Clan Mama Aka from
Morobu Keri River Koboko

18th Century
1710-1760 Nyabira son of Dada
from Morobu Clan Mama Biya from
Turupa-Ponyona Keri River Koboko

19th Century
1889-1976 Al-Amin Dada son of
Nyabira from Turupa
Clan Mama Atata from
Godiya-Gombe Keri River Koboko District

20th Century
1928-2003 Idi Al-Amin son of Al-Amin
Dada from Godiya Clan Mama Aate from
Okapi-Bura Oleba County Maracha-Terego

20th Century
1966- Tshombe Jaffar Al-Amin
son of Idi Al-Amin
from Okapi-Bura Clan Mama Nakoli Bulima
Ba-isemuwaya-Ngobi Namugongo County
Kaliro District

21st Century
2004- Idi Alemi Al-Amin son
of Tshombe Jaffar Al-
Amin from Ba-
Isemuwaya-Ngobi Clan Nnalongo Tiko
From Leiko-Yatwa Leiko Sub-County
Koboko District

Footnote:- Assimilation traits in most Ethnic groups in the Great lakes region:

Cultural diffusion as opposed to enculturation which refers to the passage of culture from one generation to another, goes some way to explain the consistent examples of multicultural traits in most of the Ethnic groupings in the Great Lakes region of East and Central Africa.

For example we the Kakwa of the Bari Ethnic Group have experienced our fair share of both cultural diffusion and enculturation into our neighbouring Sudanic Madi ethnic grouping that includes the following sub-tribes of Avukaya, Lendu, Madi, Lugbwara and Logo.

A similar case in point is seen in the Plains Nilotic Langi who form part of the Atekerin Ethnic group constituting of the Karimojong,Teso, Sebani, Kumam and Langi in Uganda. However through the years they have experienced in the case of the Langi their fair share of cultural diffusion into the Preponderant River Nilotic Luo Ethnic Group of the Acholi and Alur-Junam.

Further south The Mythical so called Ba-tembuzi (Actually Hamitic Oromo) call them what you may: Tshewezi-Luo-Bibito-Bahinda-Hima-Tutsi-Bahororo-Bafumbira-Huma Royal Lineage which forms the so called Bantu Kingdoms in the Great Lakes region are definitely what Bambushi "Major Stigand" termed "of a composite mixer under rulers of foreign extraction".

Their combined diffusion and enculturation in fact taking up and relinquishing their original languages and taking up the languages of their Indigenous Bantu Subjects: Banyoro, Balamoji, Basoga, Bugweri, Baganda, Bakooki, Bahaya, Baziba, Bairu, Bakiga, Bakonzo and the Bahutu Ethnic groups, who trace their origins from the Katanga region of Central Africa. Here in the Cushite-Hamites practically usurped a way of life but also brought in the so-called superior way of life from the Horn of Africa into the Great Lakes region some 600-500 years ago.


Our Nilo-Hamitic equivalent of the Judaeo-Semitic Genesis account comes from one of today’s most prominent and respected of Kakwa Adiyo Narrators, Elder Erinayo Lega from the Padombu Clan and Midiya sub-clan, in Ko'buko County. He tells us our very own version of historical events deeply rooted in Mythical Legend.

This is how he proceeded in an interview aired in the 90s on Radio Uganda, "Kakwa Program", which the Program host, Akita Mungo Park, of the Leiko Clan kindly recorded and which Yuga Juma Onziga later had the privilege of laying his hands on.

Please note at the outset that it is our Kakwa unique traditional style to reduce the narration of the events of the past or ethno-history to kaze (variant kaje) or {yesterday}. Furthermore, this information can be gleaned from Yuga Onziga’s website:

Yuga Juma Onziga of the Rugbuza Clan near Mt- Liru made great efforts in translating the Oral Recitals from Kakwa into English almost verbatim (i.e. as is).

Kakwa Social-Political Set-up:

Among all Bari-speaking tribes, types of dependant affiliation have been reported (Buxton, p.11). The Bari call them dupi or "clientsâ, pena" or "prisoners of war " and lui or "free men". Crazzolara (1951) claims to have found similar dependants among the Alur of Uganda. Exactly what their status and role in society was is not well explained.

For the Mundari, they were a society, which has always seen political assimilation of different kinds: that of dependant strangers to established patrons; that of new groups to older ones; and that of the politically weak to the politically powerful. In contrast, Kakwa society has always seen mostly the assimilation of the nephews to their mother’s clans.

A case in point is that of the Midiya clan in Ko-buko, which boasts of having the largest numbers of assimilated nephews. The ability to assimilate individuals and small groups of people into society and imbue them with strong feelings for the Kakwa culture and way of life may, in fact, have been one of the reasons why the Kakwa succeeded in retaining their independence in the face of southward and westward pressure by their powerful Sudanic neighbors.

Egalitarian Structure:

Kakwa people have a patriarchal form of society without a central supreme authority. Fragmentation was the essence of the political system, a single village sub-clan known as ketimi being the largest unit with full social and political functions.

The sub-clans always have had strong individualistic and partisan interests. Each clan was politically independent of others and it enjoyed sufficient traditional loyalty. At the head of each clan, and the highest political officer, there was the Kayo the oldest and eldest member of the clan.

Those clans destined for rain prediction like the Adibu Likamero, Bura and Morodu Clans also have a special chief known as the Mata lo Kudu literally Chief of Rain often mistakenly referred to as "rain-maker". Other clans who trace their lineage through Wokube, the brother to Yeki refer to this chief as the Bura-tiyo.

This is so since they actually are not descendants of Yeki and neither are they descendents of Zaki son of Yeki, but as mentioned are the descendants of Wokube, the sibling who insisted to their father Guki that they should slaughter Dikilinya the Cow, which was chosen as the welcoming feast for Yeki the Prodigal son who had to make a four day trip from his father’s Kraal to his newly found Wodogo Mt-Liru and another four day trip back to his father’s Kraal in Lolowi.

Immediately below the Mata are the clan elders known as Temezi-ka who are more often than not, heads of sub-clans and are related to the Kayo, being brothers. The main function of the Mata lo Kudu is To-bura "wisdom and strength" to look after the welfare of each clan and consequently of the entire Kakwa people altogether.

For instance, in cases of outbreaks of mysterious diseases, prolonged droughts, hunting expeditions, conflict resolutions etc, the Bura are consulted. In some clans, Chieftainship was confined to the rainmaking clans and the chief would simultaneously assume two titles as chief of the land and chief of the rain.

Some Kakwa clans did not have a rainmaker for various reasons but most plausibly because their founding father "any of Zaki's 12 children" did not belong to a rainmaking family. In such clans, the duties of the chief of the land and the chief of the rain were separated. That of the chief of the rain was entrusted to another person who was not the chief.

However, it was rare to find a chief who was not also a rainmaker. As a patrilineal society, the position of the chief has always been hereditary. However, among the non-rainmaking clans, the chief's office was not hereditary. Clans without rainmakers could borrow them from other clans and a borrowed rainmaker did not have political influence. He would instead be paid for his consulting services.

The Kakwa indigenous political system features small villages centered around a group of men who are related by patrilineal descent. A council of male elders wields political and judicial authority.

Most land is devoted to cultivating Corn / Maize, Sorghum, Millet, Potatoes, and Cassava.

Cattle, goats, sheep and chicken are part of the economy but not central to it.

Kakwa operate on a common principle. All clans in society are related genealogically by the Kakwa way of thinking. Any Kakwa clan knows only it's own genealogies in detail and something of those of it's immediate neighbors, who were always considered to be of the same division. Beyond one's own community, little or nothing was known of the genealogies of other groups except through marriage and maybe adoption.

The historical past of another group’s ancestry was relevant as its present territorial and social relationship to one's own. It was clear also that in this context social distance was equated more or less with spatial distance.

The accounts of the creation and of the activities of the siblings before the heroes---- from Guki to the present---may be called mythical; those of the clan-founders' descendants may be called genealogical; those of the heroes themselves presented both mythical and genealogical features, that is, they may be placed in either category on different occasions. If we put them on a time scale, the heroes are either at the end of the mythical period or at the beginning of the genealogical period.

But to do this is to distort the significance of accounts. The difficulty is that Western myths and histories are placed on a time scale and, therefore, the concepts we use in this context contain reference to non-recurrent measured time.

During the mythological period-----from Mungura to Biyu---- the personages lived in isolation in a world in which there were no clans. They committed incest, not recognizing ties of kinship; they did not transfer bride-wealth for their mates and ties of affinity and the family as such were not recognized; they could do marvelous feats that men can no longer achieve: workers of miracles, miraculous men, magic or the introduction of techniques by magical means.

Their characteristics were non-human or contra-human (i.e. against or in opposition to or contrary to humans). It is with the appearance of the heroes and their begetting sons that human beings became social beings living in society and personages were ordinary beings and clan members behaved in the way that people did normally. These heroes also possessed superhuman and magical ties.

Before that they were not members of a society - "there was no society, in fact and they and their world existed in the north outside present Kakwa territory, a territory where every part was associated in tradition with a particular clan".

The appearance of the Europeans in Kakwa land has also been accounted for in a similar use of myth. They were said to have introduced kido bo-li literally "tortoises or vehicles". These foreigners were also given similar attributes, such as cannibalism, disappearing underground, walking on their heads and covering long distances in a day by this means; as soon as they were noticed, they began to walk on their legs but if attacked they would vanish into the ground and come up some distance away.

They legend says would then move away on their heads. They were thus literally inverted. For Kakwa, time was periodic, reckoned mainly by generations of men and women, the seasons, the stars, the moon and the sun. All these phenomena occurred at regular intervals and were not placed on a scale of non-recurrent time. Events that did not recur were not put on measured time scale. Kakwa myth and genealogy were little related to historical time. Genealogy explained and validated the social relations among living people. No Kakwa knew the genealogy of other people except their own, since they were for the most part outside everyday experience. Genealogies dealt with social beings as members of a given community, and the ancestors were significant, and therefore, remembered insofar as the relationships between them validated the present composition of the community. But the ancestors were placed in society, and society itself was given meaning and validity, by myth.

Linguistic connection:

The Kakwa are related to the Bari, Kuku, Mundari, Nyangwara, Pojulu and even to the Karimojong. Although Kakwa people speak an Eastern Nilotic language, they are geographically separated from other Eastern Nilotic speakers. Kakwa society occupies the region bordering northwestern Uganda, southern Sudan, and northeastern Congo. The exact point at which the Kakwa separated from the Bari and Bari-Speaking Tribes or from the rest of the Nilo-Hamites/ Plains Nilotics groups as a whole is not known. The general conjecture is that they split east of the Nile at Kapoeta from the eastern shore of Lake Rudolf (Lake Turkana), or they split somewhere in the present northeast area of the Red Sea in Ethiopia and may be they split even in the Nile Valley of the Sudan.

The place of Yeki, Zaki and Mount Liru in Kakwa traditions and history is well documented in songs, dances, child naming ceremonies and in other aspects of the tribe's traditional culture. These are always reinforced by the Kakwa elders during funeral rites, wedding ceremonies or during any communal feasts and events. The greatest honour bestowed upon Yeki and Zaki has been undertaken by the legendary Kakwa singer and musician Agele, of the Ginyako Kakwa clan, in Ko-buko. Indeed, his songs known as mute or mourning songs are still sung to this day. Even the fundamentalist Christian cult, locally referred to as 0-barokole or 0-borokole, have adopted Agele’s songs. Also, a Kakwa infant, born anywhere in the world, is pointed to Mount Liru to connect the child to his or her ancestry.

Additionally, it is to make him or her live long and become as legendary as the famous mountain. In the Kakwa tradition of gbiyo na N'giro or Child-naming ritual, the nursing mother of an infant emerges from her house officially after the kapule (or umbilical cord) of the baby has fallen off the navel. Up to that point, the baby who has been kept indoors since birth, is brought outside for the first time. If the infant is a girl, the nursing mother emerges with her after three days and if it is a boy after four days.

At the door, an aunt holds the infant and points her or him to the direction of Mount Liru with the pronouncement: Liru, N'giro lolu ilo (which literally translates into: "Liru, here is your child"). If it is a baby boy, this pointing and pronouncement is repeated four times. If it is a baby girl, the pronouncement: Liru, N'giro nonu ina "Liru, here is your child" is repeated three times. After this, an appropriate proper name is given the child. Jungba na laputu na nyeyi (a special meal prepared from a type of pea is eaten) as a special meal for celebrating the child naming ritual.

The handful of the Kakwa people who have long settled in Arua call themselves Kakwa-ti-Arua or Kakwa-ku-Arua [i.e. the "Kakwa of Arua"] or Kakwa of Mvara or Kakwa of Ochi- ba, or Kakwa of Awindiri etc., depending on what exact outskirt of Arua they have settled in. Such Kakwa have always considered themselves as being "more advanced" socially, culturally and economically than their counterparts in either Yei, Ko-buko, A'di or Godia Bura.

Most are also either Protestants or Muslims (sometimes erroneously called Nubis), and they hail mainly from the Ko-buko clans of Godiya (Godia), Nya ngiliya (Nya ngilia), Turupa, Leyiko (Leiko) and Dimu. The Protestant segment is mainly settled at Mvara and Awindiri. Many of it's members have been mainly prominent church leaders and goers of the famous Emanuel Church in the vicinity of Arua town. Here, their main occupation was Primary or Elementary school teachers.

The Muslim population concentrated around the Tanganyika Village, Lumumba Road, and in Ochi-ba. These are mainly traders, drivers, butchers, and even peasants. Indeed, the family of Idi Awongo Alemi [Idi Amin Dada] settled in the Tanganyika Village after the armistice WW I in which his Father Amin Dada Nyabira had forcefully been conscripted into serving between 1915 and 1921 in the Kings African Rifles when he joined the Colonial Police Forces at Nsambya Police Baracks.

Because of their Islamic faith, the whole Kakwa community in Arua have been equated with the Nubis or Nubians.

Although conditions of living of the Arua Kakwa have always been obviously harsh—with constant food and accommodation shortages—for example, they still believed that they were living a "better" life than their rural Kakwa counterparts. It is this self-conceitedness, utopia, paranoia, and myopia that have consistently and foolishly tended to drive them to look down upon their distant relatives. But, as if to remind them that they were refugees in Arua after all, many of these Kakwa ti Arua were also forced to vacate West Nile's capital in 1979, after the so called liberation of Uganda, by the invading Tanzanian and UNLA forces.

In doing so, the Arua Kakwas lost most of their possessions in the district's capital. Even worse, they became worse-off refugees than the rural Kakwas who were already used to being self-reliant in food and accommodation, and having faced decades of dire social and economic problems throughout much of their daily lives before.

An even worse situation was faced by those Kakwa people who described themselves as ngutui-ti-lojo meaning the "overseas people". The word ngutu means "person" and lojo (lozo) means "across river or lake" or simply "overseas". Hence, these people sometimes also call themselves Kakwa-ti-lojo (or "the overseas Kakwa"). The term generally designates the Ugandan towns and other areas of "economic vibrancy", such as Bugerere (Kayunga), Soroti, Mbale, Gulu, Moyo, Kakira, Kawolo (Lugazi), Kigumba, Kampala, Jinja, Hoima, Kakoge, Masindi, Namasali, Namasagali and Mbale.

These places had become the chief centres of kasa nmvu (cheap labourers) drawn largely from the northern Uganda tribes that include the Kakwa people. This southward migration peaked soon after World War I when Uganda's present territorial borders were finally demarcated. This migration further ushered in wave after wave of adult Kakwa males who had to work in the sugarcane, banana and coffee plantations in order to receive financial payments to pay for the newly-introduced poll taxes. Meanwhile, the Kakwa of the Congo migrated to Kinshasa, Kisangani, Wacha and Bunia also as labourers, or rarely, to enlist as soldiers in the notorious Belgian army or Force Publique then commonly known as the Tukutuku.

A similar migration pattern developed among the Kakwa of the Sudan who are now found in Juba, Khartoum and Port Sudan—mainly voluntarily compared to either Uganda or the Congo.



Age Year In Year Out Time Place of Residence

1-3 years 1928 1931 3 years Police Barracks Shimoni-Nakasero &
Kololo Hill Poice

3-8 years 1931 1936 5 years Arua Muslim School
Arua District

9-12 years 1937 1940 4 years Semuto-Luwero

12-16 1940 1944 5 years Al-Qadriyah Darasah Bombo
& Mehta Sugar Plantation

17-18 years 1945 1946 1 year Imperial Hotel Speke Avenue

18-34 years 1946 1962 17 years KAR-UR
No. N44428

34-44 years 1962 1971 10 years Command Centre
Mbuya UA no. UO-03

44-53 years 1971 1979 9 years Head of State
2nd Republic
of Uganda

53-76 years 1979 2003 24 years Exile in Libya
&Saudi Arabia


Monday 19th May, 2008

Arab states say Bush favoured Israel

Big News Sunday 18th May, 2008

US President George Bush has told Middle-East leaders in Egypt that peace will be possible by the end of the year if all sides in the conflict are prepared to make tough sacrifices.

In what was generally seen as a lecture, President Bush spoke about everything from political repression to the denial of women's rights.

When he was confronted with Palestinian complaints that he was favouring Israel in stalled peace talks, he spoke about the requirement for Palestinians to combat terrorism and build up the institutions of a free and peaceful society.

At the same time, he said Israel should ease restrictions on Palestinians.

Despite no obvious signs of progress, Mr Bush told his audience of Arab leaders: "Freedom and peace are within your grasp."

Winding up a five-day trip to the region, Bush took a tougher tone with Arab nations than he did with Israel in his speech on Thursday to the Israeli parliament.

Israel received effusive praise from the president while Arab nations heard a litany of US criticisms mixed with some compliments.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak urged President Bush to make sure Israel made enough concessions to make it easier for the president of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas to defend a peace agreement.

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Comments about this story:
"Arab states say Bush favoured Israel"
"Arab states "
"favoring Israel?"
"You got your wires crossed"
"Nothing has changed."
"freedom and women rights, American style, how these hyenas like Bush talks about others? because he is the dirtiest kind of hyena"
"Americans hould try to fix their hyena breeding firms before they criticize others"
"Arab state"
"for those who think Israel is created by God, Jewish never could accept the truth even they deny Torah,they are denials and cursed."
"Unbelievable Ignorance"
"O Israel they do come unto thee in this generation-- to destroy thee forever-- as saith thy eternal kind god-- as I am forever seen"
"O Israel they do come unto thee in this generation-- to destroy thee forever-- as saith thy eternal kind god-- as I am forever seen"

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Supporters of Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF party are turning violent in their quest to quell support for the opposition, even Zimbabwean war veterans are forcibly recruiting local youths to attack opposition supporters. At least 22 people have been killed, and over 900 injured from the violence. (Click on photo for full story).

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Saudi prince plans African bank for poor
by Souhail Karam on Monday, 19 May 2008
ARAB NGO: Agfund, led by Prince Talal bin Abdul-Aziz, is to establish a bank for the poor in Sierra Leone. (Agfund)A Gulf Arab non-governmental organisation, led by the father of Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed, plans to set up a bank for the poor in West Africa, the Saudi state news agency reported on Sunday.

The Arab Gulf Programme for United Nations Development Organisations (AGFUND) made the announcement after its head, Prince Talal bin Abdul-Aziz, met Sierra Leone's Trade and Industry Minister Alimamy Koroma and officials from the African lender Ecobank in Riyadh.

The planned bank will be based in Sierra Leone and will be established in cooperation with Ecobank to boost small and micro entrepreneurs, SPA added without elaborating.

Story continues below ↓

Officials at AGFUND could not be reached immediately to comment.

Prince Talal launched AGFUND in 1980 with the support of countries in the Gulf Arab region, the world's largest oil exporting area.

Up to 2006, the organisation has spent about $235 million in financing projects in 131 countries, its website said.

Prince Alwaleed is a former investor in Ecobank. (Reuters)

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Museveni blames courts for city crime
Tuesday, 20th May, 2008 E-mail article Print article

Museveni, LC5 chairman Richard Andama and minister Simon Ejua join the Lugbara dancers at Arua Primary School

By Frank Mugabi
THE weak judicial system is to blame for the wave of crimes in Kampala and other parts of the country, President Yoweri Museveni said yesterday.

“The problem is the judiciary because some of these criminals had been arrested before but were released by the courts,” Museveni told the press at the State Lodge in Arua.

He revealed that although he had not fully internalised where the problem originated from, preliminary information indicated that many of the apprehended suspects were ex-convicts of similar crimes.

He called for the strengthening of the law to plug the loopholes which criminals take advantage of to secure an early release.

Sunday Vision reported that some of those arrested in connection with the recent spate of murders and robberies were criminals who had been convicted six years ago.

Asked how murderers could be free after six years, Kampala Extra Police chief Edward Ochom said they pleaded guilty to burglary, which is easier to prove but carries lesser sentences than murder or robbery.

Museveni suggested that part of the solution would be to convict armed criminals in the General Court Martial.

“We will take them to the Court Martial where we won’t kill them but confine them,” Museveni said.

According to the 2005 UPDF Act, anybody found in unlawful possession of arms or equipment ordinarily being the monopoly of the defence forces shall be subject to military law.

Asked about the fate of the Juba peace talks, Museveni said the country would remain safe with or without the agreement.

He said Kony’s movements were being closely monitoried.

“Kony can’t come and disturb us. If he tries he will be dealt with accordingly because the army’s capacity now is overwhelming.

“It doesn’t matter who will support him. We will crush them together.”

Museveni said right from the start, he did not believe in Kony’s commitment to talking peace.

Civil leaders and other people who had been visiting Kony in Garamba were only trying to save his neck, he said.

“It seems they have failed. So he will either come out to sign the agreement or he will be brought back horizontally.”

Museveni had resumed his tour in the West Nile region to drum up support for his anti-poverty programme.

Earlier, on Monday, at a rally at Uleppi trading centre in Arua, he called on all Ugandans not to mix politics with the Prosperity-for-All programme.

He appealed to Movement supporters to accomodate opposition members when implementing the programme.

“We, Movement people, should defeat the opposition by doing good works. Welcome everyone to SACCOs. Receive them so that they also benefit from the programme.”

He pointed out that poverty was the only remaining challenge the Movement government was committed to eliminating.

“By getting rid of poverty, we shall get rid of the opposition because it revolves around poverty.”

Museveni advised the people of the area to engage in money generating activities like growing fruits, upland rice, cassava and coffee.

Museveni warmly welcomed all former members of the opposition in West Nile sub-region who have crossed over to NRM.

At a rally at Onduparaka Primary School in Ayivu, Arua district, on Monday, over 30 people from crossed from the FDC to the NRM and the President welcomed them.

Museveni tells Congo to leave

Ugandans trapped in South Africa


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Cabinet plots major media clampdown
Monitor Team


President Yoweri Museveni has summoned his Cabinet to a meeting aimed at devising ways of largely whipping the media “back” into a line favourable to the State.

The meeting, according to a Cabinet source, will be chaired by Mr Museveni, and will discuss a critical paper written by the Third deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Information and National Guidance, Alhajj Kirunda Kivejinja, on “how to handle the media.”

Invitation letters seen by Daily Monitor, which were issued to the Cabinet on Monday with the main theme: “Government Media Management”, show that the ministers will converge today (Wednesday) for what has been dubbed a “one day retreat” at Statistics House in Kampala.

The meeting is expected to come up with a collective Cabinet position that will contain stringent measures designed to regulate the print and broadcast media.

Discussing some of the specifics, the source said a proposal was contained in the minister’s paper suggesting that; “Any broadcast presenter (radio/television) should have training in journalism as a requirement, as this is intended to curb excesses that have been going on in the media.”

While the source insisted that “our meeting is intended to ensure we have a professional media in the country, that does not abuse its power,” critics are sceptical about the government’s intentions, given the number of reporters and editors recently arrested and charged over stories they have published.

According to the cabinet source, the ministers were given “strong instructions not to reveal” the meeting’s agenda.
Kivejinja was cagey when called to comment, “If you don’t know, it is my job to oversee the media,” he said.

It turns out that the Statistics House meeting, now known in Cabinet circles as “Kivejinja’s workshop”, was reportedly initiated after complaints by the President that the media was enjoying too much freedom.

But critics will argue that the move is symbolic of a government afraid of what the truth may reveal, and one that is now incensed by the media’s efforts in exposing its excesses.

A State House source privy to the meeting’s agenda, but chose to remain anonymous, told Daily Monitor yesterday that Mr Museveni is apparently bitter with some of the news stories in the papers, describing the reportage as “irresponsible.”

“Some media houses write rubbish and unresearched stories and to restore sanity, we need to call them to order,” said the source, adding that the President was especially riled by a story, which appeared in the local tabloid, The Red Pepper, that his Kisozi Ranch had been burnt.

“As such, all the intelligence officers and those on the Presidential Guard Brigade shall be subjected to 24 hour surveillance so that they do not leak government secrets,” added the source.

“Those found holding secret meetings with journalists shall be dealt with.” However, a minister who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorised to speak for Cabinet, said the government was perplexed by the way stories on the controversial Land (Amendment) Bill 2007 were published and the “ill informed debates that followed thereafter.”

“Some headlines were very inciting and land has been a very soft spot for inciting the people. Land issues have caused tribal wars. The media should be national and government has to devise means of managing the media,” said the minister.

The source further said that the President has singled out the Red Pepper and Buganda’s Central Broadcasting Services (CBS) radio, as the most errant media houses.

“Government will crack down on the Red Pepper and CBS. You have to be allies of the state and not enemies.”
The source said a technical team had been put together to “lecture” the ministers on how to handle the media, how to respond to stories and how they should compose themselves for radio/television talk shows. The team is drawn from the Uganda Communications Commission and the Broadcasting Council.

The cabinet retreat on the media comes on the heels of grave concerns that the government is directly infringing on press freedom.

The December 2007 report by the Foundation for Human Rights Initiative says media freedom in Uganda is threatened by legal restrictions, economic, political pressures and poor working conditions for journalists.

It says there has been an increase in state interference. At least a dozen journalists are currently facing charges over stories the State deemed unfavourable.

Just one week before World Press Freedom Day which falls on May 3, security agents besieged the premises of The Independent magazine, arresting three journalists. Four Daily Monitor journalists are also on bail over a story exposing corruption.

Reported by Mercy Nalugo, Emmanuel Gyezaho, Yasiin Mugerwa & Alex Nsubuga

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Conrad Kirunda

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Museveni woos Islamic investors
Wednesday, 21st May, 2008 E-mail article Print article

By David Muwanga

PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has urged members of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) to invest in Uganda.

“In Uganda, East Africa and the rest of Africa, there is a lot of potential yet to be explored by other members of the Organisation of Islamic Conference family,” he said in a message to organisers of the OIC business forum. The forum is scheduled to take place in Kampala from June 16 to 18.

The OIC forum will occur concurrently with the 12th private sector meeting for the promotion of trade and joint ventures among Islamic countries.

Museveni said the investors could invest in infrastructure, coffee, cotton, textiles, tourism, agriculture and food processing.


May 23, 2008


POLITICS | Omar Kalinge Nnyago


Where Obote, Amin and Museveni beat each other
For a nation that has sat through eight regimes since independence in 1962, Uganda has a memorable political history. They saw Mutesa I, Milton Obote twice, Idi Amin, Yusuf Lule, Lukongwa Binaisa, Paulo Muwanga, Okello Lutwa and now President Museveni.

Uganda, in that sense, is not comparable to her neighbours Kenya and Tanzania, with whom she shares a British colonial history. Both have had less frequent and largely peaceful transitions. Except for the regional shock we had last December, when Kenya surpassed all expectations of a stable republic and slid into civil violence that claimed over 1000 lives.

In Uganda it is a favourite passtime to compare regimes. Especially fallen ones. Yet, the recent past has seen a unique enthusiam by the independent press to talk about “life after Museveni.” Questions of succession and post-Museveni scenarios have provided exciting reading.

What is the reason for this interest? It could be the growing feeling that perhaps Museveni is on his way out– a kind of wishful thinking that is common with all populations that endure more than their share of frustration with an inept regime which never seems to get it right on key national issues.

Many Kenyans had the same feelings about Moi too, especially in his last ten years in power. Zimbabweans are also wishing for a “Zim without Bob”. Well, Moi left, just as Bob too, will.

Ugandans who know how to wait will also see another face on TV sooner than they thought. But what will they remember of the man who has surpassed all former heads of state and juntas combined in staying in power? (22 years and still counting). Plans to seek a sixth term of office are also under way.

President Museveni, in my view, will be remembered for four things. The demystification of the gun, disciplining of the post Obote-Lutwa soldier, destroying the gun/military monopoly by the north and massive corruption at all levels, especuially the higher ones. There has never been a level of corruption at ministerial level in all the past regimes like we have witnessed under Museveni.

