The Former President Of Uganda, Al-Haji Idi Amin Dada Alemi Foundation are created in memory of our late Father, Idi Amin, he is remembered as a good father, Wonderful Husband, A Great Leader who keept the country together, a founder of economic Independence in Uganda. he united ugandans of all religious denominations. we his childrens as well many ugandans mised him, and will always remains in our hearts forever. our prayers to almighty allah to rest his soul in eternal peace AAmin.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the SBTVD, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://sbtvd.blogspot.com. A hug.
My name is Marie Tate. I'm a Casting Director here in Vancouver and
proud member of the African Canadian community.
I have previously been treasurer of the Black Historical & Cultural
Assn. of BC, board member & MC for the Jr. Black Achievement Awards,
MC for the Caribbean Festival, Black History Month Opening
Ceremonies, Youth Forum and more.
I am casting 4 children for the Movie "Custody." They are supposed
to be the same child at different ages. This boy is mixed race
(black father, white mother) and should be of medium to slightly
darker complexion.
I am looking for mixed boys, ages 2-3 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3
years old.
The 2-3 month old could also be a girl. The ages can be approximate,
as long as they can pass for the age.
The 2-3 month old, 1 year and 2 year old will not have lines, so they
will be paid $28.15/hr for a minimum of 8 hours. So, even if they
work 4 hours, they will be paid for 8. They will not work longer
than 8 hours as per employment standards. The 3 year old will have
lines, so he will be paid approx. $600.00 per day.
I would need photos e-mailed to me asap, as the director will select
them by early next week, so this is not for the news paper. This is
for anyone you know who you can contact and give this information
to. It would be greatly appreciated.
You can give them my name and contact info:
Marie Tate
Extras Casting Director
Custody Productions
Abdulmajid, Assalamu-Alaikum and Greetings !
Muslims believe that Quran is the ultimate source of guidance and wisdom for the entire humanity. Besides stressing on the tenets of Islamic monotheism, Quran includes the wisdom related to all life's matters including human rights, relationships, business transactions, and about everything else that matters in living our life on earth.
In one of the chapters, Quran specifically mentions a person named Luqman to whom Allah had granted special wisdom. The article below summarizes the wisdom of Luqman as described in the Quran as well as described by other narrators. These words of wisdom can be a great catalyst for personal change, especially if one chooses to apply them in their daily life.
As always, do not hesitate to forward the article to others, especially to your peers, family and friends.
Islamic Words of Wisdom by Luqman
Read other Articles at IqraSense.com
For any questions on any issues, feel free to write to us at IqraSense
5405 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92064, USA
Hi there! Majid Amonye Junior,&.Family. in BC. north america.
akujowang thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online: http://www.newvision.co.ug
They also added this comment:
Museveni will hand over power — NRM
By Fortunate Ahimbisibwe
PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni is willing to hand over power if he loses through a free and fair election, the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party said yesterday.
Addressing a press conference at the party’s headquarters in Kyadondo, NRM spokesperson Mary Karooro Okurut said Museveni would not stick to power if the NRM was trounced in an election.
“If Museveni lost an election, he would definitely hand over power. Even the NRM as a party would encourage such a move. We would tell him, thank you very much for the good leadership over the last 20 years. We would then escort him to Rwakitura,†Karooro said.
Karooro was responding to an opinion poll, which was published in the media on Wednesday. The poll showed that Museveni would not secure a 51% win if the elections were conducted then.
The survey also indicated that more than half of Ugandans believe Museveni is unlikely to voluntarily hand over power.
“We have been fighting for democracy and we would uphold the Constitution if he lost in any unlikely event,†Karooro said.
She said the NRM national delegates conference would elect the flag-bearer of the party and if Museveni is challenged, he was ready to accept the results.
“Even internally as a party, Museveni is ready to hand over. If for example, Felix Okot Ongom wins, so be it,†Karooro said.
She also challenged the findings of the opinion poll, saying it was full of irregularities and the data collection mechanism was inconsistent.
Karooro said the NRM studied the poll and found that the statistical analysis was deficient. She added that the opinion poll was not independently audited, which undermined its credibility
Karooro pointed out that the poll was biased because it was carried out at a time when the Central Government and the Buganda government were involved in a row over the Land Amendment Bill.
“This was a politically biased period, skewed negatively to the NRM party. This serves as an indicator of negative, biased responses towards the NRM party at the time of conducting the opinion poll,†she stated.
Kabula County MP James Kakooza said it was still too early to start speculating about the 2011 presidential elections.
You can also read the article online at: http://www.newvision
The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
Hello, Majid Amonye Junior,&.Family, in BC. north america.
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
All eyes on G-20 meeting
Barbara Ferguson | Arab News
WASHINGTON: When the leaders of the G-20 countries, including Saudi Arabia, meet this weekend for an emergency summit on the global financial crisis, it will be the largest gathering of presidents and prime ministers here since NATO's 50th anniversary celebration in 1999.
Together, the G-20 economies make up 90 percent of global gross national product, 80 percent of world trade and two-thirds of the world's population. This gathering of 20 nations also is a reminder that the smaller club of rich nations known as the Group of Eight has failed to stop the financial disaster.
"This crisis has made all participants in the system equal," Antonio Patriota, Brazil's ambassador to the United States, told reporters.
Anger toward America for causing the financial disaster is prevalent. During a conference call Monday among G-20 members to prepare for the summit, there were complaints about "the speculation and deregulation in the US that became this market tsunami," according to one participant.
The absence of the most talked about man in the US - whose remarkable victory caught global attention - disappointed some of the world leaders who were hoping to meet the president-elect to get to know him better ahead of his inauguration next year.
Instead, Barack Obama designated former Republican Congressman Jim Leach and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to meet unofficially with delegations at the summit on his behalf.
"While some may say it's awkward that he's not there, it would be far more problematic to be there. We firmly believe there is only one president at a time," said Robert Gibbs, a senior adviser to Obama.
Analysts say that his decision to stay away is to avoid any conflict of views with President George W. Bush that could come up with world leaders.
The G-20 summit is being held in Bush's "lame duck" period. The policies of his administration over the past several years are seen as at least partly responsible for the current global financial crisis.
At a time when Bush is considered to have lost his credibility on economic matters, it also is not clear if his pledges will be taken seriously at the G-20 summit.
"The Bush administration initially wasn't enthusiastic about this weekend's meeting of the Group of 20 nations to discuss the global financial crisis. But the summit is going to happen anyway ... Having fouled the global economic nest, America must now work with other nations to clean it up," wrote David Ignatius in The Washington Post yesterday.
"The meeting is intended to send reassuring signals to global financial markets that a coordinated global rescue and recovery are on the way ... The danger is that the hastily organized summit, hosted by a lame-duck US president, will also convey a subliminal message of discord over the future of the global economy."
On Thu, 13/11/08, Akujo Amonye wrote:
From: Akujo Amonye
Subject: Fw: BBC E-mail: Peres lauds Saudi King peace plan
To: "kadara kursum"
Date: Thursday, 13 November, 2008, 4:23 PM
We are peaceful souls.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: kadara kursum
To: akujowang
Sent: Thursday, 13 November, 2008 16:02:58
Subject: BBC E-mail: Peres lauds Saudi King peace plan
kadara kursum saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you
should see it. Majid Amonye Junior,&.Famiily, in BC. north america.
** Peres lauds Saudi King peace plan **
Israeli President Shimon Peres praises highly the king of Saudi Arabia for his Middle East peace initiative.
< http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/1/hi/world/middle_east/7726241.stm >
** BBC Daily E-mail **
Choose the news and sport headlines you want - when you want them, all
in one daily e-mail
On Thu, 13/11/08, City Circle Noticeboard notices thecitycircle wrote:
From: City Circle Noticeboard notices thecitycircle
Subject: City Circle Noticeboard
To: kadara kursum
Date: Thursday, 13 November, 2008, 11:11 AM
Thursday 13th November 2008
1. City Circle Event: Minority Muslims in the West: Some Theological and Civilisation Considerations - a talk by Dr. Mohammad Seddon (University of Chester), in association with the International Institute of Islamic Thought.
Friday 14th November 2008, 6.45-8.45pm, Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP (nearest tube: Edgware Rd / Marble Arch)
The phenomena of western colonialism and globalisation have both fissured and synergised Muslim identities through imposed political nation-state nationalisms and 'virtual' ideas of universal brotherhood. The combined effects appear to have facilitated a distinct postcolonial and anti-western sense of 'Muslimness' that is deemed a considerable potential threat to modern western hegemony. But what of Muslims living as minorities in the west? How do they attenuate ideas concerning their 'belongingness' and issues relating to the marginality of their faith? This talk examines the paradigms of 'minority Islam' from the Prophetic era and considers how contemporary western Muslims might resolve their marginal predicament.
For more information, please click here:
2. City Circle Event: Religion & Philosophy: Friends Or Foes? - Dr Peter Adamson (KCL), Dr Mahbub Gani (KCL)
Friday 21st November 2008, 6.45-8.45pm, Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP (nearest tube: Edgware Rd / Marble Arch)
This talk and discussion will be based on Ibn Rushd's (Averroes') writings on the harmonisation of religion and philosophy.
Ibn Rushd (d.595 AH/1198 CE), known in Latin (and usually in English) as "Averroes", is renowned as the greatest medieval commentator on Aristotle. Later medievals could say "the Philosopher" and not bother actually naming Aristotle -- everyone would know who was meant. Similarly, to quote Ibn Rushd one needed only to say "the Commentator." But one of Ibn Rushd's most famous works is not a commentary on Aristotle; it was rather written as part of his work as a legal scholar and judge. In this work, "The Decisive Treatise (Fasl al-Maqal)," Ibn Rushd takes up the question of the status of philosophy in Islam. He argues that the Qur'an actually commands the study of philosophy for those who are able, and furthermore claims that the philosopher is the one who is in the best position to determine the true meaning of difficult passages in the Qur'an itself. These ideas are provocative, yet show how a deep commitment to the truth of the Qur'an might be reconciled with a deep commitment to studying philosophy, even philosophy written by pagans like Aristotle.
Peter Adamson is a Reader in Philosophy at King's College London. Having received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame in 2000, he has gone on to publish widely in Greek and Arabic philosophy. His publications include two monographs, on the Arabic version of the works of Plotinus, the founder of Neoplatonism; and on al-Kindi, the first philosopher to write in Arabic. He also co-edited the Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy and several other books on philosophy in the Islamic world.
In association with the Critical Reading Group, based at King's College London.
