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The Former President Of Uganda, Al-Haji Idi Amin Dada Alemi Foundation are created in memory of our late Father, Idi Amin, he is remembered as a good father, Wonderful Husband, A Great Leader who keept the country together, a founder of economic Independence in Uganda. he united ugandans of all religious denominations. we his childrens as well many ugandans mised him, and will always remains in our hearts forever. our prayers to almighty allah to rest his soul in eternal peace AAmin.
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Uganda: World Culture Day
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The Monitor (Kampala)
17 May 2008
Posted to the web 16 May 2008
Moses Serugo
Culture enthusiasts are in for a treat next Wednesday May 21 when the National Theatre plays host to the World Culture Day. The event is part of Unesco's Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity initiative and is celebrated annually.
The day aims to provide an opportunity for people to deepen their understanding of the values of cultural diversity and to learn to live in harmony. Unesco has continued to promote the awareness of crucial relationships between culture and development and the important role of information and communication technologies in this relationship.
The National Theatre as an arm of the Uganda National Cultural Centre has partnered with the Uganda Theatre Network and East African Theatre Institute to celebrate the day here in a big way.
The entertainment line up will include Makerere University's MDD (Music, Dance and Drama department), Okulamba Dance Company, Bitone Troupe, Kitara Cultural Group, Stepping Stone (a modern dance troupe), Icons for Christ (14C), Jericho Dancers.
Notable entertainers like Julie Ssesanga, Richard Kagolobya, Dan Ssetabba, Judith Adong, Kwezi Kaganda and John Bosco Kyabaggwe will use their craft to delight the audience.
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In Brief
Sunday, 25th May, 2008 E-mail article Print article
Museveni tour criticised
PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni did not address the problems of West Nile region during his recent tour, Obongi MP, Hassan Kaps Fungaroo has said. Addressing journalists at Zawadi hotel on Saturday, Fungaroo said Museveni did not address the problems facing the people, especially those of Adjumani and Moyo districts.
“How can you tell a Madi to plant mangoes for poverty eradication when he does not have good roads or electricity for storage, knowing that mangoes are highly perishable?” he said. Fungaroo, a member of the main opposition party, Forum for Democratic Change, said instead of repairing the Pakwach railway to connect the country with southern Sudan, Museveni talked about things that could instead make the poor man poorer.
UPC calls for agric boost
The Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) has asked the Government to double the funds allocated to agriculture in the next budget. Addressing journalists yesterday, the party officials advised the Government to increase the agriculture budget to not less than 10% of the national budget if the Prosperity for All scheme is to achieve the intended objective of reducing poverty in the country.
“Many countries including Canada and Denmark have become developed because of agriculture. Uganda’s comparative advantage is in agriculture,” said UPC vice president Livingstone Okello Okello
The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
akujo amonye is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
Interfaith Summit Spreads Islam's Message of Peace
Badea Abu Al-Naja, Arab News
MAKKAH, 7 June 2008 - The international conference on interfaith dialogue that ended yesterday at Al-Safa Palace in Makkah called on all people, irrespective of their race, religion, culture or country, to come together to promote a culture of peace and tolerance.
The conference ended with the reading of the official statement by Abdul Rahman Al-Zaid, assistant secretary-general of the Muslim World League (MWL), which organized the conference.
"The conference has been held at a time when the world faces countless challenges that threatens the very existence of mankind. The conference affirms that Islam has a solution to all these crises and it is calling upon all Muslims, jointly with other people, to find solutions to all issues," the statement said.
The call to have Muslims and non-Muslims work together to solve problems afflicting the world came with a recommendation to set up a center for dialogue to be named the "King Abdullah International Center for Cultural Relations" as well as the establishment of the King Abdullah International Prize for Cultural Dialogue.
The statement also urged Muslims to work with other cultures, irrespective of their views, to come up with solutions.
"The discussions, held in several sessions, focused on the Islamic roots of dialogue, the methodology and rules of dialogue, with whom the dialogue should be made and the topics for dialogue," Al-Zaid said, reading from the prepared statement.
The statement also stressed the need for people to unite in their efforts against the waste of natural resources and the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction.
In addition, the conference appealed to all people, regardless of their ideology, religion or ethnic background, to propagate noble values that would end the present moral degeneration. It also called for concerted action to eradicate corruption and alleviate poverty.
The first session urged various groups and schools of thoughts within Islam to close their ranks and achieve unity of the Ummah. Muslims should attempt to understand other religions and cultures and strive for peaceful coexistence with others, the statement said.
The three-day conference, which was opened by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah on Wednesday, brought together Muslim scholars and media personalities from across the world. It ended with a note of thanks to King Abdullah for initiating and supporting the summit.
Date Wed 18 Jun 2008 10 07 54 0000 GMT
From Kadara Kursum kadara Amonye
To Majid mfalemi Amonye Junior
Reply to kadarakursum Amonye
Subject Fw The International Development Jobs Newsletter 17 June 2008
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Subject The International Development Jobs Newsletter - 17 June 2008
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Chief of Party, Iraq Institute for International Law and Human Rights Middle East - Other 12 June 2008
Statistician, HIV and AIDS Program Population Council United States 12 June 2008
Country Director Counterpart International, Inc. Cameroon 11 June 2008
Iraq Senior Business Development Services Advisor & Senior MSME Lending Advisor Millennium International Consulting, LLC Iraq 10 June 2008
Sr. Director, Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs World Vision United States 09 June 2008
HIV/AIDS Technical Specialist International Medical Corps United States 09 June 2008
AED Afghanistan Security Coordinator/Senior Operations Manager AED Afghanistan 07 June 2008
Procurement Training Adviser Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations Ltd United Kingdom 06 June 2008
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Chief Operations Officer Opportunity International Africa, Eastern - Other 03 June 2008
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Nurse - Clinical HIV/AIDS Officer (South Africa) Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University South Africa 03 June 2008
Technical Advisor - Basic Essential Obsetric & Newborn Care (Pakistan) Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University Pakistan 03 June 2008
Regional Advisor - Asia, Near East and Europe Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University Indonesia 03 June 2008
Chief of Party HIV/AIDS Project (South Africa) Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University South Africa 03 June 2008
Chief of Party - Afghanistan Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University Afghanistan 03 June 2008
Corporate Conference Coordinator Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University North America - Other 03 June 2008
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Knowledge Management Technical Advisor Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University North America - Other 03 June 2008
Regional Team Leader - Asia, Near East & Europe Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University North America - Other 03 June 2008
Expert Budget/Financial Advisor MACFADDEN Kosovo 02 June 2008
CEO Opportunity International Mozambique 30 May 2008
Director of Internal Audit International Relief and Development (IRD) United States 30 May 2008
Grants and Contracts Manager, Afghanistan International Relief and Development, Inc. Asia, Central - Other 29 May 2008
Chief of Party The Institute for War and Peace Reporting Iraq 26 May 2008
Budget Analyst IREX United States 23 May 2008
Analyst/Monitoring and Evaluation The Centre for Development & Population Activities United States 23 May 2008
Controller The Centre for Development & Population Activities United States 23 May 2008
VP, Atlanta Operations Danya International Inc. United States 16 May 2008
ADRA Sudan - New Business Planner ADRA International Sudan 12 May 2008
Procurement Experts Charles Kendall & Partners Ltd Global 09 May 2008
Ethiopian Hospital Management Initiative Program Director (2 years) Yale University and Clinton Foundation Africa, Eastern - Other 05 May 2008
Resident Technical Advisor Internews Network Afghanistan 09 April 2008
Senior Director Health Programs CARE United States 25 March 2008
M&E Specialist, SPR-SEA, Afghanistan International Relief and Development (IRD) Afghanistan 19 March 2008
Program Operations Director, Iraq International Relief and Development (IRD) Iraq 14 February 2008
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Programme Team Leader, Health Sector Programme Support EPOS Health Consultants Kenya 16 June 2008
Support To The Public Defender Office in Georgia ECO Georgia 16 June 2008
Chief of Unit, P-4 United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund United States 16 June 2008
PMU Team Leader Maxwell Stamp PLC Nigeria 16 June 2008
Head of Housing & Infrastructure (P-3) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Lebanon 16 June 2008
Blogger Devex Global 16 June 2008
Head of Design & Planning Sub-Unit United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Lebanon 16 June 2008
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Staff Assistant, G-5 United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Thailand 16 June 2008
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Contracts Specialist Management Sciences for Health North America - Other 16 June 2008
Apiculture Adviser Al-Dhala Community Resource Management Project in Yemen Yemen 16 June 2008
Project Manager: Integrated Tax Administration System Government of Liberia/World Bank Liberia 16 June 2008
ECONOMISTE DU DEVELOPPEMENT pour le Ministère de la Coopération et du NEPAD AGORA'2000 Togo 16 June 2008
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STATISTICIEN ECONOMETRE pour le Ministère de l'Economie et du Développement AGORA'2000 Togo 16 June 2008
MACRO ECONOMISTE pour le Ministère de l'Economie et du Développement AGORA'2000 Togo 16 June 2008
Consultants: Behavior Change Communication (3 positions) Government of Viet Nam/World Bank Viet Nam 16 June 2008
Procurement Officers (3 positions) Government of Viet Nam/World Bank Viet Nam 16 June 2008
Private sector evaluation expert CESO CI - Consultores Internacionais Viet Nam 16 June 2008
Team Leader - For the provision of Technical Assistance in support of EC Programmes for the Governance and Rule of law sector in Southern Sudan Progeco S.r.l. Sudan 16 June 2008
Expert 2 - Background study for the ASEM Conference on Development Cooperation Progeco S.r.l. Global 16 June 2008
Team Leader - Background study for the ASEM Conference on Development Cooperation Progeco S.r.l. Global 16 June 2008
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Senior Technical Manager, #CS8189DX AED Global 15 June 2008
Auditor 4 HB Consultants Ltd. Afghanistan 15 June 2008
Auditor 4 HB Consultants Ltd. Afghanistan 15 June 2008
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Papua New Guinea Recruitment Manager Coffey International Development Papua New Guinea 14 June 2008
Valuation Expert United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ukraine 14 June 2008
Analytical Software Expert/Trainer United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ukraine 14 June 2008
Operations Manager DAI Congo (DROC) 13 June 2008
Consultant: Sustainable Development of Natural Resources Project Sustainable Development of Natural Resources Project / The World Bank Afghanistan 13 June 2008
Chief of Party - Pakistan Small Scale Infrastructure Development Project (2008098) International Relief & Development Pakistan 13 June 2008
Protection Manager, Bocaranga CAR The International Rescue Committee Central African Republic 13 June 2008
Health Manager, Kaga Bandoro CAR The International Rescue Committee Central African Republic 13 June 2008
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Economic growth experts Chemonics International Philippines 13 June 2008
Contracts and Program Manager Banyan Global United States 13 June 2008
Chief of Party / Civil Society (1539) CHF International Jordan 13 June 2008
Chief of Party-Pakistan (1538) CHF International Pakistan 13 June 2008
Financial Analyst (1537) CHF International United States 13 June 2008
Business Analyst - Washington, DC ShoreBank International United States 13 June 2008
Policy Reform Experts (Legal and Economic) IRIS Center at the University of Maryland Philippines 13 June 2008
Managing Project Specialist American Institutes for Research United States 13 June 2008
Senior Contracts Administrator American Institutes for Research United States 13 June 2008
Economic Advisor United Nations Development Programme Sudan 13 June 2008
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Procurement Specialist (Elections) United Nations Development Programme Sudan 13 June 2008
Director of Civil Society & Governance Programs World Learning North America - Other 13 June 2008
Logistics Manager United Nations Development Programme Afghanistan 13 June 2008
Developer DEV Central Africa 13 June 2008
Senior LT/ST technical specialists The Louis Berger Group Philippines 13 June 2008
Programme Analyst (Crisis Prevention and Recovery) United Nations Development Programme Timor-Leste 13 June 2008
Tourism Awareness Specialist Chemonics International Jordan 13 June 2008
Product and site development specialist Chemonics International Jordan 13 June 2008
Tourism marketing specialist Chemonics International Jordan 13 June 2008
Internist International Medical Corps Liberia 13 June 2008
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Hospital Administrator International Medical Corps Liberia 13 June 2008
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13 June 2008
Capacity building in technology transfer institutions in order to enhance research commercialization activities European Consultants Organisation Europe, Eastern - Other 13 June 2008
Feasibility Studies Expert (Jordan) ProDev Lebanon Jordan 13 June 2008
Senior Legal Officer, P-5 United Nations Office of Legal Affairs United States 13 June 2008
Short-term Procurement Assistance in support of MCA Mongolia Crown Agents-USA, Inc. Mongolia 13 June 2008
Programme Analyst (Governance Unit) United Nations Development Programme Timor-Leste 13 June 2008
Supervisor, Travel and Traffic Sub-Unit, G-7 United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribean Chile 13 June 2008
Human Resources Specialist, FP-0201-5 (Equivalent to GS-09/10) Peace Corps United States 13 June 2008
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Shelter Supervisor United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Afghanistan 13 June 2008
Program Assistant United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Afghanistan 13 June 2008
Programme Specialist (Aid Effectiveness) United Nations Development Programme Afghanistan 13 June 2008
Technical Advisor - PFM in Local Governments Uganda Tribal HELM Africa, Eastern - Other 13 June 2008
Field Security Advisor United Nations Development Programme West Bank & Gaza 13 June 2008
Project Officer, WASH - Consultancy - National Officer United Nations Children's Fund Somalia 13 June 2008
Project Officer - Consultancy - National Officer United Nations Children's Fund Somalia 13 June 2008
Junior Manager, Africa FINCA International
13 June 2008
Senior Banking Leadership Program, Latin America FINCA International Latin America & Caribbean 13 June 2008
Chief of Branch, D-1 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs United States 13 June 2008
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Team Leader, Intelligence Analysis Unit, L-4 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Cambodia 13 June 2008
Team Leader, Investigations Unit, L-4 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Cambodia 13 June 2008
Assistant (e) Administratif(ve) & Financier (e) United Nations Development Programme Congo (DROC) 13 June 2008
Technical Assistance to the Competitiveness and Trade Support Programme in Swaziland AGORA' 2000 Swaziland 13 June 2008
Document Control Manager - Libya AECOM- TCB Libya 13 June 2008
Senior Program Control Manager - Libya AECOM- TCB Libya 13 June 2008
Youth Mobilizer United Nations Fund for Population Activities Afghanistan 13 June 2008
Director of Risk Management - Libya AECOM- TCB Libya 13 June 2008
Project Assistant - Constitution-Making Support Project United Nations Development Programme Somalia 13 June 2008
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Preparation of Tender Documents for the Establishment of an Accredited Calibration Laboratory Project a.r.s. progetti Turkey 13 June 2008
Senior Expert for Teacher Professional Development The Development Executive Group (Candidate Sourcing Service) Ethiopia 13 June 2008
Senior Expert for Decentralization and Institutional Capacity-Building The Development Executive Group (Candidate Sourcing Service) Ethiopia 13 June 2008
India - Regional Procurement Consultants Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations Ltd India 13 June 2008
Education and communication expert European Consultants Organisation Global 13 June 2008
Administrative and financial expertise expert/Team Leader European Consultants Organisation Global 13 June 2008
West Bank Area Coordinator ACTED Middle East - Other 13 June 2008
Chad Area Coordinator ACTED Africa, Central - Other 13 June 2008
DRC Area Coordinator ACTED Africa, Central - Other 13 June 2008
Afghanistan Area Coordinator ACTED Asia, Central - Other 13 June 2008
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Iraq Area Coordinator ACTED Middle East - Other 13 June 2008
Policy Expert (Jordan) ProDev Lebanon Jordan 13 June 2008
Senior Associate, Global Health BroadReach Healthcare United States 13 June 2008
Grants Manager World Concern Thailand 13 June 2008
Campaigns and Policy Director War on Want United Kingdom 13 June 2008
Global Administrator (Membership & Governance) ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Canada 13 June 2008
Environmental Economist The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics Nepal 13 June 2008
National Expert in Public Awareness - Support to the Public Defender Office Progeco S.r.l. Georgia 13 June 2008
Mid-Term Evaluation of anti-corruption project and Ars progetti Nigeria 13 June 2008
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National Project Coordinator - Support to the Public Defender Office Progeco S.r.l. Georgia 13 June 2008
Expert in Raising Public awareness (civic education) Human Dynamics Georgia 13 June 2008
Project Coordinator/Deputy Team Leader Human Dynamics Georgia 13 June 2008
Team Leader - Modified Accrual Accounting Solutions: Interventions in Generally Recognised Accounting Practices (GRAP) Progeco S.r.l. South Africa 13 June 2008
Team Leader/Human Rights Expert Human Dynamics Georgia 13 June 2008
Program Director (Transparency and Integrity Fund) Open Society Institute United States 13 June 2008
Senior Researcher Open Society Justice Initiative/Open Society Institute United States 13 June 2008
Team Leader - Support to the Public Defender's Office Progeco S.r.l. Georgia 13 June 2008
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Senior Management/ Corporate Services Adviser to the Office of the Prosecutor General GRM International Timor-Leste 13 June 2008
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Monitoring and Evaluation Adviser GRM International Solomon Islands 13 June 2008
Human Resource Management Adviser GRM International Solomon Islands 13 June 2008
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On Tue, 17/6/08, Akujo Amonye akujowang wrote:
From Akujo Amonye akujowang
Subject Fw akujowang amonye has sent you a New Vision News Article!
To kadara kursum kadarakursum amonye
Date: Tuesday, 17 June, 2008, 12:48 PM
We are peaceful souls.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: New Vision Online Division nvision newvision co ug
To: akujowang
Sent: Tuesday, 17 June, 2008 1:45:33 PM
Subject: akujowang has sent you a New Vision News Article!
Hi there majid amonye Junior
akujowang amonye thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online http www newvision co ug
They also added this comment
Arua district budget estimates fall by 18%
By Frank Mugabi
THE Arua district local government has passed a sh21.8b budget for the 2008/2009 financial year. Presenting the budget to the council last week, finance secretary Sam Wadri Nyakua, said the estimates had decreased by 18% from last year due to the creation of the Maracha/Terego district.
The district was carved out of Arua in 2005 although it is yet to take off due to wrangles about the location of the headquarters. The case is in court pending disposal.
The conflict was also affecting the human resource performance of Arua, Nyakua noted, explaining that civil servants were still ‘taking care’ of running business in Maracha/Terego that should otherwise be recruiting its own staff.
Due to the 18% decrease, he said, Government funding for development programmes like the Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF) and the Northwest Smallholders Agricultural Project would be cut down.
Other reductions are expected in graduated tax compensation and unconditional grant disbursements.
“We expect to receive sh18.9b (87% of the total budget) through central government transfers while sh2.3b (11%) will be contributed by donor organisations,†said Nyakua.
“We shall collect about sh532m, representing only 2% from local revenue sources.â€
The finance secretary observed that Arua would require additional support to make good its promise to upgrade the Inzikuru (former Barifa) Stadium to promote sports.
The playground, now in a state of disrepair, was named after athlete Dorcus Inzikuru when she won a gold medal and set a new steeplechase record at the Commonwealth championships in Helsinki, Finland, in 2005.
You can also read the article online at: http://www.newvision.co.ug/detail.php?mainNewsCategoryId=8&newsCategoryId=16&newsId=633840
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:39:49 0000 GMT
From: Kadara Kursum kadarakursum
To: Majid Amonye mfalemi
Reply-to: kadarakursum
2 unnamed text/html 2.44 KB
--- On Mon, 23/6/08, Akujo Amonye akujowang wrote:
From: Akujo Amonye akujowang
To: "kadara kursum" kadarakursum
Date: Monday, 23 June, 2008, 11:37 AM
We are peaceful souls.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Rose Grand ominicity hotels
To: akujowang
Sent: Friday, 20 June, 2008 11:17:08 PM
I am Mrs Rose Grand the Employment recruit manager of Canadian Hotels,i wish to inform you that the hotel need 10 or 20 elegible man and woman who can work and live in omni hotel Canada ,
A Division Of Delta Chelsea Canadian Hotel Canada , hotel will care of your tickets,accommodation lodging and the visa assistance in your country,if you are interested ,you should please contact us back via the mail box,
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What a sizzling stretch of sweet summer!
A few of us agreed that the best way to crown this sizzle of a summer was to have a sizzle of our own on Tuesday, July 1st, at the Burnaby Fraser Foreshore Park at 3:00 p.m. The East-most point of the Park has always been our spot. Join us, won't you?
Bring your favourite roast and drink. I will bring the stove and charcoal.
See you there and continue to enjoy your summer.
On Tue, 1/7/08, recruiting_center@developmentex.com wrote:
Subject: The International Development Jobs Newsletter - 01 July 2008
To: kadarakursum
Date: Tuesday, 1 July, 2008, 10:05 AM
The International Development Jobs Newsletter is a twice-weekly publication that connects international development job seekers and recruiters.
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The International Development Jobs Newsletter - 01 July 2008
Top international development and humanitarian relief jobs delivered to 120,000+ international development professionals each week.
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Al Momen, Fouad
United Arab Emirates
I have internationally recognized experience and successful track record in planning, design & DB of major and complex infrastructure projects, developing sustainable infrastructure design strategies, excellent experience in project & program management, capacity building, and business development.
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Featured Job Title Organization Country/Region Post Date
Regional Director - West Africa (Gambia) International Relief and Development (IRD) Africa, Western - Other 26 June 2008
Chief Operating Officer Harewelle International Limited Asia, Southeast - Other 26 June 2008
Communications Manager World Bank Global 24 June 2008
Capture Manager - Stability Operations Team DAI United States 23 June 2008
Senior Marketing Consultants - Francophone Africa Ipas Africa, Western - Other 20 June 2008
Community Development Specialist rePlan Inc. Canada 20 June 2008
Senior Finance Officer - Southern Africa Region World Vision United States 19 June 2008
Principal Development Specialist - Economics, Banking, & Finance DAI United States 17 June 2008
Chief of Party, Iraq Institute for International Law and Human Rights Middle East - Other 12 June 2008
Statistician, HIV and AIDS Program Population Council United States 12 June 2008
Country Director Counterpart International, Inc. Cameroon 11 June 2008
Iraq Senior Business Development Services Advisor & Senior MSME Lending Advisor Millennium International Consulting, LLC Iraq 10 June 2008
Sr. Director, Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs World Vision United States 09 June 2008
CHIEF OF PARTY MWH Global Asia, Central - Other 09 June 2008
HIV/AIDS Technical Specialist International Medical Corps United States 09 June 2008
AED Afghanistan Security Coordinator/Senior Operations Manager AED Afghanistan 07 June 2008
Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University United States 05 June 2008
Chief Operations Officer Opportunity International Africa, Eastern - Other 03 June 2008
Site Project Manager / Armenia rePlan Inc. Armenia 03 June 2008
Nurse - Clinical HIV/AIDS Officer (South Africa) Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University South Africa 03 June 2008
Technical Advisor - Basic Essential Obsetric & Newborn Care (Pakistan) Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University Pakistan 03 June 2008
Regional Advisor - Asia, Near East and Europe Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University Indonesia 03 June 2008
Chief of Party HIV/AIDS Project (South Africa) Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University South Africa 03 June 2008
Chief of Party - Afghanistan Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University Afghanistan 03 June 2008
Corporate Conference Coordinator Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University North America - Other 03 June 2008
Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University North America - Other 03 June 2008
Knowledge Management Technical Advisor Jhpiego an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University North America - Other 03 June 2008
Expert Budget/Financial Advisor MACFADDEN Kosovo 02 June 2008
Grants and Contracts Manager, Afghanistan International Relief and Development, Inc. Asia, Central - Other 29 May 2008
VP, Atlanta Operations Danya International Inc. United States 16 May 2008
Ethiopian Hospital Management Initiative Program Director (2 years) Yale University and Clinton Foundation Africa, Eastern - Other 05 May 2008
Resident Technical Advisor Internews Network Afghanistan 09 April 2008
M&E Specialist, SPR-SEA, Afghanistan International Relief and Development (IRD) Afghanistan 19 March 2008
Program Operations Director, Iraq International Relief and Development (IRD) Iraq 14 February 2008
Program Operations Officer, Iraq International Relief and Development (IRD) Iraq 14 February 2008
Resident Journalism Advisor, Kenya Internews Network Kenya 07 November 2007
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Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 15:33:40 +0000 (GMT)
From: Kadara Kursum Amonye
To: Majid Amonye Junior & Family.