Amin’s regime, villified for its murderous nature and abuse of power by men in uniform has never been documented to be corrupt. Obote’s two regimes had their problems with bad politics arising out of auxilliary powers arbitrarily exercised by party functionaries. But Obote’s regimes could not be characterised as corrupt.

Museveni’s lasting legacy will be his anability to fight corruption and it is possible that it will be the most significant reason for his downfall. In his personal desire to become the longest serving Ugandan head of state ever, he spends most of his wake hours trying to stay in power than in doing what is right for the country, that is, stopping the wanton theft of public funds by public officials, who are his own supporters and diehards.

It is inconceivable that some of the worst performing ministriers are the longest serving in their protfolios.
He betrayed a sense of helplessness last week when he found it easier to write to the Prime Minister about inflated road construction costs than confronting the relevant minister. Could it be that a mafia has really grown around the president and he can’t extricate himself from it without major risk to his “rule for life project?”

There are two possible scenarios. One, a popular civil democratic revolution will sweep up Museveni and his corrupt regime and network, when an “enough is enough” stage is reached. At that stage, no amount of intelligence, counter-intelligence, police brutality or military might can be of help.

The other scenario is this. President Museveni can decide to finally get tough on the corrupt elements in his regime, which is perhaps the mafia we now hear much about. The mafia are already much stronger than him, for they are actualy using their ill-gotten wealth to fund most of the poltical dealings meant to keep the president in power, including, perhaps, bribing legislators.

Like Obote was swallowed by his own when he tried to check the untouchable (in)security mafia around him, the “Dollar Mafia” under Museveni will devour him like fire devours wood.

The “dollar mafia” will then sustain power for some time, but not much longer than the Lutwas did after deposing their godfather, Obote. The transition will have begun.

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Conrad Kirunda


Saturday 24th May, 2008

Saudi Arabia pledges large amount to battle world hunger

Big News Friday 23rd May, 2008

In an unprecedented gift, Saudi Arabia has donated over US$475 million to the World Food Programme of the United Nations.

The donation is to compensate for soaring food and fuel prices.

According to the World Bank, prices have almost doubled in the last three years, causing suffering to millions of people, particularly in Africa and Asia.

The WFP says the extra donation from Saudi Arabia will help save many from illness or death due to malnutrition.

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"Saudi Arabia pledges large amount to battle world hunger"
"Let nature take its course."
"Why not lower the oil prices instead, of giving charity, most people have dignity and do not want charity"
"By Sammy,"

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Faced with oil's rise, politicians have two options: the first is to muddle through, on the grounds that what goes up must come down; the other is to change policies, and the assumptions that underpin them. (Click on photo for full story).

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US drops charges against Saudi in 9/11 attacks


S.O. News service, Thursday 22 May 2008:

San Juan: All charges against a Saudi national accused of being the “20th hijacker” in the 9/11 terrorist attacks have been dismissed by the Pentagon, his US military defense lawyer said on Monday.

Mohamed Al Qahtani was one of the six men charged by the military in February with murder and war crimes for their involvement in the 2001 attacks.

After further investigation, the convening authority of military commissions decided to drop all charges against Al Qahtani without prejudice, meaning they can be filed again, his lawyer said.

The attorney said he could not comment on the reasons for the dismissal until discussing the case with lawyers for the other five defendants.

The case against the remaining five defendants will continue, with their arraignment scheduled for within 30 days of the charges being served at Guantanamo Bay.


ugandan-community in canada
Re we are Ugandan Community in Vancouver. B.C. Western Canada. Sends Special greetings to Fellow Ugandan Community back home, as well around the globe. lets communicate amoung ourself via our website. is free. share Idea, Discussion Forum,sign the guest family,& group photos, Emergency info like death in the community, Merriages, ETC. Peade/Love/Unity. is our motto. Bravo. wanachi online members. in vancouver canada. May.28-2006.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
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Monitor Online | News | Govt paid Asians twice for properties

Friday, February 22, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
New Vision Online : People with disabilities need HIV messages
New Vision Online : People with disabilities need HIV messages

New Vision Online : Bank of Africa opens 7th branch in Arua
New Vision Online : Bank of Africa opens 7th branch in Arua

Monday, February 18, 2008
the muslim pages team - Google Search
the muslim pages team - Google Search

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Ugandan Muslims Association In bc

Ugandan Muslims Association in B.C. Vancouver western canada has a Development Aid Program dedicated to developing and implementing integrated development projects at the grassroots level. With the combined expertise of professional teams and unwavering commitment to the empowerment of people and communities at the grassroots level, the company provides the highest quality of technical services and support, while assisting communities to achieve their developmental goals. The Association itself in putting people before profits and aims to promote and strengthen sustainable economic development initiatives with the application of modern technology, management and development techniques. The Ugandan Muslims Association in B.C. works with various stakeholders to develop projects and programs that meet identified community specific needs, integrating indigenous knowledge, perspectives and concerns. To this end, the Organisation has initiated the planning and development of a Rehabilitation Program for Koboko, Uganda. Phase 1 of the Koboko Rehabilitation Program will involve undertaking a pre-development project, which will support detailed business and operating plans for implementing various projects including and not limited to:

Rehabilitation of Koboko Muslims Secondary School;

Vocational Training school for People with Disabilities;

Construction of a new or rehabilitation of an existing Muslims girl’s and Boys secondary school;

Clean water projects (boreholes) across the county;

Health centres;

Scholarship program for secondary and post secondary students;

Other projects deemed as priorities by the people of Koboko.

The pre-development plan and design of projects will include consultation with stakeholders, in order to identify and effectively address needs identified as priorities for Muslims communities in Koboko. The strength of the final projects will come from community support as evidenced by reports arising from broad based community consultations undertaken by Ugandan Muslims Association in Koboko, Uganda. In order to enjoy a high level of support from Kakwa elders and local government representatives, a number of consultation sessions will be held with representatives of the Koboko Elders Association and local government officials including and not limited to Members of Parliament. A preliminary survey has revealed strong community interest in a Development and/or Rehabilitation Program targeting communities in Koboko, Uganda. Initial resources for the preliminary Pre-Development Plan will come from a variety of sources, including Ugandan Muslims Association in B.C.

Phase II will involve:

Identifying non profit partners through which to present Phase I results, along with outlines of required funding resources needed to implement and execute projects, for purposes of soliciting funds from public and private sources of funding.


Establishing an organizational framework within the Koboko Elders Association, through which successful projects are managed, administered and coordinated.


The Organisations Koboko Rehabilitation Pre-Development Project is the product of a number of informal discussions held in Vancouver Western Canada, to review the present socioeconomic condition of Muslims communities in Koboko, Uganda. The resolutions of those informal discussions establish that there are immense socioeconomic challenges facing Muslims communities in Koboko. It was noted that education and economic development are a top priority for Muslims communities in Koboko. On the basis of this, the projects outlined above were identified as projects worthy of pursuit.

An informal committee was formed to determine if there would be widespread support for the concept among the elders of Koboko and other individuals and organizations in the Muslims communities of Koboko. The informal committee, under the leadership of Imam of Koboko Masjid/Mosque Cleric Ayume sent a letter to representatives of the Koboko Elders Association and a number of Members of Parliament, for input and feedback.


The Ugandan Muslims Association in B.C. Aid Program is dedicated to building integrated development projects at the grassroots level. The organisation is dedicated to economic development through community groups, individuals, providing management, technical assistance, training and support systems to community-based groups. The Associations Aid Program has three program thrusts. The first is training and empowerment of groups to achieve economic self-sufficiency through small business ownership. The second is community economic development projects aimed at creating a spirit and process of enterprise that will eventually be sustained by the community. The third is the expansion of capital availability to communities.


The management and staff of Ugandan Muslims Association in B.C. have years combined experience in education, social development, management, business, etc. Many associates contribute expertise in the areas of economic development, education, training, administration, project/program management, project/program development, Muslims community development and business management.


Koboko Pre-Development Project


The project is intended for Muslims communities in Koboko, Uganda, including women and men interested in the rehabilitation of Koboko.


One Year


To create partnerships with Muslims communities in Koboko, provide an opportunity for individuals and groups from the target Both Muslims & Non Muslims communities to provide input into a Development and Rehabilitation Program for Koboko, through Learning


Weeks 3 - 4

Compile a listing of and identify individuals and groups committed to/interested in the Development and Rehabilitation of Koboko. Establish contact, explain project objectives, solicit support. Design publicity material. Publicize the project through appropriate methods. Recruit Project Leaders from communities in Koboko. Develop themes for discussion and a Learning around project areas identified as priorities. Design Learning orientation package for the Group Leaders, who will facilitate the Learning

Weeks 6 - 8

Meet and/or hold a teleconference/teleconferences with Group Leaders, to explain the project, emphasize its importance and solicit full support and participation. Discuss Learning with Group Leaders and obtain their input. Complete Learning incorporating ideas generated through the meeting(s)/teleconference(s) with Group Leaders. Provide orientation to Group Leaders. Begin holding Learning anticipated: between ten and twenty), to obtain in depth information about areas considered as priorities for Koboko and specific recommendations for project implementation at the grassroots level.

Weeks 7 - 12

Continue holding Learning Compile a draft report on Learning proceedings, ideas and recommendations generated during the Learning Distribute draft report to participants and/or individuals and groups interested in the Development and Rehabilitation of Koboko.

Weeks 15 - 16

Come up with specific recommendations and obtain input from stakeholders as to strategies to implement ideas and projects generated during the Learning Facilitate project evaluation. Identify Follow-Up Actions that will be taken as a result of the project. Develop Programs to address areas identified as priorities during the project. Design Business Plans and funding proposals with the purpose of soliciting funds from public and private sources of funding.


Through the present project, Ugandan Muslims Association in B.C. Charity Org. hopes to begin forming partnerships with communities in Koboko, Uganda in addressing the Development and Rehabilitation needs of Koboko. These partnerships will undoubtedly continue beyond the parameters of the present project and they will form the foundation for continued work in developing and rehabilitating Koboko. The proposed project is part of an ongoing strategy by Ugandan Muslims Association in B.C. to bring the development and rehabilitation needs of communities in Koboko, to the forefront. The need for more information about the Development and Rehabilitation needs of Koboko, prompted the project.

The project aims to strenghthen partnerships between communities in Koboko and individuals and groups committed to development. The project aims at encouraging the people of Koboko to take an active part in their own development, by involving them in discussions aimed at brainstorming ideas for improving their lot, at the grassroots level. The project will provide a foundation for continued and long term work in addressing areas identified by the people of Koboko as priority areas.

The project has the potential to change conditions for the people of Koboko, through grass roots involvement and solution oriented strategies. The project will promote broad participation by involving individuals and groups from all walks of life. It will go beyond merely presenting information to encouraging individual and group action with concrete plans of action. The project is innovative in methodology, audience and the issues addressed because it involves a grass roots approach to resolving issues that are not being addressed effectively. By Ugandan Muslims Association President. Majid Alemi Junior, in Vancouver, Western Canada. Feb.4th-2008.


Friday, January 25, 2008
United Nations Peacekeeping

United Nations Peacekeeping
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If we were to give an exhaustive account of the benefits of the recitation of 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim' we would need more than a single volume to do justice to it. Apart from being part of every chapter in the Holy Qur'an (except the chapter of repentance - surah at-tawba), it is also the most often repeated verse in the Holy Qur'an.

It is narrated in Tafseere Burhaan that the Holy kProphet (S.A.W.) has said that when a person recites 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim' then five thousand ruby palaces are built for him in Jannah.

Each palace has a thousand chambers made of pearls and in each chamber has seventy thousand thrones of emerald and each throne has seventy thousand carpets made from special fabrics and upon each carpet is seated a Hur-ul-Ein.

A person asked for the condition necessary to get this great reward and the Holy Prophet ( S.A.W.) replied that the person should recite the 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim' with conviction and understanding.

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has also said that when a believer will have to cross the Pul-e-Siraat on the Day of Judgement,and he will say 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim' then the flames beneath him will start dying down until Jahannam will cry out, 'O believer, pass through quickly, your presence is causing my fire to die out!'

When a teacher teaches a child to recite 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim' the child, his parents and the teacher are all guaranteed freedom from hellfire.

It is narrated that Prophet Isa (A.S.) was once passing by a graveyard and he saw a grave upon which the Wrath and Punishment of Allah S.W.T.) was descending, so he quietly walked past. When he passed the same place after some time, he noticed that the Mercy and Blessings of Allah (S.W.T.) was being showered on the same grave. He was surprised at this and asked Allah (S.W.T.) about what has happened and it was revealed to him that the man inside the grave was a sinner and was thus being punished for his sins. When he died, his wife was pregnant and soon gave birth to a son. When the boy grew older, his mother took him to a teacher who taught him to recite 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim' and I felt that it would not be justice that this man's son was calling My Name and I was punishing his father in the grave.

It is also mentioned that recitation of 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim' with a loud voice is from the signs of a true believer. Imam Ali Ridha (A.S.) Said that 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim' is very close to the chosen name of Allah (S.W.T.) [Isma A'adham].

The Day of Judgment is near when there is a single star in the sky, straightaway the path of forgiveness will close. The writing in the Quran will vanish. The sun will lower itself with the earth.. Muhammad (saw) said who ever delivers this news to someone else I will on the day of judgment make him a place in paradise,


Forward this to as many Muslims as you can. May Allah make us all be among those who truly love Him. May He give us sincerity in both words and deeds

Insha Allah Ameen.

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Date Mon 26 May 2008 032 51 0200
From Global Charity Foundation foundation globalcharity
To Undisclosed Recipients
Subject Charity Grant
2 unnamed text/html 3.20 KB

From: Erich Sanderson,
Executive Director
Global Children Charity Foundation
PO Box 23388 , Washington DC 20109,

RS NO:GRS/010/111/2008/71

Notification of Charity Grant Aid.

This is to notify you that you have been selected by the Board of Trustees of the above International charity organization
for a cash grant/donation for Business, Economic, social and Research developments in your community.

Global Children charity Foundation was established since 1975, with the objective of Human Growth and Community development.
In line with anniversary program, this year, Global Children charity Foundation in conjunction with the British Council is
giving out One Hundred Million United States Dollars as specific Donations/Grants to 55 lucky international recipients worldwide
in different categories for Business development and Social upliftment of their various communities.

Global Children Charity Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to raising funds to inspire hope, enrich
lives, and build a better future for Washington's children. Since 1975,Gobal Children Charity Foundation has raised more than
$130 million in support of children who have special needs in Washington and other parts of the world .Global Children Charity foundationis the leading organisation in children's charity in this part of the world when it comes to issuing grants to individuals and families.
Last year alone we issued over 1000 individual grants to families in need .These funds are freely given to enhance your business and
community development.
Based on the random selection exercise of millions of Internet and Credit card users worldwide, your email was selected among the lucky
recipients to receive the award sum of US$3,020,000 (Three million,six hundred and fifty thousand United States Dollars)as charity
Grant/donations/aid from Global Children Charity Foundation in accordance with the enabling act of Parliament.
Of the awarded Grant.. $ million US Dollars) is earmarked for community development
in your area of operation and $ million,and twenty thousand United States dollars) is a refundable loan solely
for your business upliftment and growth.

You are required to contact immediately the Head of the Payment team for your category Mr William Percy, who is presently on official
assignment in UK with his team for the payment of beneficiaries for the processing and payment of your Grant.

You are to contact him with your Full Names, Charity Grant Numbers (as written above),country and telephone numbers.
The phone number you can reach him in the UK is:+44 70 457 19591 and the Email address is

Note:All grants are to be claimed before 20th June 2008
On behalf of the Board kindly
accept our warmest congratulations in advance.
Yours faithfully,
Erich Sanderson
(Executive Director) Re: For your Information. Erich Sanderson. all donees are reffered to our UMAIBC paypal Accounts. if you are real donee, send your donation directly to our charity bank accounts. no need to give our phone number, or name. or contacting you. Just check UMAIBC Website: for the paypal account. thank you once again for your co operation. the President of UMAIBC. in vancouver, western canada. may. 25-2008.


Subject: Re: Remembering Jimmy Laker Ocheng
Quoting AlfredO
thanks mr. ojelel for the Info. about the late, jimmy laker memorial. secondly,
this morning, I recieve the message from arua. for those who know aunty deiya
araba past away monday. 26-2008. at 4:00pm east africa standard time. she will
be burried tuesday. 27-2008. in tanganyika village near arua airport. all are
invited on sunday. june 1st 2008. at my house. time 4:00pm most of you came to
my place last month. may almighty allah rest her soul in eternal peace AAmin.
Message to all Family members of sorrow,sympathy,& condolence in arua,koboko as
well wherever they are. From. Majid&Mariam & Family. May.26-2008. peace.
> Hello Everyone,
> Arrangements for late Jimmy's memorial have been finalized. We shall meet on
> Saturday May 31st, 2008, at Gateway Baptist Church (13175 - 107th Avenue, in
> Surrey, BC) at 4:00 p.m. promptly to remember our companionship with Jimmy.
> The Church is available to us upto 8:00 p.m.
> Gateway Baptist Church is at the corner of 132nd Street and 107th Avenue in
> North Surrey. Click on the link below for the map of the actual location.
> Let everyone who knows of Jimmy, or sympathizes with this loss to our
> community, know. We hope to see you all there.
> You may contact Francis at 778-858-4877 for more information.
> In sympathy,
> Alfred.
> re. sunday.june. 1st- 2008. funeral rites for awa deiya araba amin. at my place. time: 4:00pm. direction. if you are coming via pne. drive up to block. 920. ray cam co operative centre. east hasting & campbell. turn left 7 turn left again, come to parking. free parking. our house are opposite. the parking. first floor. for those using transit transport. take skytrain up to main st. station. then take any bus to main & east hastings. cross the road. take bus. number. 20,10,16. and get out at Adress. 920. ray cam centre. come behing the centre up to parking. those coming from down town also use bus.number. 20,10,16. get out the above adress where the bus stop. come behind. majid & Mariam. all are invited.


Re: Hajat Araba Deiyah 1925-2008

Our Beloved Matriarch Succumbed to death 25th May 2008 at 15:30 following a short recovery from severe Stroke that paralyzed the whole Left-side of her body .

She had been suffering unnoticed from Blood sugar complications caused by Diabetes .

Final Medical Diagnosis was:

High Blood Pressure

A Short Biography

Hajat Araba Deiyah died at the Octogenarian age of 83, she was Born to Mzee Amin Dada Tomuresu of the Adibu Likamero Clan and Mama Mariam Poya of the Gimoro Kakwa-Aringa Clan and three years older than her brother,
Idi Amin Dada R.I.P 1928-2003.

She was given the name Araba *Replacement* for she had been born after the loss by miscarriage of four siblings before the 1st wife Mama Poya of the Gimoro Kakwa Clan blessed the Al-Amin Family with her commanding presence.

She was Married to Mzee Amin Abiya of the Iyivu Lugbara Clan of Arua District around 1964.

They had only one daughter Rukia for she lost four Iyivu sons in succession who succumbed to death in their toddler years.

She is survived by four grand children born to Rukia's husband of our Maternal Grand parent;s Kakwa Clan of the Godia:

Abdul Hamid
She is also survived by three sisters who are direct progeny of her father
Amin Dada Tomuresu 1889-1976:

Hajat De Rasas Amin

Hajat Rafah Ismail Amin
Ajonye Amin

Hajat Araba Deiyah Owned vast Property and Bank accounts in the 1970s as a renown Entrepreneur with close Textile Business links to the Late Tom Mboya's family in Kenya ,which were frozen by the so called UNLF liberators in April 1979.

She owned Constitution Hotel on Constitution square Kampala, which try as she may was never returned to her.

Field Marshal Mobutu R.I.P. built for her a Lodging Complex in Bazi near the
Congo -Sudanese boarder in the 1980s, which was razed to the ground by the updf when they were in pursuit of West Nile Bank Front rebels during the 1995-2005 rebellion.

She together with her younger brother Flt-Capitan Amule Amin Dada R.I.P. 1948-2007 were forced into a long match deep into SPLA territory which saw horrific massacres of the Ugandan refugees who were being forceful repatriated back to Uganda by UNHCR.

Non of the survivers of the SPLA massacres were ever properly repatriated.

She lost every thing.

Some one should stand up and claim her Hotel in Kampala and the Lodging complex in Bazi so that the Godia grand Children can benefit form in In-Sh-Allah.

She wrote a letter to Museveni on 9th October 2007 demanding to know why the Idi Amin 1928-2003 Family was suffering while the likes of Mutesa I and Obote;s family enjoyed Presidential Emolument, Why the double Standards.... however the letter never reached him for she was advised to abandon this futile attempt to get his excellency to listen to her plea well meaning Politicians in West Nile.

Alas she died Destitute and her Al- Amin are truly MASKIN by deliberate design by all governments of Uganda since 1979.

I salute the effort Abdul Majid Baba Amin has made since 16th August 2003 in trying to keep this Al-Amin family together and the financial support he bestowed to his Matriarchs in Arua and most parts of the Country.

Even our Erstwhile Royal Al-Saud Guardians seem to have forgotten
The Al-Amin Family since 16th August 2003.

May her soul rest in eternal Peace.

There in now no remaining male child of The Late Amin Dada R.I.P. 1976 at his ancestral home:

Ramadhan Amin R.I.P. 2002

Idi Amin R.I.P. 2003

Deiyah Amin R.I.P. 2008

De Amin
Lopuli Ali Amin R.I.P. 1967

Rafah Amin
Amule Amin R.I.P. 2007

Moshe Amin R.I.P. 2001

Ajonye Amin
Ruba Amin Dada R.I.P. 1976

The NRM Government's CAA intends shortly to take over 100 metres of land around the perimeter of the Arua Airstrip therefore our whole Al-Amin Jiako Homestead will be disenfranchised very very soon.

We urge every one to Pray for the souls of our dearly Beloved and Departed Parents and Matriarchs.

Best regards


Majid alemiAmonye Junior wrote:
sad news. Iam sorry to Inform all family members of the death of our beloved
late. awa deiya araba deiya. she was burried on tuesday. may.27,2008. in arua
near our late. fathers,house. mze baba amonye. in arua. tanganyika village. I did Spoke with baba Hussein Diliga
who told me that, every thing went well. people turn up in big number. still
visitors are coming in all parts of the country. the dua will be on friday. I
and my Family will have the Funeral rites for our late. aunty deiya a sister to
our late Father Amonye. on sunday.27,2008. at my house. send the message of
sorrow,sympathy,& condolence to all Family members & Friends wherever they are,
my advice. be strong & prayers. may almighty allah. rest her soul in eternal
peace AAmin. INA LILAHI WA INA ILEIHI RAJUUN. again everyone can reach baba
Hussein Diliga at his cell/phone. 0772-387-403 arua. FRom Majid Amonye Junior &
Family. in Vancouver, Western Canada. May. 28-2008. peace. salam warahma.
pse. forward. everyone keep intouch.


Quoting Remo Alemi Dada
thanks. brother remo. your message recieve. & I Forwarded it in my weblogs. we
did a dua in my house for the late, hajati araba deiya amin, as well, all our
parents who are no longer with us. may almighty allah once again rest thier
soul in eternal peace. AAmin. I did talk to those of our Rafah, awa de rasas
amin, zaitun, maimuna moding, safiya, chandiya,als baba hussein diliga. the
kamistasar is coming, plus the larobein. all has to be fulfill. inshaallah. god
willing. again I would like to thank all who attented the funeral, & the dua.
more will follow soon. peace,love,unity. are my motto. from. Mr.&.Mrs. Mariam
Majid Amonye Junior, in Vancouver, Western Canada. June.2,2008. we did the dua
on June.1st.2008. sunday. salam rarahma.
> Obituary
> Re: Hajat Araba Deiyah 1925-2008
> Our Beloved Matriarch Succumbed to death 25th May 2008 at 15:30 following a
> short recovery from severe Stroke that paralyzed the whole Left-side of her
> body .
> She had been suffering unnoticed from Blood sugar complications caused by
> Diabetes .
> Final Medical Diagnosis was:
> High Blood Pressure
> Diabetes
> Stroke
> A Short Biography
> Hajat Araba Deiyah died at the Octogenarian age of 83, she was Born to Mzee
> Amin Dada Tomuresu of the Adibu Likamero Clan and Mama Mariam Poya of the
> Gimoro Kakwa-Aringa Clan and three years older than her brother,
> Idi Amin Dada R.I.P 1928-2003.
> She was given the name Araba *Replacement* for she had been born after the
> loss by miscarriage of four siblings before the 1st wife Mama Poya of the
> Gimoro Kakwa Clan blessed the Al-Amin Family with her commanding presence.
> She was Married to Mzee Amin Abiya of the Iyivu Lugbara Clan of Arua District
> around 1964.
> They had only one daughter Rukia for she lost four Iyivu sons in succession
> who succumbed to death in their toddler years.
> She is survived by four grand children born to Rukia's husband of our
> Maternal Grand parent;s Kakwa Clan of the Godia:
> Abdul Hamid
> Mayimuna
> Ismail
> Hamidah
> She is also survived by three sisters who are direct progeny of her father
> Amin Dada Tomuresu 1889-1976:
> Hajat De Rasas Amin
> Hajat Rafah Ismail Amin
> Ajonye Amin
> Hajat Araba Deiyah Owned vast Property and Bank accounts in the 1970s as a
> renown Entrepreneur with close Textile Business links to the Late Tom Mboya's
> family in Kenya ,which were frozen by the so called UNLF liberators in April
> 1979.
> She owned Constitution Hotel on Constitution square Kampala, which try as she
> may was never returned to her.
> Field Marshal Mobutu R.I.P. built for her a Lodging Complex in Bazi near the
> Congo -Sudanese boarder in the 1980s, which was razed to the ground by the
> updf when they were in pursuit of West Nile Bank Front rebels during the
> 1995-2005 rebellion.
> She together with her younger brother Flt-Capitan Amule Amin Dada R.I.P.
> 1948-2007 were forced into a long match deep into SPLA territory which saw
> horrific massacres of the Ugandan refugees who were being forceful
> repatriated back to Uganda by UNHCR.
> Non of the survivers of the SPLA massacres were ever properly repatriated.
> She lost every thing.
> Some one should stand up and claim her Hotel in Kampala and the Lodging
> complex in Bazi so that the Godia grand Children can benefit form in
> In-Sh-Allah.
> She wrote a letter to Museveni on 9th October 2007 demanding to know why the
> Idi Amin 1928-2003 Family was suffering while the likes of Mutesa I and
> Obote;s family enjoyed Presidential Emolument, Why the double Standards....
> however the letter never reached him for she was advised to abandon this
> futile attempt to get his excellency to listen to her plea well meaning
> Politicians in West Nile.
> Alas she died Destitute and her Al- Amin are truly MASKIN by deliberate
> design by all governments of Uganda since 1979.
> I salute the effort Abdul Majid Baba Amin has made since 16th August 2003 in
> trying to keep this Al-Amin family together and the financial support he
> bestowed to his Matriarchs in Arua and most parts of the Country.
> Even our Erstwhile Royal Al-Saud Guardians seem to have forgotten
> The Al-Amin Family since 16th August 2003.
> May her soul rest in eternal Peace.
> There in now no remaining male child of The Late Amin Dada R.I.P. 1976 at his
> ancestral home:
> Ramadhan Amin R.I.P. 2002
> Idi Amin R.I.P. 2003
> Deiyah Amin R.I.P. 2008
> De Amin
> Lopuli Ali Amin R.I.P. 1967
> Rafah Amin
> Amule Amin R.I.P. 2007
> Moshe Amin R.I.P. 2001
> Ajonye Amin
> Ruba Amin Dada R.I.P. 1976
> The NRM Government's CAA intends shortly to take over 100 metres of land
> around the perimeter of the Arua Airstrip therefore our whole Al-Amin Jiako
> Homestead will be disenfranchised very very soon.
> We urge every one to Pray for the souls of our dearly Beloved and Departed
> Parents and Matriarchs.
> Best regards
> Jaffar
> Majid Amonye Junior. wrote: sad news. Iam sorry to Inform all family members of
> the death of our beloved
> late. awa deiya araba deiya. she was burried on monday. may.25,2008. in arua
> near our late. fathers house.mze baba. Amonye. in tanganyika village, arua., I did Spoke with baba Hussein Diliga
> who told me that, every thing went well. people turn up in big number. still
> visitors are coming in all parts of the country. the dua will be on friday. I
> and my Family will have the Funeral rites for our late. aunty deiya a sister
> to
> our late Father Amonye. on sunday.27,2008. at my house. send the message of
> sorrow,sympathy,& condolence to all Family members & Friends wherever they
> are,
> my advice. be strong & prayers. may almighty allah. rest her soul in eternal
> peace AAmin. INA LILAHI WA INA ILEIHI RAJUUN. again everyone can reach baba
> Hussein Diliga at his cell/phone. 0772-387-403 arua. FRom Majid Amonye Junior
> &
> Family. in Vancouver, Western Canada. May. 28-2008. peace. salam warahma.
> pse. forward. everyone keep intouch.