3. The Al-Barakah Madrasa Brothers Tafsir Class is organising its third Brothers Quiz Night. This time the cause is the plight of our Brothers and Sisters in Gaza. Inshallah we have a very enjoyable program prepared. Please note the event is for Brothers only Event details: Saturday 15th November 2008, Starting at 7pm through to 10pm St Johns Church Hall, Hallowell Road, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 1DN Tickets are £15 per person. All money raised is going to the cause and will be collected on the night.Talk from an invited speaker (subject TBA), Quiz, Dinner
4. Sufi/Sunni Single Muslim Event- London Sunday 16th Nov 6:30-9pm Marhaba Rest 26 Porchester Road Bayswater W2 Limited places. All are welcome. http://www.marrymuslims.co.uk/ info marrymuslims Ring or text: 07535654125
5. Two Event: Obama: the Man, the Phenomena & the Expectations By Dr J. E. Peterson*
Date: Tuesday 18th November 2008 Time: 6.30 pm sharp! Venue: Abrar House,
45 Crawford Place, W1H 4LP
Will a change in America mean a change towards the Middle East By Tom Fenton**
Date: Tuesday 2nd December 2008 Time: 6.30pm Venue: Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, W1H 4LP
*Dr. J.E. Peterson is a historian and political analyst specializing in the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf. He received his Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University SAIS and has worked at the Library of Congress and taught at Bowdoin College, the College of William and Mary, the University of Pennsylvania , and Portland State University, all in the United States. He has been a Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute ( Philadelphia ) and the Middle East Institute ( Washington,D.C. ), and an Adjunct Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies ( Washington, D.C. ).
**Tom Fenton in his long journalistic experience as senior foreign correspondent for CBS News has reported on everything from the fall of the Shah of Iran that marked the rise of Islamic revivalism to its latest manifestation in al Qaeda and the world-wide jihad movement.
Dinner will be served. Admission is Free. However for catering purposes please register by sending an email to info opendiscussions or sending a text to 07795 660 438
6. Rebecca Masterton, previously a presenter at Press TV and now lecturing in Islamic mysticism at the Islamic College for Advanced Studies, is giving a lunchtime talk at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Wednesday, 19th November, 1:00 pm. The title is Spirituality and Political Activism.
All welcome. http://www.soas.ac.uk/events/event46544
7. SHORT COURSE ON THE INNER DIMENSIONS OF ISLAMIC WORSHIP by Ustadah Uzma Jung and Sidi Abu Aliyah (Jawziyyah Institute)
Date: Tuesday 25th November 2008 Time: 6pm - 9pm
Venue: Idea Store Canary Wharf, Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 5RB
This short intensive course will cover the basics of building spirituality in particular related to women. Sisters only but all women welcome Limited spaces only and via bookings. To book for more information please contact:
Tel: 07914 481 776 E-mail: courses wharfma
Date: Thursday 27th November 2008 Time: 6pm - 9pm
Venue: Idea Store Canary Wharf, Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 5RB
An increasing number of firms are allowing provisions for Jummah at work through various company based Islamic Societies. However, many times the quality of the sermons and etiquettes of the Khatib are lacking and to address this, a short course has been organised and will cover the following:
- The Fiqh of Jummah including the sermon and prayer
- Understanding the audience and their needs
- Advice on topics and examples of ready made templates to use. - Q & A session - And more.
Brothers only, limited spaces only and via bookings.
To book for more information please contact:
Tel: 07914 481 776 E-mail: courses wharfm
1. Part-time Development Worker needed for Muslim/Arab Charity.
Duties will include co-ordination of Children, Young People and Families (CYPF) project, development of new activities for the charity etc.
Understanding of Arabic-Islamic culture an advantage.
If interested please send your CV with your contact details by the 15th of November to info Selected applicants will be contacted by email within two weeks of forwarding their CV and will receive formal application form , full job description and interview dates.
We are a young Bangladeshi Muslim couple looking for a tenant to rent a large fully furnished double room from us in a four bedroom Victorian house - with good transport connections. The house is in pristine condition and has recently been completely refurbished - benefiting from a large fitted kitchen, through lounge, two full bathrooms and patio garden.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information on 07525 806700
2. Double room to rent in modern spacious house in Preston Road (metropolitan line). Four minute walk to the tube station, fifteen minutes to Baker Street. Share kitchen / dining and living room with two others. The rent is £380 per month (exc bills). Would suit Muslim female. Call Rabia on 07957 544967.
3. I am currently looking for other Muslim girls to share a lovely mansion flat in Kensington. please call on 0777 902 0231 to arrange a viewing or for more info. Lovely large double room with double bed, wardrobe, side table etc, large storage space, the flat is very roomy, has a large kitchen/eat in area and is within 5 mins from three tube stations. There is also a lovely bathroom which is medium sized. The flat is v new and furnished to a high standard, high ceilings, safe portered block and v leafy area. Rent negotiable. Both students and professionals welcome. Available asa sundus sundari arshad
DISCLAIMER: The City Circle does not take responsibility for any of the listings on this noticeboard, other than its own. Those interested in taking part in any of the events or enquiring about any of the announcements should contact the appropriate organisations or individuals directly. The email is offered as a community service and is compiled weekly on a best endeavours basis. If you wish to put up an announcement please email notices@thecitycircle.com by Wednesday afternoon. We reserve the right to edit submissions and not to include requests.
Hi there!Majid Amonye Junior &. Family.
akujo wang thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online: http://www.newvision.co.ug
They also added this comment:
Barack Obama will inspire new leadership in Africa
EDITOR—The mere thought of US president- elect Barack Obama winning the elections on the change ticket should send shivers down the spines of all African dictators, who have abrogated constitutions to enrich themselves.
Although Obama has been silent about his policy on Africa, I think he is prepared to act tough on African ‘leaders’ who claim to act democratically but end up staying in power for life.
The change phenomenon that has been welcomed in the US will spread alike in Africa and across other continents as we have witnessed. The notion of ‘no change’ and offering old policies in an ever changing world will not work in modern Uganda.
Uganda needs a new direction and policy change in education, health, employment and transport departments otherwise; we shall always fall behind to countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and India that were once in the same situation as ours. President Obama, I believe, will inspire a new breed of African leaders to believe that change is possible and within their reach.
David Nkuggwa
Norfolk, UK
You can also read the article online at: http://www.newvision.co.ug/detail.php?mainNewsCategoryId=8&newsCategoryId=21&newsId=659880
Hi there!Majid Amonye Junior &. Family.
akujo wang thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online: http://www.newvision.co.ug
They also added this comment:
Barack Obama will inspire new leadership in Africa
EDITOR—The mere thought of US president- elect Barack Obama winning the elections on the change ticket should send shivers down the spines of all African dictators, who have abrogated constitutions to enrich themselves.
Although Obama has been silent about his policy on Africa, I think he is prepared to act tough on African ‘leaders’ who claim to act democratically but end up staying in power for life.
The change phenomenon that has been welcomed in the US will spread alike in Africa and across other continents as we have witnessed. The notion of ‘no change’ and offering old policies in an ever changing world will not work in modern Uganda.
Uganda needs a new direction and policy change in education, health, employment and transport departments otherwise; we shall always fall behind to countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and India that were once in the same situation as ours. President Obama, I believe, will inspire a new breed of African leaders to believe that change is possible and within their reach.
David Nkuggwa
Norfolk, UK
You can also read the article online at: http://www.newvision.co.ug/detail.php?mainNewsCategoryId=8&newsCategoryId=21&newsId=659880
Greetings Family,
Nyansapo - The Pan African Drum is an online community radio programme hosted by the Ligali Organisation. It is designed to enable honest and progressive discussion of community issues, including those raised in the weekly Nyansapo column written by Toyin Agbetu for the New Nation newspaper.. The next programme on 25 November 2008 will ask the question;
Do racists have a right to privacy?
Nyansapo - The Pan African Drum broadcasts live every Tuesday between 9-12 pm. We discuss pan African news, current affairs and feature reviews of cultural media and events. It is an interactive programme so please feel free to call and join in, we are currently running a limited test service and intend to be broadcasting a full compliment of programmes early 2009.
As ever, your support and feedback, especially constructive criticism is welcome.
Ligali - in service to our family, with the spirit of our Ancestors.
Ligali is a Pan African, human rights organisation founded by Toyin Agbetu in early 2000, it was named in remembrance of his beloved late father Ligali Ayinde Agbetu who taught him to take pride in his African heritage and challenge those opposed to universal human rights. The Ligali and African History Month websites were subsequently co-developed by former Ligali member emma pierre for our community, to be used by our community. It is maintained and funded entirely by the Ligali organisation but we do need your help to keep it running.
Supporting Ligali
You can support us by making a single or regular donation online or volunteering to help at www.ligali.org/aboutus/supporting.htm.
Remember, we can’t continue to be successful without your ongoing support.
If you were sent this newsletter in error or you wish to unsubscribe then please send an email with the words "unsubscribe newsletter " in the subject line to mail@ligali.org or alternatively click here
Ligali | PO Box 1257| London | E5 0UD
KCSC Seminar:
The Implications of Personalisation for the Voluntary and Community Sector
4.30pm – 6.30pm
17 December 2008
London Lighthouse
Speaker: Jamie Renton, ADKC
This seminar will look at what the personalisation agenda means for the local voluntary and community sector delivering adult social care. It will address the challenges facing the sector in understanding its role within the agenda and ask whether organisations are ready for the changes ahead. It will look at solutions for organisations, unsure of the implications and cover ways in which they can benefit.
You can now book online to attend this seminar at http://kcscseminar1.eventbrite.com/ This is a free event.
This seminar is the first in a series of three from KCSC this winter. We will also be hosting the following:
Working In Partnership 20 January 2009
Speakers: Gareth Coles NCVO
Ian Baker, School for Social Entrepeneurs
Helen Leech, Open Age
Beyond Commissioning 26 February 2009
Speakers: Mark Creelman, NHS Kensington & Chelsea
Siobhan Sollis, KCSC
For further information on these and booking visit www.kcsc.org.uk/seminars
Kuldip Bajwa
Information & Communications Officer
Kensington & Chelsea Social Council
111-117 Lancaster Road, W11 1QT
t: 020 7243 9804
Visit the updated KCSC Calendar for important meeting and training dates for 2009. Including VOFs and KCSC training.
Charity no 1087457 Limited company no 4146375.
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Internet communications are not secure and therefore KCSC does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. This e-mail and any contents transferred with it are confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient
IT Professional,
What is your organization doing to mitigate operational risk, while reducing costs, to emerge successfully from the other side of this financial crisis?
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A crystal ball won't provide the answers you need.
Join Jim Gahagan (Global Industry Executive, Financial Services), Geoffrey Baird (Vice President, Global Product Line), and Susan Feinberg (Senior Research Director, Wholesale Banking, TowerGroup) to figure out how to best proceed from the reality of the current financial crisis. Everyone has been impacted by the recent global financial events; some organizations are consolidating while others are simply awaiting the next crisis. But all leaders are planning their next move. What should yours be?