Reply-to: kadarakursum Amonye
Subject: Fw: akujowang Amonye has sent you a New Vision News Article!
--- On Wed, 6/8/08, Akujo Amonye < akujowang wrote:
From: Akujo Amonye akujowang
Subject: Fw: akujowang has sent you a New Vision News Article!
To: "kadara kursum Amonye Princess.
Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 2008, 2:30 PM
We are peaceful souls.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: New Vision Online Division newvision.
To: akujowang Amonye
Sent: Wednesday, 6 August, 2008 3:12:56 PM
Subject: akujowang Amonye has sent you a New Vision News Article!
Hi there! Mr. Majid Amonye Junior & Family.
akujowang Amonye thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online:
They also added this comment:
Law centre to tighten entry requirements
By Charles Ariko
THE public has lost confidence in the legal profession because of corrupt lawyers, Andrew Kasirye, a member of the management committee of the institution, has said.
“We are concerned about the diminishing standards of professional excellence. That does not augur well for us as lawyers. We are going to push up the requirements of the qualifying students if it means passing out only two students per year,†Kasirye said.
He was on Friday addressing post-graduate law students of the Law Development Centre during a dinner at the Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala.
“We are not going to succumb to populism. Lawyers are people of excellence and we are not going to bring the standards down,†Kasirye said.
He observed that whereas in the past a number of factors were considered for one to join the legal profession, today, universities mainly considered only the grades and the ability of the students to pay the lucrative tuition fees.
Kasirye added that a committee had been set up to scrutinise postgraduate students admitted to the Law Development Centre.
The centre is the only institute in the country that trains graduate lawyers in legal practice, a requirement that they must fulfil before becoming advocates.
A degree in law is one of the requirements for one to study the bar course.
The president of the Uganda Law Society, Oscar Kihika, cautioned lawyers against abusing their professional code.
“A lawyer’s biggest asset is his or her integrity. It is possible to earn a decent living without engaging in unprofessional conduct,†Kihika said.
He told the students, who included Lt. Gen. Moses Ali, Maj. Gen. Jim Muhwezi and Brig. Henry Tumukunde, that the legal career was one of the few professions where one could easily employ himself, therefore, there was no need for them to hunt for jobs.
“Jobs start with you. Create your own opportunities and employ yourself.â€
Fred Ruhindi, the Deputy Attorney General, advised the students to seek employment in various sectors and open up law firms.
“Don’t think small. Legal professionals should see themselves across the board. To achieve success, you have to manage your performance to excel,†Ruhindi said.
You can also read the article online at: newvision re: thanks sister Khadara Amonye. all your messages recieve. Majid Amonye Junior. Vancouver, Western Canada. salam warahma.
Quoting mfalemi@telus.net:
re: the preperation for dua on saturday. aug.16-2008. at dadys house in a=
are underway. I did talk with baba hussein diliga yesterday. everything =
all set. remo you work and co operate with baba hussein diliga. before ou=
late, father amonye died, he told me to deal with baba diliga. incase of =
occassion back home. my advise to you remo, try not to listen to some group=
evils that wanted to divide us the families. be careful with the people you are try=
associate with. you will know more but not via email. Majid Amonye Junior=
> Uganda and rest of the world will remember & mourn the Late. President =
of the
> republic of Uganda. Al- Haji Iddi Amin dada. saturday august.16-2008. h=
e died
> aug. 16-2003 and buried aug. 16-2003 in Jeddah. saudi arabia=20
> aug.16-
> 2003.and thats the day my father was burried. the programe will start o=
> friday=20
> aug.15-2008. at Jumuah Prayers in all Masjid/Mosque worldwide.to make d=
ua for
> him then on saturday. aug.16-08. we invites ugandans at his house in ar=
> tanganyika village. funeral lunchon. the events will be sponsored by UM=
> and myself.the president of uganda muslims association in bc. Majid Amo=
> Junior also here in vancouver canada. we will organize dinner all ugand=
> community in bc are invited at my house. time 4pm. in uganda the invite=
> guests. are as follows.
> the governor of west
> nile, district commissioners in
> arua,koboko,yumbe,moyo,adjumani,gulu,lira,mama=20
> miria obote,the former vice president, mustefa Idirisi, Lt. General. Mo=
> Ali,=20
> the sheik mufti of uganda muslims spreme council mubajje, the bishop west nile, and northern region orombi, Mrs. Anuna Umari the=
> organiser on the women side. Baba Hussein Diliga and Brother Jaffar Rem=
o will
> welcome the invited guest, as well to mobilise the volunteers. [RSVP]Ma=
> General. brother taban Idoru will provide security. more will follow. F=
> Majid Amonye in Vancouver. Western Canada. August.10=3D2008. salam wara=
hma. =20
> contact me at mfalemi@gmail.com who ever wanted to donate rise,cookin=
g oil,
> flour, onion, money, contact baba huseein diliga & brother Jaffar Remo =
> arua.=20
> remo I will send you our contrbution to buy cow & other necesities in t=
> days.
> August 10, 2008 1:54 PM
> =20
The life and times of Kyabazinga Muloki
Sunday, 7th September, 2008 E-mail article Print article
By Frank Nabwiso
A lot has already been aired and published in the media about the life of the late Henry Wako Muloki so this eulogy will focus on just a few things which have not been said so far.
Birth and education
Prince Muloki was born on February 18, 1921, to Ow’ekitiibwa Ezekyeri Tenywa Wako and Yunia Nakibande, who got married iñ 1915. Wako had become the first Musoga president of Busoga in 1919 and in 1939 became the first Isebantu Kyabazinga of Busoga up to 1949 when he retired peacefully from power.
Young Muloki attended Budo Junior School from 1927 and became head prefect at King’s College Budo for two years (1941-42). At Budo, he excelled in English and won a prize in form of a book titled “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare” in commendation for being an outstanding student leader. The prefects under him included Edward Mutesa, the Kabaka of Buganda, who was football captain and George Wilberforce Kakoma, the music prefect. Kakoma got the first degree in Music in East Africa and composed Uganda’s National Anthem in 1962.
Between 1943-46, Muloki read a diploma in Agriculture at Makerere College and was a contemporary of Mwalimu Julius Ngerere, Tanzania’s first president, who read a diploma in education. Muloki also excelled in cricket and served as president of the students’ Guild.
After Makerere, Muloki was posted to Serere Agricultural Research Station where he excelled in crop and dairy farming and was later transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture in Entebbe. Afterwards, he was posted to the then district, as an assistant agricultural officer.
In 1955, Muloki replaced Prince William Wilberforce Nadiope who had served as the second Kyabazinga for six years in 1949-1955. Nadiope was elected in 1949 to succeed Ezekyeri Wako.
Muloki’s first tenure as Kyabazinga: 1955-62
Numerous Basoga historians have referred to Muloki’s first regime as Kyabazinga in 1955-62 as the “Golden Age of Busoga.” The Busoga government of these years was under the leadership of very highly educated persons. They included:
Yeseri Kazungu Mulondo (secretary general) who was also a Member of the Legislate Council in Uganda and a Member of the East Africa High Commission Assembly.
Yekonia B. Walukamba (secretary for Agriculture and Forestry) who was also a Member of the Uganda Legislative Council.
J.B. Lubandi (treasurer) who was an efficient finance manager and ended up as Mayor of Jinja in the late 1970s.
Under Muloki’s leadership, these men engineered numerous socio-economic development programmes for Busoga including:
Promoting coffee and cotton production, which increased family incomes and helped Busoga Growers Cooperative Union to grow into a formidable and well managed economic organisation.
Building secondary schools like Iganga Girls S.S (1955), Kiira College Butiki (1959), Wanyange Girls S.S. (1960), P.M.M. Madhvani College, Wairaka and Wairaka Farm School (1961).
Building local government infrastructure at county and sub-county levels.
Planting forests.
Establishing leprosy treatment units.
Establishing a Busoga Bursary Scheme which enabled thousands of poor Basoga children to attain secondary education and a Busoga Overseas Scholarship Programme which created opportunities for brilliant Basoga young men and women to study abroad especially in Great Britain.
Constructing well maintained feeder and bulungi bwansi roads.
Sending Basoga chiefs for leadership training programmes at Nsamizi Social Institute and abroad.
Building the Kyabazinga’s palace on Igenge Hill, to make way for the construction of Bugembe Cathedral on Bugembe Hill.
Establishing Bugembe Sports Stadium and Bugembe Library.
Promoting women development programs which inclied literacy and handicrafts education.
Encouraging the establishment of newspapers to promote pro- development ideas and programmes in Busoga.
In a nutshell, the first Muloki era created more confidence among the Basoga and gave them more hopes about their future in both the economic and political arenas. It was because of these hopes that Busoga boldly asked for and was granted semi-federal government on Independence Day.
Contribution to Uganda’s Nationalism
The first Muloki Government vigorously promoted cooperation with other kingdoms and districts in Uganda. On every Kyabazinga Day (February 11) the Kabaka of Buganda, the Abakama of Bunyoro and Toro, the Omugabe of Ankole and other traditional leaders would turn up at Bugembe to show their solidarity with Busoga. Additionally, Mulondo became the chairperson of the prime ministers from kingdoms and the secretary generals from districts in 1959-62. These two types of political activities showed that Busoga was pro-unity and pro-nationalism in Uganda. Lastly, it should be highlighted that Muloki was the only traditional leader who attended the swearing in of the first Prime Minister of Uganda, Ben Kiwanuka, at Parliamentary Buildings on March 1, 1961. In a short speech he made on that occasion, Muloki said among other things that political parties had come to stay in Uganda and would not just disappear into oblivion. These were indeed prophetic words from a foresighted leader, unlike those who were or who have been preaching that Africa does not need multi-party systems of governance.
Contribution to East Africa
When Muloki ceased to be Kyabazinga in October 1962, he was appointed a senior assistant secretary in the Ministry of Works at Entebbe from where he was transferred to East African Airways. In 1970, he became manager of East African Airways in Great Britain and in 1974 became the first African director of Soroti Flying School, until the breakdown of the East African Community in 1977.
A man with diverse talents
He was a passionate reader of different books on different subjects. For example, when I visited him on one Sunday afternoon at his Nakabango Palace, I found him reading George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm. “Are you expecting the cows on your farm to overthrow your regime?” I asked jokingly. “Of course not” he answered, “but I need to understand anyone who claims to be a revolutionary. Some revolutionaries end up doing the opposite of what they were preaching before.”
We both laughed hilariously and talked a lot more about the National Resistance Movement (NRM) afterwards.
He had a great sense of history and keen on preserving his properties. While having a casual conversation with him in 2000, I asked him what type of relationship he had with his mother. To my amazement, he wiped a tear or two from his eye, stood up and walked to his pantry and brought an old plate in his hands. He told me that the plate had been given to his mother at her wedding day in 1915 and that she had in turn given it to him forty years later (1956) on his wedding day with his bride Alice Kintu.
He further revealed to me that his wife had been serving him food on that same 85-year-old plate.
Contribution to higher education
In 1987, Muloki requested the then Minister of Education, Mayanja Nkangi, for permission to establish Jinja Teachers College, Wanyange.
In 1994, he presided over the launching of Busoga University at Iganga and thus helped the Rt. Rev. Cyprian Bamwoze, Bishop of Busoga Diocese realise his 15-year dream.
In 2000, Muloki became the first Chancellor of Namasagali University, which has happily become part of Busitema University. Earlier, he had been an active Member of the Board of Governors of National Teachers’ College Kaliro which has also become part of Busitema University.
Muloki’s second term as Kyabazinga 1995 — 2008
In 1995, after the NRM Government and National Resistance Council had restored traditional institutions (which had been abolished in 1967 by the Obote I Regime), Muloki was re-elected Kyabazinga by his fellow Baise Ngobi princes. And his re-installation was attended by many dignitaries, including President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
As I waded through the huge crowd on that day to have another glimpse of my hero, I heard one old man ask another one an intriguing question. “What sort of man is Prince Muloki, who has bounced back to the Kyabazinga throne after 33 years in the wilderness?”
This question made me realise that Muloki was not just a leader with a great sense of humility, but also a foresighted and charismatic leader who loved his family and people dearly. He had retained moral authority even when he was out of power.
He was a gentleman in every sense of the word in the same mould as Mahtma Gandhi, Julius Nyerere and Nelson Mandela. He had beautiful handwriting like the former Presidents of Kenya and Zambia (Daniel Arap Moi and Kenneth Kaunda) respectively and a high sense of humour.
Muloki’s last message to the people of Busoga
The last time I attended one of his addresses to the people of Busoga was at Bugembe. He gave a brief memorable speech. He advised Basoga to concentrate on the five vowels a, e, i, o, u which he said stood for the following:
Agriculture - the mainstay of our economy.
Education - which nurtures people’s brains and turns them into engines of revolution in individual heads.
Industry - which enhances human innovation and creativity.
Organisation- which enables people to harness individual
talents for the good of all and
Unity- which helps people of diverse interests and aspirations to move in one direction at a time.
I hope that all the people of Busoga and other Ugandans will listen to these words of wisdom.
Lastly, I am making a humble appeal to our church leaders to allow us sing the personal anthems of the late Inhyebantu and the late Isaebantu in recognition of their commendable contribution to Busoga, Uganda and beyond. The anthems are Hymns 161 and 137 in the old hymn book.
February 18,1921: Born to Ezekyeri Tenywa Wako and Yunia Nakibande
1927: Budo Junior School
1941-42: Head prefect, King’s College Budo
1943-46: Diploma in Agriculture at Makerere College
1955: Replaced Prince William Wilberforce Nadiope who had served as the second Kyabazinga
March 1,1961 : Only traditional leader who attended the swearing in of Ben Kiwanuka, Uganda’s first Prime Minister
1962: Appointed senior assistant secretary in the Ministry of Works
1970: Manager of the East African Railways in Great Britain
1974: Became the first African director of Soroti Flying School
1987: Requested for permission from Mayanja Nkangi, the edu cation minister, to establish Jinja Teachers College, Wanyange
1994: Presided over the launch of Busoga University, Iganga
1995: Re-elected Kyabazinga by fellow Baise Ngobi princes
2000: Became the first Chancellor of Namasagali University
We should promote religious pluralism
Corridors of power
The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
What Obama and blacks may have to face
Randall Kennedy I The Washington
I am a black man born in 1954, the year of Brown v. Board of Education.. Tales of racial oppression and racial resistance were staples of conversation in our household.
Never before have my emotions been so exercised by a political campaign. For one thing, never before has a candidate so fully challenged the many inhibitions that have prevented people of all races, including African-Americans, from seriously envisioning presidential power in the hands of someone other than a white American. With intelligence, verve and elegance, Barack Obama has opened the public mind to the idea of a black president and made that idea broadly attractive. The senator’s progressive politics, cosmopolitan ethos and pragmatic style have turned me into an enthusiastic supporter, and I savor the prospect of his triumph. Yet the possibility is very real: Barack Obama could lose. If that happens, then what? How will I feel? How will other black Americans feel?
In September 1960, Sen. John F. Kennedy, needing to allay anxieties about his religion in his quest to become the nation’s first Roman Catholic president, addressed a Protestant ministerial association in Texas. At the end of his speech, he declared that if he lost the election “on the real issues,†he would return to his seat in the Senate satisfied that he had been “judged fairly.†He also said, however, that if the outcome was determined by a religious bias that deprived 40 million Americans of the chance to become president on the day they were baptized, “then it is the whole nation that will be the loser ... in the eyes of history, and in the eyes of our own people.â€
Whether black onlookers believe that this election was decided “on the real issues†and that Obama was “judged fairly†will be shaped in part by future developments, including the nature of the campaign in its closing weeks (will race-baiting intensify?) and the demographics of the final voting tally (will people who have traditionally voted Democrat vote differently this time around?).
I anticipate that most black Americans will believe that an Obama defeat will have stemmed in substantial part from a prejudice that robbed 40 million Americans of the chance to become president on the day they were born black. Deep in their bones, they will believe — and probably rightly — that race was a key element, that had John McCain been black and Obama white, the result would have been different.This conclusion will be accompanied by bitter disappointment, and in some quarters, stark rage. Black America, of course, is diverse. Some black conservatives will undoubtedly be delighted by an Obama defeat. There are also black leftists who oppose him. A close variant is the camp of blacks who fear that his victory would misleadingly suggest that America is no longer in need of large-scale racial reform.
There are blacks who’ll be indifferent to an Obama defeat because they don’t think that the outcome of the presidential race will have any real effect on their miserable fates. Others, protecting themselves against the pain of disappointment, have systematically repressed expectations. If Obama loses, I personally will feel disappointed, frustrated, hurt. I’ll conclude that a fabulous opportunity has been lost. I’ll believe that American voters have made a huge mistake. And I’ll think that an important ingredient of their error is racial prejudice — not the hateful, snarling, open bigotry that terrorized my parents in their youth, but rather a vague, sophisticated, low-key prejudice that is chameleon-like in its ability to adapt to new surroundings and to hide even from those firmly in its grip.
If Obama is defeated, I will, for a brief time, be stunned by feelings of dejection, anger and resentment. These will only be the stronger because the climate of this election year so clearly favors the Democrats, because this was supposed to be an election the Republicans couldn’t win, and because in my view, the Obama ticket is obviously superior to McCain’s.But I hope that soon thereafter I’ll find solace and encouragement in contemplating this unprecedented development: A major political party nominated a black man for the highest office in the land, and that man waged an intelligent, brave campaign in which many millions of Americans of all races enthusiastically supported an African-American standard-bearer.
Even if Barack Obama loses in November, he will have bequeathed to all America something that should bring comfort and pride to even the most disappointed of his followers. He has reached the edge of the pinnacle. And shown that we can stand atop it.
— Randall Kennedy is a professor of law at Harvard University and the author, most recently, of “Sellout: The Politics of Racial Betrayal.â€
Thursday 18th September 2008
1. The City Circle is pleased to support:
The Civil Service Islamic Society and Crown Prosecution Service Muslim
Staff Network Charity iftar to be held at the newly opened Bundu Khan
restaurant. The evening will be hosted by Ajmal Masroor (Islam
Channel) with guest speaker Shaykh Haytham Tamim, Senior lecturer and
Scholar, Utrujj Foundation.
Join us for 4 courses of Lahore's finest cuisine and help raise money
for Interpal and the Muslim Youth Helpline.
Venue: Bundu Khan Restaurant, 43 Commercial Street , London E1 6BD
Date/Time: THURS 18 SEPT 2008 6.30pm
Tickets: £25 each
Bookings via Paypal at http://csislamicsociety.wordpress.com/events/
2. London Muslim Professionals Charity Iftar 2008
For Islamic Relief supported by emeraldnetwork and MPN
Friday 19 September 2008, 7pm (Maghrib 7.08pm)
Mumtaz Restaurant, Park road, London
near Regents Park Mosque.
Cost £15 for 3 course meal + drinks
Book via emailing info@emeraldnetwork.co.uk
1. NVQs in Islamic Counselling
An opportunity to gain NVQs
In Islamic Counselling Skills NQV levels 2 and 3
In London Stephen Maynard & Associates are currently offering Islamic
counseling training in London The programme of NVQ training courses on
offer between October and July include the NVQ level 2 in Islamic
counseling and the NVQ level 3. Both of these accredited courses can be studied within a year and the combined programme equals one third of the training necessary to become a qualified counsellor. The NVQ 2 programme commencing in October is an entry level course for people with no previous training, the level 3 is a open to people who have studied the NVQ 2 in Islamic counseling or have an equivalent training in a different model.
Each course is offered part time at a cost of £900.
This training is being provided by Stephen Maynard & Associates and
accredited through the CPCAB. There are limited places.
For further information and an application pack please contact Abdullah Maynard at email stephenmay@mac.com, applications must be in by the 27th of September.
1. *Recruiting a** **Project Development Manager fo**r a Power Development Company within the MENA/South Asia region based in Dubai.*
A challenging role of Project Development Manager has opened up at a
private equity funded power development company headquartered in Dubai.
The candidate will be working in the MENA region developing opportunities to build, own and operate power and water desalination plants. The candidate must have the entrepreneurial drive to originate deals, develop proposals, prepare bids, negotiate with Government bodies and to close deals. The candidate will also assist in developing the company strategy and corporate governance.
The company is still in its 'start up' phase and is looking for a candidate with 4-8 years Project Development experience preferably with a power company/energy sector background. Ideally the candidate will have an engineering degree with an MBA, however other backgrounds such as Chartered Accountants, Lawyers, Management consultants or Project Finance Deal team members with exposure to the energy sector are also welcome to apply.
The candidate must have; solid quantitative skills including analytical and financial modelling techniques; ability to work in a 'start up' situation and not be too academic; a 'can do' approach; good verbal and written communication skills. Languages in addition to English preferred include Arabic and French.
Prospect of fast track growth for the right candidate.
Send your CV to info@gingerbreadhr.com. Please mention City Circle when applying.
Gingerbread (www.gingerbreadhr.com) is a firm recruiting high calibre
individuals for top class job opportunities in accounting, banking,
finance, legal, sales and marketing.
1. I am trying to find out a mosque which is local to Moorgate tube
station? Can you please provide me with all the details (address, tel. no., etc.)? Any help will be much appreciated.
My e-mail addresses are:
1) Sister looking to rent a flat/room in Southgate/Palmers Green or North Finchley (North London)
I am urgently looking for a room or 1 bedroom flat or flat share in
Southgate or close by areas. I would prefer to be close to a bus service to Southgate where I will be based. If you know of a suitable place, please e-mail me at buzybee32@yahoo. com or contact me on 07849387452
2) Room available to rent from October to a Muslim female in large friendly family home in Willesden Green. Wireless internet included, 10 mins from tube. Please call Eman, 07706441101
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African History Month - October 2008
Greetings family,
Welcome to this African History Month newsletter update.
As we move closer to the end of October, there are several events that need to be given extra mention in order to help elevate them above the usual jamboree of sports, singing and dancing.