The former president of Uganda, Al-Haji-Idi Amin Dada Foundation are created in memory of our late, Father Idi Amin Dada Alemi. He is remembered as a good father. A Wonderful husband, A Great Leader who kept the country together, a founder of economic indpendance in Uganada. He united Ugandans of all religious denominations. We his children as well many Ugandans miss him. He will always remains in our hearts forever, our prayers to almighty allah to rest his soul in eternal peace. AAAmin.

The organization works on a number of projects that range from education skill development to emergency relief and providing basic food requirements. Muslim mean and women in Dawa provides humanitarian services regardless of race, creed, religion or nationality, ethnicity, to assists help assistance to widows, orphans, disabled, homeless both in Vancouver, Canada and Uganda, East Africa as well around the globe.

Volunteering in our Communities: Supporting the Public and Non-Profit Sectors

Volunteerism touches almost every aspect of Canadian life –from art and culture, sport and recreation, education and research, health and social services, to the environment and religion. Volunteers read, coach, walk, drive, visit, cook, telephone, canvas, run, protest and feed. They write, plant, organize, coordinate, sew, speak, clean, prepare, direct, chair and give. They are parents, friends, seniors, children, teenagers and people who work for a living and people who don’t. They are from everywhere across this nation. Last year, Canadians contributed over 1 billion hours of their time to volunteer in their communities. ( HYPERLINK "" )

Who should volunteer?
· Participation in multiple organizations
· Organization’s mission and volunteer culture
· Total Annual Hours Volunteered
· Number of types of informal helping
· Total Amount Donated to charities ($) (formal and informal)

How to become a volunteer? Things to consider.
· Volunteer opportunities within organizations
· Fundraising
· Board of committee work
· Education and advocacy
· Organizing special events
· Executive or office work (data entry etc.)
· Teaching, coaching, facilitating
· This both in Canada, and Uganda East Africa as well around the Globe.

Why volunteer?
· Counselling or visiting
· Providing care at a hospital or at age home
· Assisting self-help group
· Collecting or delivering food, clothing, etc.
· Building maintenance
· Driving
· Protecting the environment

How to become a volunteer?
· One may have to become a member of the organization
· The organization may ask people to volunteer
· A friend or employer may ask you to join
· Personal initiative
· Personal connection through family involvement

Why volunteer?
· To make a difference in other people’s lives – including your own!
· To contribute to the success of the community – locally and globally!
· To spend time with people who share your values of community giving and social contribution

The reward of volunteering
· Happiness in giving back to the community
· Being a part of making a difference
· Self satisfaction
· Lessons learned through volunteering
· Above all, is the reward from Allah

· To advance education by providing scholarships to Muslim students from low-income families and non Muslim Children as well.
· To relieve poverty by collecting food, clothing, and funds for qualified donees, as well as providing basic amenities directly to the needy
· To provide support services for the needy or poor immigrants and refugees, including information and programs on Canadian culture, life and government services.
· To organize and conduct educational workshops and conferences

Educational Workshops & Conferences In Both Countries Canada and Uganda as well around the world.

· Steps to Success – 2007
· Career and employment counselling 2006
· Communication skills 2006
· Positive Muslim Role Models 2006
· Adapting to the job environments, Self employment challengers, Time Management 2005
· Global issues: Women’s and Men’s poverty/illiteracy 2005
· How to communication with young children 2005
· Ramadan: The nutrition that helps Muslims to grow 2005
· Heroism in Women 2004
· First Muslim leadership training, 2 days workshop for Muslim leaders 2004
· Reaching out to the community 2003

Scholarships – 2007/2008 Academic Year

This is an ongoing project. $20, 000.00 needed for post secondary education scholarships towards the purchase of books for twenty Muslim students from low-income families.

Idi Amin Dada Foundation – 2008/2009 that will provide a storage facility for items for needy families, a computer facility for new immigrant sisters and brother to access educational opportunities, and employment opportunities through the internet. The approximate costs of this project is $265,000 (Two hundred and sixty-five thousands dollars).

Idi Amin Dada Foundation charity. The organization’s work is funded almost entirely through donations. Donations ensure that Idi Admin Dad Foundation in Dawah can continue its important work in providing vital services that improve lives. Donations are welcome and tax deduction.

O mankind! We created you
From a single (pair) of a male
And a female and made you into
Nations and tribes that ye may
Know each other.

Verily the most honoured of you in
The sight of God is (he who is) the
Most righteous of you.
MY GRAND MOTHER AISHA AATE DADY IDI AMINs MOTHER Alemi Amonye Junior & Family. in Vancouver Western Canada. June. 13-2008.


Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 10:59:46 -0400
From: Support support 1milliondollarsingoogleadsfree
To: Alemi mfalemi
Subject: Alemi I wrote this for you 31 min ago…
For: Alemi Alemi
Monday, June 16, 2008


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OIC opens $10b poverty fund
Wednesday, 18th June, 2008 E-mail article Print article

By Cyprian Musoke
and Anne Mugisa

THE Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) has unveiled a $10b special poverty alleviation fund for its member states.

Addressing the 35th session of the council of foreign ministers of the OIC at Speke Resort, Munyonyo yesterday, outgoing secretary general Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu said $2.6b had already been pledged. He called for more pledges.

“The issue of alleviating poverty in member states is one of the most important provisions of the OIC’s 10-year programme of action. It advocates for the creation of a special fund to alleviate poverty which has, in fact, been created at the Islamic Development back, under the name of the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD).

“We hope other member states will make pledges, thus enabling the ISFD to fulfil the noble mission for which it was created.”

Today, he added, the world was going through a new crisis of food security, which had sent the prices of basic commodities through the roof.

“This concern unites the governments of the world due to its economic, social, political and humanitarian consequences.”

Ihsanoglu stressed that the OIC had identified agriculture as one of its priority areas for collective action, with a view of raising food security in member states. re: A Special Greetings to OIC mambers From Ugandan Muslims Association in Bc. we wish you all a happy stay in Uganda, our home Country. and safe journey back to your homeland after three days conference in kampala. uganda capital city. we urge the organisation of Islamic conference to build the Islamic Schools, Masjids/Mosques, Islamic Universities around all ugandan regions, as well around the globe. our charity organisation are ready to work closely with OIC. go to our websites. read and learn our aim and the objectives. our addresses in here in vancouver, as well in uganda, including our representatives to contact. our headquarters address as follows.418 main street, chinatown.,88073 vancouver western canada. email: we also Appeal for donation via pay pal to UMAIBC Accounts respectively. visit our websites for details Information how to send your donations. From the President of Ugandam Muslims Association in BC. Vancouver, Western Canada. June.17-2008. salam warahma.


OIC business forum closes in Kampala
Wednesday, 18th June, 2008 E-mail article Print article

THE Organisation of Islamic Conference business forum ended with a proposal to form a committee that will follow up opportunities identified during the meeting. An economic declaration issued after the two-day meeting at Imperial Royal Hotel in Kampala said the committee would be chaired by the Uganda Chamber of Commerce, with other relevant OIC institutions as members.

“The committee will develop a practical action plan in order to ensure that non-tariff barriers to trade among OIC countries are eliminated so as to make these countries more attractive for investors, enabling the private sector to succeed in its role as the engine for growth,” the declaration read in part.

The forum also agreed to increase momentum behind the growth of the volume of trade and reciprocal investment among the OIC countries.


OIC Delegates call for Palestinian state
Thursday, 19th June, 2008 E-mail article Print article

Anne Mugisa
and Cyprian Musoke

LEADERS of the Organisation of Islamic Conference have called for
the settlement of the decades-long conflict in the Middle East with the establishment of a Palestine state which will exist next to Israel. OIC secretary general Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu said the council was meeting in troubled times because member nations faced daunting, long-standing issues.

He said Israeli aggression against
Palestine continued unabated,
engulfing all aspects of life, and
attacks were happening daily in defiance
of tenets of international law
but were met with total silence from
the international community.
He said the violations included
extra-judicial killings, confiscation
of Palestinian land, besieging of the
Gaza Strip and flouting of international
agreements from the Olso
peace accord to the Road Map and
the Annapolis understandings.
“The illusion of conducting negotiations
to reach a peaceful settlement
has always proven to be an exercise
in futility with no light at the end of
the tunnel,” Ihsanoglu lamented.
He said the divisions among the
Palestinian factions made the crisis
“gloomy and regrettable.”
“As we totally condemn all these
practices, we reiterate our support
to the Arab peace initiative and call
on our Palestine brothers to settle
their differences and unify their
ranks,” Ihsanoglu appealed.
The former chairman of the OIC
council of foreign affairs ministers,
Pakistani foreign minister
Makhdoom Shah Mahmood
Qureshi, said Palestine continued to
be the cause of discontent in the
Muslim world. He added that the
Palestinians should be granted their
“inalienable right to self-determination”
and that refugees displaced
during the creation of Israel should
be allowed to return home.
Syrian foreign affairs minister
Fyssan Almikdad, on behalf of the
Arab group, pointed out that the key
issue facing the Middle East was
Israel’s occupation of Palestine land
and the Golan Heights in Syria. He
called for the withdrawal of Israel
from territories it has occupied
since 1967.


On Thu, 19/6/08, kadara kursum wrote:

From: kadara kursum
Subject: kadara kursum is suggesting this article from Arab News
Date: Thursday, 19 June, 2008, 12:54 PM

The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily



kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from

The real UN is action-oriented
Ban Ki-moon | Arab News

Detractors often call the United Nations a "talking shop," home to 192 nations and where, it's memorably been said, "no issue is too small to be debated endlessly."

But the real UN, almost invisible to the general public, is an action-oriented UN. This real UN feeds 90 million people in more than 70 countries - a thin blue line between hungry people and starvation. It wipes out debilitating diseases like smallpox and polio and vaccinates 40 percent of the world's children. It provides $2 billion annually in emergency disaster relief and maintains the second-largest army in the world - a global peacekeeping force of 120,000 brave men and women who go where others can't or won't go.

In my travels, often to the world's most difficult places, I always try to meet the faces behind these facts and figures. At a film festival in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, I recently introduced a few of them to Hollywood screenwriters and directors who wanted to learn more about the UN.

One was a young Canadian woman from UNICEF, the UN agency dedicated to the protection, well-being and rights of children the world over. Her name: Pernille Ironside. Her job: To go alone, with a small team, into the eastern wilds of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). There she confronts warlords and demands that they give up their "child soldiers," boys and sometimes girls as young as 8 or 10 who have been recruited or kidnapped to fight in the country's long-running guerilla wars. Often as not, she succeeds.. Over the past few years, the UN mission in the DRC has secured the release of 32,000 of an estimated 35,000 such children.

Another was Kathi Austen, a UN arms-trafficking expert who has spent much of the past decade tracking illegal weapons smugglers operating in the DRC and other conflict zones across Africa. Partly as a result of her dogged efforts, the alleged leader of one of the world's largest trafficking networks, Viktor Bout, was recently arrested on terrorism charges in Thailand.

In my job I meet many other faces of this real UN, seldom so famous but no less selfless or dedicated. As for the Talk Shop on Turtle Bay, site of UN headquarters, let us remember that talking sometimes achieves things, too.

It's the talk that put UN peacekeepers on the ground in 18 countries on four continents. It's the talk that raises the money and mandates the programs that feed so many of the world's hungry. It's the talk that marks the world's first steps toward dealing with climate change, the global food crisis and a daily array of humanitarian crises.

The convening power of the UN, today, is the ultimate "soft power" on the globe.

- Ban Ki-moon is secretary-general of the UN.


OIC gives 47b for IUIU's Nakawa complex
Friday, 20th June, 2008 E-mail article Print article

OIC’s Ihsanoglu, Kigongo and Kivejinja launching construction of the complex

By Ayiga Ondoga

ISLAMIC University in Uganda (IUIU) is to construct office blocks and a shopping centre worth over sh47b ($30m) in Nakawa to raise funds for its other projects.

The project is to replace about 135 housing units in the depleted but disputed Nakawa estate.

The Rector, IUIU, Dr. Ahmed Sengendo revealed that the project is to be funded by Islamic Development Bank in partnership with other donors and will take between two to three years to complete.

The foundation stone of the complex was laid on Thursday by the Secretary General of Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, who was assisted by Third deputy Premier and Minister of Information and National Guidance, Al-Hajji Kirunda Kivejinja.

Others at the occasion were state ministers, Rukia Isanga (Gender), Kasirivu Atwooki (Land), vice-chairman, NRM, Al-Hajji Moses Kigongo, Mufti of Uganda Sheikh Shaban Mubajje, Lt. Gen. Moses Ali and University officials.

The 10-acre piece of land for the project was donated by the government. Government also previously donated land on Kampala Road for the building of King Fahad Plaza, another money generating project by IUIU. Ihsanoglu commended the good patronage given by the government by giving land for the university’s projects.

The allocation of the Nakawa estate for development is still a disputed matter with the local government ministry pitted against the estate’s tenants and the Inspectorate of Government. Sitting tenants in the estate were astonished on witnessing the laying of the foundation stone for the IUIU complex.

“We are left speechless because we thought the government had plans to construct houses to benefit the sitting tenants but now we are seeing a different development in the area,” W.K Igama, chairman of the affected tenants.

Earlier this week, the Inspector General of Government, Justice and local government minister, Kahinda Otafiire locked horns over the same estate.


Hi. Brother. Remo. now the 40 days dua for our beloved Late. Aunty, Hajati
Araba Deiya Amin. are fixed. in July.8,2008. at tanganyika village at the
lates. home. in arua. time. 2pm. this after my conversation with baaba Hussein
Diliga. we agree to have the 40 day dua on the date. mention above. I on behave
of our late. Father Family. The Late. Amonye. I gona send the money next week
to you remo on thursday. to buy a cow & other necesities for the Larubein dua
of late. elder sister to our father, the Late. Baba. Al-Haji Idi Amin Dada
allah Arhamu. now you remo & baba Hussein Diliga. are to work together co
ordinate. see that, every thing goes well. the okapi side. of abuba Aate. and
the Gimorro side of of Abuba paya. should co operate & work together. remo you
report to me how thing going on that side you always do. more will follow soon. my regards to all. From Majid Amonye Junior.&
Family, in Vancouver Western Canada. June.21-2008. salam warahma.
peace,love,unity are the road to sucess. conflict resolution teams are needed
to bring all together.


re: corection. I contrbute. for larubein of our late. Aunty, Hajati Araba Deiya Amin. on behalf of our late. father, Al- Haji Idi Amin Dada & Family. From. Majid Amonye.& Family. in Vancouver Western Canada. June.21-2008. Fatiya.


On this day, August,15, the former president of Uganda Al- haji Idi Amin Dada Alemi who died August, 15, 03 and burried August,16, 2003 in Jaddah Saudi Arabia. Born. January, 1st. 1925 and died August, 15, 2003. he had been in a coma at king Faisal Specialist Hospital, in the city of Jeddah since July, 18th-2003. A hospital spokesman said he died of multiple organ failure. Al-Haji Idi Amin was a heavyweight boxing champion and served as an officer in british colonial army. he became head of the army and navy in 1965/66 he was a conquerer of the british empire, he recieve the honour of tittle CBE, and awarded the victoria military cross.he was Fathered 107 Childrens, in total. only seven wives in known officially. but the rest was before he became president, while in KAR and was in kenya, he has two childrens with kikuyu lady, also when he was sent to somalia, he fathered two childrens with somaly lady, before he was sent to kenya, he fathered his first born son, and daughter in bombo with his first wfe a nubian kakwa while in KAR. in 1972 he expelled the Asians british citizens in uganda who was contrlling and milking the economy of Uganda. he was the founder of the economic Independence in uganda. he was a good Father, a wonderful Husband, A Great Leader. he did hold people of uganda together, he unites all religious groups together. Al- Haji Idi Amin Fled to Libya, then Iraq, before Finally settling in saudi Arabia. Al- Haji Idi Amin was burried in saudi Arabia, Against the wishes of his Family who wanted his body returned to Uganda. 2. President Yoweri Museveni has not been unable to end two rebel insurgencies in the north and west of the country which have led to the death and displacement of tens of thousand of people. we thanks our respected cleric Imam Fuad for the dua prayer for our late, Father, Al-Haji Idi Amin Dada Alemi, and the rest. Daddy we love you, and we missed you, but, you will always remains in our hearts forever. thank you people of uganda and around the globe for your prayers. I salute all of you on behalf of my late Father Al-Haji Idi Amin Dada Alemi. From M.Alemi Junior and Family, in Vancouver Wesyern Canada.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Friday, July 20, 2007
The aims of creating a Foundation in the name of our late, Father, Al Haji Idi Amin Dada Alemi are for his memory and rememberence, his Legacy of good things he did for people of Uganda. he was the founder of enomic Independence in Uganda, he hold the Country together, he allows all religions in the country, so the proposed Al-Haji Idi Amin Dada Alemis Foundation, once all papers ready, we will set up the accounts to allow donors to donate directly into the account for the Foundation Charity org. is to help elderly, widows, disabled, orphans, HIV/AIDS to eleviate poverty, poor women, and men, in east africa, Specialy Uganda. which in turn helps them to suport their families and themselves. Al- Haji Idi Amin Dada Alemi Foundation society is to help provide employment to women and men living in the villages in Uganda. all regions, Special Attention to the people of west nile regions were left out, thats where our dad is from. arua, koboko, yumbe, pakwach, paida, rhino camp, nebbi, arivu, maraca, ayivu, madi okolo, moyo,adjumani, and many other districts. porverty is an enomous and complex problem. to properly fight poverty and help build susteinable communities using traditional rulers, village heads and town unions. they make policies that have a direct bearing on poor people, who need them the most. All projects take hard work and faith, we are building an organization in the name of our late, Father, the Former President of Uganda, Al-Haji Idi Amin Dada Alemi. to remember him for his good leadership to his people in Uganda. that hopes to change and, shape the dynamics of the world. our mission in his name, is to allow the people of africa to attain a level of achievement that they might not reach without the Foundation and society. dady we love you, and we missed you. but you will always remains in our hearts forever. our prayers to all family members that are not with us anmore, almighty allah to rest their soul in eternal peace aamin. From Alemi Amonye Junior and Family in Vancouver Western Canada. July, 20, 2007. peace, love,unity
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Arivu sub county in arua district commissioned the first tap water system on sunday. the gravity-flow system covers over 6km, with 13 tap stands. it is expected to serve over 5,000 people yhe senior assistant water engineer, Albert Orijabo, said the project was initiated in 2003 after identifying a safe water catchment area read more. secondly, this a project of trade fair from west africa in senegal. a senegaly family runing the project here in vancouverwestern canada. go to this website. thirdly, the news paper in the gulf. enjoy it. Bravo.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Re Global Voices Online Weblogs Workshop coming. read more. Bravo


Concerning: request for financial support

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Worms Greetings from Primary Health Care Organization Rajshahi Niskrity in Bangladesh . I feel privileged to your honor for active and sympathetic consideration. I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that ours is an organization working at the grassroots for good governance, human rights and good health of the people, particularly disadvantaged groups, indigenous people, women and children. Niskrity also
Working for ecological democracy, environmental protection and prevention of environmental threats.

Bangladesh as a country seriously lacks good governance in the local levels consequently the poor, the distressed and women suffer a lot.
Our organization called Women Liberation and Rehabilitation Society is working since 1986 in 4 Sub- districts of Rajshahi State Bangladesh . We have worked in several activities like. At the same time we need financial support.

Primary Health Care Organization Rajshahi Niskrity in Bangladesh an NGO which depends on funds form donor agencies.

So, please agree this e-mail and give us an opportunity to work with you or if you know any other funding agencies please help us. Looking forward to cooperation from your good offices and a sharp reply.

Best regards

Sincerely yours

S.A.Aziz (M.S.S)
Monitoring Officer
Belder Para , Rajshahi-6100
Bangladesh re: mr. S.A. AZIZ thank you for email: recieve. your request for financial assistence reffered to major International Organizations like OIC Organisation Of Islamic Conference deals with worldwide assisting cases like you mention in your website. as well other organisations too. now, I Added your request in my weblogs that reaches many of these org. their Adresses are in my blogs. put your request directly to them. this the Asvuce From me. the President of Ugandan Muslims Association in bc. Adress: 418, main street. chinatown. P.o.Box 88073, vancouver. western canada. email: salam warahma.


Number of NGOs, charity organizations on the rise
Galal Fakkar | Arab News

JEDDAH: The number of nongovernmental organizations involved in charitable and social activities in the Kingdom has been on the increase, an official of the Ministry of Social Affairs told Arab News yesterday.

“The nonprofit charitable organizations established over the past three years have focused mainly on human rights, eradication of drug addiction, helping women victims of family abuse and divorced women. The organizations also helped sick people and worked for the rehabilitation of those who had given up drugs and tobacco,” Mishwah Al-Hoshan, director of charity organizations at the ministry, said.

Underscoring the emerging positive outlook in the society concerning women, Al-Hoshan added that around 30 percent of the 450 organizations deal with women’s issues.

The ministry also encourages organizations to foray into diverse areas of social service. “The ministry aims at increasing the role of nongovernmental organizations in countering family abuse, cruelty to children, rehabilitation of divorced women, elderly people, the sick and the disabled, autistic children and those who suffer from Alzheimer’s, diabetes and even AIDS, besides setting up societies for writers and artists,” Al-Hoshan said.

The number of societies to help people suffering from various chronic ailments reached 40, the official said.

“The presence of such organizations is a strong index of rising awareness of their social commitment,” he added.

The ministry has been receiving many applications to set up new societies in most cities and towns in the Kingdom, he said.

The latest society to help sick people licensed by the ministry was the Society for Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

The ministry also offers financial and logistic assistance to societies that help the people in various ways.

In a related development, Saleh Al-Turki, president of the Council of Saudi Chambers, who also heads several charitable nongovernmental organizations in Jeddah, said, “The growth in NGO activities in the Kingdom reflects a mature social attitude toward sick, mentally ill, AIDS patients and uncared for women and people released from jails. It also shows that the Saudi organizations have acquired considerable experience over the past years in social work besides developing the ability to interact with local and international changes,” Turki said.

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If] you can eliminate even five percent of the waste in the development business across the donor community, you can save ten billion dollars. Now that ten billion dollars can go to the poor and that is what they should expect of us."

-- J. Brian Atwood, Chairman of the Devex Board of Advisors, speaking on efficiency in development before The National Press Club in Washington, DC, where The Development Executive Group announced the launch of its new website, "All of you can help contribute to this and to the extent that we are a stronger community, to the extent that we are building this thing from the bottom up, to the extent that you are bringing the best people in, making sure that the best companies are getting the contracts, you can eliminate the waste in this business," said Atwood, a former US Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator.

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Managing Asian Cities - ADB

With Asian cities growing by over 100,000 people a day, a major rethink is needed on how cities manage growth because the current approach is no longer economically, environmentally or socially sustainable, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said at the World Cities Summit. Speaking in Singapore, ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda said providing jobs and services for the 1.1 billion people who will move to cities in Asia over the next 20 years is a task of “magnitude never before attempted by humanity." Cities in Asia have populations and economies the size of nation states, Kuroda said in a speech at the conference. “For most major cities in Asia, growth rates are too rapid for their infrastructure to keep up. Each year, there is a $30 billion shortfall in urban infrastructure investments, leading to greater deterioration of existing infrastructure and worsening urban environments." Kuroda cited a new report published by ADB, Managing Asian Cities, which outlines how the region's cities can meet the enormous challenges they face. It says that the technology, money and skills necessary are available, but the current institutional structures needed for coordination, financing and capacity development are inadequate.

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UN, NGO and General News Round-Up

There is reason to seriously question whether the parties to the Darfur conflict are ready to negotiate and make the compromises necessary for a peace deal to end the brutal five-year conflict in western Sudan, Jan Eliasson, the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Darfur, told the Security Council June 24. He said that the environment in the region had deteriorated, despite the persistent efforts of the UN and the African Union to bring the Government and the many splintered rebel groups to the peace table. Meanwhile, UN agencies operating in Darfur are calling for urgent action to avert a potential food crisis this year in the war-wracked Sudanese region resulting from ongoing insecurity, a bad harvest and rising food prices.

Delegates from around 50 nations promised some USD 242 million for projects aimed at strengthening Palestinian police and legal institutions at a conference in the German capital on June 24. Reuters reported German diplomats say donors pledged some USD 242 million in support of projects proposed by the Western-backed government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, surpassing the USD 184 million Berlin said it had hoped to raise. Berlin promised 15 million euros (USD 23.33 million) and Russia said it would provide USD 40 million.

As the UN's Palestinian aid agency UNRWA appeals for USD 445 million for three years of reconstruction and recovery in and around Lebanon's Nahr al-Bared refugee camp, a mixed picture of aid agency coordination has emerged from interviews with key players. Speaking to IRIN ahead of the June 23 donor conference in Vienna, the director of UNRWA affairs in Lebanon, Richard Cook, expressed satisfaction with his agency's emergency response operation. IRIN reported a key issue raised by a number of actors was the level of participation of local Palestinian NGOs in the cluster meetings established to coordinate aid agencies' response to the Nahr al-Bared crisis.

The humanitarian situation in southern Ethiopia is becoming more critical, with increasing malnutrition being reported among young children in the past few weeks, a senior UN official said. "The situation has actually become worse over the last few weeks," the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) representative to Ethiopia, Bjorn Ljungqvist, said. "We saw the number of children requiring therapeutic feeding, including stabilization, increase tremendously." Wolyata, Hadyia, Kembata, Alaba, Guarage, Sidama areas in Southern and West Arsi of the Oromiya region were the worst affected, he added.

About 490,000 Afghans have been deported from Iran over the past 18 months, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and Afghanistan's Ministry of Refugees and Returnees (MoRR) told IRIN. "140,000 undocumented Afghans have been deported so far in 2008, and some 350,000 were deported in 2007," said Salvatore Lombardo, the UNHCR representative in Afghanistan, adding that most of the deportees were "single males" who had gone to Iran in search of work. Abdul Qadir Zazai, chief adviser to the MoRR in Kabul, told IRIN Tehran was continuing to deport Afghans who are not refugees.

The UN World Food Program (WFP) has warned that its relief flights into Myanmar's cyclone-stricken Ayeyarwady Delta could end soon without additional money to keep its 10 helicopters in the air. WFP operates two French-designed Puma helicopters and eight Soviet-era MI-8s, which have been carrying water purification systems, food and other relief supplies to survivors of Cyclone Nargis. But in a 20 June appeal, the agency said it might have to cut the helicopters - which cost about USD 2,000 per hour to fly - without immediate additional funding.

The safe disposal of old mobile phones, computer equipment and ships are among the topics being discussed at a UN Nations meeting on waste management that kicked off June 23 in Bali, Indonesia. The ninth meeting of parties to the 1989 Basel Convention is considering new guidelines for getting rid of phones and other “e-waste" in a way that protects both the environment and human health. Participants at the five-day meeting will look at guidelines proposed by the Basel Convention Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative, which was launched in 2002 and brings mobile phone manufacturers and service providers together with the convention.

IMF, World Bank & IFI Round-Up

World Bank President Robert Zoellick said June 24 the organization is preparing a mechanism to provide more financial aid for poor countries in addition to the ISD 1.2 billion in funds against global food crisis. “We are talking with other countries to build a multilateral fund," Zoellick told the first America-Caribbean Finance Ministerial meeting in Mexico's Cancun. “I have just come back from Russia, which is very (likely) to support us. Now we are going to talk with other organizations to achieve it,'" he added. “The World Bank said it plans to create a new trust to provide poor countries with funds for purchasing food staples and weather the effects of soaring crude prices. Pamela Cox, Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean, said the international agency is asking several countries to pitch in for the new fund but she did not detail the size of the program.

The World Bank is moving ahead with plans to use the weather derivative market as part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce the impact of drought in developing countries. Under a proposal approved recently by its Board of Directors, the World Bank will now offer financial intermediation services to low-income client countries of the International Development Association (IDA), and will add to the range of risk-management tools available to middle-income client countries of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). Malawi is expected to be the first country to take advantage of this new financial product offering from the World Bank.