Click here to view this webcast now!
Thank you,
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Hi there! Majid Amonye Junior.
akujo wangita amonye. thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online: http://www.newvision.co.ug
They also added this comment:
Masses can fight corruption better
EDITOR—The BBC (One) ran one of its usual investigative programmes titled Panaroma on “Addicted to Aid†on November 24. The programme particularly looked at the reasons for Africa’s dependence on foreign aid. One of the key issues was corruption, which the reporter suggested, is embedded within the fabric of many African countries.
“Teachers demand bribes from their students because they cannot get by on their wages. Government officials, doctors and nurses steal drugs meant for their patients to sell on the black market..â€
It is no longer news in Uganda that the Integrity Survey report by the Inspectorate of Government named most corrupt institutions as: Police (88%), Judiciary (79%), URA (77%), district service commissions (74%), UMEME (73%) and Public Pension Service at 71%.
To the public, the report was a confirmation of what everyone knew or had experienced. Since the launch of the report, the Government has been silent on how they intend to improve on the existing measures: Prevention of Corruption Act, Inspectorate of Government Act, Directorate of Ethics and Integrity, the Leadership Code Act, the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act and the Whistle Blower Act.
However, Principal Judge James Ogoola conceded that the Judiciary is riddled with corruption (The New Vision, November 21). He attributed the problem to the masses who offer bribes to tempt government officials.
This presents a more powerful tool in fighting corruption by making it illegal to offer a bribe as well as introducing penalties, including court sentences to offenders. It is also important to empower the public to take control of public service provision by involving them in decision-making and evaluation of performance.
The public should be enlightened on how to access public services, what to expect and how to complain about poor services. This would enable them to hold politicians and decision-makers accountable.
Currently, the public seems to be looking for answers in the wrong places; the Police and Judiciary, who are deeply involved in corruption and cannot play an active role in rooting it out..
Fighting corruption can no longer be the work of a single institution; the Police or Judiciary, because that would seem like biting the finger that feeds you. Any law on corruption or its enforcement will be as weak as the systems that enforce it.
Solomon Osinde
You can also read the article online at: http://www.newvision.co.ug/detail.php?mainNewsCategoryId=8&newsCategoryId=21&newsId=661431
General Assembly approves nearly 17 per cent increase in current UN budget – (24 December 2008)
The United Nations General Assembly today approved an almost 17 per cent increase in the current United Nations budget for the 2008/2009 period to $4.87 billion from $4.17 billion, including nearly $500 million for the next six months for peacekeeping operations in Sudan’s war-ravaged Darfur region.
The measure was among a host of resolutions form its Administrative and Budgetary Committee adopted by the Assembly as it wrapped up its work for year, mainly covering internal administration and disciplinary issues, deterring procurement fraud and malfeasance within the World Organization and improving transparency.
“This morning’s decision by the General Assembly enhances the United Nation’s ability to better respond to the needs of the Organization,†Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement, adding that he was “deeply appreciative†for the additional resources.
The resolutions also set the $4.87 billion figure as a guide for Mr. Ban in preparing the 2010-2011 programme budget to be deliberated in the 64th session of General Assembly, beginning in September.
“Let us use the holidays to recharge our batteries and return in 2009 with renewed vigour,†Assembly President Miguel D’Escoto said in closing the session. “We cannot afford to rest on our laurels after this intensive period. Indeed, we have a busy schedule ahead and there are many important issues that call for dedication and diligence from all of us.â€
Budgetary measures adopted ranged from an assessment of about $449.86 million for the first six months of 2009 for the African Union-UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), the provision of $429.5 million for 27 special political missions, the establishment of several posts for the Rule of Law Unit, and $5 million for design work for the integrated compound in Baghdad for the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).
On internal administration, the Assembly approved a major shift from the current system of contracts, which, which it said “lacks transparency and is complex to administer,†adopting new contractual arrangements consisting of temporary, fixed-term and continuing appointments, to come into effect under a single set of Staff Rules, effective 1 July 2009.
It requested Mr. Ban to ensure a judicious mix of career and fixed-term appointments, to achieve an appropriate balance between institutional memory, long-term commitment and independence and the ability to bring in fresh insights and expertise, and to dismiss non-performing staff.
On the administration of justice within the UN, the Assembly adopted the statutes of the UN Dispute and Appeals Tribunals, as of 1 July, emphasizing that all possible use should be made of the informal system of justice in order to avoid unnecessary litigation.
Regarding the Procurement Task Force of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), the Assembly recognized that its commitment to preventing and deterring fraud could not be sustained in the long-term by an ad hoc body. It noted Mr. Ban’s intention to transfer the Task Force’s remaining caseload to the Investigations Division of OIOS at the beginning of 2009, and requested him to ensure that OIOS has the expertise and capacity within its approved structure to effectively investigate allegations of fraud, corruption and misconduct in procurement. Re: sent by kadara kursum in uk. to majid alemi junior, in bc.
Greetings Family,
"If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back and get it right-side up again. And now that they are asking to do it, the men better let them." - Sojourner Truth
Nyansapo - is an online community radio station hosted by the Ligali Organisation. It is designed to enable honest and progressive discussion of community issues. Our next Pan African Drum programme on 10 March 2009 will ask the questions;
Have African Women become too passive?
Empowering African Women: A movement for liberation
The Ligali organisation is a supporter of the NKRUMAH@100 season
Programme Timetable
There are several ways you can interact with the programme you can;
Call the studio phone line; 0208 1444 708 / 0207 043 7759
(If engaged 0208 986 1984)
Send an email to; nyansapo@ligali.org
Send a text message to; 077286 99049
Call in for free using Skype: nyansapodrum
9pm - 10pm
Pan African News (Mixing international and local news)
Community announcements and contributions from listeners are welcome.
10pm - 11:30pm
Talk of the Day
Empowering African Women. Have African women become too passive? This week’s programme will focus on the importance of supporting the African women's movement. Restoring the history of revolutionary African women whose story has been eradicated not only by non Africans but also her brother. We will have contributions from various sistas engaged in liberation work. Listen, interact and call in with your opinions, advice and questions. Authors who call get an extra minute to promote their books!
11:30 - 12:00am (ish)
Loose Ends
Organic cook up flavoured discussion on recent media, films, books and cultural arts.
Nyansapo - The Pan African Drum
Queen Nzinga of Ndongo
Queen Yaa Asantewaa
Ashanti Queen Nana of the Maroons
Amy Jacques Garvey
Amy Ashwood Garvey
Claudia Jones
Olive Morris
Olufunmilayo Ransome Kuti Right:
Assata Shakur
Angela Davies
Elaine Brown
Winnie Mandela of Azania
Harriet Tubman
Rosa Parks
Mbuya Nehanda
Sojourner Truth
Sisters in Struggle: An Opinion Piece for International Women's Month
Submitted by Sista C, Pan African community worker and broadcaster
It’s International Women's’ Month and the 8 March is the annual date of recognition for the economic, political, social and cultural achievements of women worldwide. An important occasion for all women, its significance remains strong for women globally whatever their ethnic, cultural and political differences may be.The message is clear and one that is based on ‘struggle’and ’resistance’, which underlies the celebration of the achievements of women past and present and the recognition of ordinary women as the makers of history. While the global theme for last year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) was ‘shaping progress’ – focusing on how far women have come, while also looking to the future; the theme this year, ‘Women and men united to end violence against women and girls’ highlights an ever present issue in most communities. Hence, events associated with this theme in mind are taking place across the country.
On Saturday 7 March the Million Women March took place with a clarion call for the end of male violence against women; on Sunday 8th March, in keeping with the theme, the Alliance of Afrikan Women held a workshop focusing on Afrikan men and women working together to put an end to all forms of domination, oppression and exploitation. No! The Rape Documentary will be shown at the ICA on Sunday 15 March.
Why have I highlighted these events in particular? You’d have to be living on another planet not to have noticed the increasing violence against women reported in the media on an almost daily basis. The statistics are alarming. In the UK alone, one incident of domestic violence is reported to the police every minute; only 5.29% of rapes reported to the police result in the perpetrator being convicted in court; up to 1,420 women per year are trafficked into the UK for sexual exploitation and; two women are murdered every week by their partner or ex partner. In response, the Government are considering setting up a domestic violence register where a woman would be able to check her partner’s previous convictions (in affect to uncover a violent past) and this week launches a nationwide review into its domestic violence policy.
On the African continent women are bearing the brunt of war and conflict – in Sudan and the Congo in particular. Gender-based violence, in the form of rape, is being used as a weapon. The stigma attached to such violence and the outcome for most – resulting in a child – is enough for many of these unfortunate women (and girls) to be cast out by their husbands and ostracised by their families. Meanwhile, in Mauritania there are recent reports of girls as young as five being force-fed for marriages with the new military regime turning a blind eye (Observer,1 March 2009), and in Sierra Leone a female journalist was kidnapped, stripped naked and publicly humiliated for daring to report on female genital mutilation (The Guardian, 27 February 2009). Women campaigners and activists are becoming much more vocal on these and other issues and are breaking the code of silence surrounding such taboo subjects, but at high personal cost to themselves.
But while women come together during this period to celebrate a day which signifies the struggle for equality, justice and peace, it is also a time for reflection. To reflect on the progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination of women who have contributed to our history (herstory).
We have always struggled – as a people – and especially as African women, both physically and metaphorically. And I mean struggle in the widest sense – not just taking up arms and fighting alongside our brothers to rid the Europeans from our land as women warriors such as Queen Nzinga,Yaa Assantewa, and Nanny have done in the past to loud and enduring acclaim. Not as leaders at the forefront of struggle such as Amy Jacques Garvey and Amy Ashwood Garvey who were exemplary leaders and organisers; or the militancy of the women in the Black Power Movement like Assata Shakur, Angela Davies and Elaine Brown who held leadership positions and took up arms in support of the cause for African liberation; or even women such as Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, staunch activist and opponent of apartheid in Azania and who headed the ANC Women’s League and held government positions before her untimely and publicly manipulated fall from grace. However, recent reports (Observer 1 March 2009) suggest the ‘Mother of the Nation’ may be making a political comeback this year. There are many more women worthy of note Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Claudia Jones, the list goes on and my point is that these were struggles rooted in political organisation, with collectivism being the key to political activism.
But there is also the other side of struggle, by which I mean the ordinary individual everyday struggle that women face from poverty, social and economic deprivation, domestic violence, struggling as a single parent, struggling to get our children into good schools, struggling against the system when they exclude our children, struggling to stop our children dying in the streets victims of street violence, gang warfare and state assassins. It’s a struggle even to keep our relationships together.