African History Speaks
Ending this year's season on Friday 31st October, 6-9pm at the Council Chamber, Harrow Civic Centre, Station Road, Middlesex HA1 2UL is the essential African History Speaks event that Includes presentations highlighting key African empires before trans-Atlantic enslavement. There will be presentation of prizes to winners of competition on The Contribution of pre-trans-Atlantic Enslavement Africa to Mankind, screening of a short DVD on African History produced with Harrow students, and a kora performance.
Remembrance: David 'Rocky' Bennett
This October also marks the anniversary of the passing of David ‘Rocky’ Bennett. Many of us are familiar with the tragic case of Steven Lawrence and how the subsequent inquiry into events surrounding his death led to the publication of the McPherson report.
David’s death had similar reverberations throughout the mental health sector and led to an inquiry and publication of the Bennett Report, a wide ranging report which highlighted its findings of malpractice and exposed institutional racism in NHS treatment of mental health patients.
Whilst the government attempted to reject or water down some of the 22 recommendations made in the report, the mental health sector was almost unanimous in accepting their failings and made many public statements promising change. Unfortunately just as Britain’s police force now rejects evidence of their institutional racism and continues to abuse and conduct anti-African attacks on young people, the mental health sector has been able to institutionalise its anti-African malpractice's, emboldened by reckless, dangerous new legislation introduced by New Labour. BMH UK have organised a national service on Mental health to mark the anniversary of his passing. Details are below.
100 BMOL - Education Through Film
The 100 Blackmen of London also continue their all year round focus on our history with their brilliant Education through Film programme. If you are not registered to receive their newsletter then you are missing out on essential events and media that fill in the gaps of Pan African history as it affects us today and yesteryear across Africa, the Caribbean and the Diaspora.
BFM - International Film Festival
Next month also sees the launch of the 10th anniversary of BFM International Film Festival (IFF), the largest African world cinema event in the UK.. The festival which this year will be reflecting predominantly British work and a high proportion of UK premiers will take place between 7th – 17th November 2008 at venues across London which include, the BFI Southbank, the British Museum, the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Rich Mix and Bernie Grant Arts Centre. It all kicks off with a programme of shorts on 28th October 2008 at 7pm, The Tabernacle, Powis Square W11 2AY. The event is free of charge but booking is essential on 020 7361 3204. Please check out the BFM site for more details of this essential festival.
Voices of African Women
An essential event for all Pan Africanists involved in human rights is the Voices of African Women meeting being held at the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday 5th November 2008, 2 – 6pm, Parliament, London, SW1A 2LW. African women activists will be speaking about their experiences of conflicts, and their work for human rights, peace building, aid effectiveness and development in Mama Africa. Registration is essential at office@ukwilpf.org.uk
Health Through History Awareness
Finally, on the 28th and 29th October, Tower Hamlets African & Caribbean Mental Health Organisation (THACMHO) has organised a series of Health Through History Awareness Days, Dr Joy De Gruy-Leary (www.joyleary.com) will be at one exploring the effects of multi-generational trauma and oppression experienced by African people as a result of the Maafa and another will showcase the various local history projects that have facilitated African people in their general comprehension of self in the context of racism and migration.
Remember, the African History Month website publishes many events submitted to us online by our community all year round and not just during February and October. If you want to locate an event or inform others of what you are doing, please contribute to the work of the Ligali organisation.
May the Ancestors continue to guide and protect us.
Toyin Agbetu
Ligali - in service to our family, with the spirit of our Ancestors.
Ligali is a Pan African, human rights organisation founded by Toyin Agbetu in early 2000, it was named in remembrance of his beloved late father Ligali Ayinde Agbetu who taught him to take pride in his African heritage and challenge those opposed to universal human rights. The Ligali and African History Month websites were subsequently co-developed by former Ligali member emma pierre for our community, to be used by our community. It is maintained and funded entirely by the Ligali organisation but we do need your help to keep it running.
Community Resources
Empower those in your circle and share information and wisdom by screening our cultural resources. You can help support Ligali by helping organise a screening event or making an online donation when ordering a copy.
Thursday 6th November 2008
Hakeem Mohammad Saleem Khan, The Mohsin Institute (Leicester)
Friday 7th November, 2008
6.45-8.45pm, Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP (nearest tube: Edgware Rd / Marble Arch)
Tibb is a living tradition of natural medicine that has been practiced throughout human history in different cultures. As a dynamic living tradition it developed in the Middle East whilst coming into contact with many other forms of health and medicine. This inclusive approach enabled this tradition to integrate into it the wide spectrum of knowledge from various cultures. Because of this diversity and richness, Tibb is referred to by many different names: Hippocratic, Eastern, Islamic, Greco-Arabic, sufi Humoral medicine, Unani, Hikmah and Tibb.
Does this type of traditional medicine work? How does it view, and how is it viewed by, conventional western medicine? Are the two approaches complementary (holistic vs. reductionist) or conflicting?
The Mohsin Institute was established in 1978 in Leicester, UK, by Hakeem Muhammad Saleem Khan and is the leading organisation for practice, education, research and training in the wisdom, science and practice of Tibb and other forms of alternative medicine. Hakeem Khan trained in Tibb and Hikmat under traditional teachers in Pakistan.
2. Kashmir: Shedding Light on a "Territory of Desire"
Dr Ananya Jahanara Kabir (Senior Lecturer in Postcolonial and Commonwealth Studies, University of Leeds)
Wednesday 12th November, 2008
6.45-8.45pm, St Ethelburga, Centre for Reconciliation and Peace, 78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG
Why is Kashmir so intensely desired by India and Pakistan? How did it come to occupy the particular place it does in the imagination of these two nations, which since 1947 are locked in a bitter territorial dispute over this region? And why have Kashmiris been routinely locked out of the conversations over the political fate of their homeland? This talk will examine how Kashmir, in particular the Valley of Kashmir, has been represented in different media (film, literature, travel writing, and so on) as a 'special place', a 'territory of desire', since the late 19th century. It will explain that the roots of the current conflict lie in these modes of representation, which routinely showed Kashmir as a desirable landscape but found little room for the representation of Kashmiris within this construction. The second half of the talk will link this discussion to a consideration of recent political upheavals in Jammu and Kashmir over the 'Amarnath Shrine Land' controversy, and suggest that new means of representation (eg those opened up by the internet) are giving Kashmiris new modes of response to age-old wranglings over their 'territory of desire'.
Dr Ananya Jahanara Kabir is Senior Lecturer at The School of English, University of Leeds. She holds degrees from the Universities of Calcutta, Oxford and Cambridge. She has been Prize Research Fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge, Research Fellow at Clare College, Cambridge, and, since 2003, Research Associate at The Centre for History and Economics, King's College, Cambridge. She has published widely on the relationship between culture and conflict in contemporary South Asia, particularly on the repercussions of The Partition of India, and the Kashmir conflict. Her forthcoming book, 'Territory of Desire: Representing the Valley of Kashmir' (University of Minnesota Press, February 2009) is the fruit of four years of research into the Kashmir problem, which included several visits to the Valley and Jammu between 2003 and 2006. While the Kashmir conflict has been hitherto studied exclusively from the perspectives of Political Science, History and International Relations, this book departs radically from these approaches, asking how, and why, Kashmir came to be so intensely desired within different nationalist imaginaries. It finds an answer in the Valley of Kashmir's repeated representation, from the nineteenth century onwards, as a beautiful, spiritual and special space. Analysing the conversion of natural beauty into collective desire through photography, scholarship, cinema and souvenir production, it exposes the links between colonialism, modernity, and conflict within the postcolonial nation. Simultaneously, through examining critiques offered by contemporary Indian and Kashmiri artists, it foregrounds the democratic importance of dialogue between creative intellectuals as a non-militaristic solution for political conflict.
This talk is organised in conjunction with Kashmir Insight, a global lobbying organisation set up with the aim of protecting human rights in Kashmir. The group's aims include lobbying the British and other Western governments to put pressure on India and Pakistan to respect human rights in Kashmir, campaigning for the removal of anti-human rights laws, and raising awareness of Kashmir in the West by holding cultural programmes and talks.
Kashmir Insight is an impartial and non-partisan organisation. It will report on and campaign against all human rights violations in Kashmir regardless of victims' ethnic, religious or national affiliation. Focusing especially on the draconian laws that have facilitated human rights violations and inhibited political freedom in Kashmir, the group aims to join hands with civil society organisations in India and Pakistan working for the repeal of restrictive laws such as the Armed Forces Special Powers Act.
For more information on either event, please contact Usama on 07980 834340.
3. Living Faithful Family Lives runs from 6.30pm on Friday 7th to 5pm on Saturday 8th November 2008. The first of its kind, this event is for Christian and Muslim family focused professionals, volunteers, and individuals interested in faith and families in 21st century England. It provides an opportunity to consider ways in which faith is a resource for modern, healthy families. Key note speakers will highlight the latest issues, raise controversial questions and inspire delegates. A choice of workshops will supply insights and practical strategies into how faith can have a positive impact in key areas of modern family life.
Creche and childcare facilities will be provided at the conference by Bizziekids. For more information about the conference programme please click here.The conference venue is the superb De Vere Wychwood Park Hotel situated in the stunning Cheshire countryside with excellent access to Crewe train station and the M6. Situated on the West Coast Main Line there are regular trains from London (1hr 40 mins), Birmingham (1hour) and Manchester (30 mins). Transport will be provided to and from the train station.
There are only 60 places at the conference, so please book early and spread the word to your colleagues and contacts.
To book a place at Living Faithful Family Lives you must be a registered user on our website. To register please click here. If you are already a registered user go to the home page and login.
4. The London Eid Charity Extravaganza For Orphans with :
Islam B (Outlandish)
Sound Of Reason
DJ LAWAND (aka turk man souljah)
Arabingi (formerly UK Apache)
Prince Abdi
Have an AMAZING NIGHT for a good cause!
Event Info Host: Islamic Relief
Type: Music/Arts - Concert
Network: Global
Time and Place Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008
Time: 6:45pm - 11:45pm
Location: Friends House Hall
Street: 173 - 177 Euston Road
City/Town: London, United Kingdom
Nearest Tube: Euston or Euston Square
Contact Info Phone: 07903931424
Email: londoneidextravaganza@gmail.com
Tickets £10 in advance or £15 on the door
For stalls bookings or media only 07533 714 938
5. The Al-Barakah Madrasa Brothers Tafsir Class is organising its third Brothers Quiz Night. This time the cause is the plight of our Brothers and Sisters in Gaza.
This quiz night (as previous quiz nights) has the following goals:
1. To please Allah (SWT)
2. To raise awareness of the cause within the community
3. To raise money for the cause
Inshallah we have a very enjoyable program prepared. Please note the event is for Brothers only
Event details:
Saturday 15th November 2008, Starting at 7pm through to 10pm
St Johns Church Hall, Hallowell Road, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 1DN
Tickets are £15 per person. All money raised is going to the cause and will be collected on the night.Talk from an invited speaker (subject TBA), Quiz, Dinner
6. Rebecca Masterton, previously a presenter at Press TV and now lecturing in Islamic mysticism at the Islamic College for Advanced Studies, is giving a
lunchtime talk at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Wednesday,
19th November, 1:00 pm. The title is Spirituality and Political Activism.
All welcome.
For more details, please see the link below.
1. Part-time Development Worker needed for Muslim/Arab Charity.
Duties will include co-ordination of Children, Young People and Families (CYPF) project, development of new activities for the charity etc.
Understanding of Arabic-Islamic culture an advantage.
If interested please send your CV with your contact details by the 15th of November to info@barclondon.org.uk
Selected applicants will be contacted by email within two weeks of forwarding their CV and will receive formal application form , full job description and interview dates.
1. I am currently looking for other muslim girls, to share a lovely mansion flat in kensington.please call on 0777 902 0231 to arrange a viewing or for more info..lovely large double room with double bed, wardrobe, side table etc, large storage space, the flat is very roomy, has a large kitchen/eat in area and is within 5 mins from three tube stations..there is also a lovely bathroom which is medium sized..the flat is v new and furnished to a high standard..high ceilings, safe portered block and v leafy area.rent negotiable...both students and professionals welcome..thanks..available asa sundus
2. 1 bedroom flat fully furnished available to a sister for rent. Conveniently located; literally 5mins walk to Kings Cross and 5mins to Angel. Bus 274 just a few yards away will take you all the way to Regents Park Mosque and 153
to Finsbury Park. Flat comprises of lounge leading to balcony
overlooking some greenery and children's playground, one bedroom,
separate fitted kitchen, and the bathroom and toilet are disjoint. The
furnished flat is on the 2nd floor and there is a lift. The flat is
available for viewing. For more details please
phone: 07930 864129.
3. Double room to rent in modern spacious house in Preston Road (metropolitan line). Four minute walk to the tube station, fifteen minutes to Baker Street. Share kitchen / dining and living room with two others. The rent is £380 per month (exc bills). Would suit Muslim female. Call Rabia on 07957 544967.
£500 pcm and share of bills.
We are a young Bangladeshi Muslim couple looking for a tenant to rent a large fully furnished double room from us in a four bedroom Victorian house – with good transport connections. The house is in pristine condition and has recently been completely refurbished - benefiting from a large fitted kitchen, through lounge, two full bathrooms and patio garden.
5. I have 2 double rooms to rent in a friendly flat in North Harrow. The flat
is very close to the underground station (metropolitan line) with travelling
times to Baker Street being about 20 minutes. The rooms would suit a young
professional or a postgraduate student. The rent for both rooms is £100pw
(all bills included). Please do not hesitate to contact me for further
information on 07525 806700”.
We are a quiet couple (Lawyer & Psychotherapist) looking for a Muslim tenant who is friendly, quiet and tidy – essentially someone like ourselves. We would also prefer a non-smoker. Couples will be considered.
The room will be available from the end of January 2009 and we are presently seeking expressions of interest
· potentially delivering some complimentary services from the facility, and a portion of the school has been set aside for such purposes. The CAC is also reaching out to other established community groups for assistance and programming support.
· In May 2006, Asset Management and Public Works Department completed a detailed building condition assessment of the facility. The report is available upon request.
· The scheduling of programs proposed by these two groups complement each other and allows maximum use of this facility.
· The site is currently zoned US (Urban Services), and the proposed programs will comply with the permitted uses allowed for in this land use.
· The CAC, with support from Administration, is currently negotiating with the Province on providing a salaried person to act as program manager/director.
Communications with the Community
· Contact has been made and information shared with the neighbourhoods in the immediate vicinity of the school. This includes contact with community league executive in Wellington, Athlone, Kensington and Calder.
· All parties involved in this project recognize that it would be advantageous to conduct immediate and ongoing consultations with the community in order to promote open relationships and address any sensitivities associated with the redesignation of the former junior high school.
· A representative group of Winnifred Stewart Association and the CAC will meet during the four years of this project with community representatives, represented by the Community League. Quarterly meetings to discuss centre activities, community questions and any issues that may, from time to time arise will be established. These groups can be called together more often, if required, to address any emergent issues.
· The tenants of the school will invite community members to an Open House event once up and running and will regularly reach out to engage community members in centre activities.
· They will also look to provide regular updates about centre activities through community newsletters to community members at large.
Justification of Recommendation
1. The City of Edmonton has identified successful immigrant integration as a key issue the city faces in being able to rely on immigration to help meet future labour requirements. This special project applies to very relevant, high-need communities with a grass-roots approach that will empower the community to build its own institutions and solve issues at the ground level.
2. This project effectively uses a closed school in Edmonton for much needed community services. Use of the school will allow the building to continue to benefit the community and city as a whole. The City is fundamentally playing a “broker” role that recognizes both the need to appropriately use closed schools and respond to the needs and challenges of the CAC.
3. The CAC and the individuals and families it works with require basic support to establish needed services and programs. Programs offered should reduce issues associated with crime, poverty, family violence and continual gang activities that have challenged other Canadian cites. The reduction of these important social issues will also result in a reduction or aversion of costs the community would incur through increased delivery of its health and social programs if these groups continue to be unable to find building space for programs of support and development.
Background Information Attached
1. Council of African Canadians – Board Member Biographies
2. Council of African Canadians - Program
3. Terms and Conditions of Leases
Background Information Available on Request
1. Wellington Junior High School – Building Condition Assessment Report
Others Approving this Report
· B. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works
· J. Tustian, General Manager, Corporate Services Department
The founding members and Board of Directors of the African Council form the Management Team and are as follows:
Ms. Hafsa Goma
Founding Member and current Chairperson of the Council of African Canadians. Employee of government of Canada. Ms. Goma’s educational credentials comprise a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Sociology, and a Diploma in Management. Ms. Goma has over 20 years of experience with international and human services organizations. Experienced in project development, strategic planning and research. She is an Alberta Centennial Medal recipient.
Since arrival in Canada, Ms. Goma has served in voluntary capacities with the following Boards and Committees: Secretary, Edmonton Multicultural Association; Board Member, Africa We Care; President, Canadian African Awareness Group; Education Coordinator, Worldwide Nubian Organization; President, Uganda Cultural Association of Alberta; Board Secretary and Treasurer, Council of Canadians of African and Caribbean Heritage; Founder and First President, Communities for Cultural Equality; Regional Project Coordinator, Education Wife Assault; Advisory Committee Member, Red Lake Board of Education; Regional Director, Ontario Immigrant and Visible Minority Women’s Organization; President, Caribbean African Multicultural Association of Canada, (CAMAC); Regional Advisory Committee Member, Ontario March of Dimes; Board Secretary, Global Awareness Project; Secretary, Committee for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse; Board member of Federal Riding Association.
Mr. Hassan M. Ali
Mr. Ali is a founding member of the Council of African Canadians, current president of the Somali Canadian Cultural Society of Edmonton. Resident of Edmonton for the past 15 years obtained M. Ed at University of Alberta, currently Instructor at Norquest College, Community activist, Member of the Mayor’s Multicultural Advisory Council. Alberta Centennial Medal recipient.
Mr. Kuot Alith
Mr. Alith is a founding member of the Council of African Canadians, current President of the Sudanese-Canadian Dinka Society and Director of Sudan Heritage Festival 2006.
A graduate from the Grant MacEwan community college, Mr. Alith speaks English, Arabic, some French and his native tongue. Mr. Alith is an experienced and recognized leader. While attending Grant MacEwan Community College, Mr. Alith founded the African Student Club. Mr. Alith was previously employed with Stan Daniel Healing Centre and now works with Yellowhead Youth Centre in Edmonton, as well as being the acknowledged leader of the Dinka Peoples in Alberta.
Mr. Tesfaye Ayalew
Mr. Ayalew is a founding member of the Council of African Canadians. He has Masters Degree in Nutritional and Food Sciences and is a PhD Candidate. He has a Diploma in Computer Networking and a certified Project Leadership Certificate from NAIT.
Mr. Ayalew has been extensively involved in a variety of non-profit organizations in Edmonton and as leader of the Ethiopian Community on several occasions. Currently president of the Board of the Ethiopian Society and has been involved in different African community initiatives. Past President of African Association of Alberta. Currently working with CONVERGYS Management Canada in Management position. Member of the Multicultural Advisory Council of the Mayor. Mr. Ayalew possesses extensive experience in scientific research and grant application and has been involved with Edmonton’s Heritage Festivals for the past several years.
Pastor Dawit Isaac
Mr. Isaac is a founding member of the Council of African Canadians, leader of a multiethnic community Church and board chairman of the Church at present. Awarded Bachelors of Arts in Economics, minor in Management, with some further post-graduate study in Economics and Human Resources Management. Awarded Ma
Dear kadara kursum
Self Manage
There is a huge hole in the heart of all our educations. It is where the skills and abilities of self-management should be. No one teaches us how to manage our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviour, so we find it hard to manage the four Rs – relationships, roles, responsibilities and resources. So let’s get started. Consciously choose the quality of your thoughts today – accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative and clean up the waste. Everything, which means everything in your life, begins with your thoughts.
The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
Hello, Majid Amonye Junior, &. Family.
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
UN meet opens new era of peace
P.K. Abdul Ghafour | Arab News
JEDDAH/NEW YORK: A special UN General Assembly session on cultural and interfaith dialogue opens at the United Nations headquarters in New York today.
Organized at the initiative of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, the conference is expected to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity in the world.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he had received "an encouraging list" of dignitaries who would take part in the interfaith dialogue. "This initiative will be a very important one in which world leaders, and representatives from different faiths will sit together. They will provide us with very important momentum," Ban said.
The interfaith dialogue is meant to deepen understanding and appreciation of religions, faiths and cultures, which will help create a favorable environment for the resolution of political issues, Ban said. The assembly has held two rounds of ministerial-level discussions on the topic in the past. This will be the first time that heads of state will take part in the discussions.
The UN chief met King Abdullah at his residence in New York on Monday evening and praised the Saudi leader's initiative in promoting dialogue between the followers of different religious faiths and cultures. "Dialogue will certainly bring peoples and nations closer," he told reporters.
Ban said he would personally follow up on the outcome of the two-day conference, adding that it would promote world peace. King Abdullah, who is the first Saudi king to visit the UN since 1957, will address the conference today.
King Abdullah and Ban discussed major regional and international developments, especially the situation in the Middle East. Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal, intelligence chief Prince Muqrin, Labor Minister Ghazi Al-Gosaibi, Finance Minister Ibrahim Al-Assaf, and Culture and Information Minister Iyad Madani attended the talks.
UN General Assembly President Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann has invited leaders of 192 member countries and observers, including the Vatican, to attend the conference, which will prepare the ground for an interfaith and intercultural meeting it will hold in 2010.
Enrique Yeves, a spokesman for the assembly, said a dozen heads of state and 40 to 50 government delegations have confirmed attendance.
White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said President George W. Bush would participate because "he believes that it doesn't matter what religion you are. President Bush believes that we all pray to the same God."
The landmark UN meeting comes on the recommendation of the World Dialogue Conference that was held in Madrid on July 16, which was attended by more than 300 leaders representing Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism.
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GUEST COMMENT: The Gulf is not the new Eldorado
12 November 2008
Mohamed Ramady
The Gulf region is currently viewed as an alluring destination for those looking to change jobs or who have recently been made redundant as a result of the recent bloodbath in the world’s financial markets.
Visions of huge tax-free salaries, an enviable lifestyle and the opportunity to perform again in a region awash with petro-dollar liquidity means the GCC countries are seen as a new Eldorado in the eyes of Western bankers.
However, while this might have been the case a few months ago, the chill wind of the global financial meltdown has finally reached the shores of Arabia.
One Gulf government after another has been forced to react in similar vein to their Western counterparts, by guaranteeing deposits, extending liquidity to the inter-bank market, reducing interest rates and, in some cases, actively intervening in battered local stock markets by buying up local bank shares.
Shivers down the spine
The unimaginable then happened, with the announcement by Kuwait's Gulf Bank that some of its counterparty euro-derivative contracts had defaulted. This sent collective shivers down the spines of the local financial markets, and investors ran for cover, demanding more transparency.
What does this mean for the army of bankers packing their bags and heading for the Gulf? While there are still jobs for those in investment banking, as well as in the IPO sector and private equity origination, Gulf markets are now hunkering down and regulators are insisting that financial institutions go back to basic banking roots.