The World Bank, France and other donors have pledged a total of USD 1.4 billion to development projects, including hydropower dams and irrigation along West Africa's Niger River, a regional organization said. Donors committed funds at a conference in Niger's capital Niamey on Monday organized by the Niger Basin Authority, a nine-country body that promotes development of the eponymous river running through one of the world's poorest regions. The June 23 conference secured pledges including USD 500 million from the World Bank; USD 380 million from France; USD 102 million from the West African Development Bank, USD 146 million from the African Development Bank, and USD 100 million from the Islamic Development Bank.

This year's updated version of the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) compiled by World Bank researchers shows many developing country governments making important gains in control of corruption, and some of them matching rich country performance in overall governance measures. “Some countries are making rapid progress in governance, including in Africa, showing that a measure of ‘Afro-optimism' is called for", said Daniel Kaufmann, co-author of the report and Director of Governance at the World Bank Institute, while acknowledging that the data also shows large variation in performance across countries, and even among neighbors within each continent. This year's study is the seventh update of the WGI, a decade-long effort by the researchers to build and update the most comprehensive cross-country set of governance indicators currently available. The newly released set of the six updated aggregate indicators, as well as data from the underlying sources, are at

Four new projects approved June 24 by the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors has brought the organization's support for innovative development projects in China in the 2008 fiscal year (June 30, 2007 - June 30, 2008) to a total of USD1.513 million. “These four projects are excellent examples of how the World Bank can help China with its environmental and social challenges," said David Dollar, World Bank Country Director for China. “They all pilot new approaches or new technologies that, if successful, can be scaled up and make a large contribution to the quality of life and sustainability of development."

The World Bank Board of Executive Directors June 24 approved a USD 15 million equivalent operation to finance a Transparency and Accountability Capacity Development project (TACD) in Cameroon. The financing package which is an International Development Association (IDA) credit is designed to assist the Government of Cameroon (GoC) to lay solid foundations for a transition to increased budgetary assistance, through strengthening Public Financial Management (PFM).. Many challenges are still ahead for Cameroon to improve the PFM efficiency and transparency and therefore enhance economic growth prospects and reduce poverty.

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Sub-Saharan Africa

Congo (DRC)

Wealthy nations must provide more cash to help the impoverished DRC Congo preserve the world's second biggest tropical forest, its Environment Minister said. Logging and land clearance for farming are eating away the Congo Basin, home to more than a quarter of the world's tropical forests, at the rate of more than 800,000 hectares a year. Environment Minister Jose Endundu told Reuters he wanted to reduce to 15 million hectares, from 20 million, the land attributed to logging companies, but that rich countries must help offset lost revenues and spur development there. (Reuters)


Over a quarter of Ethiopia's HIV/AIDS patients on drugs are not taking their medicine because of logistical problems but also due to religious beliefs, the head of a treatment body said on June 24. Over 40,000 of Ethiopia's 156,360 HIV/AIDS patients on the life-prolonging medication have discontinued treatment "due to problems of transportation to hospitals," said Dr Ygeremu Abebe, the director of the Clinton Foundation in Ethiopia. Some however stopped taking the anti-retroviral medicine on the prompting of religious leaders who encouraged them to take "holy water" instead, he said. (Reuters)


A militia group wielding knives, clubs, machetes and rocks known as the "Arakan Barracks Boys" has gained notoriety in the Ghanaian capital Accra, not as a threat to the peace, but as a defender of it. "I am grateful for their presence," said 68 year old Daniel Awah, an Accra resident, "they put the fear of God into all the criminals in the area." There has been a dramatic drop in criminal activities in the area since the group started patrolling five years ago.. (IRIN)

Ivory Coast

The government of Cote d'Ivoire has promised to inject USD 46 million into rice production over the next four years, with the goal of making the country a net producer of rice by 2012. The input of money into seeds and machinery will create 6,000 new jobs and boost output from 700,000 tons to 900,000 tons, per year moving it closer to its pre-2002 civil war level, the government says. Cote d'Ivoire currently imports 900,000 tons of rice annually at a cost of USD 355 million according to Marc Koffi, an independent agricultural analyst in Abidjan. (IRIN)


Kenya should reverse a decision to grow biofuel crops which will threaten wild life on an important coastal wetland, two conservation groups warned on June 23. More than 80 square miles of the Tana River Delta will be planted with sugarcane, threatening 350 species of birds, lions, elephants, rare sharks and reptiles, Britain's Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) said. The RSPB said the proposal was approved by the Kenyan government's National Environment Management Authority, which it accused of ignoring an environmental assessment that showed irrigation in the area would cause severe drainage of the Delta. (Reuters)


Nigeria has a battalion of around 800 soldiers ready to deploy to Somalia as part of an African Union peacekeeping force and could send more if needed, a military spokesman said June 25. Brigadier General Emeka Onwuamaegbu said one battalion of 750-850 men would travel to Mogadishu as soon as the Nigerian government gave its final approval, to help the AU force support Somalia's U.N.-backed interim government. "For now we have prepared one battalion but we have the capacity to have more than one if the government decides that is what they want," Onwuamaegbu said. (Reuters)


Senegal urgently needs to decontaminate areas in and by the capital, Dakar, where hundreds of people have been exposed to lead poisoning, the UN said. The warning followed a World Health Organization (WHO) investigation into the deaths of a number of children in an area where lead batteries are recycled. It found very high concentrations of the toxic metal both outside and inside homes in Thiaroye Sur Mer town. The WHO said many children showed evidence of neurological damage. (BBC)


Civil society groups in Somalia and aid agencies have called for an end to attacks against their staff, saying such incidents seriously hampered efforts to assist thousands of needy Somalis. "We are appealing to all sides in the Somali conflict to condemn such senseless acts that only harm the people," Abdinasir Ahmed, head of the Peace and Human Rights Network, said on 24 June. The call follows the abduction of two aid workers and the killing of a peace activist in Beletweyne town in Hiiraan region, central Somalia on June 22. (IRIN)

South Africa

Tens of thousands of foreign nationals displaced by South Africa's wave of xenophobic violence have returned to their home countries but those left behind, scared and robbed of every possession, are reluctant to go along with government plans to resettle them into the communities that drove them out. According to the Mozambican national disaster management agency (INGC), over 40,000 Mozambicans had returned by mid June 2008. According to Jeremy Michaels, Western Cape Provincial head of communications, of the 22,000 displaced in the province, some 1,500 had opted for repatriation to various destinations, and around 8,000 were still in the state's "safe sites." (IRIN)


The UN refugee agency has restored 134 primary schools in northern Uganda, allowing thousands of children to return to classes, after the damage and destruction caused by two decades of conflict between Government forces and the rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). UNHCR said some of the restored schools have been rebuilt at their old sites while others have been moved to new sites as peace gradually returns to the north after a series of agreements between the Government and the LRA to end conflict that began in the mid-1980s. (UN News Service)


The African Union should not endorse Zimbabwe's sham presidential runoff election on June 27, Human Rights Watch said June 25. AU leaders should intervene to bring an immediate end to massive state-sponsored human rights abuses and enable democratic reform, HRW said. In the past few days, Robert Mugabe's ruling ZANU-PF has increased its violent attacks on members and supporters of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). Continuing attacks as well as increasing restrictions on campaigning have forced the MDC to withdraw from the elections. ZANU-PF has stated it will go ahead with the elections. (Reuters)

Americas & Caribbean


Natural gas-rich Tarija could become the fourth Bolivian state to declare autonomy from the central government of leftist President Evo Morales in a referendum vote June 22. The measure was expected to pass by a broad majority, just as it has in three other lowland states that have previously held autonomy votes. Morales has called the votes illegal attempts to cripple his government. Tarija is home to 85 percent of Bolivia's natural gas reserves. Tarija and the fellow energy-rich state of Santa Cruz want more local control over their gas revenues, which Morales' central government needs to support poorer regions in the west. Other eastern states are seeking autonomy to protect their farms and ranches from Morales' proposed land reform. (AP)


Brazil's new Environmental Minister Carlos Minc says around 10,000 head of cattle have been impounded on illegally deforested land in the state of Rondonia in the Amazon. Last week, 3,500 head of cattle were impounded in the Amazon state of Para. The minister said the meat from the seized cattle will be distributed to an anti-hunger program. Minc's predecessor resigned last month because of the authorities failure to prevent an increase in deforestation. (Radio Netherlands)


Toronto's homeless women are living in life-threatening conditions, with one in five being sexually assaulted in the past year, according to a report released June 23. A survey of 97 homeless Toronto women released jointly by non-profit community agencies Street Health and Sistering, both of Toronto, found that 37 percent have been physically assaulted in the past year. Twenty-one percent reported being sexually assaulted in the same time period. But 50 percent said they have not been able to access a shelter bed at least once in the part year, leaving them vulnerable to attacks that will likely go unreported. (Reuters)


Ecuador on June 24 opened its first refugee office along the border with Colombia with the support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The new office, located a few kilometers from the Colombian border in the northern city of Lago Agrio, will provide advice to refugees and carry out interviews to decide the eligibility of asylum-seekers who are applying for refugee status. UNHCR, which will support the running of the center for the next year, welcomed the decentralization of the Government Refugee Office as a significant step towards strengthening refugee protection in the country. (UN News Service)

United States

Diseases caused by worms and parasites are draining the health and energy of the poorest Americans, an expert said on June 24. And diseases associated with the developing world, such as dengue fever and Chagas disease, may become a bigger problem for the United States as the climate changes, said Dr. Peter Hotez of George Washington University and the Sabin Vaccine Institute in Washington. "The message is a little tough because they are not killer diseases - they impact on child development, intellectual development, hearing and sometimes even heart disease," Hotez said. (Reuters)


Uruguay may have found an offshore natural gas field holding as much as 3 trillion cubic feet of resources during studies of exploration areas it plans to auction in July 2009, the country's state oil company said. The potential discovery near the mouth of the Rio de la Plata follows seismic tests by the government's Administracion Nacional de Combustibles Alcohol e Portland, or Ancap, Hector de Santa Ana, its exploration and production manager, said in an interview. If confirmed, the find could supply Brazil for close on four years, or meet almost all of the US's winter gas needs. Uruguay wants to open gas fields after falling output led neighboring Argentina to cut exports. (Bloomberg)


Venezuela's youth orchestras and choirs have helped thousands of children resist thug life in some of South America's most violent slums, and now wealthy countries are lining up to emulate the system. Last year, the Los Angeles Philharmonic named Venezuelan conductor and the classical music world's brightest star Gustavo Dudamel, 27, as its next director, shining a spotlight on the remarkable network of music schools in which he was trained. About 300,000 Venezuelan children, many from deprived city barrios, others from distant Amazon towns, now choose violins and trombones over guns and drugs. (Reuters)

Asia & Pacific


Hundreds of families living along the banks of the Padma and other rivers are having to uproot themselves as the powerful waters erode their homes and land from almost under their feet. In Shariatpur, about 145 miles south of the capital, Dhaka, villagers were seen on June 23 fleeing their homes on the banks of Padma, one of dozens of major rivers that meander through the country to the Bay of Bengal. Rivers that offer millions of Bangladeshis a living as fishermen and merchandise carriers also pose a great danger, especially during the monsoon season and the onrush of floodwaters from their source, upstream in India. (Reuters)

Burma (Myanmar)

An estimated 46 percent of families in Myanmar's Ayeyarwady delta have less than two days' worth of food, according to an initial post-disaster assessment. The news underscores the urgent need to bring more food into the region almost eight weeks after Cyclone Nargis ravaged the area, leaving 138,000 people dead or missing. The discovery of significant household food shortages is just one of the crucial early findings of an ongoing assessment of the disaster relief effort by the UN, Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Myanmar government, released on June 24. (IRIN)


The UN-backed tribunal trying Khmer Rouge leaders accused of mass killings and other crimes in Cambodia during the late 1970s, which is expected to soon hold its first trial, said June 24 it needs more than USD 40 million in funds to continue its work through the end of next year. The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia has a shortfall of USD 43.7 million after pledges received so far, the ECCC said in a press release issued in Phnom Penh, the national capital and the seat of the tribunal. This includes USD 37.7 million for the UN component of the budget and USD 6.1 million for the Cambodian component. (UN News Service)


Protests over the controversial transfer of forest land for a popular Hindu pilgrimage have spread in Indian-administered Kashmir. Shops and offices were shut in the city of Srinagar for a second day in a row. There was little traffic on roads. Two civilians were injured when police fired at protesters in Srinagar on June 23. One of them later died. Every year, thousands of Hindus flock to Amarnath cave, considered one of the holiest shrines of the Hindu faith. The protests began after the state government transferred 40 hectares of forest land to the organization which organizes the pilgrimage. (BBC)


Malaysia says tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from the Philippines and Indonesia are to be expelled from the Malaysian part of Borneo. Border security in Borneo will be tightened to prevent new illegal migrants from entering Malaysia. Malaysian Vice-President Najib Razak says talks are going ahead with the Philippine and Indonesian governments on the repatriation of the illegal workers. Malaysia's rich Sabah state in Borneo, with its construction sites and palm oil plantations, is a popular destination for migrants looking for work. (Radio Netherlands)


More than 300,000 people in nine hill districts of far western and mid-western Nepal face a precarious food situation after the crops failed this year due to drought, the UN's World Food Program (WFP) has warned. Although the Himalayan nation is largely dependent on food imported from neighboring India, the local grain output provides vital reserves in many food-deficit districts. However, the crop yield this year has been so poor it has left many without coping mechanisms, according to the UN food agency. (IRIN)

New Zealand

In a historic settlement, the New Zealand government has signed over huge tracts of forest land to the ownership of seven Maori tribes. The USD 319 million agreement transfers ownership of nine forests - covering 435,000 acres of land - in the central North Island. Hundreds of Maori, some in traditional dress, thronged parliament to witness the signing of the accord. The settlement - the largest single deal between the government and Maori tribes - seeks to address grievances dating back to the Waitangi Treaty of 1840. (BBC)


The confirmation of a new polio case, this time in the vast southwestern province of Balochistan, has raised concerns about the current anti-polio campaign. The latest case appeared in a village near the town of Chaman, Killa Abdullah District, along the province's western border with Afghanistan. Afghanistan, like Pakistan, is one of the world's four remaining polio endemic countries, and health officials in Pakistan have complained of transmission of the virus across the border. The National Institute of Health (NIH) in Islamabad confirmed that a two-year-old boy had been infected. (IRIN)


Typhoon Fengshen moved out of the Philippines on June 23 towards China, leaving at least 224 dead, hundreds missing and thousands homeless, according to the Philippine National Red Cross and Office of Civil Defense. The number of fatalities exludes the passengers and crew of the MV Princess of Stars, which sank off Romblon Island in the Visayas. The ferry, bound for Cebu Island, Central Visayas, was carrying more than 800 people. Four bodies were washed ashore, while about 30 survivors were found. The rest remain unaccounted for, according to National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) spokesman Anthony Golez. (IRIN)

Sri Lanka

For more than 20 years Sri Lanka has been grappling with high rates of under-nutrition among children younger than five, according to health experts. "Our surveys indicate that one in every three children [under five] is underweight, leading to stunting and wasting," Phillippe Duamelle, the country representative for the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), told IRIN. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 14 percent of under-fives suffer from acute malnutrition. In areas affected by the long-running war, the figure could be as high as 26-30 percent. The increase has been partially triggered by rapidly rising food prices. (IRIN)

Europe & Central Asia


The government of Afghanistan and UN agencies have agreed to distribute emergency humanitarian relief immediately to thousands of Battle-Affected Persons (BAPs) in Arghandab District, Kandahar Province. Two thousand families are expected to receive food and non-food aid in the initial phase which will start on June 25, aid agencies said. The UN World Food Program (WFP) in Kabul said on June 24 that 234 tons of mixed food items have been delivered to Arghandab District and would be distributed on June 25. (IRIN)


Too many citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina remain displaced from their homes 13 years after the country's war ended, and many of those that have gone back to their villages live in unfinished buildings and lack basic economic opportunities, a United Nations human rights expert said June 20. Walter Kalin, the Secretary-General's Representative on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), wrapped up a week-long visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina by urging the Government and the international community to each step up their efforts to help the displaced and returnees find decent and lasting living conditions. (UN News Service)


Bulgaria, in Europe's most earthquake-prone Balkan region, must act quickly to prepare financially for any major disasters, a World Bank report said. The bank, which is working to set up a catastrophe insurance pool for south-east Europe, has estimated that if a major quake were to hit Bulgaria's capital Sofia, losses could reach USD 5 billion, or about 11 percent of GDP. "Bulgaria is one of the most vulnerable countries to seismic risk in the region and yet insurance penetration for catastrophe risk coverage is very low," Eugene Gurenko, one of the report's authors, told press on June 24. (Reuters)


West African immigrant activists have taken their fight against female genital mutilation (FGM) to France where as many as 50,000 immigrant women a year undergo the procedure, according to the French Institute of Demographic Studies. FGM is practiced in 28 African countries, many of them in West Africa, according to the WHO. Ongoing struggles against the practice, including in some cases passing laws against it, are causing numbers of excisions to diminish across the region. However, some activists say West Africans living abroad are even more likely to put their daughters through the procedure than they would be back home. (IRIN)


Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili forecast economic growth of 11 percent this year, as the former Soviet republic stands up to “provocative" behavior by neighboring Russia. “My conservative estimate would be at least 11 percent" growth after 12.4 percent in 2007, Saakashvili said in an interview. “This year we'll get more investment than last year and it looks like the credit crunch did influence us, but didn't in any way undermine our long-term economic prospects." Saakashvili's outlook for the economy comes amid increased tension with Russia over the breakaway region of Abkhazia. In the past two months, Russia has sent almost 1,000 troops into Abkhazia to bolster its peacekeeping force and established direct economic ties with the region. The UN says Russia also downed an unmanned Georgian spy plane. (Bloomberg)


New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) accused Russian forces June 25of killing civilians as they try to snuff out rebel activity in Ingushetia. HRW said Russia's heavy-handed counter-insurgent tactics were alienating the population and risked destabilizing the whole north Caucasus. "The crimes in Ingushetia, although on a far smaller scale, evoke the thousands of enforced disappearances, killings and torture cases that plagued Chechnya for more than a decade," said Tanya Lokshina, main author of the HRW's 120-page report. HRW said Russian forces killed civilians in anti-rebel raids and beat up young men in police custody in 2007 and 2008. (HRW)


The President of the UN tribunal set up to deal with the worst war crimes committed during the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s has reported Serbia to the Security Council for failing to cooperate with the court. Judge Fausto Pocar of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) informed Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad of the United States, which holds the rotating Council presidency this month, that the Serbian Government had been unwilling to cooperate in the so-called "Milutinovic and others" case. (UN News Service)

Middle East & North Africa


Iranian judicial authorities should guarantee two Kurdish women's rights activists transparent court proceedings when their cases come up for a hearing, Human Rights Watch said June 23. Activist Hana Abdi is appealing a five-year prison sentence, while Ronak Safarzadeh is on trial on charges that could lead to a death sentence. Human Rights Watch urges Iranian authorities to ensure fair and open court proceedings for both women. The government's previously documented patterns raise concern that the officials are prosecuting both women only on the basis of their involvement in Kurdish rights and women's rights activism. (HRW)


Local officials in southern Iraq warned on June 23 that pollution in the marshlands of southern Iraq was responsible for the spread of an unknown disease which had led to the deaths of dozens of cows and buffaloes. "It is a cross between foot and mouth disease and a fever known locally as 'rotten blood bleeding'. Our first guess at an explanation is that the disease is caused by pollutants in the marshlands and the lack of vaccines," said Mohammed Arif Mohammed, a veterinary officer in Dhi Qar Province. Mohammed estimated that 100-300 cows and buffaloes had died as a result of the disease since April. (IRIN)


People rarely talk openly about torture in Lebanon; even the victims are reluctant to speak out, much less seek treatment. But a new center in Beirut is trying to help those who have suffered at the hands of vicious interrogators and ruthless prison guards. Center Nassim, in the eastern part of the city, aims to rehabilitate victims of torture. The idea is to bring everything people may need under one roof. Some of the people who come to the center experienced cruel treatment in detention during the civil war in Lebanon, which ended in 1990. Others say they were tortured much more recently. (BBC)

Palestinian Authority

The Middle East diplomatic Quartet stressed the urgent need for more visible progress on the ground to support ongoing Israeli-Palestinian negotiations aimed at settling their conflict, and voiced hope that the current calm in Gaza will continue. In a statement issued June 24 following their meeting in Berlin, the UN, European Union, Russia and the United States stated that Israel's removal of some major West Bank checkpoints and the opening of Palestinian police stations represent good steps. (UN News Service)

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has arrested 701 people so far this year suspected of belonging to cells that were plotting attacks on economic targets including oil installations, the Interior Ministry said. The suspects were seeking to “make the internal security situation in the kingdom similar to the security case in the unstable regions," the ministry said in a report on the state- run Saudi Press Agency. The conspiracies targeted the kingdom's oil installations, including Yanbu on the Red Sea coast, and in the Eastern Province. The militants were of various nationalities and some had ties with armed groups in Iraq. (Bloomberg)


A team from the UN nuclear watchdog agency arrived in Syria on June 22 to probe allegations that an installation destroyed by Israel last September was a nuclear reactor. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is treating the information received with the seriousness it deserves, said Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei, adding that he looks forward to Syria's full cooperation on the matter. According to the information, provided to the agency in April by the United States, the reactor was not yet operational and no nuclear material had been introduced into it. (UN News Service)


Rights group Amnesty International has accused Tunisia of carrying out illegal detentions and torture under its anti-terrorism policy. The UK-based group said Tunisia's State Security department used torture with impunity against suspects. The report gives accounts by detainees who say they were beaten, deprived of sleep and had bottles and other items inserted into their bodies. Amnesty also criticizes other countries for extraditing suspects to Tunisia. The Tunisian government has not yet responded to the allegations. (BBC)

Development IQ

Know the answer to this week's Development IQ question? Click here to submit your answer.

Kind Cut

THIS WEEK, we note that mobile clinics have been traveling to parts of Kenya to perform an elective surgery - male circumcision - on men and boys from areas were the practice is rarely done in infancy. What is the aim of the program?

The Answer to the Previous Quiz

LAST WEEK, we noted that more than 36 billion grains of rice - enough for 3.75 million meals - were donated to help feed survivors of the Myanmar (Burma) cyclone via an award-winning Internet word game. We asked what was the game, who was its creator, and what similar initiatives he launched.

ANSWER: The game was created by John Breen, a computer programmer from Indiana, who also created, and Breen invented the site, and typed in all 10,000 definitions after watching his son study for the SAT. In exchange for advertisements on the website, various sponsors donate the money necessary to pay for the rice and other costs to run FreeRice. Visitors to the website are presented with a word and four definitions. If a user selects the correct definition, donates 20 grains of rice through the United Nations. Another word is then presented. Special graphics symbolizing 100 and 1,000 grains of rice are displayed on a graphical tally if the player's total reaches these numbers. Various landmarks are represented with different messages of encouragement such as: "You have donated 10,000 grains of rice. Wow! Now THAT is impressive!"

Last Week's Winners

Bill Remington, Jack Evanko, Aya Ahmad, Danna Huang, Renata Hanna, Denise S Vauthier, Clayton Hawkes, Sheila Page, Orazie Slayton, Mai A. Abdullah, Rehana Batool, Jean-Guy Plasse, Paul Kwengwere

PLEASE remember to submit your answers by WEDNESDAY afternoon Washington, D..C. time (EST) following the publication of each new quiz!

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Desired Skills and Qualifications:

- Academic level of M.A. or MBA preferred or equivalent experience required with a focus on business management, economic development, business development, development finance or relevant/equivalent fields preferably from a consulting or advisory practice
- Minimum 10-15 years working in international and/or business development in emerging markets preferably in a consulting practice with a minimum of 5 years in a Senior Management position preferably with change management experience
- Experience in Latin America preferred; relevant experience with both the private and development sectors
- HR Management; a proven track record leading diverse and decentralized teams through change, developing growth and business development strategies and achieving tangible results; able to lead, stimulate, inspire and coach a team of innovative and passionate professionals
- Sales and Marketing; demonstrated success in mobilizing and/or leveraging resources consistent with established targets and objectives from diverse actors and in diverse contexts with effective communications skills and persuasiveness
- Experience working in a bilingual (English & Spanish) environment with sufficient proficiency required
- Communications; inspiring, effective and skilled communicator with great comfort and charisma in external and internal speaking engagements preferably in both English and Spanish (verbally and written)
- Highly skilled in multi-stakeholder engagement, especially with public and private sector actors and engagement in policy discussions at the highest levels of government
- Experience working with multi-lateral and bilateral agencies preferred
- Management; able to lead, stimulate, inspire and coach professionals in a proactive and entrepreneurial development context
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kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from

Muslim World Almanac 2008: An encyclopedic endeavor
Shaheen Nazar |

With the publication of "Muslim World Almanac 2008," a group of individuals based in Makkah and Jeddah has done a remarkable job. Dr. Abdullah Omar Naseef has rightly said in his preface: "Seldom do we come across a comprehensive exposition of our faith and its tradition, together with its authentic and up-to-date portrayal of the geopolitical and socioeconomic conditions in the Muslim world. Here is a response to this challenge, covering, inter alia, the current state of affairs in the Muslim regions, ethnic and demographic composition including the historical turns and twists that characterize our worldwide community. The Makkah-based treatise is indeed a noteworthy attempt."

Indeed, it is. The 900-plus pages almanac of encyclopedic nature contains almost everything about Islam and its followers. It is a mine of information on a community much talked about these days. The post-Sept. 11 world has brought unprecedented focus on Muslims throughout the globe. Starting with their faith to their everyday life, their politics, economy, education and every action (or lack of it) are being scrutinized in the West. That is why all sorts of literature related to Muslims are currently in circulation. But most of the work is done either from the West's own perspective or done without proper knowledge.

The almanac under review has been compiled with all the sincerity that is required for this kind of work. It covers features such as a country-wise panorama, an unobstructed scene, or comprehensive portrayal of different regions of the Muslim world; importance given to human rights and social egalitarianism by Islam; the significance of such an important and widely-misunderstood Islamic institution as jihad, or striving for a right cause; the significance and role of mosques in Muslim community life; the dignity, status and security of women in Islam; terrorism, extremism, sectarianism and other subversive cults and ideologies and the cardinal teachings of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

Based on these features, the almanac has been divided into 14 sections. The first section, which occupies half of the total pages of this volume, contains the profiles of 60 Muslim countries. Detailed information has been provided on each country which gives an idea not only about the present state of affairs in that country but also helps the reader in knowing the historical background of the country. This has been done with the help of standard sub-headings like brief introduction followed by its history (modern and medieval); geography; people (including population, ethnic division, religion, language, birth rate, death rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, literacy); education; government (including country, official name, type of government, capital, administrative division, national holiday or independence day, chief of state, cabinet, legislative branch, judicial branch, political parties and leaders, member of international organizations); economy (including GDP, natural resources, agriculture, major industries, electric power, exports, imports, major trade partners, budget, external debt, currency, monetary conversion rate, labor force); health and nutrition; media and communication (including telephone both landline and mobile, satellite earth stations, radio broadcast stations, radios, TV broadcast stations, TV sets and Internet); transportation (including railroad, highways, airports and waterways); defense (including branches, military manpower and military budget); universities; library and archives; museums and art galleries. The list is comprehensive. The text on each country is supported by pictures of country leaders, important buildings, places and events.

Another section that would be equally useful for a researcher or an objective reader is "Statistical Data: An Analytical Treatise." Two articles - "Demography of Muslim Countries" by Professor Mehtab Karim and "Economic Overview of OIC Countries" by Dr. Akhtar Ali" - give enough food for thought to those who are really interested in knowing the community. The two articles are supported by statistical data covering 127 variables of individual countries such as agriculture, demography, education, energy, exports, health, imports, industry and manufacturing, international finance, labor force, money and prices, national account, public finance, tourism and transportation and communication.

A separate section on Islam deals with various aspects of the faith. Articles by well-known writers are informative and objective in nature. Various Islamic institutions such as zakat, Haj, jihad, mosque and madrasa are discussed. Also, there are articles on human rights and women's rights in Islam. The section also contains eight articles on Islamic banking which is much in demand these days, prompting most Western banking giants to join in.

Profiles of 15 Muslim institutions including Egypt's Al-Azhar, India's Aligarh Muslim University, Darul Uloom Deoband and Islamic Research Foundation, Malaysia's International Islamic University and United States' Islamic Society of North America are given.