During this month let us reflect on the role of African women in all forms of struggle set in the context of race, class and gender; the resistance against slavery, capitalism, imperialism and neo-colonialism and the continued struggle to address those legacies and to forge a positive future for ourselves and our descendants.
International Women’s Day - Event Reviews
Friday 6th March and Sunday 7th March 2009
The event started with a short film dedicated to Cécile Nobrega. In case you don’t know Cecile is a very active elder in our community who successfully campaigned for ten years to get the bronze statue of an African woman from the Caribbean erected in Stockwell Gardens, London. She is an educator, writer and poet. Her poem “The Bronze Woman†was written to honour “the women of the Caribbean Community who despite their limited economic and political power have, on reflection set a shining example across the vertical and horizontal divisions of international society as major contributors to human developmentâ€.
During the question and answer session, an elder named Gloria, asked her sistas to work to make a difference, she herself had set up an African Caribbean women’s group and personally had fostered 100 children in order to help other women all whilst looking after her own eight children. She asked for elder women to reach out to younger women and bridge the gap by providing support. A young sista named Selina then reiterated about the need for their to be a greater awareness of women’s history in order to inspire and give hope to others. Mia Morris from the Black Cultural Archives then spoke about how she was involved in a project where oral history archives were being built by taking testimonies from women in their 70s etc. Habiba, an African with both Egyptian and Burkina heritage spoke about her daughter and their Jamaican father. In the spirit of true Pan Africanism she called for men and women to work together to create a better world for all. The event closed with three poems from the powerful poetess Comfort. She received rapturous applause after reciting her beautiful and potent poem “Unsatisfiedâ€.
Debate Summary: Women - The big Debate
A discussion focused on the history of female oppression
Archiving the history of leading workers and activists involved in the women’s movement was identified as still being an important tool for continued survival in a world where women still have to campaign for basic needs. Despite today being the 21st century, many are still facing 20th century problems.
In Britain, all property was “legally†owned by men including children, the wages and savings of wives, daughters even eternal sex “rights†to wives until 1870. Thousands of women refused to accept this and rebelled by refusing to sign censuses, organising boycotts, protest marches and in cases of civil disobedience even breaking the windows of government buildings, etc
The UN theme of 2009’s International Women’s Month has been about both women and men uniting together to provide an opportunity for a political investment to stop female abuse and gender inequality.
70's feminism which is often described as second wave feminism included a focus on the home and initiated an important internal conversation amongst women. But it was the actions of Audrey Lord, an African American who said women would not be able to overcome their oppression until they fully understood who they were that was one of many Africans who brought the issue of ethnicity gender based oppression away from the sidelines. She maintained that until women recognised all the differences and hierarchies amongst themselves they were all implicated as participants in female oppression.
As a result men fell out of the equation. From the 1970-90s women in the west were making demands of a post-industrial world that had by now, drastically changed from its previous 9 to 5 labour intensive existence in order to meet the demands of a 24 hr world. The change that occurred caused significant numbers of women to be drawn back into the labour force in major numbers. This created a care deficit, resulted in more women being in higher education and starting to out skill men.
Governments all over the world suddenly became interested in women's’ economic activity but not out of a desire to eradicate gender inequality, but instead to monitor and ultimately take control of any situation arising from the fact that women still remain the primary carers for children and old people. As the global economy crashes many believe the impact upon women will be significant. It is therefore important to understand that the extra attention women are now subjected to, is opportunistic and based on exploiting their economic and social gains.
The instinct of mothers worldwide is in principle the same. But for African women a triple of struggle has existed for centuries. Historically, they have not only fought for their rights as individuals, but also for their collective economic and social liberation as well as that of their nation. There have been so many women who are now martyrs for the liberation of their countries but few have heard of them. The myth needs to be challenged - women are not victims, they are survivors and holding the continent together. In fact if we look at the history of conflict across on the Continent, the warlords are not women. It is therefore imperative that we empower next generations of women with this information by acknowledging the need to archive and document the actions of our Ancestors.
The barbaric imperial contact between europe and Africa occurred at the height of european machismo. As a result matrifocal societies existing in Africa pre-enslavement were transformed by a malignant european patriarchal culture where women were no longer respected an instead made into a subordinate by-product of the colonial attack. As a result, even today, Africa is not ideologically free.
Contributors to the debate were Marie Claire Faray-Kele, Helen Crowley, Lucy Bland, Ego Ahaiwe
Debate Summary: Alliance of Afrikan Women
A discussion focussed around the abuse of African women
Why do men feel it is ok to hit a woman when they know, given the same situation they would hesitate to strike other men? The impact on children witnessing such abuse is significant making it essential that everyone aware of such situations speak out on abuse and locate sources of support.
But there is a need to address these issues earlier, identifying behaviour that’s abusive and watching what's occurring whilst boys are children, teaching them wrongs from rights on the use of aggression to resolve conflicts or obtain wants. Parents and grandparents need to be proactive in the act of nurturing and supporting productive healthy relationships for their children/grand-children. All parents and elders have a responsibility to intervene.
Some women go back to abusers, sometimes for the perceived benefit of the children, mostly due to insecurity. Until the woman is ready to take charge of her own situation there is not much that will change.
Whilst it is recognised that men can also be the subject of domestic abuse, the numbers pale into significance compared to women. Statistics say that every six minutes a woman is killed in UK. In most cases this crime is committed by a partner or someone she knows.
Must not teach children to be implicit
Women must not break their social relationships with others when they are with a man. Some give everything up for their men leaving them vulnerable in the instance that they become subjected to mental and physical abuse. When people talk of female circumcision it is often focused on the issue of genitalia, but in many ways the process also describes the slicing away of a big essence of female character. Women need to know who they are so they can affect positive influence upon the behaviour of their sons and nephews. Mothers need to put a stop to the abuse of women by their sons and address the issue of their own collusion in the abuse by lying or protecting males who they know habitually abuse vulnerable women.
Solutions can also be found in women having a better awareness of who they are by tapping into the various methods we have available to teach purpose through traditional rituals. Many young African women today are not going into these spiritually focussed group practices and are instead being seduced through church and a fast and cheap westernised MacDonald’s lifestyle. As a result these skills are not being passed down in the numbers that they should. Women's society in Africa provided instruction in womanhood in a manner that a man can not. The best were not secret, but despite this still managed to achieve privacy without manipulation to teach life skills that transcended the physical level. Wisdom passed down included tuition on the power of herbs, to the responsibility and recognition of how to form holistically empowering relationships. Fortunately the information within our traditional cultural frameworks never disappears - it just needs to be activated.
It is important to understand that the exploitation of women is in most cases not just an emotional act. Men oppress women for the purpose of exploitation. Therefore women must not focus solely on the emotion aspect. Solutions must be built that confront a system, not just individuals. Be the oppressor - religion, culture or tradition - women must develop themselves and to do this they must organise and join organisations that work to be part of the solution instead of accepting and constantly re-affirming the status quo that happily portrays women solely as victims. For every sister that says no, there is one who says yes.
Parents should maintain a relationship with their children into adulthood under the mantra “families are for lifeâ€. We also need to be honest about the abuse that exists in our own organisations, including spiritual ones where libation is poured. Both men and women must recognise we will not overcome our oppression by oppressing others. In conclusion, the system of patriarchy needs to be dismantled, it is disrespectful to women and dehumanising to men.
Contributors to this debate were Sista Njeri, Sista Nzingha Assata, Sista Rosanna
For more info contact:allianceafriwomen@ymail.com
Toyin Agbetu Nyansapo – In support of African women
“one cannot lean upon emptiness†– African Proverb, Yoruba
Greetings, It was just a few days ago when I first became aware of her, 27, of Jamaican heritage and with a passion that resonated with my own heart. I loved the fact that she wore her hair natural, the traditional pattern skirt she wore around her waist, silly I know, but it seemed to match the fire inside as she spoke words of resistance through a megaphone. As I approached, her friends told me she had been arrested aged 16 for trying to prevent police from arresting a Nigerian diplomat for a parking offence. During another incident she was made to strip by taunting police officers who wanted ‘proof’ she was a woman. The establishment were petrified of her I’m told. A member of the Black Panther Movement in the UK, a founder of the Brixton Black Women’s Group and the Organisation of African and Asian Descent (OWAAD), she was a tireless campaigner for anti-racist, anti-imperialist campaigns. And as I looked up in awe and stared into her face again, I noticed that beautiful smile, I wondered, would she notice me, see me, feel me? I like to think so, not a sex thing but instead a kindred spirit fighting injustice, not perfect, none of us are, but nonetheless a principled and passionate fighter for her people. What’s her name I asked a sista named Emma standing beside her, “Olive Morris†she replied with a smile.
For more info on Olive Morris please check the Remembering Olive Collective (ROC) 2009 (ROC) at www.rememberolivemorris.wordpress..com
As I took away the poster commemorating the life of Olive Morris I smiled and decided I would learn more about this remarkable woman. I think I was one of only four men present in a sea of women as I attended the “Women - The Big Debate†meeting at Brixton library last week. Thankfully the situation was not the same at the event organised on International Women’s Day by the Alliance of Afrikan Women where more men came out in support. Keeping my mouth firmly shut, I listened, observed, learned and was inspired by the power of the women’s movement both here and back at home. In these weekly articles I usually express my own thoughts and opinions, I have a platform to reach thousands often denied many. This week I present a series of short summaries of what I heard and learnt in the hope that like me you too become involved, not only in "machismo" Pan Africanism, but also incorporating its progressive element of female empowerment, all year round.
African Woman
A Poem By Toyin Agbetu
i love her
the African woman
my physical reflection, my spiritual connection.
she who completes me
normalises and not exoticises me.
respects and not tolerates me,
challenges without embarrassing me,
educates without denigrating me,
loves me, and only me, for me being me.
please try to understand,
i am her man, not a money making fan.
please try to relate,
she is my woman, and not a feminine man.
i’m enslaved by devotion to emotions for her
i’m enraged by erosion of respect towards her
i’m engulfed by her aura of physical perfection
i’m enticed by her presence and her soul, intellect and…
i’m entwined in our struggle , which she recognises..
which she never denies is…
but we are Africans,
and we as Africans complement each other
choosing to
assimilate and integrate each other
unify and diversify each other
intensify and pacify each other
procreate and multiply as…. lovers
making perfect baby African others.
we are…
jagged parts of the same whole
an African family
with high and lows
both equal and unequal
yet together as one
both weak and strong
and old with young
for if I am her sky
then she is my sun
and If I am her tree
then she is my roots
i smile for her
i cry for her
i live for her
and I’ll die for her
i love her
the African Woman.
May the Ancestors guide and protect us. Ase.
Toyin Agbetu is a writer, film director, poet, and founder of Ligali, the pan African human rights based organisation.