Anything seen as too complex is closely scrutinised and Islamic finance is beginning to be touted as a viable alternative to Western finance models. While it is still unclear how far Islamic institutions might have been affected by the recent turmoil – they are part of the international financial system, after all – there is an unquestionable resurgence in this area.
Opportunities in Islamic finance
This gives opportunities for Western bankers offering their services in areas such as Islamic finance, risk management, regulatory oversight, trade finance, and expertise involving capital preservation and inflation hedging products.
Those with operations experience, as well as commercial and retail banking backgrounds, will be welcomed, as the regional banking structure is still heavily geared towards this target market. Banking is not the only sector that will need such expertise, as the Gulf’s private sector is also scrabbling for high-quality chief financial officers and internal risk managers, given that financial institutions are no longer prepared to provide easy credit, but are segmenting local clients according to more traditional lending risk ranking.
If you are still inclined to operate in a highly charged and innovation-driven environment, which rewards success through so-called mega-deals, the Gulf is not the place for you.
Alternative destinations
While Dubai might still be the destination of choice, especially given its liberal image, Abu Dhabi, Qatar and even Saudi Arabia are worthwhile destinations for those with more traditional banking backgrounds.
Banks in these countries will be playing a significant role in domestic economic development for the foreseeable future, fuelled by energy revenues, sizeable government reserves and large commercial bank deposits.
There is one small catch – due to the vast number of applicants nowadays, expat salaries and perks will be coming down in the Gulf. But for those that do make it, the rewards can still be satisfying, especially in helping to build up a sounder financial system in this crucial part of the world. But those with a gung-ho, mega-deal mentality should stay at home.
Dr Mohamed Ramady is a former banker and currently Visiting Associate Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. He has written extensively on Saudi and Gulf economies and authored a book on Saudi Arabia, published by Springer, USA. Website: www.saudi-economy.org
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GUEST COMMENT: The Gulf is not the new Eldorado
12 November 2008
Mohamed Ramady
The Gulf region is currently viewed as an alluring destination for those looking to change jobs or who have recently been made redundant as a result of the recent bloodbath in the world’s financial markets.
Visions of huge tax-free salaries, an enviable lifestyle and the opportunity to perform again in a region awash with petro-dollar liquidity means the GCC countries are seen as a new Eldorado in the eyes of Western bankers.
However, while this might have been the case a few months ago, the chill wind of the global financial meltdown has finally reached the shores of Arabia.
One Gulf government after another has been forced to react in similar vein to their Western counterparts, by guaranteeing deposits, extending liquidity to the inter-bank market, reducing interest rates and, in some cases, actively intervening in battered local stock markets by buying up local bank shares.
Shivers down the spine
The unimaginable then happened, with the announcement by Kuwait's Gulf Bank that some of its counterparty euro-derivative contracts had defaulted. This sent collective shivers down the spines of the local financial markets, and investors ran for cover, demanding more transparency.
What does this mean for the army of bankers packing their bags and heading for the Gulf? While there are still jobs for those in investment banking, as well as in the IPO sector and private equity origination, Gulf markets are now hunkering down and regulators are insisting that financial institutions go back to basic banking roots.
Anything seen as too complex is closely scrutinised and Islamic finance is beginning to be touted as a viable alternative to Western finance models. While it is still unclear how far Islamic institutions might have been affected by the recent turmoil – they are part of the international financial system, after all – there is an unquestionable resurgence in this area.
Opportunities in Islamic finance
This gives opportunities for Western bankers offering their services in areas such as Islamic finance, risk management, regulatory oversight, trade finance, and expertise involving capital preservation and inflation hedging products.
Those with operations experience, as well as commercial and retail banking backgrounds, will be welcomed, as the regional banking structure is still heavily geared towards this target market. Banking is not the only sector that will need such expertise, as the Gulf’s private sector is also scrabbling for high-quality chief financial officers and internal risk managers, given that financial institutions are no longer prepared to provide easy credit, but are segmenting local clients according to more traditional lending risk ranking.
If you are still inclined to operate in a highly charged and innovation-driven environment, which rewards success through so-called mega-deals, the Gulf is not the place for you.
Alternative destinations
While Dubai might still be the destination of choice, especially given its liberal image, Abu Dhabi, Qatar and even Saudi Arabia are worthwhile destinations for those with more traditional banking backgrounds.
Banks in these countries will be playing a significant role in domestic economic development for the foreseeable future, fuelled by energy revenues, sizeable government reserves and large commercial bank deposits.
There is one small catch – due to the vast number of applicants nowadays, expat salaries and perks will be coming down in the Gulf. But for those that do make it, the rewards can still be satisfying, especially in helping to build up a sounder financial system in this crucial part of the world. But those with a gung-ho, mega-deal mentality should stay at home.
Dr Mohamed Ramady is a former banker and currently Visiting Associate Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. He has written extensively on Saudi and Gulf economies and authored a book on Saudi Arabia, published by Springer, USA. Website: www.saudi-economy.org
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LETTER FROM DUBAI: DIFX’s six-day week will give brokers something to do
Saudi ECM surge fuels hiring spree
Applicants far outnumber jobs in Gulf
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Thursday 13th November 2008
1. City Circle Event: Minority Muslims in the West: Some Theological and Civilisation Considerations - a talk by Dr. Mohammad Seddon (University of Chester), in association with the International Institute of Islamic Thought.
Friday 14th November 2008, 6.45-8.45pm, Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP (nearest tube: Edgware Rd / Marble Arch)
The phenomena of western colonialism and globalisation have both fissured and synergised Muslim identities through imposed political nation-state nationalisms and 'virtual' ideas of universal brotherhood. The combined effects appear to have facilitated a distinct postcolonial and anti-western sense of 'Muslimness' that is deemed a considerable potential threat to modern western hegemony. But what of Muslims living as minorities in the west? How do they attenuate ideas concerning their 'belongingness' and issues relating to the marginality of their faith? This talk examines the paradigms of 'minority Islam' from the Prophetic era and considers how contemporary western Muslims might resolve their marginal predicament.
For more information, please click here:
2. City Circle Event: Religion & Philosophy: Friends Or Foes? - Dr Peter Adamson (KCL), Dr Mahbub Gani (KCL)
Friday 21st November 2008, 6.45-8.45pm, Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, London W1H 4LP (nearest tube: Edgware Rd / Marble Arch)
This talk and discussion will be based on Ibn Rushd's (Averroes') writings on the harmonisation of religion and philosophy.
Ibn Rushd (d.595 AH/1198 CE), known in Latin (and usually in English) as "Averroes", is renowned as the greatest medieval commentator on Aristotle. Later medievals could say "the Philosopher" and not bother actually naming Aristotle -- everyone would know who was meant. Similarly, to quote Ibn Rushd one needed only to say "the Commentator." But one of Ibn Rushd's most famous works is not a commentary on Aristotle; it was rather written as part of his work as a legal scholar and judge. In this work, "The Decisive Treatise (Fasl al-Maqal)," Ibn Rushd takes up the question of the status of philosophy in Islam. He argues that the Qur'an actually commands the study of philosophy for those who are able, and furthermore claims that the philosopher is the one who is in the best position to determine the true meaning of difficult passages in the Qur'an itself. These ideas are provocative, yet show how a deep commitment to the truth of the Qur'an might be reconciled with a deep commitment to studying philosophy, even philosophy written by pagans like Aristotle.
Peter Adamson is a Reader in Philosophy at King's College London. Having received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame in 2000, he has gone on to publish widely in Greek and Arabic philosophy. His publications include two monographs, on the Arabic version of the works of Plotinus, the founder of Neoplatonism; and on al-Kindi, the first philosopher to write in Arabic. He also co-edited the Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy and several other books on philosophy in the Islamic world.
In association with the Critical Reading Group, based at King's College London.
3. The Al-Barakah Madrasa Brothers Tafsir Class is organising its third Brothers Quiz Night. This time the cause is the plight of our Brothers and Sisters in Gaza. Inshallah we have a very enjoyable program prepared. Please note the event is for Brothers only Event details: Saturday 15th November 2008, Starting at 7pm through to 10pm St Johns Church Hall, Hallowell Road, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 1DN Tickets are £15 per person. All money raised is going to the cause and will be collected on the night.Talk from an invited speaker (subject TBA), Quiz, Dinner
4. Sufi/Sunni Single Muslim Event- London Sunday 16th Nov 6:30-9pm Marhaba Rest 26 Porchester Road Bayswater W2 Limited places. All are welcome. http://www.marrymuslims.co.uk/ info@marrymuslims.co.uk Ring or text: 07535654125
5. Two Event: Obama: the Man, the Phenomena & the Expectations By Dr J. E. Peterson*
Date: Tuesday 18th November 2008 Time: 6.30 pm sharp! Venue: Abrar House,
45 Crawford Place, W1H 4LP
Will a change in America mean a change towards the Middle East By Tom Fenton**
Date: Tuesday 2nd December 2008 Time: 6.30pm Venue: Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, W1H 4LP
*Dr. J.E. Peterson is a historian and political analyst specializing in the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf. He received his Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University SAIS and has worked at the Library of Congress and taught at Bowdoin College, the College of William and Mary, the University of Pennsylvania , and Portland State University, all in the United States. He has been a Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute ( Philadelphia ) and the Middle East Institute ( Washington,D.C. ), and an Adjunct Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies ( Washington, D.C. ).
**Tom Fenton in his long journalistic experience as senior foreign correspondent for CBS News has reported on everything from the fall of the Shah of Iran that marked the rise of Islamic revivalism to its latest manifestation in al Qaeda and the world-wide jihad movement.
Dinner will be served. Admission is Free. However for catering purposes please register by sending an email to info@open-discussions.com or sending a text to 07795 660 438
6. Rebecca Masterton, previously a presenter at Press TV and now lecturing in Islamic mysticism at the Islamic College for Advanced Studies, is giving a lunchtime talk at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Wednesday, 19th November, 1:00 pm. The title is Spirituality and Political Activism.
All welcome. http://www.soas.ac.uk/events/event46544
7. SHORT COURSE ON THE INNER DIMENSIONS OF ISLAMIC WORSHIP by Ustadah Uzma Jung and Sidi Abu Aliyah (Jawziyyah Institute)
Date: Tuesday 25th November 2008 Time: 6pm - 9pm
Venue: Idea Store Canary Wharf, Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 5RB
This short intensive course will cover the basics of building spirituality in particular related to women. Sisters only but all women welcome Limited spaces only and via bookings. To book for more information please contact:
Tel: 07914 481 776 E-mail: courses@wharfma.com
Date: Thursday 27th November 2008 Time: 6pm - 9pm
Venue: Idea Store Canary Wharf, Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 5RB
An increasing number of firms are allowing provisions for Jummah at work through various company based Islamic Societies. However, many times the quality of the sermons and etiquettes of the Khatib are lacking and to address this, a short course has been organised and will cover the following:
- The Fiqh of Jummah including the sermon and prayer
- Understanding the audience and their needs
- Advice on topics and examples of ready made templates to use. - Q & A session - And more.
Brothers only, limited spaces only and via bookings.
To book for more information please contact:
Tel: 07914 481 776 E-mail: courses@wharfma.com
1. Part-time Development Worker needed for Muslim/Arab Charity.
Duties will include co-ordination of Children, Young People and Families (CYPF) project, development of new activities for the charity etc.
Understanding of Arabic-Islamic culture an advantage.
If interested please send your CV with your contact details by the 15th of November to info@barclondon.org.uk Selected applicants will be contacted by email within two weeks of forwarding their CV and will receive formal application form , full job description and interview dates.
We are a young Bangladeshi Muslim couple looking for a tenant to rent a large fully furnished double room from us in a four bedroom Victorian house - with good transport connections. The house is in pristine condition and has recently been completely refurbished - benefiting from a large fitted kitchen, through lounge, two full bathrooms and patio garden.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information on 07525 806700
2. Double room to rent in modern spacious house in Preston Road (metropolitan line). Four minute walk to the tube station, fifteen minutes to Baker Street. Share kitchen / dining and living room with two others. The rent is £380 per month (exc bills). Would suit Muslim female. Call Rabia on 07957 544967.
3. I am currently looking for other Muslim girls to share a lovely mansion flat in Kensington. please call on 0777 902 0231 to arrange a viewing or for more info. Lovely large double room with double bed, wardrobe, side table etc, large storage space, the flat is very roomy, has a large kitchen/eat in area and is within 5 mins from three tube stations. There is also a lovely bathroom which is medium sized. The flat is v new and furnished to a high standard, high ceilings, safe portered block and v leafy area. Rent negotiable. Both students and professionals welcome. Available asa sundus sundari_arshad@hotmail.com
DISCLAIMER: The City Circle does not take responsibility for any of the listings on this noticeboard, other than its own. Those interested in taking part in any of the events or enquiring about any of the announcements should contact the appropriate organisations or individuals directly. The email is offered as a community service and is compiled weekly on a best endeavours basis. If you wish to put up an announcement please email notices@thecitycircle.com by Wednesday afternoon. We reserve the right to edit submissions and not to include requests.
The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
Hello, Majid s/o Mzee. Amonye [Alemi RIP.]
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
Principle of justice is key: King
Arab News
NEW YORK: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah yesterday urged world leaders attending a historic conference on interfaith dialogue at the United Nations to learn lessons from the past and establish justice in order to end violence.
"We say today with a single voice that religions through which Almighty God sought to bring happiness to mankind should not be turned into instruments to cause misery," the king said in his keynote speech at the Culture of Peace Conference organized by the UN General Assembly.
"Human beings are created equals and partners on this planet. Either they can live together in peace and harmony or they will inevitably be consumed by the flames of misunderstanding, malice and hatred."
King Abdullah added that the focus on differences by followers of different faiths and cultures had led to fanaticism and destructive wars.
"There was no need for such wars ... The time has come for us to learn lessons from the ruthless past and unite together on moral values and lofty examples that we all believe in ... We can leave our differences for God to make His judgment on the Day of Judgment."
The world desperately needs to learn the positive lessons of religion, said UN General Assembly President Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, who opened the conference. All religions teach "social responsibility," he added, but the world has "become contaminated by the spirit of selfishness and individualism."
D'Escoto said that the world must choose between the values of consumerism and greed, or social responsibility and ethical behavior, including the economic and political spheres.
His attack on the "unbridled greed" of the "dominant" Western culture struck a chord among most leaders at the conference.
The plenary meeting at the UN headquarters in New York - attended by nearly 70 heads of state and senior officials - is an initiative put forward by King Abdullah, aimed at hastening action on some of the most urgent challenges facing the world.
"All the tragedies the world witnesses today is the result of its abandoning of a major principle, the principle of justice, promulgated by all religions and cultures," said King Abdullah, who is the first Saudi king to address the United Nations in 51 years.
Everybody in the conference hall appreciated King Abdullah's efforts in trying to unite the world.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon praised the king for playing a crucial role in organizing the conference. He said a global effort was needed to confront a rising tide of communal strife and religious extremism.
King Abdullah lambasted terrorism.
"(Those who indulge in) terrorism and (other) crimes are enemies of God and enemies of every religion and culture," he said. "They would not have appeared in the presence of tolerance."
He blamed the decay of family values for the spread of drug abuse and crime.
King Abdullah told world leaders that interfaith dialogue would help revive lofty values and reinforce them in the minds of peoples and nations.
He thanked world leaders and other dignitaries who came from different parts of the globe to attend the conference.
"We would like to emphasize here that our interest in dialogue was inspired by the teachings of Islam and its values and because of our concern for the future of humanity," the king said. "We'll stretch our hands to all those who love peace, justice and tolerance."
The king concluded his speech by reciting a verse from the Holy Qur'an: "O people, we created you from a male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes, that you may recognize one another. The best among you in the sight of God is the most righteous."
"Your Majesty, the King of Saudi Arabia, I was listening to your message," Israeli President Shimon Peres said from the podium after the king spoke of the need for religious tolerance and said terrorism was the enemy of religion.
"I wish that your voice will become the prevailing voice of the whole region, of all people," said Peres. "It's right, it's needed, it's promising."
People tell the story of Amin in isolation of the roots of his Dictatorship. Truth is: it was the British, Israeli and CIA that organized to overthrow Obote and install Amin. The Briish press at first loved Amin so much and described him as a “gentle giant.” Read the The Making of Idi Amin By Pat Hutton and Jonathan Bloch, New African, February 2001. The story is too familiar to those who know how western interests have contributed to the destruction and underdevelopment of Africa.
in this. I don’t find it particularly amusing that the same policy makers that created this havoc find it a thriller to watch in their living rooms.
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The former Ugandan leader Idi Amin.
The son of Idi Amin has broken his family's two-decade vow of silence about dad hoping to put the record straight about the dictator following release of the Oscar-nominated The Last King of Scotland.
Jaffar Amin has also called for a truth and reconciliation committee to investigate his father's reign of terror. "Dad is the only person that has ever been accused and sentenced, incarcerated by opinion, without it ever reaching any courthouse," said Jaffar, 40. Jaffar Amin it will be a difficult battle trying to humanise him. He says the film will compound many negative images.
"Dad's image cannot be changed," said Jaffar, who is writing a book about his father. "If I bring an understanding, it will be very little because he's in a compartment and getting him out of there will take a thousand years."
"I'd ask dad, what happened? He'd look at me and say, 'people fought me, I fought them, but I never killed innocent people. God will be the one to judge me.'"
Jaffar, the 10th of Amin's 40 official children by seven official wives, said: "I don't want to fight what has been written, but I want to show another side. I want to show a parent, I want to show my father."
The film had its premiere in Uganda last week but none of the Amin family attended. The family fled Uganda when Amin was overthrown in 1979 by Tanzanian-backed rebels. They lived in Saudi Arabia, given a huge monthly allowance on condition the former dictator kept silent. He kept his promise up to his death in August 2003, aged 78.
Jaffar returned to Uganda in 1990 and worked for a courier company. He now does voice-overs for advertisements.
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Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 13:16:54 +0000 (GMT)
From: Kadara Kursum
To: Majid alemi Amonye Junior & Family.
Reply-to: kadara kursum
Subject: Fw: Third Sector Jobs: Email a Friend Job Alert
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--- On Mon, 17/11/08, Akujo Amonye wrote:
From: Akujo Amonye
Subject: Fw: Third Sector Jobs: Email a Friend Job Alert
To: "kadara kursum"
Date: Monday, 17 November, 2008, 4:03 PM
We are peaceful souls.
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From: kadara kursum
To: akujo wang
Sent: Monday, 17 November, 2008 15:07:56
Subject: Third Sector Jobs: Email a Friend Job Alert
I found this job on the ThirdSector website and thought you might be interested.
Head of Global Exchange
Head of Global Xchange Circa £37,318 pa (inc London Weighting)
South West London
Global Xchange is a joint partnership between the British Council and Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO).
An exciting opportunity has arisen to appoint a Head of Global Xchange to manage this innovative and dynamic partnership. The programme aims to meet the changing needs of young people globally to promote the value of active citizenship, develop strategic community partnerships and contribution to the community cohesion agenda at a national and international level.
You will have proven experience of leading teams and developing and implementing strategies for both programme development and funding opportunities. Experienced in relationship building and influencing, you will be able to develop this partnership to increase its impact in the UK and overseas.
Closing date: 10 November 2008 midday
Interviews: w/c 17 November 2008
For further details please visit our website at www.vso.org.uk/vacancies, or click on the 'Apply' button below, alternatively email recruitment Please be advised we do not accept CVs.
This is an automated message sent by Third Sector Jobs. Please do not reply to this message. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at http://jobs.thirdsector.co.uk/contact.html
Family & community
The Edmonton Journal
Published: Friday, October 03
Where: St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Parish.
When: Today, 5-7:30 p.m.
Email to a friend
Printer friendly
Font:****Where: 9831 75th St.
Information: 469-1463.
Check out these great vendors and more: Arbonne, BeautiControl, Creative Memories, designer hand bags, Discovery Toys, Ealanta Photography, Epicure Selections, handmade jewelry, Latasia jewelry, jewelry by Jackie, Mary Kay, Norwex, Pampered Chef, Party Lite, Remax, Stampin' Up, Tupperware, Usborne Books and Wetton Consulting Giftware. Door prizes. Free snacks.
When: Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Where: Kenilworth Community Hall, 7104 87th Ave.
Tour a new house that generates all its own heat and electricity. Annual grid-electricity bill will be about $200 to pay for electricity connection. No natural gas bill. Net annual surplus energy, less than zero annual emissions. Discover details, ask questions and learn for your own house. Team members will be on site to explain everything and answer questions.
When: Saturday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Where: 9926 87th St.
Admission: Free.
Information: www.riverdalenetzero.ca
Go behind the scenes to experience the magic of live theatre and learn how artists at one of Canada's leading theatres create the spectacles that grace our stages. Meet Artistic Director Bob Baker, Executive Director Penny Ritco and the cast of Pride and Prejudice. William Lau, Peking opera specialist, uncovers the secrets of Chinese opera. Learn the movements to an English Country dance. Meet world-renowned marionettist Ronnie Burkett. Watch an open-door rehearsal of Marty Chan's The Forbidden Phoenix and more.
When: Saturday, 2-5 p.m.
Where: 9828 101A Ave.
Admission: Free.
Information: www.citadeltheatre.com or 425-1820.
A festival of fine whisky & beer presented by the Edmonton Concert Hall Foundation as a fundraising event. This year's event is geared specifically toward raising funds for the purchase of a new Steinway piano for the Winspear Centre.
When: Oct. 10, 7 p.m.
Where: Winspear Centre.
Tickets: $60 plus applicable service charges; call 428-1414.
The association will hold an event to celebrate 46 years of Uganda's independence and also raise funds for its activities and Sparrow's Nest, a Uganda based non-profit organization. The latter is engaged in various activities aimed at rehabilitating children affected by the instability in Northern Uganda. The evening will commence with cocktails and a silent auction, to be followed by traditional dancing and drumming, an African fashion show, dinner, and a dance. The keynote speaker is Hafsa Goma who is an Alberta Centennial Medal recipient and the guest speaker is Dr. Zaheer Lakhani, who is an Order of Canada recipient.
When: Oct. 11, 6 p.m.
Where: Ukrainian Centre, 11018 97th St.
Tickets: $40, children $20; call Primrose Igonor, 780-721 8671.
- - -
Music by the Rocky Ramblers.
When: Wednesday, 7-10 p.m.
Where: Northgate Lions Seniors Recreation Centre, 7524 139th Ave.
Cost: Members $5, non-members $8. Cash bar.
Information: 496-7355.
Mainstream and beginners square dance.
When: Oct. 10, 7-10 p.m.
Where: West Jasper/Sherwood Community Hall, 9620 152nd St.
Information: George, 780-989-0477.
- - -
Fall series: The Game is Intrigue, featuring The Spiral Staircase (1946, 83 min., PG) starring Dorothy McGuire, George Brent and Kent Smith. A Gothic thriller, set in a small, turn-of-the-century village containing a killer targeting the handicapped. Elegantly filmed, as the shadows close in on McGuire's mute, terrified girl. Director: Robert Siodmak.
When: Monday, 8 p.m.
Where: Royal Alberta Museum.
Tickets: $5, $4 seniors and students.