The section on science and technology contains four comprehensive articles by eminent writers. Under the title, "Science Park," a detailed list of centers of scientific and technological research in Muslim countries is given. This includes centers in all the Gulf countries including Saudi Arabia and also in Iran, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Nigeria, Tunisia and Turkey. Titles of other articles are self-explanatory: "State of Science in the Muslim World" by Dr. Athar Osama; "Science and Technology - Where do Muslims Stand?" by Dr. Anwar Nasim and Ikram Abbasi and "Seeking Knowledge - An Imperative" by Dr. Habib Siddiqui. A list of Muslim scientists and their contributions is also provided. But this has been taken from the pages of history. The last name in the list is that of Ghiyat Al-Deen Al-Kashani who died in the 15th century. What about modern-day Muslim scientists? There are not many. But one cannot believe that a community numbering more than a billion has not even one worthy of mention!

The same is the case with the section on environment. It contains only one article which gives an Islamic perspective of the subject. But this theoretical article is not supported by information on actions that Muslim countries are taking. Saving our planet from environmental disaster is the biggest concern of today's world. Countries from East to West and from North to South are struggling to do everything possible to preserve ecology. Muslims are part and parcel of this struggle. The Organization of the Islamic Countries (OIC) fully cooperates with the United Nations in all its environmental programs. These facts should have been covered in the almanac.

A separate section is devoted to "Conflicts and Disasters" which contains a chronology of major events from 2002 to 2007. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, changed the world forever. The over-reaction of the United States has vertically divided the whole world. The US-initiated War on Terror has sidelined all issues of concern to humanity and caused misery to Muslims from Afghanistan to Iraq and from the Palestinian territories to Iran. Muslims living in the so-called civilized societies in the West are no exception. Reports of racial profiling have become common. This section traces the trauma and the tragedy that the world faces today. It also covers the internal strife and struggles in Muslim countries. Countries and regions that have been covered, besides Iraq, Afghanistan and the Palestinian territories, are Iran, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Sudan, Kosovo, Syria, Lebanon and Turkey. Besides, a chronology of events between 2002 and 2007 (that includes the whole world) is also given. A separate article on natural disaster such as tsunamis, hurricanes and earthquakes is given which discusses people and regions affected by these disasters during the last five years.

The section "Current Muslim Issues" deals with the plight of Muslim minorities in Myanmar, southern Philippines, southern Thailand and India's Gujarat. Three separate articles on America's Guantanamo, Iraq's Abu Ghraib and Afghanistan's Bagram Air Base remind its readers of the persecution and discrimination that the community faces today.

A special section deals with unresolved issues faced by the Islamic community such as Palestine and Kashmir. An article in chronological order has been given on the fate of over 300,000 Pakistanis stranded in Bangladesh.

This almanac is a massive endeavor for which Editor Saqib Jawaid and Managing Editor Jawaid Anwar Al-Hasan deserve commendation. Their success lies in the fact that they have gathered eminent personalities of Saudi Arabia and beyond for this project. That is why we see in the 13-member Editorial Advisory Board names of former editors in chief of at least three Saudi dailies besides professors and writers based in the US, UK, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. The board is headed by Adil A. Kaki, president, Makkah Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

- The online version of almanac can be accessed at



kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from

Three years of reform and progress
P.K. Abdul Ghafour | Arab News

JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia marks today the third anniversary of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah's ascending to the throne. During the last three years, the Kingdom has achieved unprecedented progress in economic, social, educational, health, agricultural and industrial sectors.

Abdullah, who became king on Aug. 1, 2005, (Jamad Al-Thani 26, 1426), brought about remarkable changes in the administration, realizing the hopes and aspirations of both Saudis and expatriates. He has been successful in enhancing Saudi Arabia's global standing by building strong relations with influential countries and through his balanced policies.

The international energy conference in Jeddah, the launch of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology at Thuwal near Jeddah, the call for an interfaith dialogue between Muslims, Christians, Jews and adherents of other faiths, and the opening of welfare projects worth nearly SR200 billion were some of the king's major achievements last year. He also won the International King Faisal Prize for Service to Islam.

The mega economic cities in Rabigh, Hail, Madinah and Jizan, which are expected to draw SR300 billion investments and create more than a million jobs, are King Abdullah's pet projects.

The king visited different parts of the Kingdom to acquaint himself with the condition of his people and their development needs. He took time to visit many important countries in the East and West to promote economic and political ties.

The king used his meetings with world leaders to mobilize support for Arab and Islamic causes. The Arab peace plan, which was originally proposed by Abdullah when he was crown prince, has won international acclaim.

Like his predecessors, King Abdullah has shown special interest in the care and development of the two holy mosques. He allocated SR10 billion for the expansion of the Grand Mosque in Makkah and the holy sites. A new expansion project is being carried out at the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah at a cost of SR4 billion.

Efforts for the empowerment of women received a shot in the arm during Abdullah's rule. He promoted a culture of dialogue in the country by setting up the King Abdul Aziz Center for National Dialogue, which organized forums to discuss issues related to women, education, labor and reforms.

King Abdullah is a man of mission and great ideals. "Our Islamic method makes it binding on us to spread justice among people without any distinction between strong and weak. All should be given their due rights. We will not keep back anyone's rights and all people are equal. Nobody becomes great except by his actions and none becomes small but by his crime," he said while opening the annual Shoura Council session this year.

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Contribution by Governments


Canada makes the following proposal on the Preamble:

pp(d) "NOTING THAT THE STATES PARTIES TO THE INTERNATIONAL COVENANTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS, the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the International convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families HAVE THE OBLIGATION TO ENSURE THE EQUAL RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES."

pp(j) "Emphasizing the IMPORTANCE OF RECOGNIZING THE VALUED existing and potential contributions made by persons with disabilities to the overall well-being and diversity of their communities, and that the promotion of the full enjoyment by persons with disabilities of their human rights and fundamental freedoms and of full participation by persons with disabilities will result in THEIR ENHANCED SENSE OF BELONGING AND significant advances in the human, social and economic development of [DEL their societies] TO SOCIETY and the eradication of poverty,"

pp(m) Canada would add "AGE" and "SEXUAL ORIENTATION" to the grounds of prohibited discrimination.


Canada on Article 2

Communication includes (DEL oral-aural communication, communication using sign) SPOKEN AND SIGNED languages, DISPLAY OF TEXT, and Braille, and tactile communication, large print, audio, accessible multimedia, PLAIN LANGUAGE, human reader and other augmentative or alternative modes of....

Discrimination on the basis of disability means any distinction, exclusion, or restriction on the basis of disability, INCLUDING A FAILURE TO PROVIDE REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION, which has the purpose or effect...

(DEL National) Laws of general application means laws that apply to society as a whole and which do not DISCRIMINATE AGAINST (DEL differentiate in respect of) persons with disabilities (DEL national laws and procedures of general application and national laws, customs and traditions of general application shall have the same meaning, mutatis mutandis).

Reasonable accommodation means A DUTY TO MAKE necessary and appropriate modifications and adjustments TO THE POINT OF UNDUE HARDSHIP (DEL not imposing a disproportionate burden), where needed in a particular case OR CASES, TO ELIMINATE DISCRIMINATION AND to ensure to persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal....

Universal design and inclusive designmean the design of products, (DEL and) environments, AND PROGRAMS AND SERVICES to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design


Canada proposes the following modification to Article 3:


(c) Delete

(e) Delete


Article 4

(1) Chapeau "States Parties undertake to ensure the full AND EQUAL realization of [DEL all] the human rights and fundamental freedoms [DEL for all persons with disabilities] OF ALL PERSONS without discrimination [DEL of any kind] ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY, and, to this end, undertake: "

(2) With regard to economic, social and cultural rights, each State Party undertakes to take measures to the maximum of its available resources and, where needed, within the framework of international cooperation, with a view to achieving progressively the full realisation of these rights [DEL except where achieving progressively the full realisation of these rights would result in discrimination on the basis of disability]. SUCH RIGHTS SHALL BE REALIZED WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY.

(3) State Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities be consulted and involved on an equal basis with others in all policy making exercises and decision-making processes to enable inter alia due appreciation of the disability dimension in such policies and be afforded an appropriate leading role on issues concerning persons with disabilities." (from IDC proposal for Art.29(c))


Article 8

Canada will propose the following added text to Art. 8(1) in order to reflect the important role of consultation with persons with disabilities and their representative organizations.



Article 12

1. States Parties reaffirm that persons with disabilities have the right to recognition everywhere as persons before the law.

2. States Parties shall recognize that persons with disabilities ENJOY [delete: have] legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all ASPECTS OF LIFE. [DEL: fields, and shall ensure, to the extent possible, that where support is required to exercise [that capacity] [the capacity to act:]]
[DEL paras. (a) and (b)]


3. States Parties shall take all appropriate and effective measures to ensure the equal right of persons with disabilities, INTER ALIA, to own or inherit property, to control their own financial affairs and to have equal access to bank loans, mortgages and other forms of financial credit, and shall ensure that persons with disabilities are not arbitrarily deprived of their property.


Article 13

Canadian proposed language for Article 13, presented Jan. 18 in plenary (to be posted to Enable website please):

States Parties shall TAKE APPROPRIATE LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MEASURES TO ensure effective access to justice for persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others, INCLUDING BY facilitating their effective role THROUGH REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION as direct and indirect participants, including as witnesses, in all legal AND ADMINISTRATIVE proceedings, including AT [DEL the] investigative and other preliminary stages.


Article 18 - Liberty of Movement AND THE RIGHT TO A NATIONALITY (in the event that the titles are retained)

(1) States parties to this Convention shall take effective measures to respect and ensure the rights of persons with disabilities to liberty of movement on an equal basis with others; [DEL including by ensuring that persons with disabilities:]

(2) STATES PARTIES REAFFIRM THAT PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES have the right to acquire a nationality and WILL ENSURE THAT THEY are not deprived of their nationality arbitrarily on the basis of disability, INCLUDING BY ENSURING THAT PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES are not deprived, on the basis of disability, of their ability to possess and utilize documentation of their nationality or other documentation of identification, or to utilize relevant processes such as immigration proceedings [DEL that may be needed to facilitate exercise of the right to liberty of movement]

(3) STATES PARTIES REAFFIRM THAT PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES have the EQUAL right to leave any country, including their own.

(4) STATES PARTIES SHALL TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO ENSURE THAT PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES MAY [DEL or to] utilize [DEL relevant] processes such as CUSTOMS AND immigration proceedings ON AN EQUAL BASIS WITH OTHERS [DEL that may be needed to facilitate exercise of the right to liberty of movement]


Canada makes the following proposal in relation to Art.23:

1(a) ...that persons with disabilities (DEL are not denied) HAVE the equal opportunity to experience their sexuality...

2 (DEL SPs to this Convention shall ensure the rights and responsibilities of persons with disabilities with regard to guardianship,....exist in national legislation) PARENTS AND GUARDIANS WITH DISABILITIES SHOULD NOT BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN LEGAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND OTHER PROCESSES ASSOCIATED WITH PARENTHOOD

3 In THIS DETERMINATION (DEL no case shall a child be separated from parents on the basis of) THE EXISTENCE OF a disability of either the child or one or both of the parents SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED JUSTIFICATION FOR THE SEPARATION A CHILD FROM HIS OR HER PARENTS.


Canada proposes the following text Art. 24(2)(b):

that persons with disabilities can access inclusive, quality, free primary and secondary education ON AN EQUAL BASIS WITH OTHERS (del to
the extent possible) ...



Canada's proposals in respect of Article 27:

Chapeau: "...and shall take other appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realisation of the right to work, INCLUDING FOR THOSE PERSONS WHO ACQUIRE A DISABILITY DURING THE COURSE OF EMPLOYMENT, including measures to:"

"(a) protect through legislation APPLICABLE TO ALL FORMS OF EMPLOYMENT, THE RIGHTS OF persons with disabilities with regard to NON-DISCRIMINATION IN conditions of recruitment, hiring and employment, continuance of employment, career advancement, working conditions, including equal opportunities and equal remuneration for work of equal value, safe and healthy working conditions, INCLUDING PROTECTION FROM HARASSMENT, and the redressing of grievances"

(b), replacing "in accordance with generally applicable national legislation" with "on an equal basis with others".

"new (j) ensure that women with disabilities enjoy their right to work on a basis of equality [DEL and that women and men with disabilities are
protected from sexual or other harassment at the workplace]. States Parties shall TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO PROTECT THE WORKPLACE RIGHTS
[DEL ensure that the needs] of women with disabilities during pregnancy
[DEL are met at the workplace]"


Canada proposes the following amendments to Art.28:

(2) Chapeau - security instead of protection

(2)(a) ...devices and other assistance for disability-related SUPPORTS (DEL needs).

(2)(b) keep text in square brackets, modifying the Aged to Older Persons.

(2)(c) ....from the State (DEL to cover) WITH disability-related expenses including FOR adequate training, counselling, financial assistance and respite care (DEL which should not become a disincentive to develop themselves).



"States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to take part on an equal basis with others in cultural life, and shall take [DEL all] appropriate measures [DEL to ensure that] TO PROMOTE ACCESS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES TO ENJOY:

(a) [DEL Enjoy access to] Cultural materials in all accessible formats;

(b) [DEL Enjoy access to] Television programmes, films, theatre, and other cultural activities, in all accessible formats;

(c) [DEL Enjoy access to places for ] cultural performances or services, such as theatres, museums, cinemas, libraries and tourism services, and, as far as possible, [DEL enjoy access] monuments and sites of national cultural importance.


"WHEN TAKING APPROPRIATE MEASURES UNDER PARAGRAPH (1), States Parties shall [DEL take all appropriate steps to] ensure that laws protecting [intellectual property rights] [copyright and related rights] do not constitute [DEL an unreasonable or] A discriminatory barrier to access by persons with disabilities [DEL to cultural materials] while respecting the provisions of international law."


Canada makes the following proposals for amendment to the facilitator's text on children:

Preamble n(ter) - support EU proposed text.

Article 4(3) "...States Parties shall closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities [delete: and] OR their representative organizations..."

Article 7(4) "STATE PARTIES SHALL UNDERTAKE TO ENSURE THAT every child with A disability [DEL shall have the right to] HAS such measures of protection, assistance and care on the part of his or her family, society.




Article 23(2)ter "Where the immediate family is able to care for a child with disabilities, the rights of a children with disabilities to be and stay with their biological parents.


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Bismilahi Rahmani Rahim. amaa baad. the dua last funeral rites. 40 day larubein
for our late aunty. hajati araba deiya amin are done today in arua tanganyika
village. west nile uganda. I just spoke to baba Hussein Diliga on phone. he
told me over 10 thousand people turn up. the busuness in arua stand still. the
governor of west nile, district commissioners of
arua,koboko,yumbe,moyo,adjumani, former vice president, mustafa Idirisi, Mrs.
Anuna Umari, relatives all over the globes, fellow ugandans in attendence. I on
behalf of my Late, Father, Al-Haji Idi Amin Dada would like to thank those who
attend this ocasion. it shows good spirit of unity. also I thank baba hussein
diliga and his teams to handle such a big crowed & make everythink went as
planed. I managed to buy 2 cows, lambs,rice,cooking oil, beans, white corn
flour, ETC. still more info will follow. awaiting for brther remo to brief me
more. From Mr.&.Mrs. Mariam Majid Amonye Junior & Family. in Vancouver Western
Canada. July.8-2008.



kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from

NGOs urged to name Abdullah for Nobel Peace Prize
P.K. Abdul Ghafour | Arab News

JEDDAH: Saudi citizens and expatriates have commended Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah's efforts to promote world peace and urged international bodies to recommend him for this year's Nobel Peace Prize.

They said the international interfaith conference in Madrid called by King Abdullah would contribute to peaceful coexistence of nations and strengthening world peace.

"King Abdullah called this conference to promote harmony among different faiths," Abdullah Omar Naseef, secretary-general of the World Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief, told Arab News.

"King Abdullah wants people of all faiths to address their common problems and work together for the welfare of humanity," he said.

Naseef said King Abdullah deserved Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to promote world peace and hoped the Nobel Prize Committee would consider him for the award.

Dr. Mohammed Badahdah, assistant secretary-general of World Assembly of Muslim Youth, noted King Abdullah's outstanding efforts for world peace and hoped that international NGOs would recommend the king's name for the Nobel prize.

Abdullah Al-Saihati, a leading businessman in the Eastern Province, called for the conferring of the international peace prize on the king. "Our king deserves more than that," he told Arab News.

Samar Fatany, a radio journalist based in Jeddah, spoke about the significance of the Madrid conference, saying it would promote peaceful coexistence of religions and global peace and create understanding among various faiths. "These are the issues to be addressed in order to have global peace and stability," she added.

Fatany emphasized that King Abdullah should be awarded the Nobel Prize in recognition of his peace efforts. "I hope all peace-lovers would recommend his name for the prestigious prize," she said.

Mohamed Shaker Al-Dahlawi, a senior official at the Ministry of Transport, praised King Abdullah for his efforts to promote peace at regional and global levels.

Abdul Aziz V.K., director of Al-Hayat International School in Jeddah, was all praise for King Abdullah. "When many other world leaders have been engaged in promoting wars and killing people in Iraq and Afghanistan using modern weaponry, King Abdullah tried his best to establish peace all over the world."


Middle East's Leading English Language Daily



kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from

Online document will help women to travel alone
Najah Alosaimi, Arab News

RIYADH: The Kingdom’s Passport Department will soon post an online document that will allow women to travel alone. The document will have to be filled out and cleared by the women’s “mahram” (her guardian under Saudi law). The presentation of this document at the point of embarkation will be enough for women to travel alone.

The decision to implement this online clearance has been taken, but the electronic document is still under examination and technical issues have to be resolved before it could be available to the public, said Abdulrahman Al-Ajlan, spokesman of the Passport Department.

The woman’s mahram will remain the one in authority to issue this online clearance. All the mahram has to do is use the secret code number given to him as a subscriber by the Passport Department to carry out online services, and provide the clearance on the e-document with that number. The woman then has to print the approval and take it with her to the airport before traveling.

Al-Ajlan said this effort to provide an online document corresponds to the Passport Department’s efforts to streamline all services on the Net.

Meanwhile, another source in the department told Arab News that the Passport Department is discussing making the guardian’s approval to issue a passport for the woman sufficient basis for her to travel alone. The source added that this idea was still under discussion with social and regulatory complications being envisaged. The major point of discussion is who will be the mahram when the woman comes of age and marries, is divorced and then marries again.

Under existing law, in order to travel alone whether for medical treatment, education or leisure, a Saudi woman —whatever her age — needs to present an approval document from her guardian that must be issued months in advance by the Passport Department. But some women have expressed difficulties in traveling even when they have the approval. Many told Arab News that despite the law being in force, its application varies from person to person.

Despite the fact that the law permits “older women” to travel on their own, Fowziah, 41, a high school principal, brings her husband to the airport each time to give her permission verbally to leave. She said that her husband was not willing to give her a valid paper for one year that would allow her to travel alone. The law does not specify at what age a woman becomes “older.”

Two sisters Najla’a and Jihan, in their late 20s, related their experience when they went to London for a short course. “My father was out of town and the airport staff refused to accept our 22-year-old brother as guardian who could give us permission to travel,” said Najla’a, who works in the media. “The airport staff insisted that my father go to the nearest police station and send a fax to the airport giving his approval!” she said.

While women have their tales, so do airport staff who have to make difficult decisions. A staff member at King Khalid Airport in Riyadh said that the staff generally went by the letter of the law. He said that he would not allow women to travel unless the approval of her guardian was explicit. “It’s the law and we have to follow it,” he said.

One reason he sticks to the letter of the law is that he was investigated for two of his three years of service because he permitted a married woman to travel with her father when her husband was supposed to be her mahram.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and Talal Bakri, chairman of Family and Youth Affairs at the Shoura Council, said that under the convention, women have equal rights in travel and movement.

He added that the government was trying to reform but that the refusal comes from within society. “Men want to hold on to the power to control women’s lives and this would become difficult if the women were given the right to move or travel alone.”

Many women feel the introduction of the online clearance document is too little. They say the document does not solve the problem as the clearance will still be given by the man. “Not all women will be able to get permission when the man is not convinced or just feels like not giving it,” said Amal Khalifah, a psychiatrist and women’s and children’s activist.

In a related development, the Human Rights Commission will be sending recommendations to the Shoura Council this month, focusing on women’s situation, particularly the complete guardianship and its impact. Human Rights Commission spokesman Zuhair Al-Harithy does not expect major changes regarding women’s travel rules unless guardianship is defined.


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily



kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from

Madrid meet to usher in a new era of dialogue, Cabinet says
P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News

JEDDAH: The Council of Ministers yesterday decided to extend the concession held by US oil giant Chevron in the neutral zone shared with Kuwait. It authorized Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister Ali Al-Naimi to sign the agreement with Chevron.

The concession, which expires in February 2009, is the last remaining oil exploration and production concession in either Saudi Arabia or Kuwait operated by a foreign firm. It covers a 5,000-square-km onshore area of the Divided Zone.

Together with Kuwait Gulf Oil Company, Chevron operates three fields: Wafra, South Umm Gudair and South Fuwaris, with a total production of some 300,000 barrels a day. A fourth field, Humma, is under long-term evaluation for potential development.

The Cabinet meeting, chaired by Crown Prince Sultan, expressed its hope that the international interfaith conference in Madrid, called by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, would usher in a new era of dialogue among religious faiths and cultures to promote world peace. The Cabinet meeting commended King Abdullah’s concern toward the “dangerous challenges” facing the world and his efforts to ward off the danger and bring nations closer by organizing such forums. King Abdullah is scheduled to open the Madrid conference tomorrow in the presence of nearly 200 delegates representing Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and other religions. The Makkah-based Muslim World League is the main organizer of the three-day event.

“The Cabinet expressed its hope that the Madrid conference would serve as a springboard for an effective dialogue among divine religions and cultures,” the Saudi Press Agency said, quoting Economy and Planning Minister and Acting Information Minister Khaled Al-Gosaibi.

The Cabinet hoped that the interfaith dialogue would help reach out to common moral and human values upheld by all religions and cultures.

It also agreed to the Kingdom’s accession to the International Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material. “This convention aims at effective physical protection of nuclear material which is used for peaceful purposes... and combating crimes related to such material,” the Cabinet said, adding that it would be applied to the use, storage and transport of nuclear material on national territory.

The Cabinet ratified the new national strategy for the preservation of biological diversity in the Kingdom.

The Cabinet assigned Prince Sultan ibn Fahd, head of the Youth Welfare Presidency, to sign an agreement with Turkey for promoting cooperation in youth and sports.


Do contact or call Mr.Peter Engels Urgently for further Clarification and Claim of(us$2,000:000.00)won in the Euromillion 2008 promotion. Held on the 19th of July 2008 in Spain.Tele:0034-634074293 Winning Informations i)Loteria Number 43855-32703 re: any awards, or charity donations, forward it directly to UMAIBC Accounts via paypal. check the website: no need for me to contact anyone again. from the president of UMAIBC. Majid Amonye & Family. July. 20-2008.


Based on Astronomy, Muslims will begin firsting on september, 1st, 2008. worldwide. start budgeting saving for the holy month of ramadhan. also muslims nations to assists the vulnerable muslims where ever they are in order for every muslims to fast. especialy in the poor countries, including africa, for example uganda, arua, koboko, moyo,adjumani, gulu, kitgum, lira, soroti,mbale, tororo, busia, igangga, magaga, jinja, kampala, kibuly surbub, kawempe, naguru, bwaise, bombo, wobulenzi, luwero, kigumba, masindi port, masindi town, hoima, port portal, kasese, katwe, kilembe, busenyi, bukonjo, renzururu, mbarara, kabale, masaka, impigi, entebbe. ETC. moroto. enjoy it. bravo. re: I the President of Ugandan Muslims Association in Bc is Appealing to Fellow muslims in canada, as well around the globe. send us finacial assistence for to rent a big hall for the period of ramadhan in september, tarawe sallah, jumua prayers, as 5 daily prayers. also some money to assists those in hardships here in canada, also to africa to let every muslims to fast. contact me, in the this Address: 418 main street. chinatown. P.o.Box 88073 vancouver postal. code. V6A 4A4 BC UMAIBC website: email. From the President of UMAIBC. Majid Amonye Junior & Family. salam warahma. July.20-2008.


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily


Hello, Majid Amonye.

kadara kursum amonye. is suggesting the following article from

Interfaith meet will serve cause of peace: Kingdom
Arab News

JEDDAH: The Council of Ministers yesterday underscored the tremendous global response to last week’s interfaith conference in Madrid and said it was an affirmation of the world’s desire to uphold common human values for the promotion of peace and stability.

The Cabinet meeting, chaired by Crown Prince Sultan, commended Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah for taking the initiative to organize the World Conference on Dialogue in the Spanish capital from July 16 to 18. The Cabinet referred to the king’s keynote speech at the conference’s opening session that emphasized that Islam is a moderate and tolerant religion and called for a constructive dialogue between followers of different faiths.

The Cabinet meeting praised the Madrid Declaration and hoped its objectives would serve all humanity and contribute to peaceful coexistence.

The Cabinet also discussed the resolutions adopted at a meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo, supporting Sudan in challenging the decision of the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor and rejecting efforts to politicize the principles of international justice and use it for disparaging the sovereignty of nations.

The meeting ratified a protocol for protecting the marine environment of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden from activities on land and another for the preservation of biological diversity and the establishment of a network of reserves there.

The Cabinet allowed the National Gas and Industrialization Co. to continue the distribution and marketing of gas and its products in the Kingdom for five years from May 19, 2008. However, it emphasized that the company should provide the service in all regions including areas that are not commercially viable. re. thanks kadara amonye. message recieve and forwarded. majid amonye. love.


Added: Tuesday, 5 August, 2008, 16:31 GMT 17:31 UK

I think that since the launch of the "war on terrorism" (which really seems to be the war on Islam) many African countries have adopted worries and prejudices that they should not conern themselves with. How many countries now have some sort of terrorism Act that they wouldn't've considered pre-America vs MiddleEast. Look at countries like Ghana and most West African countries, they have Christians, Muslims and traditionalists - all have lived side by side, but now people judge Muslims unfairly.

Charlene Bello, London, United Kingdom


Added: Tuesday, 5 August, 2008, 14:38 GMT 15:38 UK

Idon't think Africa has such undefined so called terrorist problems. It is the ideological fight between the west and the Arab Muslim. Though I should point out that might be a threat for western interest spots and some African leaders who are directly work with western governments. As for Africa I don't think any African country tried to promote it's culture, believes, and politics over seas that could lead to animosity with others. It’s all about religious ideology.

Yonas Nemenra, Vancouver

Recommended by 0 people


Uganda and rest of the world will remember & mourn the Late. President of the
republic of Uganda. Al- Haji Iddi Amin dada. saturday august.16-2008. he died
aug. 15-2003 and buried aug. 16-2003 in Jeddah. the saudi autharity did not
anounce the day he died for security reason. the anouncement was made aug.16-
2008.and thats the day my father was burried. the programe will start on friday
aug.15-2008. at Jumuah Prayers in all Masjid/Mosque make dua for
him then on saturday. aug.16-08. we invites ugandans at his house in arua
tanganyika village. funeral lunchon. the events will be sponsored by UMAIBC.
and myself.the president of uganda muslims association in bc. Majid Amonye
Junior also here in vancouver canada. we will organize dinner all ugandans
community in bc are invited at my house. time 4pm. in uganda the invited guest.
this time will be the president museveni and his family. the governor of west
nile, district commissioners in arua,koboko,yumbe,moyo,adjumani,gulu,lira,mama
miria obote,the former vice president, mustefa Idirisi, Lt. General. Moses Ali,
the sheik mufti uganda mubajje, the bishop orombi, Mrs. Anuna Umari the
organiser on the women side. Baba Hussein Diliga and Brother Jaffar Remo will
welcome the invited guest, as well to mobilise the volunteers. [RSVP]Major
General. brother taban Idoru will provide security. more will follow. From
Majid Amonye in Vancouver. Western Canada. August.10=2008. salam warahma.
contact me at who ever wanted to donate rise,cooking oil,
flour, onion, money, contact baba huseein diliga & brother Jaffar Remo in arua.
remo I will send you our contrbution to buy cow & other necesities in two days.