Nyansapo: Update.
Nyansapo is a community radio station with very limited resources, as such we rely on our listeners to become active, get engaged, call and contribute with news items or sharing empowering community information we may have missed. We request all other phone contributions be limited to a maximum of ten minutes to allow others to interact with the programme. We also ask that new callers recommend a book or film with their contribution.
Bandwidth, donations and fundraising
We are now exceeding our monthly bandwidth allocation and having to incur extra costs to maintain the station. We also need to build an additional two media servers, one for backup purposes. We are asking anyone who is interested in making monthly contributions to go to www.ligali.org/aboutus/donations/.
If only a few listeners were happy enough to make regular donations of at least £12 per month (£3 per week) we could improve the width and quality of our broadcasting service. Whilst the Ligali organisation does not take advertising we will consider programme sponsorship.
Phone Lines
Sound quality for callers trying to hear responses down the telephone is sporadic, sometimes the line is clear, on other occasions callers cannot hear us making interaction impossible. Our original objective was to provide a low cost phone number for our community to interact through, we may have to resort to using more flexible but expensive mobile communications technology if this fails. Please bear with us whilst we work on solutions.
Nyansapo: Reading Matters
Reading Matters:The Nyansapo Listeners Book List The Nyansapo Listeners Book List
Following our reading matters programme on the 3rd March 2009, listeners have been emailing or calling in the five most influential books they have read.
Remember, we can also help our authors and publishers by going to our local libraries and ordering a copy of their books. As tax payers we fund these institutions and until the government starts enforcing ‘subversive literature’ bans we are entitled to have access to positive reading material that reflects our own cultural, political and spiritual beliefs.
Dear Friends,
Just thought I might send in my list of books.
First of all thanks for the opportunity to say a few things about Per Ankh. The programme certainly threw up a few more subjects for debate. Ayekoo!!
The Healers - Ayi Kwei Armah
Their Eyes were Watching God - Zora Neal Hurston
1984 - George Orwell
Black Skin, White Masks - Franz Fanon
The West and Rest of Us - Chinweizu
It was really difficult choosing 5 books because so many have touched different aspects of my life.
For those who are interested in learning more about Per Ankh, I may be contacted on -
01371 822 983 or via e-mail: gueye_ama@yahoo.com
The website is www.perankhbooks.com
Some of our books are available from me via Amazon - just search for the title and when you go to the 'marketplace' click on 'gueye_ama'.
Here is the first edition of the readers list.
Malcolm X speaks on Afro-American History
Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey - Edited by Amy Jacques-Garvey
Africans at the Crossroads: Notes on an African World Revolution - John Henrik Clarke
Enemies: The Clash of Races - Haki R. Madhubuti
Race First – Tony Martin
The Healers – Ayi Kwei Armah
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
1984 – George Orwell
West and the Rest of Us: White Predators, Black Slavers and the African Elite: Chinweizu
Black Skins, White Mask – Frantz Fanon
Invisible Man – Ralph Ellison
Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
How They Made A Million - Tony Wade
From Superman to Man: Joel Augustus Rogers
Black Scientists & Inventors Series - BIS Publications
Paul Robeson - Here I Stand
Harry Hayward - Black Bolshevik
Jenny Hammond - Fire From The Ashes
Jenny Hammond - Sweeter Than Honey
Langston Hughes - I wonder As I wander
Roots – Alex Haley
Half of a Yellow Sun – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Noughts & Crosses. Malorie Blackman
Ugly - Constance Bristow
The Bible
The Kebra Nagast - Translated by E. A. Wallis Budge
Introduction to African Civilization - Wallis and Higgins
The Robots Rebellion - David Icke
Getting Black Folks to Sell: George Trower-Subira
The Making of a Pan- Africanist Lawyer - Dudley Thompson
The Beginning/666 Leviathan By Dr Malaki Z York
Ancestors: Hidden Hands, Healing Spirits - Ra Ifagbemi Babalawo
Enoch The Ethiopian by Indus Kemit Kush
The 11 Laws of Gods by Neter Amen
Psycholpathic Racial Personality by Bobby E Wright.
As a man thinketh - James Allen
African Holistic Health- Llaila Africa
Confessions of an economic Hit –John Perkins
Books where the accuracy of author/title is in question
Not Stupid – Angela Austin
Rastafarian – An open challenge to the Church – Ras E sb MacPherson (*Not sure of author/title accuracy)
Our story – Various editors
Comments, Feedback and Complaints
Victims of Violent Crime - February 2009
Date Name, age, picture Type of incident Details Outcome
08.02.09 Shawn Callum, 26 of W9
Murdered, gun shot Shot after a party at a school in Harlesden. Three men have been arrested. Detectives are appealing for witnesses.
19.02.09 Michael Simon Wright, 17,
Murdered, stabbed Found with fatal stab wounds opposite Maryland railway station in Stratford, east London.
22.02.09 Unknown.
Locals said the victim, described as a stocky black man. Murdered, gun shot Shot in the head after leaving his house.
Police officers found the victim with fatal wounds at Barry Road near the junction with Underhill Road, East Dulwich. There have been no arrests.
If we have missed anyone out or you see an error please let us know by contacting us at mail@ligali.org
African History Is Wider than Enslavement
Miss Serwah from the New African Perspective submits a powerful opinion piece explaining why African History must not be restricted to the 'black' history of enslavement.
I am saddened each time I hear people of African descent saying that enslavement should be taught in schools. Yesterday I was at City Hall when a teacher made a similar comment, but thankfully Kwaku set the record straight. African History, which includes enslavement, should be taught in schools. The curriculum in general, should reflect the contribution of people of African descent to world civilization. In my view, teaching enslavement in isolation is disempowering. This is because Africans are usually presented as amorphous victims, and when it comes to the Abolition, African abolitionists and freedom fighters are not given sufficient recognition, and the spotlight is usually on Europeans, such as William Wilberforce.
Africa’s history spans thousands of years, and does not begin and end with enslavement. Although enslavement had devastating consequences which are still with us, it took place over a relatively short period of time compared to the length of African history. Paul Obinna has produced a Timeline to help us appreciate the length and breadth of African history. Last October, during African History Month in Harrow, organisations including BTWSC and Akoben Awards, put on events on Africa Before Enslavement highlighting African empires, education, architecture, and art to raise awareness and dispel the notion that African history is almost synonymous with enslavement.
I also believe that we should rethink the idea of an enslavement memorial, and replace this with a memorial in honour of African abolitionists and freedom fighters highlighting the likes of Queen Nzingah, Ottabah Cugoano, Olaudah Equiano, Harriet Tubman, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Sam Sharp, and Paul Bogle, to name a few.
Ms Serwah
Marathon Fund Raisers: Sifundo Msebele- Manzini and Natasha Antoine Supporting ourSelves: 2 Ladies Fundraising for 100 BMOL
On March 15, Natasha Antoine and Sifundo Msebele-Manzini are running in the Adidas Silverstone Half-Marathon on behalf of the 100BMOL. They hope that their efforts will help to raise at least £1000 for the 100. Every donation will go towards assisting and strengthening our mentoring, educational and community and family development programmes.
Please support them. Please Support ourSelves
Thank you
Open letter to Pan African community from Southwark Black Parent Forum
Greetings Family
The purpose of this letter is to to introduce our organisation.
We are the Southwark Black Parent Forum, named Black Parent Forum Limited, based in London. We are a registered charity.
The purpose of the forum is to give Black African parent / carers in the community the chance to have their say on how services are provided by public bodies and organisations locally and to raise other matters of local concern
The Forum success depends upon its ability to identify common areas of concern and achieve changes for the betterment of African Parents and children.
We have an alliance of individual sub groups and organisation of Black African Parents in the London Borough of Southwark and identify, develop and progress a common strategic agenda for challenging and improving the position of Black African Parents in Southwark. We develop, promote and support a Black African parents strategy for Southwark. Southwark Council consult appropriate committees and boards of statutory and other relevant agencies in Southwark, on matters relating to Black African Parents. We consider matters referred to it by a committee/board of statutory or the agencies, or by representative organisation of Black African Parents within Southwark. We consider issues of relevance and concern to Black African parents in Southwark, challenge and make representation to the appropriate organisation or agency.
The Black Parents Forum Management believe that unity is the key to our people liberation. With this in mind we would like to spread the word about our organisation and if you are in London, we would be happy to see you.
We have had guest speakers such as : Dr Kimani, Andrew Mohammed, Steve Martin, Paul Obinna, Dr Lez Henry, Toyin Agbetu and many more speaking on subjects such as Black History, Academic Goals Charts for Children, Responsibility of Black Parents and Empowering our children.
The Black Parents Forum meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month at Southwark Town Hall, Peckham Road, SE5 8UB from 6-8pm.
We are based at SHRREB 8th Floor, Hannibal House, Elephant and Castle, SE1 6TE.
Sheila Simpson
Charlotte Beaumont| Community Involvement Support Officer
Community Involvement & Development Unit
Southwark Council| Legal & Democratic Services
East House, 35 Peckham Road SE5 8UB
Tel: 020 7525 5502 | Fax: 020 7525 5498
E-mail: charlotte.beaumont@southwark.gov.uk
3d Project: Dedicated to the Development of persons with Disabilities. Support for 3D Project, Spanish Town, Jamaica
Greetings Afrikan people
3D Projects is a Community Based Rehabilitation Programme based in four parishes in Jamaica —
St. Catherine, Manchester, St. Thomas and St. Mary. It is dedicated to the Development of persons with Disabilities.
Gerlin Bean a serious Pan-Afrikan sister who returned to JA from England in 1987 and is the Director of this project has been working round the clock to keep it going for our disabled children in Jamaica and the project would benefit from assistance from us here in the UK. Over the years Gerlin has put in hours that most of us wouldn't even consider to keep the services operating, their sources of funding has repeatedly been cut over the years.
I know that many are feeling the pinch from the Credit Crunch but i'm sure that any support given will go a long way to ensuring that those from the poorer sections in Jamaica have this service to use.
Please send any contributions directly as outlined in the documentation and we look forward to your support
Sister Nzingha Assata
3D Projects
Dedicated to the Development of persons with Disabilities
Head Office: 14 Monk Street, Spanish Town, St. Catherine,
Tel.: (876)984-2840, Fax: (876)984-7808
Email: threedprojects@yahoo.com
Community News
Colourful Radio: Now available on DAB News Shorts
Colourful goes digital
Congratulations to colourful radio for making the progression to DAB radio.