Information: 436-5625 or e-mail thomas.r@shaw.ca
Hijacked Futures (David Springbett, 60 min., 2008). The documentary looks at the increasingly fragile base of our North American industrial food system (www.hijackedfuture.com/index.html).
When: Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Where: Steeps College Plaza, 11116 82nd Ave.
Admission: Free.
Information: 988-8105.
- - -
Science Cafe is a forum for debating science issues and to explore the latest and greatest in science and technology. This is an evening to debate, debunk, and digest hot science issues that are on your mind with topic experts and like-minded people. Topic for October: Nanotechnology: Where Small is Big -- let's imagine what our future could be! Hosted by Telus World of Science.
When: Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Where: Good Earth Cafe, Campus Tower, 8623 112th St.
The single most articulate and passionate advocate of citizen action to remedy the nuclear and environmental crises, Caldicott has devoted the last 35 years to an international campaign to educate the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age and the necessary changes in human behaviour to stop environmental destruction.
When: Wednesday, 7 p.m.
Where: Myer Horowitz Theatre, Students Union Building, U of A.
Admission: Free.
Public lecture by Allister Neher.
When: Thursday, 7 p.m.
Where: Art Gallery of Alberta, Enterprise Square, 100, 10230 Jasper Ave.
Admission: $10 general, AGA members free.
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Anarchists, allies and other friendly people throughout western Canada and beyond get a chance to meet, share stories and ideas, and gather new literature and learn. At the 2007 bookfair, close to 1,000 people were able to access radical books, see independent documentaries and participate in skill-share workshops. The event attracted vendors, speakers and participants from all over Western Canada.
When: Today, opening speaker Andrej Grubadc at 7 p.m. (doors at 6:30 p.m.) followed by music at 9 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; and Sunday, noon-5 p.m. (after party 8 p.m.-midnight).
Where: Ukrainian Centre, 11018 97th St.
Admission: Free.
The Stroll of Poets Society celebrates the power of the spoken word with Audrey Brooks, Joy-Ruth Mickelson, Marcia O'Connor, Gary Garrison and Jalal Barzanji.
When: Monday, 7 p.m.
Where: Upper Crust Cafe, 10909 86th Ave.
Tickets: $5 at the door.
Information: Call Nic at 422-8174 or visit www.strollofpoets.com.
Winnipeg poets Ariel Gordon and Kerry Ryan read at the Stanley Milner Library, Downtown.
When: Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Admission: Free.
Douglas Wood has been called Minnesota's "Renaissance Man" -- author, artist, musician, naturalist, and wilderness guide. As a children's and adult's writer of books, he has nearly two million copies in print, including the classics Old Turtle and Grandad's Prayers of the Earth. Wood will recount his experiences as both an author/illustrator and illustrator. He shares his books through music and personal storytelling. He engages his audience with not only his writing, but also with his insights about life and writing, his experiences living the life of a writer. All adults and children accompanied by an adult caregiver are welcome. Light snacks, coffee, tea, and juice are provided at no charge.
When: Wednesday, 7:30-9 p.m.
Where: St. Anthony Meeting Centre, 10425 84th Ave.
Cost: $8 per person or $30 for an annual membership that includes all events from Sept., 2008-June, 2009.
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Approximately 9.4 km at Islet Lake to Lost Lake.
When: Sunday, 8:45 a.m.
Where: Meet at Bonnie Doon Recycle on the west side of Bonnie Doon Mall.
Cost: Free. Bring lunch.
Information: Karen, 642-6372.
Octoberfest Volksmarch & cycle along the Edmonton river valley trail system. Bratwurst, sauerkraut and refreshments will be available at start and finish for a nominal cost from 10 a.m.
Where: Dawson Park.
When: Saturday start times: walk 5 km and 11 km, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; walk 22 km, 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.; bike 33 km, 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Information: Dave at 475-7211 or www.albertavolkssport.ca
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The 2008 maze features an outline of an Indy car, racing flags, and the Rexall Edmonton Indy logo. This design provides an amazing aerial view as well as a challenging maze. Though the correct pathways can be walked in under 30 minutes, most directionally-challenged visitors -- adults and children alike -- will require about one hour to travel through the maze of more than five km of twists and turns and 85 decision points.
When: Until Oct. 18: 10 a.m. and 9 p.m., Monday through Friday and 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday.
Where: Minutes from west Edmonton.
Cost: $9 for ages 12 and up, $7 for ages five to 11, and free for kids under five. Discounts are offered for groups and field trips.
Info: www.edmontoncornmaze.ca or call Jesse Kraay at 288-0208.
Edmonton Radial Railway Society volunteers operate a vintage streetcar service between Old Strathcona and Jasper Avenue until Thanksgiving Monday.
Where: Runs from Old Strathcona (103rd Street and 84th Avenue, just north of the farmers market) over the top of the High Level Bridge to Jasper Plaza, north of 100th Avenue at 109th Street.
When: Daily service departs Strathcona at 11 a.m. (9 a.m. on Saturdays) and every 40 minutes until 9:40 p.m. (last round trip departure). Departs Jasper Plaza at 11:20 a.m. (9:20 a.m. on Saturdays) and every 40 minutes until 10:00 p.m. (last departure, to Strathcona only). Also, extra cars may be running at weekends.
Cost: Round-trip fare $4 (ages six and up); five and under free. Family $12 (maximum two adults).
Information: For group rates (10 or more) or charters outside normal hours of operation call 437-7721, or visit www.edmonton-radial-railway.ab.ca
Nature talk: Autumn in Edmonton. Check out the autumn colours of the river valley. Visit the honey bee hive and find out what they are doing to prepare for winter. Go on a walk with a naturalist to find out what some of Edmonton's wild creatures and plants do to get redy for winter.
When: Saturday, Sunday and Oct. 11, 2 p.m.
Where: Adjacent to Fort Edmonton Park.
Admission: Child $1.35; youth/senior $1.65; adult $2; family $5.50.
Information: 496-8787.
The Pumpkin Cannon launches pumpkins to support the Edmonton Youth Emergency Shelter Society as part of the festivities at Prairie Garden's month long Haunted Pumpkin Festival starting this weekend, on Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, local celebrities, Ronald MacDonald, and the Edmonton Youth Emergency Shelter Society will kick off the pumpkin cannon challenge with a shoot out at high noon! In what looks like a mini-amusement park, complete with haunted house and food concession, dozens of flower beds, straw dragons and piles of pumpkins, there a bushels of magical family moments. Prairie Gardens celebrates the 13th anniversary of the Haunted Pumpkin Festival with the newest attraction from the Andersen family farm -- the Great Prairie Corn Maze -- dragons and 13 fun family attractions. Prairie Gardens is open weekdays and Sundays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. It's 25 km north of Edmonton on Highway 28 (97th Street) to Bon Accord. Continue for one km, turn left onto Lily Lake Road and proceed two km. Admission: Family (four) $35 (family rate: $8.75), individuals $9.50, kids two and under free; $2 tokens for additional activities & fundraisers. Pumpkin Cannon $4. For more information call 921-2272.
- Body Worlds 1: The Original Exhibition of Real Human Bodies. Final weeks -- must close Oct. 13. This world-renowned exhibition that provides an unprecedented view inside the human body. The powerful show includes an exploration of more than 200 authentic human organs, systems and whole-body displays. Through a remarkable process called Plastination, bodily fluids and fat have been extracted from the specimens and replaced with reactive resins and polymers. The result means you can actually see inside the human body, learn how it works, and how it can be affected by disease and lifestyle choices.
- Coral Reef Adventure, back by popular demand! Dive into the soul of the sea as you take an unforgettable journey across the sun-drenched waters of the South Pacific -- from Australia's Great Barrier Reef to the majestic islands of Tahiti. The beauty, danger and wonder of the coral reef habitats come to life on the giant Imax screen. You will dive deep beneath the water's surface into the sparkling tropical sea and join two divers as they make thrilling discoveries and become a part of the growing global effort to sustain reefs.
- The Human Body takes viewers on a journey through the world underneath the skin. Through sophisticated thermal imaging, X-ray and computer graphics technology, the functions inside our bodies become visible in great detail and things as tiny as a red blood cell are magnified into a six-storey-high Imax screen.
- Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs brings to life ancient wonders, historic intrigue and a modern-day adventure. The film unravels some of the mysteries enshrouding the ancient royal mummies, how they were embalmed, and where they were hidden. Experience the magnificence of Egypt as you journey to the royal tombs and explore the history of ancient Egyptian society, as told through the mummies of the past.
- Dinosaurs Alive! in Imax. Take a trip back in time to the land of the dinosaurs.
- Dawn of the Space Age. New state-of-the-art full-dome digital technology and immersive computer animation gives viewers a front-row seat for breathtaking views of some of man's most magnificent space-related achievements. Viewers will re-live the excitement of the early days of space exploration from the launch of the first artificial satellite to spectacular lunar landings, privately operated space flights, a historically accurate reconstruction of man's first steps on the moon, and a closeup view of a rocket blasting into the atmosphere.
- Also playing: Secrets of the Cardboard Rocket and Molecularium.
- Plus science demonstrations, observatory and themed exhibit galleries: The Body Fantastic includes the hugely popular Gallery of the Gross; Mystery Avenue, put on your detective hat and solve a crime, The Greens' House in the Environment Gallery; and Discoveryland for the real little ones.
Information: 11211 142nd St., 451-3344.
Let's Talk Animals: Frogs, Toads & Friends. Why are frogs and toads different? Join us to learn about the life cycles of frogs, why amphibians are in crisis and what the zoo is doing to raise awareness of the rate at which amphibians are disappearing.
When: Saturday and Sunday, 1 p.m.
Where: 13315 Buena Vista Rd.
Admission: Child $4.50, youth and senior $6.75, adults $9, family $27.
Information: 496-8787.
© The Edmonton Journal 2008
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Hi Members
I am drawing your attention to a growing interest among many here in the Lower Mainland that are working or volunteering in Uganda to be taught a working vocabulary of Luganda - at least to ask for water.
I am personally not aware of anyone who is a position to offer help or lessons in this area, however, if someone in our midst is able and willing to assist, I am requesting that you contact me as soon as possible.
The two most recent groups (both NGOs) to have contacted me will be departing in the first half of next year and will be based in Masaka and Mukono and are available to start immediately. Terms of engagement will be discussed privately.
It seems to me this is a great opportunity for us to give back in some form in a way that is positive, productive and helps to sensitive the Vancouver volunteers to the Uganda make that Buganda culture.
I sincerely hope that this is a challenge we can meet.
--- On Tue, 11/18/08, majid alemi junior wrote:
From: majid alemi junior
Subject: Re: Luganda Language Lessons
To: "Sonya Sangster" sonya sangster
Cc: "Scott Andrews" sjandrews alpha rulez ojelel agakolo bran abe "Bridget Sangster" bridgeysangster@hotmail.com sonya sangster
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 10:25 AM
Quoting Sonya Sangster sonya_sangster@hotmail.com Re:read. thanks sonya ssongster. your request to learn luganda language, Idid fowarded to ugandan community in bc.
to get a person that can teach lugandato your teams, note. to alfred ojelel to fwd. the Info. From the President of UMAIBC.Majid Alemi Junior.in bc. good luck. Hi There! My name is Sonya Sangster, and I am a board member of Uganda Rural Fund, based here in Vancouver. I got your email through googling Uganda communities in Vancouver. We have some members that are going to Kyetume,in the Masaka district, to work on some projects and to be the Organizational Directors of Uganda Rural Fund Canada and would like to learn the language> there. Would you, or anyone you know, be interested in teaching a small Luganda> class one to two days a week, or maybe 1.5 hours each class? We would be interested in reading, writing, and speaking skills. Thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you, Sonya
Sangster Uganda Rural Fund www.ugandaruralfund.org
Dear Sisters, Brothers, Elders and Youth:
Assalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu,
The Muslim Youth Centre would like to invite you to their upcoming events, Inshaa Allah. Please mark your calendars.
Please see below and the attached document.
1. MYC KIDS EID PARTY, DEC 13, 2008,
10 A.M. TO 1 P.M. FOR KIDS AGES 5-11
DEC 25, 2008, 1 P.M. TO 4 P.M.
1 P.M. TO 5 P.M.
Jazak Allah Khair
Sister Kaniza Ishmail
Secretary, MYC
Greetings of Peace from the Islamic Society of North America
As-Salaamu-Alaykum, Majid Alemi Junior, the president of UMAIBC
With the transition to the 111th Congress, there will be many new job opportunities in the U.S. Congress. The Congressional Muslim Staffers Association (CMSA) is pleased to announce our call for resumes to be included in a CMSA Resume Book. It is an objective of the CMSA to increase diversity on Capitol Hill through the recruitment, retention and promotion of Muslims and people of color in staff positions throughout Congressional Offices and Committees.
Please carefully read the following directions to submit your resume into the CMSA Resume Book:
Eligibility for Resume Submission: Resumes are requested from individuals who:
Are U.S. Citizens
Display strong educational, professional, and social experiences relevant to a career in a fast paced, policy-focused, constituency-responsive work environment
Able to easily attend in-person job interviews in Washington DC, and to start work immediately upon hiring
Resumes must be submitted to cmsa.resume@gmail.com by Saturday, November 29th at NOON. Resumes should be no longer than two pages in length and display your full name and contact information on both pages. Please attach your resume to an email as a word document.
Congressional Positions: in the Subject heading of the email please include your full name followed by the position you are seeking.
Example: Subject: Fatimah Hassan, Legislative Director
Please use the following titles to classify the position you are seeking:
Chief of Staff
Committee - Professional Staff
Committee - Counsel
Legislative Director
Legislative Assistant
Legislative Correspondent
Staff Assistant
If you are considering more than one position, please state your top choice in the subject heading and your preferences in order of "1st Priority" and "2nd Priority" in the body of the email.
Please note the following:
The Congressional Muslim Staffers Association's role is limited to the distribution of submitted resumes through the CMSA Resume Book.
There is no guarantee that all submitted resumes will be included in the CMSA Resume Book.
The Congressional Muslim Staffers Association will send the CMSA Resume Book to new Members of Congress, Committees, Leadership Offices, and other Congressional Member Offices and administrative offices in Congress (CAO, Clerks Office, Sergeant at Arms, etc.) upon request of such offices.
The Congressional Muslim Staffers Association will request that employers not release the information in the CMSA Resume Book except for employment related purposes.
The CMSA makes no warranty with respect to the accuracy or completeness of resumes.
The CMSA also highly recommends that job seekers submit their resumes through established methods:
Electronically submit resumes to the U.S. House of Representatives at http://www.house.gov/cao-hr/
Submit at least 60 hard copies of your resume to U.S. House of Representatives (B-240 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC, 20515)
Electronically submit resumes to the U.S. Senate at http://www.senate.gov/visiting/common/generic/placement_office.htm
We look forward to your participation in this effort! Please send an email to cmsa.resume@gmail.com with any questions. To learn more about the CMSA, please read the One Nation feature "Muslims on Capitol Hill: Congressional Muslim Staffers Association" at http://www.onenationforall.org/content/view/438/102/ .
All the Best,
J. Saleh Williams, MPA
Program and Outreach Coordinator
Congressional Muslim Staffers Association
P.O. Box 38 Plainfield, IN 46168, USA | Phone: (317) 839-8157 | Fax: (317) 839-1840
Manage your online subscriptions at
The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
What ails Sudan's agricultural sector
Turki Faisal Al-Rasheed | Arab News
Saudi Arabia is in a better position to forge politico-economic partnerships with other countries with a view to achieving food security. The best partner in this respect is Sudan, known as the food basket of the Arab world. But foreigners are reluctant to invest in Sudan and the efforts made by the Sudanese government to overcome this reluctance have not met with much success. Under the deteriorating global situation, Arab countries that have agricultural potential, notably Sudan, have to bring in modern technologies and look for the best of encouraging agricultural investment and offering incentives to achieve this aim.
Why not? Sudan is blessed with fertile agricultural lands (more than 200 million acres). Only 20 percent of these lands are being utilized. Abundant irrigation facilities are also available (river waters including that of the Nile, rain waters and underground water). Furthermore, Sudan has a variety of weather (from 30 to 48 degrees centigrade), ranging from desert, and Mediterranean, savanna and Equatorial weather. There are different kinds of plantations and favorable environment for natural growth of various plants and agricultural products (farm and horticulture).
There are ample natural pastures and animal wealth while rainfall allows the growth of forests and woods. But despite the availability of suitable environment for growing various seeds, there are problems such as:
. Insufficient care given to seeds;
. No use of sprays and no exploitation of underground water for irrigation of plants in case of shortage of rainfall and during dry seasons.
. Lack of full mechanization in cultivation, harvesting, peeling, cleaning and packing; fertilizers and insecticides are applied in old ways.
. Lack of a plan for improving seeds and not using improved varieties of seeds.
. Sudan's domestic problems have been internationalized, giving the impression of political instability in the country. This discourages investors.
. There is no clear ownership policy. The land ownership system is based on land lease, that is the right of benefiting from the land for a specific number of years. Therefore there is no incentive to attract huge projects.
. The agricultural lands lie adjacent to the oil excavation areas and it is quite possible that the government may suddenly discover that the land given to an investor is located over an oil well and may confiscate it and give the investor another land. This means wasting the efforts, time and money of the investors.
. Sudan is a country of shantytowns and people are settling in areas the government wants to award to investors. This means the investors will have to pay money for resettling the people living near the lands awarded to them.
. The investors are also obliged to provide water to these people from the wells drilled by them for agricultural projects.
. The proposed areas for investment lack the necessary infrastructural facilities, and this increases the investment costs, especially in transportation and energy.
. There are any number of administrative fees, especially in the states. This is apart from those imposed by the central government. Consequently, the investors are confused as to whom they should deal with.
To sum up:
Sudan is in need of huge companies to invest in the agricultural lands in an ideal way. As noted above, lands suitable for agriculture are more than 200 million acres with less than 20 percent under use.
In the past, Sudan used to export large quantities of peanuts and it has quit the overseas markets due to the above-mentioned factors.
Sudan imports two million tons of wheat, its staple food, annually. This can't be justified when 160 million acres are available for cultivation.
The virgin land becomes barren when left uncultivated.
Huge agricultural investments will go a long way toward reducing unrest in Sudan. Investments in huge agricultural projects boost national income, reduce import bill (for agricultural products), provide a healthy, safe and permanent source of food, preserve the honor of the state and its people and protect the country against foreign intervention and economic pressures. All this means that senior Sudanese officials in charge of regulating agricultural investment system must reconsider the existing policies by eliminating their negative aspects and adding more incentives to attract national and foreign investors. The policies should be in accordance with the interests and ambitions of investors. Sudan should not allow a situation to continue where the virgin and fertile lands become barren while the government has to depend on imports to feed its hungry people.
- Turki Faisal Al-Rasheed is a Saudi writer.
Copyright:Arab News © 2003 All rights reserved. Site designed by: arabix and powered by Eima IT
This is a copy of the following message you sent to Connect Uganda Presenters via Connect Uganda
This is an enquiry e-mail via http://www.connectuganda.com from:
Majid Alemi Junior and Family.
Dear. Michael Mulambuzi & all connect uganda staffs radio in uk. my son yasin grand son of the, late,RIP.al-haji Idi Amin dada. would like thank Mike. of airing the message of his birth day last sunday. nov.16. 08. as well birthday songs at the end of the prgrame. happy birthday to you mike which was nov.15-08. keep up the good work. you did very well byyourself last sunday. we hope queenie are recovering from whatever she is doing. I would like send greetings to my family, my special wife and the children in vancouver, bc. to late. RIP. mzee. baaba Idi Amin Alemis Family, wherever they are. to all who are listening connect uganda right now, to mukoki, mike, queenie, to ugandans community in vancouver, also back home, in uganda. love. from Mr. Mrs. Mariam Majid Alemi &.Family. in Vancouver, Western Canada. regards. again. more greetings to hafsa Ibrahim in edmonton alberta, to leila andeku, to. male ayume and faily, to akonyu akolo and family, to hamid andeku and family,to madam caroline bitek and family, to bran abe and family, to robert alolega and family, to michael okorth and family, to alfred ojelel and family, to mohamoud adebo and family, they are all in vancouver, bc. to my young brother. jaffar remo and family in arua, to my sister maimuna mama papa, to sister zaitun, to sister. hajira aka, to sister safiya, the are all in kampala uganda, to ojolu, and chandiya, to. J. Muraa, to jenniffer, to solomon, they are all in adjumani, east. madi. happy holiday seasons greetings. peace,love,unity are the way to success. bravo.
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 03:16:31 -0500
From: ISNA
To: "majid alemi junior.
Reply-to: ISNA
Subject: Scholarships, Internships & Fellowships Available
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Home About Conferences Services News Contact Us
Greetings of Peace from the Islamic Society of North America
Scholarships, Internships & Fellowships available
Freshman in college?
Need a financial boost?
ISNA proudly announces the Dr. Abdulmunim A. Shakir Scholarship
Twenty scholarships awarded annually based on
merit, academic achievement, and financial need
Still accepting applications for the 2008 – 2009 academic year
Contact legacy for more information and to apply.
Get Hands-On Experience
ISNA Internship
Sponsored by Samina & Maqbool Ahmed
• Engage in hands-on experience and meaningful projects
• Gain a greater understanding of non-profit work in the U.S.
• Develop professional skills in a work setting with Islamic values
• Gain networking opportunities for future employment
• Contribute to the betterment of the American Muslim Community
Opportunities Currently Available:
Youth Programs & Events
Interfaith Relations & Peace
Building Leadership Training
Community Outreach
Conferences & Events
Magazine Publications
MIS & Website Marketing
Fundraising & Capacity Building
Membership & Affiliation Promotion
More information and online applications available at
Expand your Future
HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal
ISNA Fellowship Program
Equipping Muslim graduate students with experience and training to become effective leaders of American non-profits.
Muslim Americans pursuing Master’s degrees in philanthropic studies, nonâ€profit management or
other related fields are invited to apply for the
2009-10 class of fellows.
Internship, Scholarship and Stipend Included
More information and online application available at
P.O. Box 38 Plainfield, IN 46168, USA | Phone: (317) 839-8157 | Fax: (317) 839-1840
Dear ,
I am pleased to inform you that Zubeeda is now improving. She is thanking you for your prayers.
Please note that today by 16:00 she will be transferred to Sacco Hospital (Milan)
www.geocities.com/abkiwuwa/index.html Re. thank you bro. kiwuwa for sending out the Info. and we wish zubeda a quick recovery. &. our prayers. from the president of UMAIBC. Majid Amonye Junior &. Family, in bc. vancouver, western canada. salam warahma.
Koboko to upgrade farmers unit
Monday, 24th November, 2008 E-mail article Print article
By Frank Mugabi
THE one-stop farmers’ centre in Koboko district is to be turned into a model for value-addition, the area MP, James Baba, has said.
Baba said the centre that was opened by President Yoweri Museveni in April, would be equipped with an oil extractor, rice huller and a maize mill.
The developments, meant to entice local farmers into commercial production, will be funded by the National Agricultural Advisory Services and Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF) programmes.
“It’s going to be the first place of its kind in the country where farmers can store, process and market their produce. It will also act as their office, conference and meeting place,” Baba said.