August 10, 2008 1:54 PM


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily



kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
Color in all creation
Commentary by Sayyid Qutb

In the Name of God, the Lord of Grace, the Ever Merciful
Are you not aware that God sends down water from the skies, with which We bring forth fruits of different colors? In the mountains there are streaks of white and red of various shades, as well as others jet-black. Similarly, human beings, beasts and cattle have various colors. It is those who are endowed with knowledge that stand truly in awe of God. Indeed God is Almighty, Much-Forgiving. (The Originator, Fatir, 35: 27-28)
These two Verses begin a new passage composed of readings from the book of the universe and the revealed book. We look at the wonderful pages of this book: Its great variety of colors, species and kinds; fruits of every color; mountains with colorful passages, as also people, animals and cattle of different hues. It is a highly effective touch, drawing our attention to the wonderful and natural world of color that we tend to overlook.
The passage adds readings from God’s revealed book, confirming the truth it contains and an endorsement of what had gone before it of revelations. It speaks about how this book has been granted to the Muslim community as its rightful legacy, making it clear that the heirs are of different classes, but that they all expect to receive God’s pardon and forgiveness of sins. An image of their enjoyment of God’s favors in the life to come is painted to contrast with an image of what punishment awaits the unbelievers. This round, rich in color, is concluded by a statement that all takes place in accordance with God’s knowledge.
“Are you not aware that God sends down water from the skies, with which We bring forth fruits of different colors? In the mountains there are streaks of white and red of various shades, as well as others jet-black. Similarly, human beings, beasts and cattle have various colors. It is those who are endowed with knowledge that stand truly in awe of God. Indeed God is Almighty, Much-Forgiving.” This is a remarkable touch confirming the source of the Qur’an. It looks at the entire world with a special focus on color, pointing out its great variety in fruits, mountains, people, animals and cattle. It only takes a few words to group together animate and inanimate objects throughout the Earth, leaving us in full amazement at this wonderful exhibition.
It all begins with water being sent down from the skies, and the fruits that it brings forth with their rich variety of hue. Because the exhibition intended here concentrates on visual imagery, the only quality given to the fruits is their color: “We bring forth fruits of different colors.” The colors of these fruits combine a grading that cannot be reproduced, even partially, by any painter. No two types of fruits are of the same color. In fact, no two pieces of the same type of fruit are identical in color. Good scrutiny will reveal variation even on such a scale.
The Surah then switches, almost suddenly, to refer to the colors of mountains. A close palette study, however, shows that this is a perfectly natural switch. There is a close similarity between the richness of color in fruits and its richness in mountain rocks. Some rocks may even resemble fruit both in shape and in size, so that they can sometimes be mistaken for fruit.
“In the mountains there are streaks of white and red of various shades, as well as others jet-black.” The “streaks” refer to lines and courses in mountains. The text here refers to a fine point: The white lines contain different shades of whiteness, while the red ones contain different red shades, and both differ in the richness of color and in the mix of other colors that give them their special appeal. There are other streaks of very black color.
The switch to this color diversity in rocks, after having highlighted such diversity in fruits has a profound effect. It alerts in us a refined aesthetic sense, which sees beauty in a rock just as it appreciates it in a fruit, despite the great difference between the two in nature and function. In this way we are reminded to better appreciate our surroundings, not least their aesthetic beauty.
The Surah also mentions people’s colors, which are not limited to the major categories that distinguish different racial groups. Indeed every human being has a distinctive color separating him or her from the rest of their race. Indeed, it distinguishes each twin from the other. The same applies to animals and cattle. Cattle, which include camels, cows, sheep and goats, are mentioned as a separate category of fauna because they are much closer to man. They also demonstrate a similarly great diversity of color.
The universe is thus shown as a splendidly colorful book, which the Qur’an opens and looks through. It then says that scholars who read, appreciate and comprehend this book are the ones who have a true God-fearing sense: “It is those who are endowed with knowledge that stand truly in awe of God.”
The universe is a superb book of which the Surah has shown but a few pages. It takes a good measure of knowledge to appreciate this wonderful book and to get to truly know God through His creation and power. People who do so realize the measure of His greatness by appreciating His work.
Therefore, they are truly God-fearing, and they worship Him in true submission. This is not the result of a mysterious feeling that we sometimes experience when we look at a splendid natural scene; rather, it is the product of true and direct knowledge. The pages of this universal book that the Surah has shown are only a sample.
The great diversity of color it has mentioned serves only as an indicator of the great variety and meticulous harmony available everywhere in the universe. It can, however, only be appreciated by people endowed with knowledge and by those who feel the value of their knowledge deep in their hearts, and who do not leave it in a cold, dry academic corner.

Send instant messages to your online friends


Majid Alemi Junior.

You will be very welcome to your father's home.

Meet your father's people and get to know them.

in this family you do not need dossiers to know who is who, we know each and
every one strengths and weaknesses, we have watched each other grow from ages 1 through to +40 years.

I have three E.mails and i send to all for record purposes, feel free to send to any of the following:

Moreover the prayer Dua was very resounding.

Marriam $ Akram Nika,Which you sanctioned and Financed and which was supervised by Baba Diliga ; she believes that Marriam is under age and married a man over 70 years.

Tell her Akram (The Bride Groom) is in his 20s and Mzee Muhammad Fataki of Gulumbi his father is the one who is over 70 years old.

Please explain to her she should fight one fight at a time innocent 70 years old man... remember All issues to do with leadership of Mzee Amin Dada's homestead is with Mubarak Amule and he was present at the marriage of Marriam and Akram , two consenting Adults.

One morning after on 16th August 2008 and the peaceful atmosphere created by your financed dua on 16th August 2008

Today we have a lady approaching 50 years (She was born on Uhuru day

Do not Forget Baba Doka Bai in all you do that is all i wanted to tell you when you called on 14th August 2008

Zaitun Kaday also attended the Dua. at least we were three in attendance.


Quoting Remo Alemi Dada :remo your message recieve. & thanks. at present I have nothing much to write. when the right time comes you will se me in arua. it is good you mention you spend more time praying,
brother, Majid Amonye Junior& Family. salam warahma. Fatiyah.>
8/11/08, majid alemi junior wrote Date: Monday, August 11, 2008, 8:55 AM Quoting Remo Alemi Dada re: thanks remo. I would like to thank baba hussein diliga & the volunters who this ocassion posible. over 500 people including former army officers, soldiers under Idi Amin Dada, plus the entire people around arua, koboko, in all 4 regions attended the event of remembering & mourn the late, mze baba. Al-Haji Idi Amin Dada on saturday 16-2008 at his house in arua tanganyika village. From his elder & first born son. Majid Alemi Junior & Family in Vancouver, Western canada. we also thank those who attended the same ocassion in our house yesterday here in vancouver. may almighty allah keep his soul in janaah. aamin.Fatiyah. re: anyhow lets continue ahead with dua as schedule saturday.aug. > 16th 08. also from now on, of our late. father amonyes date of death are day. 16th> month. > aug.year.2003. secondly, thirdly, concerning baba hussein diliga, it was our father> told > me always to keep and deal with him in any accassion in the family. during> your> > wedding, baba diliga was there for you brother remo. lets co operate. thedua> > will go ahead. you people work as a team. report to me the progress. I did talk with baba diliga he is preparing dua on saturday.16. 2008. at mze babas> house. > Majid Amonye. FATIYAH.> > To All > > > > > --- On Sun, 8/10/08 Subject: Re: uganda to remember the late president Idi Amin dada onaug> > 16-2008> Date: Sunday, August 10, 2008, 7:15 PM> > > > Quoting> > > > > > > > Uganda and rest of the world will remember & mourn the Late.> President> > of the> > > > > > republic of Uganda. Al- Haji Iddi Amin dada. saturdayaugust.16-2008.> he> > died> > > > > > aug. 16-2003 and buried aug. 16-2003 in Jeddah. Saudi Arabia. the programe
willstart> on> > > friday > > > aug.15-2008. at Jumuah Prayers in all Masjid/Mosque worldwide.tomake> dua> > for> > > > > > him then on saturday. aug.16-08. we invites ugandans at hishouse in> arua > > > tanganyika village. funeral lunchon. the events will besponsored by> > UMAIBC.> > > > > > and myself.the president of uganda muslims association in bc.Majid> Amonye> > > > > Junior also here in vancouver canada. we will organize dinnerall> ugandans> > > > > community in bc are invited at my house. time 4pm. in uganda the> invited> > > guest. > > > this time will be the president museveni and his family. thegovernor> of> > west> > > > > > nile, district
commissioners in> > > arua,koboko,yumbe,moyo,adjumani,gulu,lira,mama > > > miria obote,the former vice president, mustefa Idirisi, Lt.General.> Moses> > > Ali, > > > the sheik mufti uganda mubajje, the bishop orombi, Mrs. AnunaUmari> the > > > organiser on the women side. Baba Hussein Diliga and BrotherJaffar> Remo> > will> > > > > > welcome the invited guest, as well to mobilise the volunteers.> [RSVP]Major> > > > > General. brother taban Idoru will provide security. more willfollow.> From> > > > > Majid Amonye in Vancouver. Western Canada. August.10=2008. salam> warahma. > > > > > contact me at who ever wanted to donate> rice,cooking> > oil,> > > > > > flour, onion,
money, contact baba huseein diliga & brotherJaffar> Remo> > in> > > arua. > > > remo I will send you our contrbution to buy cow & other> necesities in> > two> > > days.> > > > > > August 10, 2008 1:54 PM>


Dear kadara kursum
Letting Go
Whatever has happened is the past. Do not think about the past. Learn from whatever has happened in the past and be cautious in the future. The past belongs to the past. Let me let go of it, because it does not belong to me.


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily


Hello, Majid Alemi Junior.

kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
Editorial: Sporting prowess
20 August 2008

WITH just four days to go before the Beijing Olympics end, it is already clear that China, alongside the US, is now one of the world’s leading sporting nations. It has so far won more gold medals than any other country although the US has won more medals.
The idea that it is to be expected that countries with massive populations should win more medals than small ones may seem logical but in that case, India should have won medals in abundance. It has won only one and although Abhinav Bindra is understandably now a national hero, the fact is that population size bears no relationship to sporting prowess. Further proof of that is seen in the fact that until yesterday at least, third and fourth places in the ranking for gold medals in Beijing were held by the UK (15) and Australia (11).
Compare that to the days before the collapse of communism, when the former Soviet Union and its satellite nations in Eastern Europe scooped up medals by the bucketload. In 1988 in Seoul, the last Olympics before the Soviet Union collapsed, it led the field winning 132 medals of which 55 were gold; East Germany came second with 37 gold out 102 medals. Hungary won 11 gold, Bulgaria 10 and Romania seven. At those same Olympics the UK won five gold and Australia only three. In Beijing, Russia has so far won a mere 10 gold medals and together with the other countries of the former Soviet Union, the tally is 17 while the united Germany has won 11 gold, Bulgaria one and Hungary none at all. There is still time to win more, but the overall decline compared to the past is not going to be arrested. There is a reason for the success presently enjoyed by China, the UK and Australia and the decline of Russia and other former Communist countries. It is the same reason why the US continues to perform well and why countries such as France, Spain and Canada which achieved great success at earlier Olympics now languish in the doldrums. That reason is investment. Like China today, the old Communist countries used to invest heavily in sport, sending their promising young athletes to specialist academies. They no longer do so, and the consequences are plain to see.
For their part, the Americans have always paid great attention in colleges and universities to cultivating their sportsmen and women and it continues to pay off. As for the British and the Australians, both took a deliberate decision to foster sports and athletics — the Australians first, with the Australian Institute of Sport, spurred on by the humiliation of the 1976 Montreal Games when it failed to win any gold and only one silver.. The British copied a couple of decades later, setting up national sports centers and colleges and investing hundreds of million of pounds in a wide variety of sports. That investment has clearly paid off.
There is lesson here for other countries, not least Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, whose performance at the Olympics has been — it has to be faced — miserable. There are some 340 Arab participants at the Games, about 30 more than the British delegation and 10 fewer than the Japanese team which so far has won eight gold medals. Arab competitors have won so far a total of two gold, one silver and three bronzes. In any competition, someone has to lose. But time after time?
The authorities here are committed to investing in education for the future, to ensure a pool of skilled excellence on which the economy can grow and diversify economy. Billions of riyals are being spent on new universities and colleges — but what about sporting achievements? Sport is important to any nation and Saudi Arabia is no exception. Saudi Arabia can afford to invest in sports academies. It should do so. It can become the center of Arab sporting excellence. There are a lot of enthusiastic youngsters to draw from. If it were to make a commitment now, there is every chance that, if not in four years’ time at the 2012 London Olympics then in 2016, Saudis would be picking up gold.


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily


Hello, Majid Alemi Junior & Family.

kadara kursum Alemi is suggesting the following article from
MTV ‘Knows Best’ how to keep the dignity of Ramadan
Arab News

JEDDAH: Out of respect for Ramadan, MTV Arabia announced yesterday it would stop airing music and music videos during the holy month. Instead it will focus on other programming, such as celebrity news and a new reality program called “Hogan Knows Best,” featuring the admitted steroid-using ex-professional wrestler Hulk Hogan. The channel, which was launched in November, announced it would also stop broadcasting during Maghrib prayer calls throughout the month. Samr Al-Marzoogi, manager of MTV Arabia, said that the aim is to give their viewers an opportunity to focus on the spirituality of Ramadan. “Catering to viewers’ needs we understand that the Arabic viewer desires to spend the month of Ramadan fasting among family members to benefit from the greatness and spiritual of the holy month,” he said. MTV will resume its locally catered programs after Ramadan.


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily



kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
The passion of ‘purple people’
Roger Harrison I Arab News

JEDDAH: Jeddah’s Corniche, early in the first week of Ramadan was remarkable not for what it had, but for what was missing. The festivities of the previous night, when families broke fast and stayed on to catch the sea breeze, has in previous years resulted in the Corniche covered with rubbish and discarded food in the following dawn’s early light.
The Al-Hamra beach had obviously received the same attention. A few people were taking advantage of the morning calm and snoozing on the sand which was clean and virtually completely litter free. Schools of small fish shimmered into the shallows and visiting birds, both waders and divers, took advantage of the free feast for a quick breakfast.
The “Purple People”, unsung heroes of the night-soil community, have worked wonders this year. At 6.30 a.m., normally an hour in Ramadan when only devoted insomniacs and photographers are awake, the Corniche was spotless. It was hard to find even a small piece of litter. Itinerant cats and unruly crows scoured the littoral for scraps with singular lack of success, often competing for tiny tid-bits that seemed hardly worth the effort of the tussle.
Even more amazing for the long-time observer of the early morning Corniche, the smart purple waste bins that stood on the sidewalk were empty, the litter-bins freshly stocked with black bags some already filling with the new days complement of litter and evidence of the paved areas having been washed.
The night-elves responsible for this, all dressed in their purple cover-alls, were at this early hour near the end of their duties. Quietly strolling the length of their overlapping and pre-determined patches of responsibility, the most they had to do in the run-down into the coming day was flick the occasional cigarette-butt into a virtually empty pan with a casual skill born of long practice. Clearly they had been at work through the night; the result was, to say the least, impressive.
All credit to them too; theirs is a job seen by many as beneath them. Imported by the thousands and paid a pitifully small wage, these people, the cleaners up of wealthier people’s waste, are the first line of defense in public health. By removing the source of food, they reduce the rat, feral cat and crow populations. This in turn reduces the likelihood of animal-borne diseases — the zoonotic diseases — that can jump from animals to humans: The plague and avian flu are but two. There are many more.
With the small income they earn from others excesses and discarded food, they in turn eat. “Nobody has ever eaten a better meal than one which he has earned with his own hands” (Sahih Bukhari).
Not everyone spurns menial work. A young Saudi in Yanbu, a very religious young man, was spotted sweeping the floor of a factory with great vim. Asked whether he minded his menial current occupation he looked confused. “Why should I mind?” he asked. “All halal work is good work.” The spirit is still alive for certain but not highly visible.
It seems that someone somewhere has finally been moved to organize a Corniche cleaning crew who continue that young man’s contribution to public health and the comfort of their employers and thousands more. Well done indeed; that’s one half of the equation. It makes a deal of difference to strollers, early morning visitors and community health to have a clean public area in which to sit and enjoy the sea or take a quick nap.
Now let’s address the other half of the equation; perhaps it might be better if the litter never arrived in the first place? Can we see a ‘take your litter home’ campaign or at least a ‘put your litter in the bin’ soon please? It took two generations of a ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ campaign to get the message through — traditions change slowly. But the longest journey starts with a single step — and this first step has made an impressive improvement on the environment, the journey just as to be worthwhile.


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily


Hello, Abdulmajid Alemi Junior,& Family. in Vancouver, Western Canada.

kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
‘Helping disabled religious duty’
Arab News

JEDDAH: Crown Prince Sultan announced an annual contribution of SR10 million to the Prince Salman Center for Disability Research (PSCDR) and urged businessmen and philanthropists to support the center’s humanitarian activities. “Every effort in the service of the handicapped will be recorded in golden letters,” he said.
Addressing a meeting of the founders of Prince Salman Association for Disability Research at Abdul Maqsud Khoja's residence here on Tuesday night, Prince Sultan, who is the association’s honorary chairman, commended Riyadh Gov. Prince Salman’s charitable activities. “He is a man of many virtues and a valuable asset to the country,” the crown prince said of the governor.
In his speech, Prince Sultan called for greater efforts to increase the welfare of the handicapped, saying: “It is our religious duty.” He urged people to spend their money in the work of God without expecting any material benefits or thanks.
“In appreciation of the center’s humanitarian activities, I would like to announce a contribution of SR10 million and this amount will be an annual contribution from me to the center,” he said.
Prince Sultan arrived accompanied by Prince Salman and Prince Faisal bin Sultan, secretary-general of the Prince Sultan Charitable Foundation. He was greeted on arrival by Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, Prince Sultan bin Salman, chairman of the association, and Khoja, a founding member.
In his welcome address, Khoja thanked Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah and Prince Sultan for their continuous support to the organization. The meeting also witnessed the signing of agreements with the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Saudi Credit Bank and King Abdulaziz City of Science and Technology.
The crown prince also launched the interactive website of the center’s family village that was set up with the financial support of the IDB. The new agreements with the IDB and the Saudi Credit Bank were aimed at securing SR150 million to finance small-scale projects related to the handicapped during the next five years.
Earlier, Prince Sultan bin Salman signed 10 separate accords for the Prince Salman Center for Disability Research. “These agreements are aimed at reaching out to the international community in a spirit of collaboration and help us achieve our goals to serve disability research,” the prince told reporters.
Prince Sultan bin Salman thanked the crown prince for his generous contribution and said it would boost the center’s research works. “Prince Sultan’s donation will be set aside for an annual research program named after him,” he added. He hoped that the number of the association’s founders would reach 200 by 2010.
The Prince Salman Center for Disability Research was established 15 years ago. The center has conducted research and many studies concerning disabilities.


vittorio foundation has just granted you a cash of $450,000.00 USD contact Mr. Adolfo for more information on your grant
Re: all lagitimate grants,donation to UMAIBC or me should be directly send UMAIBC Accounts set via paypal. visit UMAIBC website for more details. no need for me again to contact anyone. the presidnet of UMAIBC. Majid Alemi Junior.


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily


Hello, Majid Amonye Junior & Family.

kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
OIC, GCC sign accord — The pact aims at promoting political and economic cooperation
P.K. Abdul Ghafour I Arab News

JEDDAH: The 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference, which is the world's largest Muslim organization, signed a landmark agreement on Monday with the Gulf Cooperation Council to strengthen political, economic and cultural cooperation.
“The agreement will usher in a new era in the historic relations between the two organizations,” said Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary-general of the OIC, after signing the pact with his GCC counterpart Abdul Rahman Al-Attiyah.
“We are proud to have reached this important agreement,” Ihsanoglu said, adding that it would promote cooperation between the two strategic organizations in various fields.
The OIC secretary-general said the agreement would promote coordination between the two bodies on major issues of mutual concern. “It will also contribute immensely toward realizing their mutual objectives,” he said.
Speaking about the significance of the agreement, Ihsanoglu said both organizations would benefit from the experience and expertise of one another. He said the GCC has made significant progress in recent years. “We’ll certainly benefit from its achievements.”
Al-Attiyah praised the OIC secretary-general for taking the initiative to sign the agreement. He also commended the OIC’s efforts in the service of Islamic causes. “This agreement will strengthen joint Islamic action by the two organizations,” he added.
The GCC chief said the two organizations would work together to realize the hopes and aspirations of their peoples. “We’ll always support OIC’s activities,” he said.
Muhammad bin Ahmed Tayeb, director general of the Saudi Foreign Ministry’s regional office, attended the signing ceremony that was held at Ihsanoglu’s residence. He welcomed the accord between the two major organizations. “Saudi Arabia supports and encourages such agreements in order to boost relations between Muslim countries,” Tayeb said.
“The agreement aims to enhance relations between members of the two organizations at bilateral and multilateral levels,” the OIC said in a statement.
The OIC and GCC will work together to achieve moral and material progress of their member countries as well as to protect and develop their mutual interests. They will also work together to combat terrorism, colonialism, racism and all types of exploitation.
The statement said the two organizations would cooperate in areas of mutual interest including political, cultural, information, economic, social and environment fields.
According to the agreement, both organizations will invite the other to take part in its meetings. The general secretariats of the two organizations have been authorized to implement the accord after consulting each other. They will also set up joint panels to discuss important issues.


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily


Hello, Majid Alemi Junior & Family.

kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
King attends funeral prayer
Arab News

JEDDAH: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah and Crown Prince Sultan yesterday attended funeral prayers for Princess Lulwa bint Abdul Aziz at the Grand Mosque in Makkah, along with a large number of princes and citizens including Interior Minister Prince Naif and Riyadh Gov. Prince Salman. The king later received condolences from princes, senior officials and other citizens on the death of the princess. Prince Sultan will receive condolences at his palace in Khalediya at 10 p.m. today and tomorrow, the Saudi Press Agency said. Re: sad to learn about the death of Late. Princess Lulwa Bint Abdulaziz. on behalf of our late. father, al- haji Iddi Amin dada. I send a condolence to late.princess lulwas family. may almighty allah rest her soul in eternal peace. aamin. From elder son of Al-haji Iddi Amin dada. the President of UMAIBC. Majid Alemi Junior,& Family. in Vancouver, Western Canada. INNA LILAHI WAA INNA ILEIHI RAJUUN.


Written by Robert Mugagga
Wednesday, 17 September 2008 16:42
Former president, Idi Amin’s sons are embroiled in a wrangle over proceeds from the property of their late father. One of the sons, Moga Amin, who lives in Jeddah, the capital of Saudi Arabia together with his mother, Madina Amin, has accused his brother, Taban, of falsely claiming to be heir to the former president.

“Taban Amin is taking Ugandans for a ride, claiming to be Amin’s heir and leader of all the children yet no one has ever appointed him. Shortly before he died, our father summoned us and categorically made it clear that we were all equal and that no one should come up and claim to be his heir or the leader of others,” he said on phone from Jeddah.
He claimed that his father’s property includes houses in Kololo, Nakasero and Mbuya that are being occupied by the Ministry of Defence. He also mentions a house on plot 10/12, Prince Charles Avenue in Kololo which Amin reportedly bought for Madina.
The property is however the subject of a court case, with Amin’s family claiming compensation, Moga said. The case has dragged on at the High Court for more than three years.
Moga said that a case filed by the family to recover the property occupied by the Ministry of Defence has dragged on in court for several years.
He claims that his brother, Taban Amin, who has since joined the state spy network, wants the money to be paid to him so that he distributes it to the rest of the family members—a suggestion that has been rejected by the other beneficiaries.

At the time of his death in Jeddah on August 15 2003, the former president had 40 children. About 33 of them live abroad while seven are in Uganda.
Moga Amin says most of Amin’s family members want the money paid to the Administrator General for equal distribution to the beneficiaries whose list has already been handed to government.
Moga said the family wants President Museveni to compensate or give back to the family their property which he said was wrongfully grabbed.
Efforts to reach Taban to comment about this story were futile as the spy’s only known number remained unavailable for two weeks.

Moga sees no reason why they are being “robbed of their father’s” wealth.
“Being children to a former president is not at all a crime or if it is considered one by this government let this be made clear rather than making us suffer,” he said.
He recalled that sometime back, the government used to give the family of Amin in Uganda Shs 400,000 per month as upkeep but this too was stopped some six years ago.

The family was evicted from a rented house in Najjanankumbi, a Kampala suburb, for non-payment of rent of about one year ago.
Even in Jeddah, Moga said, the family has not been able to access Amin’s bank accounts and now lives under miserable conditions.

He fears that some unscrupulous people might be swindling the family’s money without the knowledge of the government of Saudi Arabia.
Jamal Nkrumah, son to former president of Ghana, the late Kwame Nkrumah, said his family too suffered a similar fate in Saudi Arabia when their father’s money was swindled by unknown people.
Saudi authorities too have since the death of Amin stopped supporting his family, Moga said. “Shortly after the death of our father, Sultan Bin Abdullah Aziz visited our home and assured us of continued support from the kingdom. Besides, some of us are living in a state of fear of being arrested because our residence papers are expired or not in order, yet our embassy here has not been helpful at all,” he said.

According to the Presidential Emoluments and Benefits Act 1998, dependent children and spouses are entitled to half the salary that the retired president earned before death for six months.
They are also entitled to a fully furnished house, a chauffeur-driven car, medical allowance of Shs 300,000, four security guards, secretary, two domestic servants and Shs 500,000 utility allowance per month.

Amin seized power in a January 25, 1971 coup d’etat, toppling former president, Milton Obote. He was deposed by a combined force of Ugandan exiles and the Tanzanian army on April 11, 1979 and fled to exile.
Part of his family, including wife Madina, at first fled to Iraq where they spent a few weeks before leaving for Central African Republic (CAR) where its ruler, Emperor Jean Badel Bokassa, was Amin’s friend.

But ill luck followed them to Bangui. Only a few weeks after their arrival, Bokassa was himself ousted and Amin’s family left for Zaire (DR Congo), a country ruled by Amin’s other great friend, Mobutu Ssese Seko. Madina and her children lived in Congo for over 10 years. The children went to school there. They were provided with security, a family car and upkeep of about $3,000 per month. They however had to leave following the war that ended in Mobutu losing power. e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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Winfred Mwebe
September 18, 2008
Votes: +0 It is a shame the NRM government is not fulfilling the promise of giving back what rightly belongs to the Amin's family. What did he do that this government hasn't done? Where are all the Ugandans who benefited in being empowered by Amin's economic war? Come out and support his family? It is now common knowledge that Iddi Amin wasn't the sole killer of Ugandans. Others have done worse, so let us start with Amin's


AsSalamu Alaikum

Thanks for updating the Q & A about the Islam. I am very confused about the situation created during the month of Ramadhan about the Moon sighting.
The ……………….Masjid in ………….. started following the Scientific calculation and they started the Ramadhan on Sep 1 and they said if we are using the other Scientific methods for all other daily life purpose, why can't we use for Moon sighting. The ………………Masjid followed the Saudi Arabia and the …………….Masjid believes in Moon sighting in USA or Canada.
Please explain me the detail answer with the Hadeeth especially bout the Moon sighting for Ramadhan and Eid. Even if you have answered already, please send me again. I'll wait for your mail. thanks

Allah hafiz

WaAlaikum AsSalam,
AlHamdu Lillah, first of all please accept my apologies for this belated response. Somehow your question got buried in the pile of questions that I receive.
Brother, this is a very unfortunate situation all around, repeated not once but three times a year. The main reasons could be either one or the combination of; a) lack of religious knowledge, b) shear stubbornness, c) I am r ight and everybody else should follow me, d) like or dislike due to political or prejudicial reasons, e) cultural differences and f) I know more than you, etc.
On the other hand, the Prophet (peace be upon him) has already described and established the criteria. It is up to us whether we follow the guidance or take matters in our own “incapable” hands.
The first rule of Shariah is clearly defined in a hadith reported by all six authentic books of ahadith. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said; “Fast when you see it (new moon of Ramadhan) and stop fasting when you see it (new moon of the next month, Shawwal), and if it (sky) is overcast (cloudy) then complete the number of days (means 30 days of the month Shabaa’n either before Ramadhan or 30 days of Ramadhan, before celebr ating the Eid).”
Sunan Abi Dawood and At-Tirmidhi reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said; “Fasting is the day when you (the Muslim community) fast, Iftar is the day when you (the Muslim Community) break your fast and (Eid) Al-Adha is the day when you (the Muslim Community) offer your sacrifice.”
The above is the evidence, and the rightful scholars say; a) “It means to start fast and break the fast, if the moon sighting is proven by the naked eye or by means that help the eye to see, and b) the dissent in the Muslim Community is Evil (Fitnah), so the Muslims should fast when the Muslim community in their area starts fasting=2 0and celebrate Eid when the community celebrates.
Shaikh Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him), said that; “the reason of differences is that some people see the new moon and some do not see it, then those who have seen the new moon may be trusted by others who follow their sighting, or they may not be trusted, and hence differences arise. One country may sight it and rule accordingly and fast and also break the fast on that basis, whereas another country may not be convinced of this sighting and may not trust the other country, for many reasons, including political and otherwise.
What the Muslims must do is fast all together when they see the new moon, and break the fast when they see it, because of the general meaning of the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him): “When you see the new moon then fast, and when you see the new moon then break the fast, and if it is too cloudy then complete the number of days as thirty.” If they are all certain of the validity of the moon sighting, and it is really and proven, then they must fast and break the fast accordingly, but if the people differ and do not trust one another, then you have to fast with the Muslims in your country, and break the fast with them, in accordance with the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “The fast is the day when you fast, and the breaking of the fast (al-Iftar) is the day when you break the fast, and the sacrifice (al-Adha) is the day when you offer the sacrifice.”
It was proven from Sayedina Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RAA) that when (Sayedina) Kurayb (RRA) told him that the people of Syria had started fasting on a Friday, Ibn Abbas (RAA) said: “We saw it (the moon on) Saturday, and we will carry on fasting until we see the new moon or we complete thirty days. He did not follow the sighting of the people of Syria because Syria is far away from Madinah and there may be a difference in moon sighting between the two. He (Sayedina Abdullah Ibn Abbas RAA) thought that this was a matter that was subject to Ijtehad. We have a good example to follow in him and the scholars who followed him and said that you should fast with the people of your country and break the fast with them.”
“Ijtehad” means the process of making a legal decision by independent interpretation of the main sources, the Qura’n and Sunnah by qualified scholar who has the in-depth knowledge of both the sources. Who could be a better interpreter or Mujtahid after the Prophet (peace be upon him) than Sayedina Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RAA), the first interpreter (Muffasir) of Qura’n.
I do not want to discuss the issue of right and wrong in case of the Masajid you named in your question, I believe the criteria is established above. I emphasize that we should try to sight the moon ourselves as it is the Sunnah or follow two or at least one trusted and cognizant source in your area who truthfully testifies that he has sighted the moon. Personally, I am not against the scientific approach and calculations about positions of moon, as long as they are correct.
We must avoid confrontations on such issues and on the two highly important religious celebrations. “Fitnah is a Greater Evil”, and we must try to avoid division in the community where we usually pray, and follow the decision of the majority of the Muslims.
I hope this provides some answer to your question. Please remember us in your prayers. I leave you in the mercy, guidance and protection of Allah The Almighty.
Thank you and WaSalamu Alaikum,
=0 A

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News | October 1, 2008
Muslims urge govt to re-instate Arabic in schools
Yasiin Mugerwa, Al-Mahdi Ssenkabirwa, Joseph Kiggundu & Steven Wandera


The proposed ban of the Arabic language from the national school curriculum was in the spotlight yesterday as thousands of Muslims celebrated Eid El-Fitr to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadhan.