Although the remit Colourful radio has altered to music with soul for valid reasons.. Nyansapo was inspired by the revolutionary groundwork provided by the likes of broadcaster and journalist, Henry Bonsu, community activist Spartacus R of GAP Radio and Bro Omowale of the Pan African peoples phone in on Galaxy FM for providing uncompromising online Pan African talk radio. Following them are Voice of Africa radio, Sistas Faye and Latifah in Wales and Sista Ankhobia's On A Level programme to name a few. The British history books in our children's schools may not recognise the importance of them now, but our scribes and griots will ensure the following generations of African people do.
Organised young people save community youth project
The Ligali family would like to pay tribute to the successful campaign organised by the young people at the Starlight Music Academy amongst other organisations who worked hard with community elders to secure another year extension for the project at Offley Road, Brixton.
For far too long many of us have being absorbing the negative propaganda portrayed in the British media that presents out all young people as criminals and wotless. This campaign is further evidence of the fact that whilst there are small pockets of criminality amongst our youth, the overwhelming majority retain the potential of reaching political consciousness and devising strategies capable of challenging and winning against the injustice perpetrated against our community by an elite group of bourgeoisie europeans and colluding Africans.
Impoverished refugees blocked from Refugee Council integration conference
A conference organised by the Refugee Council called “Integration – Building a Life in the UK†has come under much community criticism for charging vulnerable at least £20 to attend.
The conference which is scheduled to take place on 25th March 2009 is expected to exclude the grass root voice of those effected by government policy and instead give a platform to the growing nationalistic statements of government appointees such as Trevor Philips MBE, Chair of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission and Phil Woolas, MP, Minister of State for Borders and Immigration.
Susan Tsvangirai dies in car crash
With the new power sharing government just a month old, Zimbabwe has been rocked by the death of the wife of new Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, Susan, when their car collided with a lorry on 6th March.
The Prime Minister was also injured in the accident but has since been discharged from hospital. The Tsvangirais had been married for 31 years and had 6 children. Morgan Tsvangirai was sworn in as the country’s Prime Minister on 30th January, in a government that retains Robert Mugabe as President – much to the barely concealed chagrin of Europe, USA and “white Commonwealth.â€
The accident comes two days after Tsvangirai’s inaugural address to Parliament in which he effectively called upon the west to remove sanctions by saying "I therefore urge the international community to recognise our efforts, and to note the progress that we make in this regard, and to match our progress by moving towards the removal of restrictive measures.." The West continues to deny imposing economic sanctions on the country and that they are only deployed against President Mugabe and key members of the ZANU-PF, totaling over 250 individuals, with the new Obama administration intending to continue and extend them, in spite of Tsvangirai’s appeal.
Source: Afrika Speaks with Alkebu-Lan
And Finally....
A character named Mark Shuttleworth is marketing himself as the first African in space. He may not be African but his head is certainly in cloud cuckoo land.
Employment Matters..
The Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) works with migrants and refugees and in partnership with other agencies to enable migrants and refugees to fully participate in society. For the past 25 years we have worked with migrants and displaced people from all over the world and provided advice, opportunities to learn, to meet with others and to speak out for rights and better treatment of the most vulnerable members of our society.
We are now seeking to employ:
Executive Director
Salary £45,226 p.a.
(Inclusive of ILW) + 6% pension contribution
We are looking for a highly motivated individual to join our team and help us deliver and develop existing and new services.
The Executive Director will manage the delivery of MRC’s vision and play a central role in the external representation of MRC to opinion formers, donors, media and decision makers. The ideal candidate will have experience in leadership and management of staff and a track record in successfully managing and delivering organisational strategies as well as financial management and fundraising.
The post holder will have an in-depth understanding of issues experienced by migrants and refugees. S/he should have a proven record of commitment to social justice and should also be able to articulate our agenda for change with clarity and passion.
The closing date for applications is 5 p.m. on 20th March 2009
Please send completed application and E.O. monitoring form by 5 p.m. on the 20 March 09 to jasmin@migrants.org.uk
Interviews will be held on 3rd April 2009.
Further information and application pack is available at:
Education Matters..
Conference organised by: National Association of Black Supplementary School (NABSS) and the Black and Other UK Home Educators (BAOHE) Home and Supplementary Education Conference - 6 June 2009
Black and Other UK Home Educators and the National Association of Black Supplementary Schools have got together to put on a conference to update the public about home education and the availability of supplementary education for Black children.
This event will be held at the Hackney Museum on Saturday 6th June 2009 from 11am till 4pm.
We are inviting individuals and organisations in these fields to join us and take part in this event so we can give parents the best information that is available.
There is a wide range of media available for presentations including a Plasma TV and Powerpoint presentation facilities. This will be a FREE event with light refreshments available.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to take part.
Black and Other UK Home Educators
Rehena Prior
Managing Director
E-mail: info@blackandotherukhomeeducators.tk
Skype: rehenaprior
Nia Imara
Managing Director
Tel:07958 348 558
Rites of Passage: Training and Healing
Akoben: Symbol of vigilance and wariness. Akoben is a horn used to sound a battle cry. Mashufaa Classes
Date: Every Week
Adm: 1st lesson is free.. Thereafter, £4.50 per lesson. Members £2.50 per lesson
Mashufaa is a martial are created for the mental, physical and spiritual upliftment of a generation of people who have become detached from themselves! Mashufaa is about living a life with light through the sweat of training. Sweat lets you know you are alive.
Remember Mind, Body and Spirit are one. Train to live and live to train. Mashufaa Classes will take place from at The Albany Theatre (Plum Room) nearest Rail: Deptford or DLR Deptford Bridge.
Monday and Fridays
Time: 7-9:30pm
Venue: Lord Morrison Hall, Chestnut Grove( off Scales Rd), Tottenham, London N17 9ET
Travel: Tube: Seven Sisters (Victoria Line), Tottenham Hale / Rail: Bruce Grove / Buses: 243, 341, 149, 259,279
Time: 7-9:30pm
Venue: Boy Scouts Centre (Near Bruce Castle Park), All Hallows Road, London N17 7ADTube: Travel: Seven Sisters (Victoria Line), Tottenham Hale / Rail: Bruce Grove / Buses: 123, 243, W4
Time: 7:15-8:45pm
Venue: The Plum Room, The Albany Theatre/Centre, Douglas Way, Deptford, London SE8 4AG
Tube: New Cross / Rail: Deptford Station / Buses: 53, 453, 177
Email: info@mashufaa.co.uk
Website: http://www.mashufaa.co.uk
Tel: 07956 337391/ 07715 942734
Community Events
New play on David Oluwale - 11 March 2009
A new play based on Kester Aspden's award winning book The Hounding of David Oluwale telling the story of one of the earliest recorded African deaths in police custody.
11-14 March 2009, New Wolsey Theatre, New Wolsey Theatre, Civic Drive, Ipswich IP1 2AS
16-21 March 2009, Exeter Northcott Theatre, Stocker Road, Exeter EX4 4QB
24-28 March 2009, Hackney Empire, 291 Mare Street, London E8 1EJ
31 March-4 April 2009, Nottingham Playhouse, Wellington Circus, Nottingham NG1 5AF
Seminars/talks on African (Black) Britain
Venue: Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, 28 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DS
Time: 6 to 7.30pm
March 18 - Miranda Kaufmann, Christ Church, Oxford: The African Presence in Britain 1500-1640
April 15 - Maghan Keita, Villanova University: The return of the Black Knight: the African in the construction medieval and renaissance European identity
May 13 - David Clover, Librarian, ICS: Dispersed or destroyed: archives, the West Indian Students’ Union and public memory
June 10 - Cliff Pereira Black and Asian Community voice and Local History - The Bexley example
Book Signing: Dwain Chambers - Race Against Me
Date: Tuesday 10th March
Time: 7 -10 pm
Location: Centerprise Trust, 136 Kingsland High Street, London E8 2NS
Adm: For more info contact 020 7254 9632
Dwain Chambers will be signing his autobiography 'Race Against Me'
Raimi Gbadamosi Conversation Pieces at Tate Britain
Date: Thursday 12 March 2009
Time: 14.00–15.30
Artist and theorist Raimi Gbadamosi challenges the way art objects relate to the viewer particularly in relation to questions of race, language and power. In this talk and gallery tour, Dr Gbadamosi asks crucial questions of the Tate Collection in relation to his own practice: 'What do I do? What did they do? And what do we all do now?'.
Tate Britain Manton Studio £5 (£4 concessions), booking recommended
Please visit http://www.tate.org.uk/britain/eventseducation/talks/16927.htm for booking
Palestine and Africa. What's the connection?
Date: Friday 13th March 2009
Time: 7pm-9.30pm
Location: Unit 9 Eurolink Business Centre, 49 Effra Road SW2 (Tube: Brixton)
Adm: ₤5
A special presentation sampling the work of Ben Bousquet, Tony Tee, Lord Balfour, Edward Said, Golda Meir, John Pilger,Tony Benn, Chaim Weizman, Noam Chomsky, and John Henrik Clarke to examine the background to the recent attacks on Gaza. Unusual and little known facts such as the following will be ilustrated with video evidence in this interactive session
West Indian Troops in WW1 defeated the Turks in winning Palestine for the British,
Palestinians fought in WW2 for the British, Uganda and Guyana were considered as homeland nations for European refugees, Ethiopians were relocated from Africa to Israel Sudanese government sent aid to Palestinians, while in Darfur there is a lack of aid for Sudanese people The British blocked holocaust survivors from landing in Palestine in 1947
A BlackStarliner production www.blackstarline.info,www.myspace.com/brotherhakim with www.blackhistorywalks.co.uk
A CHARMED LIFE: film screening and debate on family history
Date: Friday 13th March 2009
Time: Doors open 5.45pm
Location: Hackney Museum Hackney Technology and Learning Centre1 Reading Lane, London E8 1GQ
The documentary examines life and times of Hackney resident Eddie Martin Noble (1917-2007 and opinions and values of inspiring young people. The film also and gives a historical perspectives on issues around colonisation of the Caribbean, racism in the RAF during the war, the colour bar and racial inequality in post-war Britain. The film raises issue of the legacy of the Windrush Generation in Britain. The story of Eddie Noble inspired the book ‘Small Island’ by Andrea Levy.
Director: Ros Gihan Williams & Patrick Vernon / 64min /2008 / UK.
Welcoming Remarks Patrick Vernon Every Generation
6.05 pm Film commences
7.10pm Family History Discussion
Light refreshments will be served
RSVP Cheryl Bowen 020 8356 3000 cheryl.bowen@hackney.gov.uk
Restoration and Realisation of Self course in pictures
Date: 14th March 2009
Time: 7pm-9pm
Location: Walthamstow E17
Adm: £6.50 donation (food will be available on sale)
2nd Saturday of Every Month
A composition of images, audio and video
This is a course for beginner, an introduction for participants in World History from a Black perspective: Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americans, the Ancient Egyptians, Nubians, Greeks, Romans. We will explore the global black experience and relate this to the here and now. The civilisations of Europe, the Dark Ages, politics of economics, the politics of race and nationalism, culture and identity, religion and spirituality.