Baba disclosed that they had installed a rice huller with a capacity to process eight tonnes of rice per day.
“That means we shall need 80 bags of rice everyday to maximise output. The question for the farmers is, are they prepared to grow enough to meet the demand? And they have said ‘yes’,” Baba said.
Baba, also the minister of state in the Vice-President’s Office, was speaking at the closure of a one-week farmers training on the principles of the centre in Koboko town on Saturday.
He observed that farmers had not been able to sustain improved technologies due to limited access to agricultural inputs, markets and advisory services, which the centre would solve.
He urged farmers in the district and in West Nile to start producing to generate income.
“Gone are the days when we cultivated only for the stomach. We must select viable enterprises and undertake them on large commercial basis,” Baba said.
The training, conducted by officials from Sasakawa Global 2000, aimed at establishing a firm leadership and management structure for the centre and empowering the farmers in commercial production.
Hi there! majid amonye junior.
akujo wangita amonye. thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online: http://www.newvision.co.ug
They also added this comment:
The war in Congo is everyone’s concern
EDITOR—Recently, a lot of space in our newspapers has been given to news and views about topical issues like the NSSF-Temangalo deal and the US president-elect Barack Obama.
However, insufficient attention has been given to near hellish conditions and destruction of the war in eastern DR Congo involving Laurent Nkunda’s rebels and the soldiers of the government of DRC.
Apart from the possibility of hundreds of refugees fleeing into Uganda, few people have probably contemplated the possibility of the war flowing over into our country.
Apart from the fact that our country has already been involved directly in the DRC in the recent past, we should remember that at least two of our neighbours, Sudan and Congo, generated some of the resources either in terms of controversy over money from the sale of ivory or soldiers such as Anyanya 1 combatants being used to bolster Amin’s camp.
But on another note, the trouble in eastern DRC points to the catastrophe of Africa. This catastrophe has, as one of its components, the militarisation of eastern Africa (Somalia and Darfur).
A few years ago, there was optimism about Africa’s wars having reduced or stopped in places like Sierra Leone, Liberia, Rwanda, Mozambique, Angola, southern Sudan and Burundi.
But that is not any consolation for Uganda, for as President Yoweri Museveni once observed, peace and stability in the Great Lakes region hangs on the situation in Congo.
Put differently, the geographical expanse of Congo, with its mineral and other resources, is destined to be the locus of an intensified power struggle that looks likely to engulf Uganda and Rwanda. It would, therefore, be good to know what the African Union is doing in helping negotiate a peace deal.
The Rev Amos Kasibante
Leicester, UK
You can also read the article online at: http://www.newvision.co.ug/detail.php?mainNewsCategoryId=8&newsCategoryId=21&newsId=661107
Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
Civil Defense finalizes Haj plan
Badea Abu Al-Naja I Arab News
MAKKAH: More than 13,000 personnel, 3,000 vehicles and eight helicopters will be working in Makkah and the holy sites during Haj, said Gen. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Al-Amro, commander of the Civil Defense’s Haj force.
A comprehensive Civil Defense plan will be implemented in collaboration with other concerned government departments, said Al-Amro, adding that the plan has been formulated and approved by Interior Minister Prince Naif, chairman of the Civil Defense Council.
“We have carried out a number of mock drills to improve the performance levels of our officers,†he said, adding that the Civil Defense is fully prepared to deal with all emergencies.
Al-Amro said plans have been formulated to face problems due to rains and flooding in the holy sites. “The plans specify risks and identify areas that might be vulnerable in the event of heavy rains and flooding,†he added.
Al-Amro said the weather is being monitored around the clock. “There is a committee composed of the Civil Defense and other concerned government departments to study the hazards of rains and floods all year round,†he said, adding that the committee is also following up on floodwater drainage.
Al-Amro said the Civil Defense has left no stone unturned in raising awareness about the dangers of rains and floods. He added that the Ministry of Haj is playing an important role in spreading awareness among foreign pilgrims before they arrive in the Kingdom.
Commenting on falling rocks in Mina, he said a geological team was working with the Civil Defense to identify locations where rocks might fall.
He further warned against the use of gas stoves during Haj and said anyone caught using such equipment would be fined.
Speaking about high-rise buildings near the Grand Mosque, which are not accessible using ladders, he said the owners of these buildings have been asked to take extra safety measures and to keep additional fire extinguishers as a first line of defense until the Civil Defense manages to reach the location.
“The Civil Defense has provided equipment capable of operating in mountainous and narrow areas as well as in high buildings,†he said.
Meanwhile, the Passport Department said it would appoint 28 women inspectors at checkpoints on roads leading to Makkah during the Haj season.
“The women recruits are university graduates with experience in working for the Passport Department. Women inspectors can play a significant role in identifying pilgrims without permits, particularly those who try to cheat officials by disguising themselves as women. They can also help detect women traveling on fake documents,†said Col. Abdullah Al-Harithy, media supervisor at the Passport Department’s Haj section.
“The women will be issued with special identity cards,†he said, adding that the centers are equipped with machines to help detect forged documents.
Al-Harithy appealed to citizens and expatriates to carry identity documents and Haj permits when traveling to Makkah. Anyone found without proper documents would be penalized, he added.
Baba (in coat) near a Juba-bound truck that on the Arua-Koboko Road recently
By Frank Mugabi
THE poor state of the Arua-Koboko-Oraba road has paralysed business between West Nile and southern Sudan.
The Koboko Member of Parliament, James Baba, said businessmen who were attracted to the market in Sudan, were suffering huge capital losses when their vehicles break down with their merchandise.
The 56km murram road is a gateway to the southern Sudanese towns of Yei and Juba through Kaya border post.
“Not at anyone time have I used the road and missed to see trucks overturning. Usually, there are others in a queue waiting for the road to be cleared,” Baba, who is also the general duties state minister in the Vice- President’s Office, noted.
He said: “Repairing these vehicles costs a fortune, while traders at the receiving end have to grapple with the delay in delivery of the goods.”
Baba said the black spots were at the narrow bridges, especially Inde Bridge including a few steep slopes.
He said construction of the road should be expedited because of its significant contribution to the Ugandan economy.
The road is among those supposed to be developed under the national roads development and maintenance plan.
According to Daniel Alinange, the public relations officer of the Uganda National Roads Authority, the road’s design was completed and construction is expected to begin by 2010.
“We are waiting for approval from the African Development Bank. In the meantime, we are getting a contractor to at least upgrade the murrum and maintain it in good form,” he said.
He was optimistic that interim works would commence by the beginning of next month.
Hi there! majid Amonye Junior.
akujo wangita d/o amonye. thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online: http://www.newvision.co.ug
They also added this comment:
Does anyone care about our people?
EDITOR—I felt grieved and saddened by what I saw on BBC TV panorama on November 24, about life and health in African countries. What a shame to what is going on in our countries.
The programme highlighted what is going on in our hospitals. It showed devastating pictures of how human life is no longer taken as God’s gift.
Patients suffering on the floor in casualty wards, others dying with no one caring at all, mothers sleeping on the floor with their newborn babies and some lying under other patients’ beds.
My question is, is there anyone responsible for the lives of our people? Do governments really care anymore about the people who vote them into power. There are no staff, no medicine, no beds, and above all, no basic equipment for infection prevention, like gloves in a referral hospitals.
Recently, Africa was among the continents which celebrated the US president-elect, Barack Obama’s win, very optimistic that his governance would bring in more foreign currency to supplement our budgets.
I think Africa receives enough foreign aid, but what has kept us in this mess is the fact that office-bearers do not care about the common man’s needs any more. All they care for is their pockets.
With the current situation, one wonders if the money worth the American budget was poured in Uganda to help us out of poverty, would make any impact. Our leaders should stop thinking about personal gains and work towards helping our people.
Frank Mboize
You can also read the article online at: http://www.newvision.co.ug/detail.php?mainNewsCategoryId=8&newsCategoryId=21&newsId=661690
The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
Hello, Majid s/o Amonye [Alemi]
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
Kingdom, OIC lambaste attacks
Arab News
JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia yesterday denounced the terrorist attacks in India's business capital Mumbai and expressed its condolences to the Indian government and people.
"The Kingdom has been following up the terrorist explosions in Mumbai with indignation and expresses its strong condemnation of this criminal act," an official source said.
Arab and Islamic organizations yesterday denounced the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) condemned the attacks, saying violence had no justification. "These acts of violence contradict all human values and can be justified by nothing," an OIC spokesman said at the group's headquarters here.
Adnan Khalil Basha, secretary-general of the International Islamic Relief Organization in Saudi Arabia, condemned the terrorist attacks and expressed his sympathy to the people and government of India and families of victims.
"Lives of human beings are so valuable that this barbaric act should not have occurred. Nobody and no religion will endorse this act of terrorism," Basha told Arab News. He stressed the need to stop such terrorist acts to protect humanity from going back to the age of forest law.
In Cairo, Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa said such "criminal and terrorist acts aggravate the vicious circle of violence and counter-violence." He expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and to the Indian government and people.
Egypt's opposition Muslim Brotherhood condemned the attacks in a statement and hoped that the "perpetrators of these heinous crime would be brought to justice to receive the ultimate punishment."
US President George W. Bush called Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to convey his sympathy for the victims of the "despicable" attacks and offer US help, the White House said.
World leaders expressed anger and horror yesterday after Islamic militant attacks in Mumbai left over 125 people dead and deliberately-targeted Western hostages fearing for their lives. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown sent Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh a message assuring that "the UK stands solidly with his government as they respond, and to offer all necessary help. "These outrageous attacks in Mumbai will be met with a vigorous response," he said.
Canadian Prime Minister Harper expressed "deep and profound sympathy and condolences to the families and loved ones of those killed and injured by these heinous acts of violence, including many in Canada. "These attacks targeted people from India and around the world," he said. "They were attacks on values we hold dear, and we share your loss." Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari "stressed the need for taking strict measures to eradicate terrorism and extremism from the region." Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai said: "Terrorists are especially challenging South Asia. A vigorous response to counter these terrorist challenges requires an even more intensified regional cooperation and coordination in all aspects."
NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer blasted the "despicable" raids. "I condemn in the strongest possible terms the mindless and indiscriminate terrorist attacks in Mumbai. Attacking innocent people, tourists, and patients in hospitals is despicable and cowardly," he said in a statement..
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the violence was "totally unacceptable."
- With input from agencies By. Kadara d/o Amonye [Alemi]
This is a copy of the following message you sent to Connect Uganda Presenters via Connect Uganda
This is an enquiry e-mail via http://www.connectuganda.com from:
Majid Alemi Junior & Family.
Hello. mike and mukoki, plus queenie. I woulk like to thank you all for the good work connect uganda are doing, especialy. mukoki of airing my message. last sunday. we wish a happy eid al-adhua greetings to all muslims as well non muslims around the globe. starting with you people in the studio, to all my family, mzee baaba. RIP. alemis families, wherever they are, to all those who are listening connect uganda right now, to ugandan community in bc, to my special wife, &. the kids in vancouver, bc. to young brother, rajab amin, in jeddah & the rest there, mama arusu. to my young brother, jaffar remo amin dada and family, in arua plus cousinsuncles iin koboko, kampale. with love. from. Majid alemi junior, the elder son of the late, mzee baaba. RIP. al-hajid Idi Amin dada. allah arhamu. in vancouver, western canada. regards. Eid Prayers will be on Manday. December.8th,2008. worldwide.
Dad was a playful and mischievous man and he liked to laugh. We enjoyed lots of laughter with him. He loved doing the Acholi Welcome Dance, which resembles the Maori Welcome Dance. He loved jesting and one of his favourite jokes was to run at people with a spear the way Acholi dancers do in imitation dances. People would be shocked to see this huge figure hurtling at them. Dad would throw the spear so it landed at their feet. It was just a joke and not meant seriously. I likened dad to Mohammad Ali because he had the same sense of mischief. Dad was also a great fan of cartoons. He enjoyed slapstick. Tom and Jerry was his favourite. I hated and still hate it when people called and call my father a buffoon."
"Dad loved to dress well and he made sure us his children dressed well too. He loved everything British and he was particular about his clothes. He had a butler (Odero) to deal exclusively with his wardrobe. He had to have cravats and was obsessed by them. I have no idea about the difference between Louis Vuitton, Hermes or Dior, but dad could tell the difference at a glance. Dad had hand made shoes flown in from Britain and he loved anything British, if it was well made. This passion extended to his car collection, which included Land Rovers, Range Rovers and Rolls-Royces, with the exception of a Mercedes 300 coupe that he received as a gift from Libya's Muammar Gaddafi. This was a particular favourite."
"Another plaything of dad’s was an amphibious car. He would take his wives or girlfriends out in it and head towards a lake. The girls would start screaming as they thought they were going to drown, but the car just floated. This tickled him."
"Dad would take us his children with him in his Mercedes cars, when he went out to the various Ugandan provinces and districts. He would take with him a child or children from local mothers to show his loyalty to the area. When addressing constituents, dad would often say, "this is your child" - like the time he went to open the Kibimba Rice scheme in Busoga District. He took me with him because my mother comes from the area and so does my younger brother Moses’ mum. I remember my young brothers Moses and Mwanga being dressed in mini military uniforms on these trips, as I myself donned a safari suit."
"When I was nine years old in 1975, dad took us to Angola. It was a really nice day trip. Dad was friends with a CIA agent (Zeegla), who had new equipment from the US, including planes for our trips."
"We had a shooting range at one of our houses and all of us the President’s children were taught how to shoot, and how to strip an AK-47. My father liked us competing against each other to see who could dismantle the weapon quickest. My record was nine seconds."
"Dad was a great swimmer and he would tell us, "Whoever can hold his breath underwater for two minutes wins 100 shillings". He said it would help us be good marksmen."
"Basketball was another sport dad loved. He would watch films of the Harlem Globetrotters and then organize games with his troops. My father was 6 foot 4, but most of my brothers towered over him. I am the shortest at 6 feet 1 inch. Dad used to joke that we would make a great basketball team."
"The Tanzanians, helped by Ugandan rebels, eventually toppled dad in April 1979. However, prior to April 1979, I was with dad in the room when he took a related call. That day, dad, picked up the phone then slammed it down. He looked at me and said, "They have attacked me again; The Tanzanians. It is a big force this time". After that phone call, a long convoy of fancy cars brought the high command up to a resort at "Cape Town View" in Kampala for a meeting with my dad. He normally took us up there during our school holidays. This was the last school holiday I spent with him before I joined Primary six in 1979 and it was a very tense time. I realized that something was wrong because there were hordes of soldiers around whom I did not recognize. They were trying to convince dad to stand down. He said, "How can you ask me to do this?" The situation worsened from then on."
"Dad’s bombastic propaganda statements continued on radio. On March 26, 1979 the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (Radio Uganda) announced that the President was "cut off at Entebbe." This happened while the Tanzanian forces were still more than 70 miles away from Kampala. There might have been some truth in the announcement since this was the exact time dad was negotiating with Ghadhafi to receive his immediate family into Tripoli, and he still needed the useful Entebbe International Airport." "Since Van-Guards of the so called Liberation Forces had already possibly infiltrated some parts of the route to Entebbe by that time, dad addressed the nation during which he asked "Ugandans who believe in God [to] pray day and night.""
"The Liberators intensified their efforts because they were hell bent on overthrowing dad. On March 27, 1979, the "liberation" bombs ("saba-saba") landed on the compounds of the Republic House at Mengo and the Army Shop nearby in the evening."
"Dad’s Army continued to disintegrate but his bombastic propaganda statements continued on radio. On March 28, 1979, the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (Radio Uganda) claimed that dad had "smashed through the Tanzanian forces and reopened the road to Entebbe". The Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (Radio Uganda) and dad may have been living in a dream world as the world would have wished it to be but privately dad knew better. The bluff and the bombast that had served dad well for eight years were rapidly losing their effect. As a consolation, dad was now fighting a private war to evacuate some eighty members of his family who were being evacuated to safety in Libya. Meanwhile the District Commissioner of Kampala, Muhammad, addressed a rally in Kampala and he urged people to turn for work - business as usual, yet the rebels were actually 20 miles outside Entebbe at the time."
On the last days of my father’s rule in Uganda and the day my family fled to Libya flown in a Cargo Plane by a reluctant Egyptian Pilot:
"I will never forget the last days of our stay in Uganda due to the constant boom sound made by the Artillery and BM 21 rocketshell fire into the Capital. From Nakasero, we were all gathered at Command Post. Then we set off in a convoy towards Munyonyo (Cape Town View) and used the Garuga detour towards Entebbe, coming out near Kajansi since some liberation troops had already cut off and probably laid an ambush on the Main Road probably around the Lubowa Estates Area. We arrived at the old colonial residences (State House Entebbe) to await the planned flight to Tripoli, Libya."
"The day my family fled to Libya we could hear the artillery shells in the distance getting closer. It was amazing and there was a sense of disbelief. This huge convoy set out from Kampala to Entebbe Airport. Dad was having 80 seats installed in a Cargo Plane for all of us. He was talking to Gaddafi on the phone, telling him, "My children are coming". Dad sent us ahead but he wanted to stay on to make his last stand, even though he knew that the war was lost."
"Apparently, a reluctant Egyptian pilot had to be commandeered and he was paid cash down in hard currency so that he could accept to fly the President’s children out of the country. The Boeing 707 had recently come in from one of its expensive cargo transport flights of coffee to the USA. It had no seats whatsoever. So, some sixty to eighty seats were hurriedly placed in the plane to accommodate probably sixty persons who were given blankets against the cold emanating from the bare aluminium floor. I had actually been hurriedly discharged from Mulago Hospital following a sprain of my ankle and still had an itchy plaster of Paris on. What an uncomfortable ride to safety this was, all the way to Tripoli!"
"The Boeing 707 managed to take off under strange circumstances, due to the fact that artillery shellfire was raining into the airport area. The bodyguards were forced to place four cars around the plane and they raced down the runway as lighting for the pilot until we were airborne gang!"
On the day my father was toppled:
"At that time the truth about dad’s impending downfall remained concealed by the Kampala authorities. However, BBC World Service regularly intercepted Radio Uganda broadcasts from their monitoring station at Caversham Park in England. Ugandans bold enough to follow the events at the risk of being discovered by the State Research Bureau intelligence agents quietly kept track of BBC broadcasts."
"Dad made a final broadcast in Kampala on Uganda Broadcasting Corporation…He insisted, "I will stay here except when I leave Kampala for another place in Uganda". This announcement prompted Major Mzee Yosa, Sgt. ‘Bhuga, Captain Asio and several hefty Presidential Guards to waylay their Commander-in-Chief and place him in his factory prepared Mercedes Benz Rally car. Then the convoy of Expensive Flagship Mercedes Benz 240 SEL 6.4s set off in tow for Jinja just as Kampala was overwhelmed. Major Mzee Yosa and Sgt. Bhuga and Captain Asio played an exemplary role in getting dad out of harmsway.""On April 11, 1979, dad was toppled and there was a Cabinet in waiting ready to take over the Uganda Government."
On our life in exile:
"Upon arriving in Libya, Gaddafi had as was normal with his generous nature offered to send all of us dad’s children to Malta, which had the nearest good English schools. Egypt was nearest, but Libya’s neighbour was just about to sign a friendship treaty with Israel, and I guess it had fallen out with its Arab colleagues. By the time dad arrived after the fall of the country on April 11, 1979, I guess the plan was sidelined."
"I left behind some very prized items. I still see in my mind’s eye an ornate golden Mantle Clock left in dad’s state bedroom. The Mantle Clock was given to dad by Tito of Yugoslavia, on one of dad’s last state visits to the Balkans. That visit holds a lot of meaning to me since dad had promised me that if my grades improved he would take me on his next visit abroad. My grades did improve but my brother Lumumba was chosen on that particular trip and I remember my kid brother feeding a giraffe in the Belgrade Zoo on a photo shoot with the World War II hero. I remember asking my stepmother Mama Sarah if she had remembered to bring the Clock and she regretted that alas it had stayed in the State House in Entebbe."
"Dad was given a monthly allowance that funded an opulent lifestyle but life in exile was still hard. We had come from absolute power to almost nothing. Dad felt like the man who was once a Corporate Executive in New York but was now retired in Florida and had only the fishing to look forward to. Although Gaddafi was the most generous person I have ever known, dad eventually felt betrayed by his socialist agenda, when he sought the votes of African leaders to become the next OAU chairman in 1979. These African leaders included my father's Nemesis Nyerere so he felt he could not trust Gaddafi anymore. Instead, dad began to talk about going to Saudi Arabia since he had taken up a Saudi offer of refuge when he decided to become a staunch supporter of the Arab and Islamic struggle in 1972."
"We lived in luxury but it was still not home". I was with dad in Libya and Saudi Arabia and remember the luxury well. In Saudi Arabia, there was marble everywhere in our 15-room house but it was still not home. Dad was paid $30,000.00 a month by the Saudis. He had more than 30 of us with him and he would regularly tell us, "You have to liberate Uganda with the Fedayeen [Islamic soldiers]."
"While we lived in exile, we followed events unfolding in Uganda with interest…The new army that was recruited from these units now numbering some 5,500 men was desirous of being loyal to the UNLF as a democratic organ of unity. However it was consistently subjected to factional politics by the Obote/ Oyite/ Museveni and SUM cliques. It was not given a chance to develop itself as a national army. In this way, it was used in the factional struggles for power against the democratic organs of the UNLF, and this constituted the roots of rebellion within the UNLA, which its leadership fanned. This naturally led to the Dormino effect that was prevalent with Ugandan leaders being toppled every other month from Professor Lule through to Museveni in 1986."
Our Life in exile
"In Saudi Arabia, dad loved to shop….He would go down to Safeway - that was his favourite - and all of us the kids would grab a shopping trolley and pile them high with goods. The Lebanese security guards would stare at us in disbelief."
"Dad's favourite Play Exercise Ground at The "Cornishe" Jeddah was near a small estuary Inlet from the Red Sea, with that familiar dilapidated Yacht seemingly abandoned, anchored indefinitely in the shallow waters. We would leave the likes of Mama Iman (Mama Petit) and the young ones, pre-Iman, Leila and Rajab gang of three. Khadija Abiriya was still the youngest then."
"We still had the white Chevrolet "Comaro" 1980s coupe (the avid competitor to the Famous Burt Reynold's (Smokie Series Pontiac Transam). We would drive off along a straight stretch of the road along The "Cornishe" Jeddah then he would get out of the car and start jogging behind the car. Then he would instruct me to steadily increase the speed of this loud American sports car, while he steadily kept pace with me. Dad kept urging me to increase the speed while he gave chase!!!"
"I could not believe my eyes. This was indeed something to behold, man! This enormous 150-200 kgs garth of a man giving chase!"
"{Actually sprinting. Images of the 200-100 yards KAR Champion in the Fifties flashed through my Athletics Trained Sprinter's mind as I saw his knees steadily rising towards his solar plexus, in a Rhythmic Metronome action typical of natural sprinters.}"
"Then at say 200 metres, the illusion was broken when he suddenly stopped and bent low exasperated and breathing heavily!"