Across the country, Muslim leaders used the occasion to condemn the proposal, insisting that the planned legislation shows intolerance of the government and it will be resisted.
“Our religion is in Arabic and we don’t have any Koran in Luganda, Swahili or English, we pray in Arabic and this is our faith,” the head of the Tabliq Community, Sheik Sulaiman Kakeeto, said while leading Eid prayers at Clock Tower playground in Kampala.

“Islam emphasises tolerance and in the same spirit we request the government to consider its stand for the good of our nation. We shall not allow any one to ban the teaching of Arabic in schools,” Sheik Kakeeto said.

At Gaddafi National Mosque in Old Kampala, Mufti Sheik Shaban Mubajje urged the government to rescind the proposal of scrapping Arabic language from the secondary schools syllabus.
“Arabic is the second widely used language in the world, after English,” Sheik Mubajje said.

“It is widely used in business transactions and there are several local, regional and international job opportunities that require the candidate to know Arabic. Dropping it from the syllabus is actually denying our future generation a lot of opportunities,” he added.

Sheik Mubajje had earlier protested the scrapping of the language during a function at which President Yoweri Museveni hosted the Muslim community at a Futur (breaking fast) dinner at State House , Entebbe on Monday evening.

But Mr Museveni rejected the call, saying as a black man, he was only in support of indigenous African languages for easy communication instead of foreign languages. “God was not silly to create us with our languages. Why should we always praise those of foreigners?” he asked. “As black people we have to strengthen our local languages and add Swahili as a second one,” he added.

“It is good to speak Arabic but for me I believe in African languages. I want to promote local languages and that is why I decided to restore cultural institutions although some are today being misled,” Mr Museveni said.

The Cabinet is proposing to scrap Runyakitara and Arabic among other languages from secondary schools curriculum with only Luganda and Swahili as optional subjects. The State Minister for Higher Education, Mr Gabriel Opio told Parliament last week that the ministry is reviewing the national school curriculum but there is nothing like banning Arabic or any other language.

“This issue is contained in a document that was circulated by one of our officers in the ministry but I want to assure the public this is not true and there should be no panic,” Mr Opio said.

At Nakivubo Stadium in Kampala, Sheik Hassan Kiirya, the Chairman of Hijja Commission, Kampala Central MP Erias Lukwago, Kampala Mayor Hajj Nasser Ntege Ssebaggala among other Muslim notables all critised the government proposal, insisting that it was direct a attack on Islam.

“As Muslims we have taken a unanimous decision to disassociate ourselves from this ridiculous proposal,” Sheik Kiirya said. “We cannot accept and whoever is behind this plan should reconsider their position before it is too late.” According to Encarta, a digital multimedia encyclopedia published by Microsoft Corporation, more than a billion Muslims around the world use Arabic. It is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations.

Sheikh Mubajje said Arabic, the language of the Koran and of Muhammad the prophet of Islam, should stay on the syllabus as an optional subject such that students who wish to offer it get the opportunity.

Muslims also attacked Security Minister Amama Mbabazi’s alleged involvement in the mismanagement of workers funds. “It was Maj. Gen. Jim Muhwezi who first [got involved] in stolen HIV/Aids patients’ money, then Mbabazi is also implicated in questionable NSSF deals,” Sheik Kiirya said. “Enough is enough and something must be done to protect public funds and as Muslims, we call upon government to protect workers funds.”

At the Monday dinner, Mr Museveni urged Muslims to continue exhibiting the excellent behaviours they showed during Ramadhan. He cautioned Arab donors against dragging local Muslims into their differences saying his government had paid a big price to ensure unity among the Muslim community .

“I am happy that you are united today as Ugandan Muslims and I no longer hear that this particular group subscribes to Saudi Arabia, Libya or Iran. But if some still believe in these old thoughts, they should change because they don’t help. Why is it that there no groups subscribing to Bangladesh? Is it because Bangladesh is poor? You are all Ugandan Muslims period!,” he said.

Mr Museveni asked Muslims to reduce the over dependence on aid from Arab countries and advised them to embrace the Bonna Bagaggawale scheme to fight poverty in households.
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1. No personal attacks.
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6-pack said at 01 Oct 2008, 00:53

I like the deliberation submitted by Henry Mulindwa. Personally,I find this cry-baby complaint peddled by such religious entities to be totally devoid of any substance.
In Uganda, there is actually no need to divert the government's meager resources into costs associated with teaching Arabic. If they attach such extreme emotions to the language, let them set up their own examination center and they can both teach and examine whoever is interested in learning the Arabic language.
I actually think that people peddling such concerns are under some sinister influence, just imagine what would happen if Uganda got such a president.
I am not trying to create a religious confrontation, but when Amin became the president of Uganda, we almost became an Islamic state, with Sharia law and all the injustice that is paraded with it. The good muslims are actually far in between, thats my humble opinion.
Henry F Mulindwa, USA said at 01 Oct 2008, 00:27


Muslim leaders are concerned that if Arabic, like other foreign languages, except English, is scrapped from the Secondary school syllabus, their faith will be in danger. However, I do not see how this can endanger Islam. Firstly government has no right to stop people from learning and teaching foreign languages. So, “religious languages” like Arabic and Latin (for Catholic seminaries) can still go on. Let them set the exam for their students and mark it themselves.
The Ministry would like to get some of these languages and some other subjects off the syllabus for no other reason but the expense.
Moreover, the scrapping of Latin and Arabic will restore justice. There is a widespread feeling that since Latin is set by Catholics and Arabic is set only by Muslims, and they mark it, there could be a natural tendency for these religious groups to favour their students in the National exams, hence giving them an unfair advantage over other students. To do away with such accusations and ensure fairness, let the religious communities affected go on teaching their languages and setting their exams their own way with UNEB having nothing to do with it. That will make them even more independent.Brilliant Arabic students can be given scholarship by Muslims in Uganda, to furtherstudy Arabic in Arabic countries, so will the Catholic seminarians, to continue with Latin wherever they want. There is no need to threaten fire and brimstone over this, I suppose.

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This is a copy of the following message you sent to Connect Uganda Presenters via Connect Uganda

This is an enquiry e-mail via from:
Mr.&.Mrs.Mariam Majid Amonye Junior,& Family

Happy IDD Celebration oct.1st.08. to all muslims as well non muslims around the globe. also a special thanks to both mike and mumbenja to air our message of eid greetingd on sunday.28th2008. you both gets 100% each the marks given to you people, forthe job well done. also queenie and the other lady gets. 102 each marks given to them connecting all ugandans worldwide. I hope we will hear queenies voice today sunday.5th & her god given laughter. thirdly, we thank all those who send us eid greetings, the same we do to them too. greetings to all my family members wherever they are, to my wonderful wife, & the kids in vancouver, to my sister maimuna,zaituni kaday,hajira,sofia, bro. taban Idoru, they are all in kampala, to my all steps moms, mama madinah nalongo amin,mama Iman,br.lwanga amin,aliga amin,rajab amin,ali amin all in jeddah saudi arabia, to mama malyamu amin,mama sarah kyolaba amin, to sister. kadara,khadiija, mariam all in london. to all ugandan community in bc. IDD Mubarak.&
many many many regards the years to come. with love from the President of Ugandan Muslims Association in bc. Majid Amonye Junior & Family. in Vancouver. Western Canada. your programe starts 5pm gmt. and in vancouver the time will be.9am pacific time, in toronto will be. 12noon eastern time. in uganda will be 4pm east africa standard time.


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily



kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
Hospitals to have committees for patients' rights
Arab News

RIYADH: Health Minister Hamad Al-Manie has instructed that special committees on the rights of patients be established in all the ministry's hospitals and health centers throughout the Kingdom with the aim of improving the health care services being provided to citizens and expatriates.
Local dailies yesterday published a press statement by Dr. Yacoub ibn Youssif Al-Mazrouei, assistant undersecretary for curative medicine at the ministry, in which he said the committees would see to it that all patients were satisfied with the services provided to them by the general hospitals and medical centers.
The statement said the minister underlined the importance of the directors of hospitals or medical centers heading the committees so that they will be answerable to a higher committee that works directly with the minister himself.
According to Al-Mazrouei, the committees will submit periodic reports about the concerned hospital's performance to the minister.
Each of these committees will, in addition to its chairman, comprise the medical director, social and psychological specialists, and an official in charge of patient relations, a quality control specialist and officials in charge of information, public relations and training at each facility.
The minister appointed Dr. Khaled Al-Mirghalani, director of information and public relations at the ministry, as chairman of the higher committee.
Al-Mirghalani said the committees would implement a program approved by the minister recently to improve the way patients are handled. He added that the committee would consider complaints and suggestions by patients concerning the quality of the service being provided to them.


Hi there! majid amonye junior

akujowang uk thought you might be interested in this article from The
New Vision online:

They also added this comment:

Uganda’s future is being mortgaged!


EDITOR—Your editorial of September 29 calling on Government to focus on
creating a skilled labour force was spot-on.

We expect the government to engage in the process of advantage creation for
Ugandans. Government’s failure to take responsibility for building and
nurturing a skilled labour force is inadvertently mortgaging this country’s
future! Yes, there is a critical need for leadership to make change happen.

Weren’t many political, socio-economic fundamentals of this country supposed
to change to enable us build gateways to the future of Uganda? Why is this not
happening? Energy minister Daudi Migereko is quoted as saying that development
of human capital is one of government’s priorities.

But where is the government’s strategy, plan and budget reflecting this
priority? When remittances from Ugandans in the diaspora constitute 25% of this
country’s overall foreign exchange earnings, shouldn’t government develop
this sector, especially in the midst of many unemployed graduates? State
minister for finance Ssemakula Kiwanuka, lamented about lack of skilled labour
force during CHOGM.

What action plan has he since put in place to create a lasting transformation
in the climate of human capital investment?

When the Uganda Investment Authority is busy attracting investors, developing
industrial parks and spearheading drive for value-addition for over agricultural
products, should not the minister also spearhead the drive for value-addition
for products of our education?

Is it a small matter that the peasant, who is the largest investor in human
capital, should sink $30,000 only to produce a graduate who remains unemployed
fives after graduation? Building a work force with high order skills is an
important part of improving the climate of investment, acquiring a competitive
edge and generally maintaining the engine of growth. Government needs a plan to
build Uganda’s gateways to the future through human capital investment,
especially as we intend to use oil to create infinite benefits. Government
should be willing to correct the failure of the market in human capital
investment, instead of blaming the education system, which in any case they are
unwilling to change.

Surely, the human capital investor who is largely the peasant cannot be
assumed to be well informed about the challenges, risks and costs of his

The peasant needs protection, just as the finance minister had to protect
Sudhir Ruparelia’s investment, (The New Vision, April 16). Even the Wall
Street investor is being protected with $700b! The investment minister needs to
improve the climate for investing in human capital to raise returns and lower
risks; broaden opportunities; address barriers; develop competences and retool
skills to enable Ugandans compete in countries facing acute shortages in
critical manpower fields. This will transform our agriculture- based economy to
a knowledge-based economy.

O.E. Bukabeeba

You can also read the article online at:


Amins row over inheritance

Amin was denied a state funeral
Splits have emerged in the family of former Ugandan leader Idi Amin over the distribution of his wealth following his death.
However, his son Kirunda Amin told BBC News Online that the Amin family would remain intact by following Islamic law on inheritance.

Amin's 54 children, many of whom reside in the US and Europe have been flocking to the Saudi Arabian capital, Jeddah, to view their father's grave, according to Kenya's Daily Nation newspaper.

The children have also been enquiring from one of Amin's 13 wives, Hajat Madina, about arrangements for the last funeral rites and the installation of the heir. the first born in our family should automatically be the heir

Kirunda Amin

Kirunda Amin said that although there have been disagreements on inheritance, the situation is not yet out of hand.

Amin, who was variously described as 78 or 80 years old, died of multiple organ failure at King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Jeddah on 16 August.


"I am here in Uganda. My brothers and sisters are living elsewhere and, God willing, we shall all rely on religious elders to distribute the wealth and chose the heir," said Mr Kirunda.

According to Mr Kirunda that task should not be difficult.

We have survived and must continue surviving as a family".

The former Ugandan military leader owned property in the north-western district of Koboko and in the capital, Kampala.

The Uganda Muslim Supreme Council, established by Idi Amin soon after he came into power in 1971, agrees that there is wrangling in the family over wealth distribution and is trying to mediate.

The Council's Secretary for Education, Ismail Icum, told BBC News Online that Amin's children had agreed to adhere to Islamic law to solve the issue.

"The council and the children have appointed a panel that will deal with the whole issue of inheritance," said Mr Icum.

The Uganda Government has said Amin's family would not get benefits that presidents are Intitle to.

Not mourning

Idi Amin was toppled in 1979 by a force which included the current President Yoweri Museveni.

President Museveni said he was not in mourning for Amin.

He also said that he had personally vetoed suggestions from some government officials to win votes in Amin's home region by according him a state funeral.

"I would not bury Amin. I will never touch Amin. Never. Not even with a long spoon," he said in his first public comments on Amin's death. now amins family members, and millions around the globe. know how much yoweri museveni hates Iddi Amin dada.

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UK considered killing Idi Amin

Idi Amin in quotes

Life of Idi Amin
Pictures of the life and times of a dictator


Interviewing Amin
The Idi Amin I knew
On this Day: Idi Amin's coup
Country profile: Uganda


In Brief
Tuesday, 14th October, 2008 E-mail article Print article

Gen. Adrisi in Mulago again
Gen. Mustafa Adrisi, a former Vice-President, has been readmitted to Mulago Hospital. The 78-year-old Adrisi was airlifted to Entebbe Airport on Sunday morning after undergoing treatment for persistent malaria at Arua Hospital. Maj. Ibrahim Abiriga, the Arua resident district commissioner, said the Government plans to fly Adrisi to India for treatment.

Muslims get free courses
The Uganda Muslim Supreme Council has started free computer and Arabic language courses for Muslim students. Hajj Abdul Wahabu Lugasha, a special deputy officer in the Mufti’s office, said the programme is sponsored by the Islamic Call Society. Students who perform well will be awarded scholarships to study in Libya, Sudan and Algeria.


UN Webcast Schedule for Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Link to UN Webcast :(

Link to Press Conference Schedule Page (

Channel 1

10:00am General Assembly: New Partnership for Africa’s Development:
progress in implementation and international support; causes of conflict
and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa:
reports of the Secretary-General (A/63/206 < > and
A/63/212 <
> ); 2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries,
Particularly in Africa: note by the Secretary-General (A/63/219) < > :

4:00pm Security Council: The situation in Guinea-Bissau (S/2008/628) < > and
reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan.

Channel 2

12:00noon Daily Noon Press Briefing By the Office of the Spokesperson for
the Secretary-General.

Channel 3

9:45am Media Stakeout: Outside the Security Council Chamber.

Channel 4

10:00am General Assembly (Origianl Language): New Partnership for Africa’s
Development: progress in implementation and international support; causes
of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development
in Africa: reports of the Secretary-General (A/63/206 < > and
A/63/212 <
> ); 2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries,
Particularly in Africa: note by the Secretary-General (A/63/219) < > :

4:00pm Security Council (Original Language): The situation in Guinea-Bissau
(S/2008/628) < > and
reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan.

Channel 5

Durban Review Conference - Preparatory Committee - Second substantive
session (6 - 17 October 2008, Geneva, Switzerland, GMT+2)
< >


UN Webcast - Streaming to the world.

We value your feedback. Send your comments, suggestions to


On Mon, 13/10/08, Martin Woodrow wrote:

From: Martin Woodrow
Subject: Consultation Institute - Newsletter 33 - September 2008
To: "Kadara Kursum" kadarakursum uk.
Date: Monday, 13 October, 2008, 5:33 PM

events email a colleague< font> web site
Editor: Martin Woodrow
+44(0)1414 1607
27th September 2008 The Consultation Institute
21A High Street, Sandy, Beds SG19 1AG
+44(0)1767 689600
121 Donegall Road, Belfast, BT12 5JL
+44(0)4890 872800


News Update!



And finally!

Contact TCI

News Update!

Justice Ministry looks for input

With every political party buying into the idea of greater public engagement, the Ministry of Justice’s recent initiative on a National Framework for Greater Citizen Engagement assumes critical importance. And unlike many formal consultations, the Ministry is flexible about receiving input to this “Discussion Paper” after the published date of October 1st.
The Institute wants to encourage extensive debate on this framework which features key issues such as the use of petitions, deliberative events and citizen juries. The document is admirably concise and to the point and can be found by clicking here
Either make representations directly to the Ministry or contact the Institute which is looking at the possibility of convening practitioners’ roundtables to consider the issues.

to top
Go Live Date for new Government Code of Practice

The new Government Consultation Code of Practice – supplemented by a broad set of Guidelines goes live on November 1st (click here for details). It will apply to every central Government department. Executive Agencies, NDPBs and other public bodies will need to “opt in” to the Code, but there will be strong pressure for all significant consultors to adopt it.
Public bodies and organisations active in the public realm, unsure whether or not to “opt-in” and wishing to seek independent advice, may wish to contact the Institute which is gearing up to offer this type of support. Contact Elizabeth Gammell, the Institute’s Standards Director on 01767 689600 ( for a preliminary discussion.

to top
More PB pilots announced

We better get used to the term “PB”. Many of the 240 delegates at last week’s Conference in Manchester dislike the term “Participatory Budgeting” but can’t come up with an universally accepted alternative. Hazel Blears prefers “Community Kitties” but that applies only to one type of PB. Still, she had positive news, announcing twelve more “pilots” from Norfolk to Cumbria. She also re-iterated her intention that by 2012, every Council will be undertaking some form of PB.
To support this, and to invest in the necessary skills, the PB Unit has worked with The Consultation Institute to develop two brand new Training Courses, with bookings already being taken for:
Getting Started with Participatory Budgeting 23rd Oct Manchester, 30th Oct London (Click to book)
Organising PB Events 19th Nov Manchester, 27th Nov London (Click to book)
For more details of the courses click here

to top
Foundation Trusts – 1.3 million members ...and rising

Monitor, the Regulator for Foundation Trusts now estimates that an astonishing 1.3million people have become “members” of their local Foundation Trusts. They can vote for Hospital Governors and are viewed as key stakeholders whose views will be sought as the NHS fulfils its Section 242 “duty to involve”.
Meanwhile, many LINks are still struggling to get off the ground, and the Department of Health has approved an extension of the transition period to help out the laggards. Gung-ho CLG, in contrast seems so enthused by LINks that it seems keen to expand the concept beyond health and social care and is inviting Councils to submit proposals. Where this leads is anybody’s guess but the idea of networks of interested stakeholders is a powerful concept. For advice on how to explore this, contact href="">Martin Woodrow

to top
Positive Youth Engagement Peer Support

The round seven ‘Positive youth engagement’ beacon authorities were awarded additional funding in 2007 through the government’s Beacon Peer Support Programme. The beacons aimed to develop new approaches to involve hard-to-reach young people in the development of their own communities. The initiative is currently exploring how volunteering can capture the way that young people express their views and aspirations of life in the UK. Eight councils have already begun the process of weaving their minority youth groups’ interests into the fabric of their communities through a variety of innovative and creative schemes. For some of the initiatives click here

to top

Following 7 years of working with the public sector on stakeholder engagement projects INOVEM have recently re-branded their suite of applications as Inclusionware(TM) to create a single, simple yet multi-functional environment which connects all the people you need to collaborate with, consult or inform. This new brand has been designed to encompass the key traits of their software, in that:

· It’s easy for people to access, manage and use
· It’s about getting more people involved in decisions
· It helps authorities and companies to be more ‘inclusive’

In addition, based on the experiences of its growing user-base, INOVEM has also formulated nine solution areas describing how Inclusionware can be used to engage, involve and empower stakeholders. If you want to find out how INOVEM Inclusionware can help you, visit or call John Glover on 01488 648 468.

to top

Latest data shows 65% online

In the debate about the extent to which we can rely on e-consultation, it is important to understand the demographics of online access. The latest Office of National Statistics figures (Aug 2008) show:-

• Overall, 65% of households now have internet access
• Regional variations persist; London & South East at 73%, the North-East at 54%
• High correlation between internet access and educational qualifications; 93% of graduates; 56% of those with no formal qualifications
• Surging use by the over-65’s; Grey surfing is alive and well – at least for 26% of them!
• The internet is still used more by men than women; e-mails the most popular application
There’s plenty of room for debate as to what these mean for investment in new technology dialogue methods, but there’s also a warning against relying on “Online only” consultations. This was the subject of a recent Tuesday Topic, sent to all Institute members. Non-members who would now like a copy, please contact href="">Martin Woodrow.

to top
Reaching out – community engagement and health

'Reaching out – community engagement and health' is the third in a series of publications from the IDeA’s Healthy Communities programme, this time written in conjunction with NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence).
The document explores the importance of engaging communities in health promotion and health services, and the health benefits that this can bring.. It builds on the NICE guidance on community engagement and health published earlier this year and it reflects recent government commitments to engaging the public further in democratic and decision-making processes. These are outlined in the Community Empowerment White Paper, ‘Communities in Control’. The publication is designed to stimulate thinking about community engagement in any council. It is particular relevant to those working in patient and public involvement. It should also interest community development officers, lead members for health and public health workers. To download click here

to top
Request for Consultation Videos & DVDs

The Institute is preparing its programme for 2009 and wishes to respond to the growing practice of using Videos and DVDs as part of public consultations. It is hoping to develop a hands-on Practitioner Workshop on the subject, and this will include looking at current practice and the value they deliver.
To make this as well-researched as possible we are trying to assemble as comprehensive a library of relevant examples as possible. If your organisation has experimented with this medium and are willing to share your learning with us, we would be grateful. Send any DVDs to the Programme & Research Unit, 21A High Street, Sandy, Beds. SG19 1AG or contact Janet Burgess ( to discuss.

to top
“If you ask me” – new publication

Baroness Liz Barker and Meeting Place Communications have published an interesting Report on the state of public consultation in Planning. Launched at the LibDem Conference in Bournemouth this month (the Baroness is a LibDem Peer) this 37 page paper is a timely analysis of the issues and challenges confronted by every Council – and will be of interest to Elected members, officers, developers, environmental campaigners ...and of course to millions of householders. Copies are available from Rhiannon Wadeson on 01225 422243.

to top

Don’t forget the blogosphere!

The what!?! That’s the new buzzword to describe the self-appointed citizen journalists who comment on what’s happening. And they’re alive and well in your industry ...or your village .... They are certainly part of the media – that influences public debate of all kinds, and have to be taken as seriously as the more familiar print and broadcasting journalists.
All these are covered in the new joint training course with Involve. Media Relations and Public Engagement aims to help anyone who needs to manage a public engagement exercise in the glare of local or national media coverage. It will also be invaluable to PR and communications professionals to give them an insight into the special characteristics of consultation and engagement activities. Limited places available (with Institute Members given first preference ) for initial courses; click here for details

to top
Coming soon
Effective Focus Groups 30 Sep 2008 London
Making Consultation Meaningful - 2008 1 Oct 2008 Manchester
Effective Focus Groups 2 Oct 2008 Cardiff
Media Relations & Public Engagement - a TCI/Involve course 2 Oct 2008 London
Consensus Building for Overview & Scrutiny Committees 8 Oct 2008 Birmingham
Evaluating Public Engagement - a TCI/Involve course 8 Oct 2008 Belfast
Comprehensive Engagement Strategies (in association with IDeA) 9 Oct 2008 Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Consultation Before & After 15 Oct 2008 London FULL Waiting list open
Effective Surveys & Questionnaires 21 Oct 2008 Birmingham
Comprehensive Engagement Strategies (in association with IDeA) 23 Oct 2008 Birmingham
Implementing the NHS duty (S.242) to involve 28 Oct 2008 Birmingham
Consultation Before & After 29 Oct 2008 York
Practitioner Workshop - Effective Dialogues with Migrant Communities 2 Oct 2008 Manchester
Public Engagement & Single Outcome Agreements 8 Oct 2008 Edinburgh
Breakfast Briefings: Effective Evaulation - Public Engagement Exercises 16 Oct 2008 London
Panels 4 - The 4th Citizens & Community Panels Conference 22 Oct 2008 Birmingham
Practitioner Workshop - Effective Dialogues with Migrant Communities 4 Nov 2008 Leicester

to top
And finally!

Colour blind?

Atticus in the Sunday Times last week, reported that taxi drivers are up in arms over plans to paint their black cabs in a new striking colour. Consultants had been asked to look into the possibility and spent £24,000 of the Council’s money, so most aspects should have been covered comprehensively. Trouble was, no one asked the taxi drivers themselves .....!!
To see the original Birmingham Post article click here

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Your comments about this issue of the TCI E Newsletter are very welcome. We would greatly appreciate ideas and submissions for the next issue. Do you have news or views that would be of interest to other? Email Editor.

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On Mon, 13/10/08, Martin Woodrow < wrote:

From: Martin Woodrow
Subject: Consultation Institute - Newsletter 33 - September 2008
To: "Kadara Kursum" kadarakursum uk.
Date: Monday, 13 October, 2008, 5:33 PM

events email a colleague< font> web site
Editor: Martin Woodrow
+44(0)1414 1607
27th September 2008 The Consultation Institute
21A High Street, Sandy, Beds SG19 1AG
+44(0)1767 689600
121 Donegall Road, Belfast, BT12 5JL
+44(0)4890 872800


News Update!



And finally!

Contact TCI

News Update!