Participants will learn about themselves, as they explore through themes and visual representation and then relate this to themselves and the present.
The course runs for 13 sessions
For more information: 07958 671 267 or 07816 277 360
Challenging assumptions and building for the future.
bfm Film Club: NO! The Rape Documentary (UK Premier)
Date: Sunday 15th March 2009
Time: 4pm
Venue: Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), The Mall (just off Trafalgar Square).
Tickets: £8 non-members / £7 concession / £6 members
International Women’s Month Special
If the Black community in the Americas and in the world would heal itself, it must complete the work [NO!] begins.
Alice Walker, Pulitzer Prize Winning Author, The Color Purple
One out of three women in the United States will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. NO! an award-winning documentary, unveils the realities of rape, other forms of sexual violence, and healing in African-American communities, through intimate testimonies from Black women victim-survivors. Formed through commentary , archival footage, performance poetry and dance; NO! sheds public light on what is a rarely discussed topic , including incest and the way in which rape has been used as a weapon of homophobia .
NO! will be introduced by Ayanna Serwaa, an Empowerment Therapist who actively works with groups, organisations and individuals to 'heal the scars of violence'
Winner “Audience Choice Award†at the San Diego Women Film Festival, and the “Best Documentary Award†at the India International Women’s Film Festival.
Website: www.NOtheRapeDocumentary.org
Dir: Aishah Shahidah Simmons
Dur: 94min / US, 2006
Language: English
Cert: 12A
Book: 0207 930 3647 or online at www.ica.org.uk
By Tube: Charing Cross or Piccadilly Circus
By Bus: 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 29, 38, 77a, 88, 91, 139, 176
BFM: www.bfmmedia.com or contact Film Club Co-ordinator Nadia Denton at nadia@bfmmedia.com.
“Every Child Mattersâ€: What is its Relevance to African Children?
Date: Thursday, 19th March 2009
Time: 13:00pm – 4:30pm (including lunch)
Location: London Councils, 59½ Southwark Street, London SE1 0AL
Key issues to be addressed include:
What are the specific needs and priorities confronting African children in the UK today?
How does Every Child Matters respond to African community concerns about the safety and well being of their children?
What role can African community and faith organisations play in promoting the Every Child Matters agenda for the benefit of the children in our community?
This workshop will aim to generate an in-depth exploration of the above issues. Members and other participants will work in groups to identify some of t he ways African community and faith organisations can actively contribute towards ensuring the ECM agenda works better for African children in London.
To register for the event and for further information on the Safeguarding African Children Network (SACN), please contact: Justin Bahunga, Policy Officer, AFRUCA.Tel: 0207 704 2261, Email: Justin@Afruca.org
The Safeguarding African Children Network
The Safeguarding African Children Network has been established by AFRUCA to provide an opportunity for mutual learning and support among African communities and faith organisations working in the area of or interested in the safeguarding of African children in London. The Network also aims bring to the attention of policy makers and practitioners issues and concerns regarding the protection needs of African children and their own experiences and expertise in addressing them.
AFRUCA - Africans Unite Against Child Abuse
Unit 3D/F Leroy House
436 Essex Road
London N1 3QP
tel: +44 (0) 207 704 2261
fax: +44 (0) 207 704 2266
email: info@afruca.org
website: www.afruca.org
White King, Red Rubber, Black Death
Date: Saturday 21 March 2009
Time: 2pm-4.30pm
Location: BFI Southbank (near Royal Festival Hall), Belvedere Road SE1 (Tube: Waterloo)
Adm: ₤5
Contact: Phone: 0207 928 3232 / www.bfi.org.uk/southbank
King Leopold II of Belgium in the early 20th century turned the Congo into a vast rubber-harvesting labour camp in which he killed millions and amputated the hands of tens of thousands while claiming he was civilising the African. Although represented in the west as typical "african savagery" the chopping off of hands was promoted by white people as a means of terrorising Africans to collect rubber in order to make Europeans rich. This is why one of the world's richest countries is home to such misery today. This award winning documentary sets the context for understanding the crisis in Kivu, the 5 milllion Congolese deaths in the last ten years and why Patrice Lumumba was assassinated by Western governments. The Congo was also crucial to the winning of World War 2.
Followed by panel discussion
**Congo refugee crisis. The British government is sending Congolese people who have escaped violence in the Congo to seek refuge in the UK, back to the Congo even though there is proof that those who have previously been returned have disappeared never to be heard of again. This is soon to happen to 9 year old Tony and his mother Mirielle who have been arrested and locked up in a detention centre. To find out why they are deporting such people click here http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/uk-expels-5000-congo-refugees-1055695.html
To stop it happening sign the petition here http://www.gopetition.co.uk/online/25165.html
Welcome Back?
Date: Saturday 21 March 2009
Time: 1pm-4.30pm
Location: Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road SE1 (Tube: Lambeth North)
Adm: Free entry: First come,first served
1946 after African people had fought and died all over the world for Britain those still in England were told to go back where they had come from. On this day we will tell the untold stories of the post-war generation with films, audio clips and testimony from war veterans who were also veterans of the Civil Rights movement in Britain. As an African in the post-war years you were:
refused bank loans
refused jobs
restricted to live in bombed out areas
blocked from buying homes
harassed by police
refused entry to churches
refused service in pubs, hotels, restaurants
forced to pay a higher mortgage than whites
spat at on public transport
attacked by the general public
treated as if stupid in schools
War veterans such as Billy Strachan, Sam King and Connie Marks used their organising skills to fight such discrimination. We will focus on how such obstacles were overcome and if the lessons have been learned/remembered by the present generation .
Lecture on Queen Nefertari and the African women of Nubia
Venue: Museum of London Docklands, West India Quay, London E14 4AL
Date: 21 & 22 March 2009
Time:1pm to 5pm
Contact: arthurtorrington@hotmail.com
Nubia Museum’s Deputy Director Mrs Thanaa Hassan Mousa, Head of Education Department will lecture on Queen Nefertari, and other Nubian women. The presentations will include details on their contribution to Nubian society. I SHOULD ADD THAT NUBIA MUSEUM is in ASWAN, EGYPT. Thanaa is an Egyptologist (and a Nubiologist, to coin a phrase).
The Programme includes Performance Poetry; LOUIS BUCKLEY’S Presentation of the film, NUBIAN SPIRIT; and other features.
Africa Addio
Date: Saturday 25 April 2009
Time: 2pm-5.00pm
Location: BFI Southbank (near Royal Festival Hall) Belvedere Road SE1 (Tube: Waterloo)
Adm: Tickets ₤5, best to book early
Contact: Phone 0207 928 3232 www.bfi.org.uk/southbank
Africa Addio (Italy 1966) Part of the Mondo Caine school. This is the film that preceded the banned and hated Goodbye Uncle Tom and was said to be so racist that the filmakers made Uncle Tom to prove they were not, in any way, racist. This shock-documentary alleges to show the turmoil following the fall of colonialism and how Africans coped without their benevolent European masters.
See for yourself if any of these styles of representation of black people which were deemed offensive then are still current in news reports or Hollywood films but accepted as 'normal' by viewers who have no knowledge of their history.
Followed by panel discussion
To join our list e-mail etf@100bmol.org.uk
Images of Black Women Film festival
Date: 27 -29th March 2009
Location: The Tricycle Theatre 269 Kilburn High Road, London NW6 7JR (nearest tube Kilburn on the jubilee line)
Contact: Box Office 0207 328 1000
Friday 27th march 2009 - 8.00pm (85 mins)
Saturday 28th March -" Secret Life Of Bees"
2.45 pm - 4.35pm(110 mins)
Saturday 28th march"Hair Piece" + "Alma's Rainbow"
4:45 - 6:30pm (10 mins + 85 mins)
Sunday 29th March - 11:00am-1:00pm Adult workshop by DFG: Documentary film production
Sunday 29th March
1:30pm - 2:15pm Short Film Competition Award
Sunday March 29th 2:30pm - 4:15pm
AFRO SAXONS By Rachel Wang(84 mins)
Sunday March 29th 4:30pm - 6:30pm(97mins.)
Johnny Mad Dog by Jean-Stephane Sauvaire
IBW Screening: From A Whisper
Date: Friday 27th March 2009
Time: 8.00pm (85 mins)
Location: The Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road, London NW6 7JR (nearest tube Kilburn on the Jubilee line)
Contact: Box Office 0207 328 1000
Adm: £8.50/£7.00
From a whispher is an endearing tale of two parallel lives of an artist and an intelligence officer; both indirect casualties on the August 7 US Embassy attack in 1998. They find comfort in the help they give each other to come to terms with the loss of their loved ones who they have been mourning for the last 10 years. Q&A with Director Wanuri Kahiu.
Spring Literary Festival
Centerprise Literature presents a two week festival of literary extravaganza, including book launches, lectures, debates, poetry, films and music. All events start with a short presentation by Ian Randle Publishers (IRP), Jamaica.
Date: Fri 6th - 18th Wed March 2009
Location: Centerprise, 136 Kingsland High Street, London E8 2NS (unless otherwise stated)
Time: 6.30 pm-10pm.
Adm: £3 (redeemable with the purchase of the author’s book)
Featuring visiting writer Michael Anthony, noted historians Prof. Verene Shepherd and Prof. Hilary Beckles from the University of West Indies plus Dwain Chambers, Dr Robinson Milwood and David Simon.
6th March
Festival launch by Hackney Writers Group featuring the I-storians viz., Oma-Ra, Dimela & Ngoma Silver. Plus Poets & Artistes from Black Women in the Arts
10th March
Dwain Chambers launches his critically acclaimed autobiography: Against Me – My Story
11th March
Dwain Chambers will read and signing copies of his autobiography: Race Against Me – My Story. Venue: Manor
Location: Gardens Welfare Trust, 6-9 Manor Gardens, London N7 6LA.
Time: 4pm - 6pm Adm: Free.
Contact: Tel: 020 7561 5267
12th March
Dr Robinson Milwood – reads and discusses his work European Christianity and the Atlantic Slave Trade A BlackHermeneutical Study
13th March
David Simon author of ‘How to Unlock your Child Genius’ launches his latest book, ‘How to Unlock your Family’s Genius’.
14th March
International Women’s Day event with Prof. Verene Shepherd, University of West Indies reads and discusses her latest work: Livestock, Sugar and Slavery Supported by Poets & Artistes from Black Women in the Arts
15th March
Michael Anthony, Trinidadian author of ‘All That Glitters’ and other titles reads and discusses his work. Supported by theHackney Calypso Tent featuring Tobago Crusoe, Deloris Francis and De Alberto.