"Alarmed at what I saw from the rear side view I braked the "Camaro", screeching with that familiar "Over Stir" that often swings most American cars perilously towards the embankment. I parked the sports car, got out and rushed back to him, concerned. He shrugged me off and said he was OK, just getting back his breath. Incredibly he asked for a second round!…which we did! Then we drove back to the seashore, where he went in for his daily dip in the Red Sea, at his favourite spot, near the very same Dilapidated Yacht Hmmm!?"
On my father being an Anglophone at heart:
"Dad was a real Anglophile. He had a love-hate relationship with Britain. He wanted to be a loyal servant, despite his mannerisms…I am an example of what he wanted, because he “dumped” me in England for my education when we went into exile."
"When dad felt rejected by the British Government, he focused on Scotland. A lot of the colonial and Army officers early in dad’s career were Scottish. They were the backbone of the British Empire. Dad even offered to help them win secession from the United Kingdom. Hence the movie title "THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND"."
On my father’s continuing "mischief" in exile and capacity to get in and out of trouble:
"…Apparently, one day, dad headed out as usual in the same location, swimming out gently towards the same dilapidated yacht that sat in the middle of the estuary and moved past it heading out to sea. Aliga was still lounging on the sand when he suddenly glimpsed dad heading back to shore with strong strokes, in total urgency to get to the shore. He did get to the show, lumbering out of the water with his hand pointing backwards while he shrieked Shark! Shark!…Ha Ha Ha Ha, we did laugh - me, Aliga & Geriga at dad's capacity to get in and out of trouble…In 1949, the 4th Battalion went to Somalia and stayed there until 1950. One particularly horrifying incident happened to dad in Somalia. While taking a dip in a river, (he had been warned by the locals [Somalis] not to swim in the crocodile infested river but he did not heed their warning and jumped in), a marauding crocodile grabbed him around the ankle line and dragged him for some distance. How he survived nobody knows but somehow he got away!"
On cherished memories about our father, my sister Halima contributes:
"Good memories like they say are more precious than any commodity or monetary value. One such memory sticks to mind. Dad as usual woke us up early (Me, Fatuma, Araba, Khadija, Faisal) in preparation for our journey to Mecca that Friday. We set off along with Ma petite in the blue Range Rover, which was always tilted heavily towards dad’s side (ha ha ha). Anyway, so we got to Mecca, prayed, had lunch and then we all got in the car to head back to Jeddah. Dad tried in vain to start the engine but the car would not start. The Dantata's whom we often saw at Mecca on a Friday approached us and their driver asked if we wanted a lift back. Dad refused but instead he spoke to the escorts who arranged for a mechanic. He packed his wife along with Khadija and Faisal in a taxi. He then spotted a yemenia tiny PICK UP, OPEN-AIR datsun - you know the type. He asked the man how much it would cost us to get to Jeddah, which was small change. Dad then instructed me, Fatuma and Araba to get in the Pick Up track with him for the long drive back to Jeddah. Many people standing around were flabbergasted that a former head of state was getting into a small, dirty track driven by some Arab nomad but that's our Mze (old man) for you! I will never forget how the wind blew in our faces and we could not stop laughing and feeling embarrassed. Mze didn’t have a care in the world as usual. That is one journey I will never forget in my life and I look back at it fondly. I also remember the look on the pick-up driver's face after dad thanked him for the ride and gave him some money with baksheesh (tip). He felt humbled and honoured."
On my father’s devotion to Islam:
"Exile afforded dad the opportunity to take stock of his life, but I do not believe that he would express remorse or regret. He would put it this way "The people will appreciate what I was trying to do for the indigenous African". He was not defensive. He was simply saying, "God will be my judge". I’d ask dad, "What happened?" He’d look at me and say, "People fought me, I fought them but I never killed innocent people. God will be the one to judge me". Once dad fell silent on the world stage for most of 24 years, until his death in 2003 at 78 years old, he refocused his energy into understanding further his religion, Islam".
What does the Muslim Ummah think about the latter part of Idi Amin’s life including my dads devotion to Islam and being accorded the highest honour in Islam on the day of his demise?
Idi Amin with King Faisal of Saudi Arabia in 1972 -The friendship with King Faisal would ensure passage to Saudi Arabia, an opulent lifestyle in Saudi Arabia after his overthrow, a devotion to Islam and being accorded the highest honour in Islam on the day of his demise on August 16, 2003.
The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
Hello, Majid Alemi Junior.
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
Abdullah wins Walesa Prize
GDANSK, Poland: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah is to receive the very first Lech Walesa Prize to recognize his charity and humanitarian work, the prize's organizers announced yesterday.
A letter from Walesa to King Abdullah received by AFP yesterday asks him to accept the award for his contribution toward "inter-faith dialogue, tolerance, peace and international cooperation," as well as for his charity work.
Walesa devised the award to mark the 25th anniversary of his receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize, which he received in 1983 to honor his non-violent struggle against Poland's then communist regime.
Besides Walesa, the prize committee includes former anti-communist Czech dissident and ex-President Vaclav Havel, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and former Polish Foreign Minister Wladyslaw Bartoszewski.
In 2005, King Abdullah won hearts in Poland when he sponsored a costly and complicated operation at the King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh to separate Polish conjoined twin girls, Olga and Daria Kolacz.
The goal of the 100,000-euro ($126,500) Lech Walesa Prize, Walesa's aides said, is to "reward those who work for understanding and cooperation among nations in the name of freedom and the values of solidarity."
This is a copy of the following message you sent to Connect Uganda Presenters via Connect Uganda
This is an enquiry e-mail via http://www.connectuganda.com from:
khalill s/o majid alemi junor & family.
The annual Islamic pilgrimage known as the Hajj officially gets under way Saturday in Saudi Arabia. Saudi officials are working to avoid any repeat of the tragedies that have befallen the Hajj in years past.
Muslim pilgrims pray around the Kaaba at the Grand Mosque in Mecca
During the Hajj the muezzin calls worshippers to prayer, while pilgrims chant and pray as they circle the black, holy stone in the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The pilgrimage is one of Islam's five obligations, that every able-bodied Muslim must perform during his lifetime.
Every Islamic country across the world has a quota, stipulating how many pilgrims it may send to the Hajj, and the total number this year, is reported to be around 2.5 million people, according to the Saudi Press Agency.
Squads of Saudi rapid intervention forces, some dressed entirely in black, chanted at a training ground, outside of Mecca, near Mount Arafat, as they prepared for possible disturbances or natural disasters.
Saudi government TV reports 50,000 soldiers and police, backed by helicopters and armored vehicles, are being deployed. Scores of ambulances, firetrucks, and police trucks were also visible, amid the security detail.
Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz (file photo)
Interior Minister Nayef ben Abdal Aziz, who heads the committee overseeing the annual Hajj, inspected preparations and reviewed police and army forces.
He told journalists the Saudi Kingdom has done its best to assure the comfort and security of pilgrims at the annual Hajj.
He says everything has been done to keep pilgrims safe and insure their comfort. He adds that he has received no information about any possible security threat, but that his forces, along with God Almighty, will work to see that nothing happens to disturb the tranquility of the Hajj.
Near the site where Hajjis symbolically stone the devil, Saudi Arabia has spent more than one billion dollars to rebuild a lengthy two-level pedestrian bridge in a bid to avoid casualties, following several deadly stampedes in recent years.
Groups of teenage scouts wearing red shirts also prepared for their role in guiding pilgrims near Mount Arafat.
The symbolic climb of Mount Arafat is the climax of the annual Haj as 32-year-old Lebanese Muslim Mustapha Ghalayini, who performed the pilgrimage several years ago, explains.
"The best day in Hajj is Arafat day, which is the day when all the people will be on Arafat Mountain," Ghalayini said. "This is the main reason of Haj, which unites all Muslims from all around the world, from East, West, South and North, all around, coming to this place on that day, staying that day on that holy place, wearing only two towels, white towels, and showing others around the world that this is what God wants ... us to be one person, one for all and all for one. It is the meaning of no one is above any one, we are all equal, we should all help each other, we should all be good to each other. There is no difference between the managers and the staff. There is no difference between the man and the woman; all are one. All should obey God and do good things."
Mount Arafat is where Mohammed delivered his last sermon to his followers.
"This mountain, from ancient times, in the Bible, in the Koran, it mentions that lots of things happened on it, such as one time about Prophet Abraham and his son Ismail, when he wanted to sacrifice his son for God, and God sacrificed his son with a big sheep," Ghalayini said.
Muzdalifa, where Muslim pilgrims perform the ritual stoning of the devil by casting pebbles at three stone pillars, is the scene of intense fervor, as pilgrims symbolically cast off the devil and his evil temptations, as this elderly Pakistani man explains.
"When stoning it, we are saying that 'Oh, God, Almighty Allah, we want your willingness, and we are hitting this devil, who has been forcing us to deviate from the path of Allah ...," he said.
In the final steps of the Hajj, pilgrims will have their heads shaved, before the final ritual slaughter of a lamb. Many Hajjis will not actually perform the slaughter, themselves, but will buy a coupon for a slaughtered lamb, and the meat will be donated to charity.
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Bush: Mideast Freer Than In 2001
US Conducts Another Successful Missile Defense Test
UN Chief Will Visit Burma Again, Only When Conditions Right
US Says Well Past Time for Zimbabwe's Mugabe to Step Down
DRC Government, Rebels to Hold Peace Talks in Nairobi
US Troops in Iraq to Get New Rules of Engagement
Cholera Epidemic in Zimbabwe Continues to Worsen
Muslims Gather in Mecca for Annual Hajj Pilgrimage Re: mike and queenie,as well mukoki of connect uganda. my father, majid alemi, junior. thank mukoki of airing his message last sunday. nice to hear queenies voice once again last sunday, you all, keep up the good work of connecting all ugandans with your sunday family show. I sends A Special Eid Adhua Greetings to all muslims and non muslims brothers and sisters back home, as well around the globe. starets with mike,queenie, and a special presenter. mukoki[M] who always make sure our messages are aired. greetings to all the late. RIP.my late, grand fathers familiy, Idi Amin Dada, wherever they are, in this Special ocassion of eid al-adhua, the prayer salat coming. december.8th,2008. worldwide. greetings to my special parents, my father,msji,and my mother, mariam, my brothers and sisters all in vancouver, my aunties,uncles, niece, especialy. uncle rajab amin in jeddah, and the rest, lastly, to all ugandans communiy in bc. love.
from khalill, majid alemi, grand son of mzee baaba RIP. Idi Amin Dada. vancouver, western canada. a request to air the message earlier. my regards to all. eid mubarak to all. salam warahma. peace,love,unity. are the way to success.
This is a copy of the following message you sent to Connect Uganda Presenters via Connect Uganda
This is an enquiry e-mail via http://www.connectuganda.com from:
khalill s/o majid alemi junor & family.
The annual Islamic pilgrimage known as the Hajj officially gets under way Saturday in Saudi Arabia. Saudi officials are working to avoid any repeat of the tragedies that have befallen the Hajj in years past.
Muslim pilgrims pray around the Kaaba at the Grand Mosque in Mecca
During the Hajj the muezzin calls worshippers to prayer, while pilgrims chant and pray as they circle the black, holy stone in the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The pilgrimage is one of Islam's five obligations, that every able-bodied Muslim must perform during his lifetime.
Every Islamic country across the world has a quota, stipulating how many pilgrims it may send to the Hajj, and the total number this year, is reported to be around 2.5 million people, according to the Saudi Press Agency.
Squads of Saudi rapid intervention forces, some dressed entirely in black, chanted at a training ground, outside of Mecca, near Mount Arafat, as they prepared for possible disturbances or natural disasters.
Saudi government TV reports 50,000 soldiers and police, backed by helicopters and armored vehicles, are being deployed. Scores of ambulances, firetrucks, and police trucks were also visible, amid the security detail.
Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz (file photo)
Interior Minister Nayef ben Abdal Aziz, who heads the committee overseeing the annual Hajj, inspected preparations and reviewed police and army forces.
He told journalists the Saudi Kingdom has done its best to assure the comfort and security of pilgrims at the annual Hajj.
He says everything has been done to keep pilgrims safe and insure their comfort. He adds that he has received no information about any possible security threat, but that his forces, along with God Almighty, will work to see that nothing happens to disturb the tranquility of the Hajj.
Near the site where Hajjis symbolically stone the devil, Saudi Arabia has spent more than one billion dollars to rebuild a lengthy two-level pedestrian bridge in a bid to avoid casualties, following several deadly stampedes in recent years.
Groups of teenage scouts wearing red shirts also prepared for their role in guiding pilgrims near Mount Arafat.
The symbolic climb of Mount Arafat is the climax of the annual Haj as 32-year-old Lebanese Muslim Mustapha Ghalayini, who performed the pilgrimage several years ago, explains.
"The best day in Hajj is Arafat day, which is the day when all the people will be on Arafat Mountain," Ghalayini said. "This is the main reason of Haj, which unites all Muslims from all around the world, from East, West, South and North, all around, coming to this place on that day, staying that day on that holy place, wearing only two towels, white towels, and showing others around the world that this is what God wants ... us to be one person, one for all and all for one. It is the meaning of no one is above any one, we are all equal, we should all help each other, we should all be good to each other. There is no difference between the managers and the staff. There is no difference between the man and the woman; all are one. All should obey God and do good things."
Mount Arafat is where Mohammed delivered his last sermon to his followers.
"This mountain, from ancient times, in the Bible, in the Koran, it mentions that lots of things happened on it, such as one time about Prophet Abraham and his son Ismail, when he wanted to sacrifice his son for God, and God sacrificed his son with a big sheep," Ghalayini said.
Muzdalifa, where Muslim pilgrims perform the ritual stoning of the devil by casting pebbles at three stone pillars, is the scene of intense fervor, as pilgrims symbolically cast off the devil and his evil temptations, as this elderly Pakistani man explains.
"When stoning it, we are saying that 'Oh, God, Almighty Allah, we want your willingness, and we are hitting this devil, who has been forcing us to deviate from the path of Allah ...," he said.
In the final steps of the Hajj, pilgrims will have their heads shaved, before the final ritual slaughter of a lamb. Many Hajjis will not actually perform the slaughter, themselves, but will buy a coupon for a slaughtered lamb, and the meat will be donated to charity.
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Muslims Gather in Mecca for Annual Hajj Pilgrimage Re: mike and queenie,as well mukoki of connect uganda. my father, majid alemi, junior. thank mukoki of airing his message last sunday. nice to hear queenies voice once again last sunday, you all, keep up the good work of connecting all ugandans with your sunday family show. I sends A Special Eid Adhua Greetings to all muslims and non muslims brothers and sisters back home, as well around the globe. starets with mike,queenie, and a special presenter. mukoki[M] who always make sure our messages are aired. greetings to all the late. RIP.my late, grand fathers familiy, Idi Amin Dada, wherever they are, in this Special ocassion of eid al-adhua, the prayer salat coming. december.8th,2008. worldwide. greetings to my special parents, my father,msji,and my mother, mariam, my brothers and sisters all in vancouver, my aunties,uncles, niece, especialy. uncle rajab amin in jeddah, and the rest, lastly, to all ugandans communiy in bc. love.
from khalill, majid alemi, grand son of mzee baaba RIP. Idi Amin Dada. vancouver, western canada. a request to air the message earlier. my regards to all. eid mubarak to all. salam warahma. peace,love,unity. are the way to success.
Hello and thanks for your message.
Just a little note to remind you that we are live every Sunday from
5pm UK time with the Family Sunday Show.
Please tune in then to listen to your greetings and the entire show generally.
The Family Sunday Show is a dynamic live and interactive radio
programme that is designed to relax, entertain and keep you informed.
Our studio line is +44 121 343 6191. You are welcome to ring and be
part of the show.
Yours faithfully,
The Connect Uganda Team
ArabHerald.com Sunday 7th December 2008 Edition 342/2008
Front Page Saudi Arabia News
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Muslim Pilgrims flood Mecca for annual hajj
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Millions Of Muslims Gather For Hajj In Mecca
MINA, Saudi Arabia (AP) ― Nearly 3 million pilgrims chanting prayers converged Saturday in a valley just outside the holy city of Mecca at the beginning of the 5-day hajj pilgrimage, a...
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Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 17:49:56 +0000 (GMT)
From: Kadara Kursum
To: Majid mfalemi junior
Reply-to: kadara kursum
Subject: Fw: akujo wangita has sent you a New Vision News Article!
2 unnamed text/html 4.25 KB
--- On Mon, 8/12/08, Akujo Amonye wrote:
From: Akujo Amonye
Subject: Fw: akujo wangita amonye has sent you a New Vision News Article!
To: "kadara kursum"
Date: Monday, 8 December, 2008, 5:34 PM
We are peaceful souls.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: New Vision Online Division newvision
To: akujo wangita amonye
Sent: Monday, 8 December, 2008 17:18:48
Subject: akujo wangita has sent you a New Vision News Article!
Hi there! Majid Amonye Junior.
akujo wangita amonye thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online: http://www.newvision.co.ug
They also added this comment:
Muslim leaders should reconcile
Muslims world-wide today, celebrate Eid al-Adha which marks the end of the Islamic calendar.
This is an important day for the Muslims. Eid al-Adha or Feast of Sacrifice is the most important feast on the Muslim calendar. It concludes the Pilgrimage to Mecca.
Unfortunately, Eid al-Adha is being celebrated at a time when the Muslim Community in Uganda is facing serious challenges characterised by a major split within the community.
A section of the community is demanding the removal of the Mufti, Sheik Shaban Mubajje, the chief executive of the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council.
The section argues that Mubajje is no longer fit to lead the Muslims because of the way he sold off some of the property belonging to the UMSC.
Although the Mufti was cleared on charges of fraudulent disposal of the property, the court raised questions about his integrity.
The court observed that the Mufti repeatedly lied to the Muslims that the properties had not been sold and stated that this was a very serious matter that touched on Mubajje’s moral values as a leader of a big religious community.
It is not good for the Muslims opposed to Sheik Mubajje to establish a parallel Mufti as they plan to do. It will be a return to the past when the country had parallel Muslim leaders – one based at the Old Kampala and another at Kibuli.
Recall the serious embarrassment the Muslim Community suffered when two rival Muslim leaders literally wrestled over a microphone at a national event at Kololo.
Muslim leaders need to come together and find a solution to the current impasse. Mubajje’s recent announcement to the effect that he will step down within next two years was encouraging.
Nevertheless, it is desirable that Sheik Mubajje step down immediately for the sake of harmony and unity of the Muslim Community and in view of the fact that his integrity has been put into question.
You can also read the article online at: http://www.newvision.co.ug/detail.php?mainNewsCategoryId=8&newsCategoryId=14&newsId=663233
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 17:51:56 +0000 (GMT)
From: kadara kursum alemi
To: Majid alemi junior
Reply-to: kadara kursum alemi
Subject: Fw: akujowangita amonye has sent you a New Vision News Article!
2 unnamed text/html 3.82 KB
--- On Mon, 8/12/08, Akujo Amonye akujo wangita amonye wrote:
From: Akujo Amonye
Subject: Fw: akujo wangita amonye has sent you a New Vision News Article!
To:kadara kursum alemi
Date: Monday, 8 December, 2008, 5:35 PM
We are peaceful souls.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: New Vision Online Division
To: akujo wangita alemi
Sent: Monday, 8 December, 2008 17:20:22
Subject: akujo wangita amonye has sent you a New Vision News Article!
Hi there! Majid alemi junior
akujo wangita amonye thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online: http://www.newvision.co.ug
They also added this comment:
Stick to peace, kids urge govt
By Chris Kiwawulo
CHILDREN from northern Uganda have petitioned the Government to stick to dialogue to end the conflict in the area.
The over 200 pupils from various schools also asked the LRA leader, Joseph Kony, to sign the Juba peace agreement.
“We request the Government, the LRA, the Government of Southern Sudan and donors to let the peace process continue,†they said.
The document was read out by Patricia Demba, a pupil at Kitgum Public School, at the parliamentary gardens in Kampala on Wednesday.
It was handed over to MP Reagan Okumu (Aswa county), who assured them that it would be tabled before Parliament today.
Okumu attacked Kony for absconding from signing the agreement recently.
“Kony should stop fooling us by setting dates which he does not honour. You can fool people for some time but not all the time,†the MP said.
He asked the Government to consider withdrawing the International Criminal Court indictment, saying it was one of the major impediments to the deal.
The Civil Society Organisations for Peace in Northern Uganda (CSOPNU), a coalition of 78 NGOs, is supporting the petition.
Johnson Byamukama, the chairperson, said: “The Government and LRA must remain committed to negotiations.â€
MPs Simon Oyet (Nwoya), Samuel Otada (Kibanda), Jimmy Akena (Lira municipality), Denis Obua (youth north), Hassan Fungaroo (Obongi) and East African legislator Nusura Tiperu attended.
You can also read the article online at: http://www.newvision.co.ug/detail.php?mainNewsCategoryId=8&newsCategoryId=16&newsId=663298
The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
Hello, majid alemi junior.
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
3 million at Arafat for Haj climax
Siraj Wahab & Hamid Al-Sulami | Arab News
ARAFAT: After spending the day at the spiritual highpoint of meditation and prayers in Arafat, millions of pilgrims moved after sunset to Muzdalifah to spend the night there before they proceed at daybreak to Mina and Jamrat.
There they will perform the stoning and other rituals, including the animal sacrifice marking the Eid Al-Adha.
Yesterday, a sea of humanity made their trek from Mina to Arafat from dawn. Intonations of "at thy service, my God, at thy service," reverberated through the valley as the pilgrims stood to pray for God's forgiveness in the most spiritual moment of the entire pilgrimage.
The standing at Arafat is considered the most pious act in Haj because Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told his companions 14 centuries ago while teaching the rites of the fifth pillar of Islam, "Al-Haj Arafat" ("Haj is Arafat") signifying that it is the importance of standing at Arafat. So far no major problems were reported in the event in which mediapersons said about three million pilgrims participated.
"The journey from Mina to Arafat was made in record time without major problems and the pilgrims could devote their worship in comfort and ease," Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, who is also chairman of the Central Haj Committee and the Higher Committee for Supervision of Pilgrim Transportation, said in a statement to the Saudi Press Agency.
A record number of pilgrims have traveled to the holy sites this year from abroad.
For the second day of the Haj, which lasts three more days, the male pilgrims wore two pieces of unstitched cloth (ihram) while the women were entirely covered apart from face and hands. Men will change to their normal clothes today after the rituals of sacrifice and head shaving.
In a sermon in the middle of the day when the pilgrims joined in a collective prayer at the Namirah Mosque in Arafat, Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh said the global financial crisis springs from ignoring the Shariah rules and practicing usury (riba) that is prohibited in Islam.
"Today we watch as this financial crisis unfolds and some companies and banks go bankrupt. This is the result of ignoring God's rules. Muslims must abide by God's rules, and build their economies accordingly," Al-Asheikh told the worshippers.
Islam has laid down the basis of economic security through economic principles far away from injustice and usury, Al-Asheikh stressed.
The 11,000 square meters Namirah Mosque is built on the site where the Prophet (pbuh) prayed while making the pilgrimage combining midday and afternoon prayers.
After stressing the importance of following the true faith, Al-Asheikh also emphasized the need for believing other messengers of God. "Whoever does not believe in the messages of the Prophets Jesus and Moses, peace be upon them, is considered an infidel," Al-Asheikh said.