Justice Ministry looks for input

With every political party buying into the idea of greater public engagement, the Ministry of Justice’s recent initiative on a National Framework for Greater Citizen Engagement assumes critical importance. And unlike many formal consultations, the Ministry is flexible about receiving input to this “Discussion Paper” after the published date of October 1st.
The Institute wants to encourage extensive debate on this framework which features key issues such as the use of petitions, deliberative events and citizen juries. The document is admirably concise and to the point and can be found by clicking here
Either make representations directly to the Ministry or contact the Institute which is looking at the possibility of convening practitioners’ roundtables to consider the issues.

to top
Go Live Date for new Government Code of Practice

The new Government Consultation Code of Practice – supplemented by a broad set of Guidelines goes live on November 1st (click here for details). It will apply to every central Government department. Executive Agencies, NDPBs and other public bodies will need to “opt in” to the Code, but there will be strong pressure for all significant consultors to adopt it.
Public bodies and organisations active in the public realm, unsure whether or not to “opt-in” and wishing to seek independent advice, may wish to contact the Institute which is gearing up to offer this type of support. Contact Elizabeth Gammell, the Institute’s Standards Director on 01767 689600 ( for a preliminary discussion.

to top
More PB pilots announced

We better get used to the term “PB”. Many of the 240 delegates at last week’s Conference in Manchester dislike the term “Participatory Budgeting” but can’t come up with an universally accepted alternative. Hazel Blears prefers “Community Kitties” but that applies only to one type of PB. Still, she had positive news, announcing twelve more “pilots” from Norfolk to Cumbria. She also re-iterated her intention that by 2012, every Council will be undertaking some form of PB.
To support this, and to invest in the necessary skills, the PB Unit has worked with The Consultation Institute to develop two brand new Training Courses, with bookings already being taken for:
Getting Started with Participatory Budgeting 23rd Oct Manchester, 30th Oct London (Click to book)
Organising PB Events 19th Nov Manchester, 27th Nov London (Click to book)
For more details of the courses click here

to top
Foundation Trusts – 1.3 million members ...and rising

Monitor, the Regulator for Foundation Trusts now estimates that an astonishing 1.3million people have become “members” of their local Foundation Trusts. They can vote for Hospital Governors and are viewed as key stakeholders whose views will be sought as the NHS fulfils its Section 242 “duty to involve”.
Meanwhile, many LINks are still struggling to get off the ground, and the Department of Health has approved an extension of the transition period to help out the laggards. Gung-ho CLG, in contrast seems so enthused by LINks that it seems keen to expand the concept beyond health and social care and is inviting Councils to submit proposals. Where this leads is anybody’s guess but the idea of networks of interested stakeholders is a powerful concept. For advice on how to explore this, contact href="">Martin Woodrow

to top
Positive Youth Engagement Peer Support

The round seven ‘Positive youth engagement’ beacon authorities were awarded additional funding in 2007 through the government’s Beacon Peer Support Programme. The beacons aimed to develop new approaches to involve hard-to-reach young people in the development of their own communities. The initiative is currently exploring how volunteering can capture the way that young people express their views and aspirations of life in the UK. Eight councils have already begun the process of weaving their minority youth groups’ interests into the fabric of their communities through a variety of innovative and creative schemes. For some of the initiatives click here

to top

Following 7 years of working with the public sector on stakeholder engagement projects INOVEM have recently re-branded their suite of applications as Inclusionware(TM) to create a single, simple yet multi-functional environment which connects all the people you need to collaborate with, consult or inform. This new brand has been designed to encompass the key traits of their software, in that:

· It’s easy for people to access, manage and use
· It’s about getting more people involved in decisions
· It helps authorities and companies to be more ‘inclusive’

In addition, based on the experiences of its growing user-base, INOVEM has also formulated nine solution areas describing how Inclusionware can be used to engage, involve and empower stakeholders. If you want to find out how INOVEM Inclusionware can help you, visit or call John Glover on 01488 648 468.

to top

Latest data shows 65% online

In the debate about the extent to which we can rely on e-consultation, it is important to understand the demographics of online access. The latest Office of National Statistics figures (Aug 2008) show:-

• Overall, 65% of households now have internet access
• Regional variations persist; London & South East at 73%, the North-East at 54%
• High correlation between internet access and educational qualifications; 93% of graduates; 56% of those with no formal qualifications
• Surging use by the over-65’s; Grey surfing is alive and well – at least for 26% of them!
• The internet is still used more by men than women; e-mails the most popular application
There’s plenty of room for debate as to what these mean for investment in new technology dialogue methods, but there’s also a warning against relying on “Online only” consultations. This was the subject of a recent Tuesday Topic, sent to all Institute members. Non-members who would now like a copy, please contact href="">Martin Woodrow.

to top
Reaching out – community engagement and health

'Reaching out – community engagement and health' is the third in a series of publications from the IDeA’s Healthy Communities programme, this time written in conjunction with NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence).
The document explores the importance of engaging communities in health promotion and health services, and the health benefits that this can bring.. It builds on the NICE guidance on community engagement and health published earlier this year and it reflects recent government commitments to engaging the public further in democratic and decision-making processes. These are outlined in the Community Empowerment White Paper, ‘Communities in Control’. The publication is designed to stimulate thinking about community engagement in any council. It is particular relevant to those working in patient and public involvement. It should also interest community development officers, lead members for health and public health workers. To download click here

to top
Request for Consultation Videos & DVDs

The Institute is preparing its programme for 2009 and wishes to respond to the growing practice of using Videos and DVDs as part of public consultations. It is hoping to develop a hands-on Practitioner Workshop on the subject, and this will include looking at current practice and the value they deliver.
To make this as well-researched as possible we are trying to assemble as comprehensive a library of relevant examples as possible. If your organisation has experimented with this medium and are willing to share your learning with us, we would be grateful. Send any DVDs to the Programme & Research Unit, 21A High Street, Sandy, Beds. SG19 1AG or contact Janet Burgess ( to discuss.

to top
“If you ask me” – new publication

Baroness Liz Barker and Meeting Place Communications have published an interesting Report on the state of public consultation in Planning. Launched at the LibDem Conference in Bournemouth this month (the Baroness is a LibDem Peer) this 37 page paper is a timely analysis of the issues and challenges confronted by every Council – and will be of interest to Elected members, officers, developers, environmental campaigners ...and of course to millions of householders. Copies are available from Rhiannon Wadeson on 01225 422243.

to top

Don’t forget the blogosphere!

The what!?! That’s the new buzzword to describe the self-appointed citizen journalists who comment on what’s happening. And they’re alive and well in your industry ...or your village .... They are certainly part of the media – that influences public debate of all kinds, and have to be taken as seriously as the more familiar print and broadcasting journalists.
All these are covered in the new joint training course with Involve. Media Relations and Public Engagement aims to help anyone who needs to manage a public engagement exercise in the glare of local or national media coverage. It will also be invaluable to PR and communications professionals to give them an insight into the special characteristics of consultation and engagement activities. Limited places available (with Institute Members given first preference ) for initial courses; click here for details

to top
Coming soon
Effective Focus Groups 30 Sep 2008 London
Making Consultation Meaningful - 2008 1 Oct 2008 Manchester
Effective Focus Groups 2 Oct 2008 Cardiff
Media Relations & Public Engagement - a TCI/Involve course 2 Oct 2008 London
Consensus Building for Overview & Scrutiny Committees 8 Oct 2008 Birmingham
Evaluating Public Engagement - a TCI/Involve course 8 Oct 2008 Belfast
Comprehensive Engagement Strategies (in association with IDeA) 9 Oct 2008 Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Consultation Before & After 15 Oct 2008 London FULL Waiting list open
Effective Surveys & Questionnaires 21 Oct 2008 Birmingham
Comprehensive Engagement Strategies (in association with IDeA) 23 Oct 2008 Birmingham
Implementing the NHS duty (S.242) to involve 28 Oct 2008 Birmingham
Consultation Before & After 29 Oct 2008 York
Practitioner Workshop - Effective Dialogues with Migrant Communities 2 Oct 2008 Manchester
Public Engagement & Single Outcome Agreements 8 Oct 2008 Edinburgh
Breakfast Briefings: Effective Evaulation - Public Engagement Exercises 16 Oct 2008 London
Panels 4 - The 4th Citizens & Community Panels Conference 22 Oct 2008 Birmingham
Practitioner Workshop - Effective Dialogues with Migrant Communities 4 Nov 2008 Leicester

to top
And finally!

Colour blind?

Atticus in the Sunday Times last week, reported that taxi drivers are up in arms over plans to paint their black cabs in a new striking colour. Consultants had been asked to look into the possibility and spent £24,000 of the Council’s money, so most aspects should have been covered comprehensively. Trouble was, no one asked the taxi drivers themselves .....!!
To see the original Birmingham Post article click here

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Contact TCI
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Your comments about this issue of the TCI E Newsletter are very welcome. We would greatly appreciate ideas and submissions for the next issue. Do you have news or views that would be of interest to other? Email Editor.

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The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily


Hello, Majid Amonye Junior

kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
Kingdom joins FAO to mark World Food Day today
Md. Rasooldeen | Arab News

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia will join the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) member countries to observe the World Food Day today.
The Kingdomwide program will kick off in Riyadh with a workshop on "the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy" at the Ministry of Agriculture auditorium. Minister of Agriculture Fahd Balghonaim is slated to inaugurate the event, which will be followed by the opening of an exhibition to highlight Kingdom's role in food production and its contribution to poor people in the developing countries through the World Food Program (WFP).
Participants in the workshop will include officials from the ministry, FAO, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the University of Al-Qassim and Alfaisal University. The UNDP resident representative Riad Musa is also slated to address the event.
"World Food Day provides an opportunity to highlight the plight of 862 million undernourished people in the world," Abdullah Al-Ohaibi, coordinator of FAO Program in Saudi Arabia, told Arab News yesterday. He pointed out that global warming and the biofuel boom are now threatening to push the number of hungry to further up in decades to come.
He said the Kingdom, with its limited water resources, has been able to produce fruit and vegetables besides its annual output of one million tons of dates.
He commended the Kingdom's overseas investment program for agricultural development.


On Sat, 18/10/08, kadara kursum kadara wrote:

From: kadara kursum
Subject: Fwd: Fw: has sent you a New Vision News Article!
To: kadara kursum
Date: Saturday, 18 October, 2008, 3:50 PM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Akujo Amonye akujo wangita uk
Date: Oct 18, 2008 4:48 PM
Subject: Fw: akujo wangita amonye. uk has sent you a New Vision News Article!
To: kadara kursum kadara kursum

We are peaceful souls.

--- On Sat, 18/10/08, New Vision Online Division ug wrote:

From: New Vision Online Division nvision
Subject: akujo wangita amonye uk has sent you a New Vision News Article!
To: akujo wangita amonye. uk
Date: Saturday, 18 October, 2008, 4:46 PM

Hi there! bro. majid amonye junior & family.

akujo wangita amonye. thought you might be interested in this article from The
New Vision online:

They also added this comment:

In Brief

Former VP Adrisi sick
FORMER vice-president Mustafa Adrisi is undergoing treatment at Mulago
Hospital. The hospital spokesperson, Eliphaz Ssekabira, said Adrisi, 78, was
admitted in the private wing on Sunday. He was flown by a military chopper from
his home in Arua, with severe malaria. The retired general and former
vice-president in Idi Amin's regime between 1977 and 1978, has been on drip
since Sunday but added that his condition was stable. Besides malaria, Adrisi is
suffering from diabetes and hypertension. The latter two ailments forced him
into hospital in February this year. Arua Resident District Commissioner Maj.
Ibrahim Abiriga earlier told Saturday Vision that Government had plans to fly
Adrisi to India for further treatment should his condition deteriorate. re: the president of ugandan muslims association in bc. wish the former vice. president. a quick recovery. to sister. z. mrs. Idirisi. be srong. our thought are with you. we prays. salam warahma.

UNEB denies exam leakage
THE Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) yesterday denied Police reports
of an examination leakage in Entebbe. Eva Konde, the spokesperson said nobody
had access to any of the exams. But, despite her denial, Kampala Extra police
spokesperson, Simeo Nsubuga said five suspects have been arrested in Kampala.
Those arrested on Thursday were selling a History paper, Nsubuga said. He named
those arrested on Monday as Godfrey Bamwenda, a student of Kampala International
University, Jeremiah Kagezi and Emmanuel Kajubi, both under graduates of Nkumba
University. Police spokesperson, Judith Nabakooba added that investigations were
still ongoing.

You can also read the article online at:

Send instant messages to your friends


This is a copy of the following message you sent to Connect Uganda Presenters via Connect Uganda

This is an enquiry e-mail via from:
Majid Amonye Junior & Family.

Dear. Presenters of connect uganda radio. mike. &.queenie. greetings to you people all over there, &. we thank you for airing our message two weeks ago, but the one last sunday was not aired. the eid message. from the president of Ugandan muslims association in bc. just a reminder, secondly, we wish former vice president.major general mustafa idirisi. under Iddi Amin dada govt. a quick recovery he is at present admmitted in mulago hospital. our thoughts are &.prayers with you. to his wife, sister sauda my advice to you be strong. greetings to amonyes family wherever they are. we hope queenie will appear in the studio today. todays marks to all of you, 150 each person, dont forget to tell queenie all her marks I gave her. lastly, a special greetings to my special wife &. our kids all in vancoucer western canada. again we thank all those who send us eid greetings on my facebook lists. click here. respectively. add to your website. & fwd. salam warahma. from the President of UMAIBC. Majid Amonye Junior vancouver. bc. western canada


We are peaceful souls.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: New Vision Online Division
To:akujo wangita.
Sent: Monday, 27 October, 2008 16:18:42
Subject: akujo has sent you a New Vision News Article!

Hi there! majid amonye junior &. family.

akujo thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online:

They also added this comment:

West Nile gets equipment to diagnose diabetes

By Frank Mugabi

SIX districts in West Nile have received equipment for diagnosing diabetes, which is said to be rising in the region.

The districts are Moyo, Yumbe, Koboko, Nyadri, Arua and Nebbi.

The equipment, including blood sugar detectors, was donated by the World Diabetes Foundation for purpose of setting up diabetes clinics at the major hospitals in the districts.

The West Nile Diabetes Programme coordinator, Agnes Joyo, said this would help reduce the workload of doctors at Arua Hospital, the only one which had the screening equipment.

“This is a big step forward for this region because patients from the seven districts have been flooding Arua hospital.

But now people will access services in their respective districts,” Joyo said during the official handover in Arua town on Thursday. She said the new clinics would also cater for the welfare of diabetic patients..

Dr. Silver Bahendeka noted that 50% of cases remain undetected yet early diagnosis is vital to save lives. He said early detection would help reduce stroke and other conditions.

You can also read the article online at:


Nubian Kibra sent a message to the members of Nubians- Latasabah.

Subject: Job Offer-Please pass on.

Dear friends of Carolina for Kibera,

CFK is currently seeking a full-time program coordinator to lead CFK in the U.S. based at UNC's FedEx Global Education Center. The position summary is as follows:

The Program Coordinator is charged with managing and further developing Carolina for Kibera, Inc. (CFK) in the United States as a program of the Center for Global Initiatives at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) in support of the work CFK s sister organization (CFK-Kenya) does in Kenya to fight abject poverty, prevent ethnic and gender violence, and promote healthcare and youth development through a unique model of participatory development. The Program Coordinator is appointed by and reports to the CFK Board of Directors, which includes the Director of the Center for Global Initiatives. The Program Coordinator will work full-time from an office in the Center for Global Initiatives at UNC-Chapel Hill. This position is created as a two-year renewable term and will be supported by part-time administrative assistance.

Please help us recruit an excellent candidate and send this posting to any of your colleagues who may be interested in this position and/or willing to forward it on to their own networks. Further information and the application can be found at:

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Organising Participatory Budgeting Events

A Consultation Institute Course in association with the Participatory Budgeting Unit

27th November London Venue: Avonmouth House, London , SE1

Having PB in place is not the whole story – to engage the public and stakeholders requires a range of events and, once again, the PB Unit has worked with the Institute in developing a course to provide officers and members with the essential techniques to ensure success.
· What events are needed

· Targeting the right people

· Event formats

· Handling the media

· Budgets

· And much more vital information

If you are involved with PB you really can’t afford to miss this course.

”We want to encourage ALL local authorities to follow the example of pioneering local authorities such as Sunderland and Bradford so that participatory budgeting is used in every local authority area by 2012” ( Para 4.18 of Communities in Control, July 2008)

The full programme is attached to this email

The cost of the course is £179+vat for members of the Institute, and £249+vat for non-members.

Please note that we do not require pre-payment. We will invoice you.

How to Book a place and for more information

You can go to our website

or if you are online Click Here

or you can email your details to

or telephone 01414 160 790 or 01767 689 600

If you wish to unsubscribe from the Institute’s mailings (including Newsletter) you can send an email

The Consultation Institute, Programme & Research Unit, 21A High Street , Sandy , Beds. SG19 1AG UK

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On Sun, 16/11/08, wrote:

Subject: Kadara, Muslim Business Financing (in Arabic and English)...
To: "kadara"
Date: Sunday, 16 November, 2008, 11:16 AM

April 24, 2008



New E-Book in Arabic and English


Kadara, Assalamu-Alaikum and Greetings !

Good news - Our most successful e-book on Muslim Business Financing that describes the process of getting new business funding is now available in both English and Arabic languages.

No matter where you live in the world, if you have a regular / online business (website driven) or are planning to start one in the near future, this e-book can help you get started to finance your business.

Depending on the scope of your business, THE one thing you will always need to successfully grow your business is money and capital.

Due to the success of this e-book that was published a few months ago, we have now made the same e-book available in the Arabic language. If you are not already aware of the e-book, it discusses some of the following topics -

The basics of raising capital and money for your Muslim business (whether it's in the Middle East or elsewhere)

The basics of writing a business plan

List of Venture Capital Companies that may entertain your business plan

How do you approach a Venture Capital firm for funding request of your business?

Alternatives for funding your new / existing business

Overview of the Middle Eastern and Islamic Venture Capital Market

...and more

This book is delivered via E-mail as a PDF file - so there are no shipping charges. For a limited time, this e-book is available at a very nominal price and can help you learn a lot about raising money for your business adventure.

You can learn more about these e-books by visiting the following links -

==> English version - Muslim Business Financing

==> Arabic version - Muslim Business Financing



Any questions on any issues we can help? Feel free to write to us at

5405 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92604, USA


Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2008 23:06:49 +0000
From: Muslim Hands
To: majid alemi junior.
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goooooood girl said...

your blog is feel good......


Nubians- Latasabah" sent you a message on Facebook
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Nubian Kibra sent a message to the members of Nubians- Latasabah.

Subject: The Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies QFIS is offering full-scholarships

Are you interested in learning more about Islam? Have you
been searching for a golden opportunity to do so? Well, I'd like to inform
you of the following...The Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies QFIS is offering
full-scholarships for the following programs:
1. Master of Arts in Islamic Studies with a specialization
in Contemporary Fiqh
2. Master of Arts in Islamic Studies with a specialization
in Religions and Contemporary thought
3. Master of Arts in Public Policy in Islam
4. Master of Science in Islamic Finance
5. Diploma in Islamic Finance
6. Diploma in Islamic Studies
Note: only the first two programs require a bachelors of
religious studies as a pre-requisite Scholarships include tuition, housing etc. for
international students
Deadline for applying: 31 March, 09
Deadline for submitting language results TOEFL &
Arabic test): 13August, 09
Please visit the website for the admissions and scholarship
forms and for further details.
Contact Information:
Admissions Office
Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies
P.O Box 34110
Doha, Qatar
Phone: +974 4546560 / +974 4546559



The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily


Hello, Majid Alemi Junior.

kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
Al-Rabeeah pledges to revamp health sector
P.K. Abdul Ghafour | Arab News

JEDDAH/RIYADH: Health Minister Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, who was the first among the newly appointed ministers to assume office, urged top officials at his ministry to work as one team to provide the best possible health services and win the satisfaction of patients.
"This is a great responsibility," Al-Rabeeah told undersecretaries, regional health directors and hospital managers during a meeting at the ministry in Riyadh, in the presence of former Health Minister Dr. Hamad Al-Manie..
"There are nearly 150,000 employees at the ministry whose dedicated services are required to win the satisfaction of patients. If they are dissatisfied, all of us should take the blame for it," he told the officials.
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah reshuffled his Cabinet on Saturday, changing the ministers of health, education, justice and culture and information, and appointing a woman - for the first time - as deputy minister.
Al-Rabeeah said he had received the news of the new appointment from King Abdullah himself, adding that the king had instructed him to develop the Kingdom's health services, matching with its citizens hopes and aspirations.
Al-Rabeeah said he would continue to lead surgical operations for separating conjoined twins. "I will find time to participate in the separation surgery which has benefited people from all parts of the world who sought assistance from Saudi Arabia."
Al-Rabeeah performed the first conjoined twin separation surgery on Dec. 31, 1990, at Riyadh's King Faisal Specialist Hospital. The operation, which was successful, was performed on two Saudi girls joined at the stomach. Since then 13 sets of conjoined twins have been successfully separated in the Kingdom under his supervision.
"In accordance with the aspirations of King Abdullah, we are duty bound to provide the best health care facilities to citizens and others who live in the Kingdom," said Al-Rabeeah, a graduate of Alberta University in Canada who started his career as an assistant lecturer at the King Saud University in Riyadh.
Al-Rabeeah, who has won the King Abdul Aziz Medal of the First Order, said he would give priority to address the problems such as shortage of beds and medical facilities at public hospitals and the growing cases of medical mistakes. He has reportedly instructed citizens intending to buy advertisements congratulating him to give that money to the Friends of Patients Society instead.
The newly appointed Justice Minister Mohammed Al-Eissa said he would give priority to manpower development and training of qualified judicial officials.
"There is a reason for every shortcoming and our mission is to address it. There is no doubt that we are badly in need of training and qualification and learn from the expertise and experiences of others," he explained.
He said he would try to develop the ministry's activities by making use of modern management expertise. He disclosed plans to establish a center for studies and training and another for judicial information.
"We implement the new judicial system, realizing the ambitions of the Saudi leadership," he added.
A new section has been opened at the Justice Ministry to deal with human rights. It will be part of the tasks being carried out by the ministry's general directorate for advisers.
Abdul Aziz Khoja, who has taken over the portfolio of minister of culture and information from Iyad Madani, said his ministry would work on the basis of the Kingdom's firm principles. "Achieving reasonable media openness is my priority," he said in comments published in the press.
Khoja, a seasoned diplomat who served as Saudi ambassador to Turkey, Russia, Morocco and Lebanon, requested senior Saudi media persons to give their opinions on how to develop the Kingdom's public media including radio and television. He has previously worked at the ministry as undersecretary for media affairs. A chemistry professor from Makkah, he has many plans to strengthen the ministry, in tune with the political, educational and cultural reforms introduced by King Abdullah, and making use of the vast experience he gained from foreign countries as ambassador.
- With input from Mohammed Rasooldeen


From: Akujo Amonye
Subject: Fw: Invitation: United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development (23 - 26 June 2009, London United Kingdom).
To: kadara kursum alemi uk
Date: Wednesday, 3 June, 2009, 11:06 AM

We are peaceful souls.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: United Nations diamond bank of shore
Sent: Tuesday, 2 June, 2009 10:04:07
Subject: Invitation: United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development (23 - 26 June 2009, London United Kingdom).

United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis
and Its Impact on Development (23 - 26 June 2009, London United

Dear Invited Delegate, Majid Alemi Junior.

The United Nations is convening a four-day summit of Economists,
Educationist, Administrators, Manufacturers, Researchers,
Non-Governmental Organizations, Religious Leaders, Community
Organizations and Individuals from the Public and Private Sector from
23-26 June 2009 in London (UK) to assess the worst global economic
downturn since the Great Depression. The aim is to identify emergency
and long-term responses to mitigate the impact of the crisis,
especially on vulnerable populations, and initiate a needed dialogue
on the transformation of the international financial architecture,
taking into account the needs and concerns of all countries of the

The United Nations summit coming up in June was mandated at the
Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development, held
in December 2008 in Doha, Qatar. Member States requested the General
Assembly to organize the meeting at the highest level

Registration to this Summit is "free". The United Nations General
Assembly have made sponsorship available to support free travel costs
and all-round return air flight ticket for all participant. Invited
participants will take responsibility for their hotel accommodation
expenses at the Hyde Park Hotels London UK, the designated hotel that
will accommodate all participant for the Global Financial and Economic
Crisis Summit. Contact Hyde Park Hotels for your accommodation:
booking hydepark hotels

For registration details, to participate in the United Nations
Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact
on Development contact Email un

Register Now!


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily


Hello, Majid Alemi Junior.

kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
Saudi Customs exempts 92 products from tariff
P.K. Abdul Ghafour | Arab News

JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia will lift customs tariff on 92 new products on June 6 in accordance with the regulations of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The move will bring the total number of products that enjoy either tariff exemption or reduction to 851.
"Under the agreement with the WTO, tariff exemption for the remaining phase-three products will be completed this Saturday," said Saleh Al-Khulaiwi, director general of Saudi Customs.
Saudi Arabia won accession to the WTO on Dec. 11, 2005, becoming its 149th member after years of tough negotiations. In the first phase, it cut and exempted tariff on 470 products. Two years after its WTO accession, the Kingdom cut in the second phase the duties on 22 more products. Eighty-seven more goods were given tariff cuts in the third phase that started in December last year.
"By the completion of the third phase, Saudi Customs should have lifted or reduced the tariff of 671 products in addition to cutting protection tariff on 180 basic consumer products," Al-Khulaiwi said.
The department's website ( has listed the goods that are either exempt from tariffs or given tariff cuts. The goods exempted from tariff include live horses, sheep, goats, turkey, meat of sheep, various types of fish, different vegetables and fruits, and wheat and rice flour.
In April last year, the Council of Ministers decided to slash customs tariff on 180 products - including foodstuffs, building materials and consumer goods - by 15 to 20 percent as part of efforts to reduce economic burden on citizens.
Al-Khulaiwi said the byproducts of wheat would be exempt from previous tariffs, in accordance with the new Cabinet decision. A 25-percent tariff was earlier imposed on these products, he added.
The Cabinet decision also covered frozen chicken, eggs, vegetable oil, macaroni, milk, juices and canned food - that were previously imported after paying a tariff of 20 percent.
"Tariffs for these items have been reduced to five percent," Al-Khulaiwi said.
Other major products receiving tariff cuts are bottled water, soap, sanitary pads, napkins, tissue papers, detergents, gypsum, paints, plastic pipes, materials required for doors, electric wire, pre-cast building blocks and fertilizers. Al-Khulaiwi also said 664 products - mostly foodstuffs, meat, fish, medicine, educational tools, IT materials and animal fodder - are exempt from customs tariffs.
In a related development, the Customs prevented smuggling of seven million narcotic tablets, 84 kgs of hashish and 25,000 bottles of alcohol during the first three months of this year.


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily


Hello, Majid Alemi Junior.

kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
Saudi Customs exempts 92 products from tariff
P.K. Abdul Ghafour | Arab News

JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia will lift customs tariff on 92 new products on June 6 in accordance with the regulations of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The move will bring the total number of products that enjoy either tariff exemption or reduction to 851.
"Under the agreement with the WTO, tariff exemption for the remaining phase-three products will be completed this Saturday," said Saleh Al-Khulaiwi, director general of Saudi Customs.
Saudi Arabia won accession to the WTO on Dec. 11, 2005, becoming its 149th member after years of tough negotiations. In the first phase, it cut and exempted tariff on 470 products. Two years after its WTO accession, the Kingdom cut in the second phase the duties on 22 more products. Eighty-seven more goods were given tariff cuts in the third phase that started in December last year.
"By the completion of the third phase, Saudi Customs should have lifted or reduced the tariff of 671 products in addition to cutting protection tariff on 180 basic consumer products," Al-Khulaiwi said.
The department's website ( has listed the goods that are either exempt from tariffs or given tariff cuts. The goods exempted from tariff include live horses, sheep, goats, turkey, meat of sheep, various types of fish, different vegetables and fruits, and wheat and rice flour.
In April last year, the Council of Ministers decided to slash customs tariff on 180 products - including foodstuffs, building materials and consumer goods - by 15 to 20 percent as part of efforts to reduce economic burden on citizens.
Al-Khulaiwi said the byproducts of wheat would be exempt from previous tariffs, in accordance with the new Cabinet decision. A 25-percent tariff was earlier imposed on these products, he added.
The Cabinet decision also covered frozen chicken, eggs, vegetable oil, macaroni, milk, juices and canned food - that were previously imported after paying a tariff of 20 percent.
"Tariffs for these items have been reduced to five percent," Al-Khulaiwi said.
Other major products receiving tariff cuts are bottled water, soap, sanitary pads, napkins, tissue papers, detergents, gypsum, paints, plastic pipes, materials required for doors, electric wire, pre-cast building blocks and fertilizers. Al-Khulaiwi also said 664 products - mostly foodstuffs, meat, fish, medicine, educational tools, IT materials and animal fodder - are exempt from customs tariffs.
In a related development, the Customs prevented smuggling of seven million narcotic tablets, 84 kgs of hashish and 25,000 bottles of alcohol during the first three months of this year.

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