Admission: £6 conc: £5.
Time: 4pm-10pm.
Topic: Why Reparations? The Caribbean Case to remedy the worse atrocities in the annals of human history
Lecture: Prof. Hilary Beckles of the University of West Indies (To be confirmed)
17th March 2009
Email or phone to confirm.
This event is supported by Ian Randle Publishers (IRP), Jamaica and Every Generation Media, UK.
Note: Ian Randle Publishers (IRP) will be in London from late February 2009 for a three week literary tour and will welcome enquiries from Schools, Colleges, Universities, aspiring writers and established writers about their titles and work.
The renowned Jamaican master painter Barrington Watson has completed a major work featuring on one canvas all the Jamaican gold medal winners at the Beijing Olympics led by Usain Bolt (approximate 20X30â€) on display and for sale.
For further details contact: eamevor@centerprisetrust.org.uk/literature@centerprisetrust.org.uk, tel: 020 7254 9632
Thacmho: Development Day THACMHO Development Day
Date: Thursday 26th March 2009
Time: 12:30 - 4:00pm
Location: Exmouth Community Centre, Braysford Square, London E1 0SG
Tower Hamlets African and Caribbean Mental Health Organisation warmly invites you to our development day. An event designed to give us an opportunity to plan our future activities. We are inviting past and prospective partners to lunch and our guest session so that they can have a better understanding of our organisation as a whole. Their input will enable our membership to effectively plan our 2009-2010 programme.
Contact: fabiant@safh.org.uk
A study by Alvin Kofi: Lost But Not Forgotton Studies of Life by Alvin Kofi: Lost But Not Forgotton
Date: 27-29 March 2009
Time: 12-9 pm
Venue: Alexandra Galleries, 115 Melfort Road, Thornton Heath Surrey, CR7
Special soft opening on the 27th. Come, enjoy, talk and meet the artist.
For more info: 07961 422 061 / 0208 249 5807
Email: clem@alexandragalleries.com / kofi_arts1@btinternet.com
IBW Screening: The Secret Life of Bees
Date: Saturday 28th March 2009
Time: 2:45-4:35pm (110 mins)
Location: The Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road, London NW6 7JR (nearest tube Kilburn on the Jubilee line)
Contact: Box Office 0207 328 1000
Adm: £6/£5
The Secret life of Bees is based on the Best Selling book by Sue Monk Kidd set in 1964, South Carolina. It's an enchanting parable of hope and love. Singing sensations Queen Latifah, Alicia Keyes and Jennifer Hudson star alongside British born and Oscar nominated actress Sophie Okonedo brings the bewitching tale by Gina Prince Bytheswood to life.
Dr Sebi UK Tour: A Holistic Herbal Healing Event
Date: Saturday 29th March 2009
Location: The Tabernacle, Powis Square, Notting Hill, London W11 2AY
Tube: Westbourne Park/Ladbrook Grove Buses:7,70,58,23,31,28,328
Contact: Kathy or Ian - 020 7043 7530/07506929554
Email: drsebiuktour@yahoo.co.uk
Website: www.drsebi.com / www.drsebiproducts.com
African Market Day
Date: Saturday 25th April 2009
Time: 10- 5pm
Venue: Woolwich Town hall, Market street, London SE18 6PW
Come and experience a taste of what Africa and the Caribbean has to offer.
Exhibitors will be displaying Jewellery, Arts and Crafts, Music, Hair and Beauty, Marketing
Live performances by Zil'o'ka, Kay Young, Kersha Bailey,Church Boyz and many more
0203 393 57 35 / 07908 144 311
Nyansapo - The Pan African Drum broadcasts live every Tuesday between 9pm - 12 pm. We discuss pan African news, current affairs and feature reviews of cultural media and events. It is an interactive programme so please feel free to call and join in.
Thank you for your patience as we redevelop our internet communications infrastructure, we are currently working on solutions to address all issues of buffering and audio quality. We expect to resolve all our other issues, technical and otherwise soon. As ever, your support and feedback, especially constructive criticism is welcome.
Ligali - in service to our family, with the spirit of our Ancestors
Ligali is a Pan African, human rights organisation founded by Toyin Agbetu in early 2000, it was named in remembrance of his beloved late father Ligali Ayinde Agbetu who taught him to take pride in his African heritage and challenge those opposed to universal human rights. The Ligali and African History Month websites were subsequently co-developed by former Ligali member emma pierre for our community, to be used by our community. It is maintained and funded entirely by the Ligali organisation but we do need your help to keep it running.
Supporting Ligali
You can support us by making a single or regular donation online or volunteering to help at www.ligali.org/aboutus/supporting.htm.
Remember, we can’t continue to be successful without your ongoing support.
If you were sent this newsletter in error or you wish to unsubscribe then please click here
Ligali | PO Box 1257| London | E5 0
Hi there! majid alemi junior.
akujowangita amonye in uk thought you might be interested in this article from The Sunday Vision online: http://www.sundayvision.co.ug
They also added this comment:
‘I rejected Obote’s despotic proposals’
Cuthbert Obwangor, 89, is one of the UPC’s founding members and served as Milton Obote’s minister of regional affairs. He told Titus Kakembo how he denounced Obote’s dictatorship...
After climbing a flight of stairs, a youthful Jessica Alupo Obwangor leads me through numerous poorly lit rooms before getting to a study which doubles as a bedroom. The time is 8:00am on a Saturday. And Cuthbert Obwangor, 89, is already leafing through pages of a fading book on law. The venue is his mansion, Alakara Hall, in Teso Inn, Soroti.
“Before you were born I was in Kenya. That is how I met A.M. (Apollo Milton Obote, the former Uganda’s head of state ) who was a founding member of the Kenya African Union (KANU),†Obwangor reminisces. At the time (1942-1952) Obwangor was working for the East African Railways and Harbours. “While there we did every kind of job. We used to trade in chicken, cereals and livestock. That is how we were able to sustain ourselves and send some money back home,†Obwangor continues.
Beaming with a smile of satisfaction, Obwangor says it was while there that the political fires in both of them (Obote and Obwangor) got ignited. Especially when they rubbed shoulders with Uhuru crusader Jomo Kenyatta, Tom Mboya, Dedan Kimathi and J. M. Kariuki during Mau Mau war of independence.
Going through those hazy memories, Obwangor looks at the faded law books, old newspapers and tattered magazines gracing the shelves. The morning sunlight sneaks in through gaping window panes to illuminate his fading memories. You cannot miss the interior decoration of his house which is dominated by the stuffed skulls of wild animals and trophies he shot during the hunting expeditions of his youthful days.
“Later on, Obote earned a living, first as a salesman before becoming a construction worker in Nairobi,†the old man narrates. “He had a convincing tongue. I remember before getting intoxicated with power A.M. was such a down-to-earth person, humane and so lovable.â€
Jogging his memory, Obwangor’s face lights up as his wrinkled fingers run through the scanty grey hair left on his head. He says, although Obote was a Langi, he worked in Buganda and Kenya during most of his youthful days. It was in 1956 that Obote returned to Uganda from Kenya and took the political scene by storm. He went to Lango District to replace a local Uganda National Congress (UNC) party leader who had been imprisoned. Two years later (1958,) Obote contested in Uganda’s first direct elections later that year, he won in Lango, he continued on an upward trend.
“Later A.M. became president of the UNC, one of many parties that tried to forge unity in a bid to achieve independence from Great Britain. In 1960, Obote founded the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) and became its president.â€
When a 1961 conference provided for elections leading to independence, he allied his party with the Kabaka Yekka party in order to defeat Benedicto Kiwanuka’s ruling Democratic Party. The coalition gained a majority of the Ugandan votes, and Obote became Uganda’s Prime minister. He presided over the British withdrawal from Uganda in October 1962.
According to Obwangor, the fall of Obote began in 1966. By then his rivals for leadership within the UPC were supported by some prominent Baganda politicians. They used the evidence revealed by Idi Amin’s gold deposit in the bank to claim that he and his closest associates were corrupt. He was accused of conducting a secret foreign policy for personal gain, to a tune of £25,000.
Obwangor says Obote denied the charge and said the money was spent to buy ammunition for rebel leader Olenga’s Congolese troops. And come February 4, 1966, while Obote was away on a trip to the north of the country, UPC members of parliament passed an effective “no confidence†vote against him. Obote was faced with a nearly unanimous disavowal by his governing party and national parliament, many people expected Obote to resign. Instead he resorted to Amin and the army. Next was a coup d’état against his own government in order to stay in power.
“I remember it was only the radical UPC member, John Kakonge, who voted against the motion. Typical of African politicians, Obote, expected defeat at the hands of his own ministers. He became paranoid and arrested Balaki Kirya, George Magezi, Mathias Ngobi and Dr. Lumu, all of whom he detained without trial,†Obwangor recalls.
“When my plea for their fair trial was rejected by Obote, I submitted my resignation as minister of regional affairs on July 11 in 1967.â€
Shortly after, he too was arrested for refusing to submit to the principle of collective cabinet responsibility in supporting Obote’s proposal to grant him more powers as president. This anti-climax of his political life came when he was at the peak of his political career.
Obwangor explains: “By the way as one of the UPC founder members. By 1967 I had become its national treasurer and administrator. I remember interacting with Yoweri Museveni, Bidandi Ssali and the late James Wapakhabulo, who were still boys then. They often came to my office which was located on Nakasero hill.†These and numerous associates of his were surprised when he opposed Obote’s dictatorial proposals. He declined to endorse the making of the 1967 Constitution that was drafted by former president Godfrey Binaisa. Obote legitimised his coup by engineering the pigeon hole constitution which abolished traditional kingdoms.
Things were never the same. In 1969 there was an assassination attempt on Obote at Lugogo Indoor Stadium, but it flopped. Thereafter, he dealt with the opposition ruthlessly. Many politicians were jailed. “I was against keeping people in prison without trial. This state of affairs continued until 1971 while he was in Singapore and Amin toppled him,†Obwangor says.
Between 1986-1994, as a member of the National Resistance Council, Obwangor was as controversial as always. He protested against the use of Sura Mbaya (army helicopter gunships) to mop rebels out of Teso. He later spoke out against the Government’s privatisation plan.
Today, although out of active politics, Obwangor still holds civic education classes to sensitise and change voting trends in Teso. He challenges the poor to cast their vote for a leader who feels indebted to them.
Born November 4, 1920 in Omagoro village, Obwangor went to Ngora Catholic Church Primary School, Namilyango College, Nyenga Seminary and Coventry College in the UK.
Full of surprises, when Soroti had written Obwangor off as a spent force he hit the local deadlines by marrying Alupo. Today they have three sons, who are the spitting images of their elderly father.
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