The grand mufti also called on the Muslim world to unite in the face of terrorism to preserve their stability. "The Ummah is targeted by enemies who are keen on weakening it through creation of conflicts and disputes," the grand mufti said.
He also demanded the security of maritime trade and the need for keeping seas safe from pirates. "We must be cautious of terrorism and fight hostile criminal gangs that destroy countries and people," he added.
The grand mufti also stressed the need for obeying and supporting a ruler and government and opposing those who have scant regard for the lives, property and honor of people.
He also emphasized the need for intellectual security and protection from extremist, deviant, terrorist and extremist ideologies.
He lashed out at the electronic media that spread lurid and immoral ideas aimed at destabilizing the moral integrity of youth in general.
Meanwhile, the Civil Defense continued to urge pilgrims not to use cooking gas at the holy sites for their own safety. Gen. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Al-Amro, commander of the Civil Defense's Haj force, said that the ban reinforces a previous order of not using gas for cooking purposes at the holy sites, adding the ban applies to government sites also. In a press statement he said, "We are coordinating with the appropriate authorities to prevent cooking gas inside the sites."
He also said that the Civil Defense safety teams are regularly inspecting Haj camping sites to make sure that safety measures are applied. He also said statistics revealed that there is a decline in the number of people caught using cooking gas from past years, indicating that awareness has increased among pilgrims.
The Ministry of Health warned pilgrims about infections that could be caused by bad food habits while they are at the holy sites. The ministry said food poisoning could result from eating food that's gone bad. The ministry urged pilgrims to drink more water and take appropriate medicines and to check the expiry date on canned food.
The Saudi scouts managed to guide more than 17,000 lost pilgrims of all nationalities on the eighth day of Dul Hijjah in Mina and Arafat.
As part of an annual norm, the Kiswa (Kaaba cover), was changed yesterday on the ninth day of Dul Hijjah. Officials from the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques Affairs took off the old Kiswa and installed the new one, which is made of pure silk and gold threads. It costs more than SR20 million and is considered one of the most exquisite works of Islamic art.
The Civil Defense, meanwhile, issued a warning not to overcrowd during the first day of Jamrat today. The Civil Defense identified the dangerous areas in Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah and have fielded emergency teams and medical and ambulance teams in these areas for a quick response to any eventuality. The Civil Defense called on pilgrims to follow instructions for their own safety and not to rush to the Jamrat complex during peak times. They also urged pilgrims not to carry their luggage with them on Jamrat Bridge.
Civil Defense officials were ready in Mina and Muzdalifah with more than 3,500 members in different places to supervise the pilgrims' journey from Arafat to Muzdalifah and then to Mina. Director General of Civil Defense Lt. Gen. Saad Al-Tuwaijri said more than 208 fire hydrants have been installed in Muzdalifah. He said that there are 40 teams in Mina that are ready to serve pilgrims.
- With input from Saeed Al-Khotani
The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
Hello, majid alemi junior.
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
3 million at Arafat for Haj climax
Siraj Wahab & Hamid Al-Sulami | Arab News
ARAFAT: After spending the day at the spiritual highpoint of meditation and prayers in Arafat, millions of pilgrims moved after sunset to Muzdalifah to spend the night there before they proceed at daybreak to Mina and Jamrat.
There they will perform the stoning and other rituals, including the animal sacrifice marking the Eid Al-Adha.
Yesterday, a sea of humanity made their trek from Mina to Arafat from dawn. Intonations of "at thy service, my God, at thy service," reverberated through the valley as the pilgrims stood to pray for God's forgiveness in the most spiritual moment of the entire pilgrimage.
The standing at Arafat is considered the most pious act in Haj because Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told his companions 14 centuries ago while teaching the rites of the fifth pillar of Islam, "Al-Haj Arafat" ("Haj is Arafat") signifying that it is the importance of standing at Arafat. So far no major problems were reported in the event in which mediapersons said about three million pilgrims participated.
"The journey from Mina to Arafat was made in record time without major problems and the pilgrims could devote their worship in comfort and ease," Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, who is also chairman of the Central Haj Committee and the Higher Committee for Supervision of Pilgrim Transportation, said in a statement to the Saudi Press Agency.
A record number of pilgrims have traveled to the holy sites this year from abroad.
For the second day of the Haj, which lasts three more days, the male pilgrims wore two pieces of unstitched cloth (ihram) while the women were entirely covered apart from face and hands. Men will change to their normal clothes today after the rituals of sacrifice and head shaving.
In a sermon in the middle of the day when the pilgrims joined in a collective prayer at the Namirah Mosque in Arafat, Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh said the global financial crisis springs from ignoring the Shariah rules and practicing usury (riba) that is prohibited in Islam.
"Today we watch as this financial crisis unfolds and some companies and banks go bankrupt. This is the result of ignoring God's rules. Muslims must abide by God's rules, and build their economies accordingly," Al-Asheikh told the worshippers.
Islam has laid down the basis of economic security through economic principles far away from injustice and usury, Al-Asheikh stressed.
The 11,000 square meters Namirah Mosque is built on the site where the Prophet (pbuh) prayed while making the pilgrimage combining midday and afternoon prayers.
After stressing the importance of following the true faith, Al-Asheikh also emphasized the need for believing other messengers of God. "Whoever does not believe in the messages of the Prophets Jesus and Moses, peace be upon them, is considered an infidel," Al-Asheikh said.
The grand mufti also called on the Muslim world to unite in the face of terrorism to preserve their stability. "The Ummah is targeted by enemies who are keen on weakening it through creation of conflicts and disputes," the grand mufti said.
He also demanded the security of maritime trade and the need for keeping seas safe from pirates. "We must be cautious of terrorism and fight hostile criminal gangs that destroy countries and people," he added.
The grand mufti also stressed the need for obeying and supporting a ruler and government and opposing those who have scant regard for the lives, property and honor of people.
He also emphasized the need for intellectual security and protection from extremist, deviant, terrorist and extremist ideologies.
He lashed out at the electronic media that spread lurid and immoral ideas aimed at destabilizing the moral integrity of youth in general.
Meanwhile, the Civil Defense continued to urge pilgrims not to use cooking gas at the holy sites for their own safety. Gen. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Al-Amro, commander of the Civil Defense's Haj force, said that the ban reinforces a previous order of not using gas for cooking purposes at the holy sites, adding the ban applies to government sites also. In a press statement he said, "We are coordinating with the appropriate authorities to prevent cooking gas inside the sites."
He also said that the Civil Defense safety teams are regularly inspecting Haj camping sites to make sure that safety measures are applied. He also said statistics revealed that there is a decline in the number of people caught using cooking gas from past years, indicating that awareness has increased among pilgrims.
The Ministry of Health warned pilgrims about infections that could be caused by bad food habits while they are at the holy sites. The ministry said food poisoning could result from eating food that's gone bad. The ministry urged pilgrims to drink more water and take appropriate medicines and to check the expiry date on canned food.
The Saudi scouts managed to guide more than 17,000 lost pilgrims of all nationalities on the eighth day of Dul Hijjah in Mina and Arafat.
As part of an annual norm, the Kiswa (Kaaba cover), was changed yesterday on the ninth day of Dul Hijjah. Officials from the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques Affairs took off the old Kiswa and installed the new one, which is made of pure silk and gold threads. It costs more than SR20 million and is considered one of the most exquisite works of Islamic art.
The Civil Defense, meanwhile, issued a warning not to overcrowd during the first day of Jamrat today. The Civil Defense identified the dangerous areas in Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah and have fielded emergency teams and medical and ambulance teams in these areas for a quick response to any eventuality. The Civil Defense called on pilgrims to follow instructions for their own safety and not to rush to the Jamrat complex during peak times. They also urged pilgrims not to carry their luggage with them on Jamrat Bridge.
Civil Defense officials were ready in Mina and Muzdalifah with more than 3,500 members in different places to supervise the pilgrims' journey from Arafat to Muzdalifah and then to Mina. Director General of Civil Defense Lt. Gen. Saad Al-Tuwaijri said more than 208 fire hydrants have been installed in Muzdalifah. He said that there are 40 teams in Mina that are ready to serve pilgrims.
- With input from Saeed Al-Khotani
Dear Majid Alemi Junior.&.Family. Connect Uganda listeners.
Hello and thanks for your message.
Just a little note to remind you that we are live every Sunday from
5pm UK time with the Family Sunday Show.
Please tune in then to listen to your greetings and the entire show generally.
The Family Sunday Show is a dynamic live and interactive radio
programme that is designed to relax, entertain and keep you informed.
Our studio line is +44 121 343 6191. You are welcome to ring and be
part of the show.
Yours faithfully,
The Connect Uganda Team
This is a copy of the following message you sent to Connect Uganda Presenters via Connect Uganda
This is an enquiry e-mail via http://www.connectuganda.com from:
Majid Alemi Junior & Family.
Dear. Mike & Queenie, Mukoki. we wish all ugandans brothers & sisters, starting with you people of uganda connect radio staffs. bassed in uk. secondly, me and my son khalill, want to thank, Mike, of airing our messages of eid ul-adha, including the Interview of myself on phone. last sunday. mike, many people ask me to request you to replay my interview right now. some were asleep last week they missed it. also greetigs to late,RIP. Mzee baaba alemis family whrever they are, around the globe. to my special wife and the kids in nancouver, bc. to of those listenig connect uganda right now, the radio that unites all of us, your coments and compliments last sunday was excellent. we move on. once again, my regards to all. if the allows me, I continue phoning your station. from the president of ugandan muslims association in bc. Majid Alemi Junior,& Family. the elder son of late. RIP. Mzee Baaba. Idi Amin Dada Alemi. in vancouver. bc. western canada. peace,love,unity are the way to
success. salam warahma.
Dear kadara kursum
A Caring Heart
I express my care and concern by responding to situations with a cool head and to people with a warm heart. If I remain aware that as fellow human beings we are all part of one family, and that even the smallest of gestures can make a difference in people's lives, I am always blessed with a caring heart. It takes so little to show that I care yet it can mean so much.
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The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
Hello, Majid Alemi Junior.
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
King unveils visionary budget
Khalil Hanware & P.K. Abdul Ghafour I Arab News
JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia yesterday announced an SR475 billion ($126.7 billion) economic stimulus budget for 2009, allocating more money for education and increasing public spending by 15.8 percent (SR65 billion), despite a sharp decline in oil prices that have dipped to $43 a barrel.
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, who unveiled the Kingdom’s largest-ever budget during a Cabinet session at Khoraim Gardens, said a record SR225 billion has been allocated for new projects and SR122 billion is slated for education, training and scholarship.
The king said the budget allocation for new projects in 2009 was 36 percent more than the allocations made in 2008.
“The amount is three times more than the allocations made for new projects in the beginning of the 8th Five-Year Development Plan four years ago,†he said.
The 2009 budget projected revenues at SR410 billion, leaving a deficit of SR65 billion.
The Finance Ministry said Saudi Arabia was expected to make a record surplus budget of SR590 billion in 2008 with revenues projected at SR1.1 trillion and expenditures at SR510 billion.
The new projects that received budget allocations in 2009 include Princess Noura bint Abdul Rahman University, the largest women-only university in the world, and King Saud University for Health Sciences and their branches.
The new budget has also earmarked SR52 billion for health services and social development, SR49 billion for water, municipality, agriculture, industry and infrastructure, and SR19 billion for transport and communication.
“We have allocated large amounts for new road projects and for the maintenance of existing roads,†the king said.
He urged ministers and officials to implement the projects approved by the budget within the specified time in order to enhance services required by citizens and residents and boost the Kingdom’s overall development.
Addressing the budget session of the Cabinet, Finance Minister Ibrahim Al-Assaf said the Kingdom’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2008 was expected to grow 22 percent to SR1.75 trillion in current prices and 4.2 percent in stable prices. The oil sector was expected to grow 34.9 percent and private sector by 8 percent in current prices.
Preliminary estimates indicate that the Kingdom’s public debt will drop to around SR237 billion at the end of fiscal year 2008, which represents 13.5 percent of projected GDP for 2008 compared with 18.7 percent in 2007.
Referring to the new budget allocation for education, Al-Assaf said SR9 billion would be set aside for King Abdullah Education Development Project and for the creation of the Education Development Holding Company. Allocations have also been made for 1,500 new schools. The National Plan for Science and Technology will receive SR8 billion.
Under the new budget, 86 new hospitals with a total of 11,750 beds will be established while the Saudi Red Crescent Society would be transformed into an authority.
“Allocations have also been made for poverty-reduction programs,†the minister said.
Al-Assaf said budget allocations have been made for the two industrial cities in Jubail and Yanbu. The Real Estate Development Fund would receive a shot in the arm through replenishment of resources worth SR25 billion over the next five years.
The government will also deposit SR10 billion in the Saudi Credit Bank.. The public lending institutions would disburse SR40 billion among the beneficiaries of the lending programs.
Economy and Planning Minister Khaled Al-Gosaibi said the new budget that focuses on an economic stimulus plan was the best means to offset the impact of the global financial crisis and the economic recession. “The large-scale public spending of this size will play a positive role in increasing demand for goods and services and expanding liquidity to finance consumption, production and investment.â€
Economic analysts described the budget as market-friendly and said it would boost the Kingdom’s economy.
“The Saudi economy is one of the most resilient among the world economies. It is well positioned for growth despite the global recession. The priorities given in the budget seem to address the challenges facing the economy,†said Adnan Soufi, managing director of SEDCO Financial Investments Group.
Faisal Alsayrafi, managing director and CEO of the Jeddah-based Financial Transaction House (FTH), was also bullish about the budget. “If we look at the global economy and what’s happening worldwide, we would definitely find ourselves in a much better situation,†he said..
He said the projected deficit of SR65 billion was due to severe turbulence in oil prices and other factors. However, the generous government spending on mega projects would boost the economy. He referred to King Abdullah’s earlier announcement that the government would spend $400 billion on development projects in the next five years.
“It is true that the deterioration in oil prices has impacted us. However, favorable oil prices in the past did help us build a strong reserve to be used as a cushion in times of need,†he added.
Howard Handy, general manager and chief economist of the Riyadh-based Samba Financial Group, said the government faced many challenges while drawing up the budget because of the uncertainty surrounding oil prices. “For 2009, the government faces the added complication of a much weaker domestic investment environment stemming from the impact of global credit dislocations and declining oil prices,†he said. In 2009, Samba expects the government to increase spending by around 10 percent over this year in its bid to bolster confidence and keep infrastructure projects on track. “This is precisely the role that fiscal policy should play in such an unsettled economic environment,†Handy said.
On the recurrent spending front, cooling inflation should help ease pressure on subsidy commitments. Yet with population growth continuing at around 3 percent and a weakened private sector unable to absorb many new job market entrants, upward pressure on current spending will remain considerable, he said.
“The outlook for 2010 is hazy, but a gradual rebound in oil prices and a small gain in Saudi crude production should allow revenue to rise by around 35 percent. Spending will also be stepped up by around 13 percent, but a return to a small surplus of SR19 billion, or 1 percent of the GDP, is likely,†Handy added.
There was no immediate impact of the budget on the Saudi stock market. That was because the budget announcement came much after the market closed.. The Tadawul All-Share Index (TASI) closed 26.04 points down at 4,748.04 with turnover of SR4 billion.
The Excerpt
“Dad was born during a heavy downpour of hailstorm. His birth coincided with the ending of the Islamic Haj Celebrations known as Eid Al-Adha, hence his Islamic name Eid, phonetically pronounced "IDI" by indigenous Africans and Kakwa. He was born at the Colonial Shimoni Police Barracks in Nakasero, Kampala, where my grandpa Amin Dada Nyabira was serving as a colonial policeman. Awongo as he was always fondly referred to by my grandma Aisha Aate of the Okapi/Lenya Clan of the Lugbara Tribe was the third child to grandma. Aate had previously given birth to a daughter who died either at birth or as a toddler, then Moro and, finally dad (Awongo). Grandpa had two other wives besides grandma Aisha Aate with whom he had other children.
Events surrounding dad’s birth were regularly re-enacted by grandma and other family members at family gatherings. I vividly recall a time when dad’s uncle Siri'ba, of the Piza Kakwa Clan re-enacted the events of dad’s birth at a family gathering in Kawempe Kiyindi Zone.
Grandpa was a particularly stern character and at the time of dad’s birth, he had reasons of his own for not accepting the infant Awongo as his own. Consequently, he demanded from amongst Elders of his Adibu Kakwa Clan that the infant Awongo be taken into the jungle and left there for three days. This was in compliance with a Kakwa tribal tradition where an infant whose paternal heritage is in dispute is taken into the jungle and left there for three days. If the infant survived the jungle then the child would be welcomed as a legitimate Progeny. Grandpa would only accept the infant Awongo if it survived the cruel ordeal in the jungle. So, the Kakwa Elders from the Adibu Clan relented and took the infant, Awongo into the Ko'buko (Koboko) County jungle and left him there for three days! On the fourth day, when the elders came for the child it was still alive!
“Like an Avenging Angel, your Grandma (Abuba Aisha {Asha} Aate) strode with fury in front of her husband and the Adibu Kakwa Elders”, recounted dad’s uncle Siri'ba. “At the next assembly, she placed an ancient KAR Rifle on the ground and a solemn curse on her husband. She proclaimed, “If this child is not yours, and is of a Munubi/Monodu, as you claim, let him languish in poverty and misery. But, But if he is of your blood, then let him prosper and succeed in this world to the highest position in the land, and may you, his Father, not see of his wealth and prosperity.” According to dad’s uncle Siri’ba, Grandma then stepped over the KAR Rifle in fulfilment of this powerful curse. The assembly was awestruck by Grandma’s curse since just the fact that the infant survived the jungle was good enough for justice to the mother and child. This occasion made it impossible for my grandparents to live together again and grandma returned to Kampala from Koboko with the infant Awongo, to live with her relatives who had retired from the KAR and were living in Bombo in the outskirts of Kampala.
Grandma Aisha Aate later told dad that Nakan, the sacred snake, had come to dad and wrapped itself around dad for warmth as it would do around its own eggs. It placed its head on the crown of dad’s head for the duration of the ordeal, offered Grandma. This tale is amazingly similar to a Meso-American legend of Lord Quetzal {Ku'Kaham}, yet dad, in all his wanderings on God’s Earth, or Grandma Aisha, whose sphere of knowledge was strictly cultural, would never have known of the legend.
Thus began dad’s long journey from an infant abandoned in a Kakwa jungle, to “the highest position in the land” as grandma Aisha Aate predicted.
I had the pleasure of residing with grandma Aisha Aate briefly between the tender age of three and four the year of her demise, which was one year shy of the year 1971 when dad ascended to “the highest position in the land”. Awongo grew into a strong lad, six-foot four inches tall. He outshone his contemporaries by his physical prowess and leadership qualities and “defied” all odds to ascend to the position of President of Uganda on January 25, 1971.
His was a very long journey punctuated by very many twists and turns – a journey that ended in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the Holly Land of Islam, where he died of Kidney complications in 2003. Without a doubt, Awongo made an indelible mark in the world. By. Majid Alemi Junior.
Jamarat Project in Mina Makkah Al Mukkarrma after Completion:
Makkah-Al-Mukkarrma after 12 Years:
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Holy kaaba'a Mataaf Covered with 4 umbrellas
After Three Years  Haram Mosque will Look Like This
Big housing project started near the Holy Haram
WorldTallest building starting in Jeddah K.S.A
Madhena Haram Masjid After four Years
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--- On Sun, 1/2/09, Ahmed Wenn
On Mon, 9/2/09, Akujo Amonye wrote:
From: Akujo Amonye
Subject: Fw: akujo wangita has sent you a New Vision News Article!
To: kadara kursum
Date: Monday, 9 February, 2009, 4:27 PM
We are peaceful souls.
Forwarded Message
From: New Vision Online Division
To: akujo wangita
Sent: Monday, 9 February, 2009 16:10:59
Subject: akujo wangita has sent you a New Vision News Article!
Hi there! Majid Alemi Junior.
akujo wangita thought you might be interested in this article from The New Vision online: http://www.newvision.co.ug
They also added this comment:
NGOs accused of failing northern peace plan
By Francis Kagolo
SOME of the non-government organisations operating in the north have been criticised for sabotaging the Peace, Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP).
The permanent secretary in the Prime Minister’s office, Pius Bigirimana, also lashed out at those who politicise the programme.
PRDP is a programme which integrates and harmonises initiatives committed to the rehabilitation and development of the war-affected areas in the north and north-eastern Uganda.
“Many organisations have turned the plan into a business to make money out of people’s suffering,†he said.
Bigirimana said other NGOs were using the programme to pursue political agendas, adding that the Government would not allow such mischief.
Due to the saboteurs, he said, development partners were becoming skeptical of the programme.
Bigirimana was informing stakeholders about the progress of the programme at the Refugee Law Project headquarters in Old Kampala on Wednesday.
“Last week, I received a letter from the US Congress signed by seven senators. They were complaining that the programme had done nothing in the north,†he said.
He, however, commended organisations like Plan International, World Vision and FAO on their good work, adding that he would record the programme’s achievements on video to defend it in the US.
Bagirimana dismissed allegations that the programme had been suspended and warned against duplication of services.
He cited activities like the construction of roads and the electrification of districts under the plan as ongoing activities.
“We are working with the Uganda Rural Electrification Agency to restore power from Soroti to Kaberamaido. We are also soon starting restoration of power to Oyam district and power extension to Tororo district,†he said.
Harriet Namisi, the DENIVA programme coordinator said: “It is unfortunate that the Government is turning against NGOs when peace has come back in the north. It is forgetting the role NGOs played during the war.â€
David Wakikona, the state minister in-charge of northern Uganda rehabilitation, said the programme would be fully implemented in the 2009-2010 financial year
You can also read the article online at: http://www.newvision.co.ug/detail.php?mainNewsCategoryId=8&newsCategoryId=13&newsId=670800
On Mon, 9/2/09, Kadara Akujo Amonye Alemi wrote:
From: Kadara Akujo Amonye Alemi
Subject: Fw: BBC E-mail: Could your news be broadcast on the BBC?
To:kadara kursum
Date: Monday, 9 February, 2009, 4:29 PM
We are peaceful souls.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: kadara kursum Akujo Amonye
To: kadara akujo wangita alemi
Sent: Monday, 9 February, 2009 16:23:21
Subject: BBC E-mail: Could your news be broadcast on the BBC?
kadara kursum saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you
should see it.
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Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
Hello, Majid Alemi Junior.
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from http://www.arabnews.com:
Doctors will need to pass test for contracts' renewal
Arab News
MAKKAH: The Ministry of Health will not renew any work contracts with doctors, nurses and medical technicians both in private and government sectors unless they pass a test of the Saudi Council for Health Specialties, Al-Madinah daily reported yesterday.
"The Medical and Pharmacy Licensing Department of the Health Directorate in the Makkah province has sent a memo to medical and related establishments about the decision. The department has also taken steps to prepare a database for health establishments in the province," Dr. Muhammad Al- Mehmadi, director of the department, told the newspaper.
"The council rejected 1,500 certificates of doctors, pharmacists, nurses and other medical technicians in various medical specializations because it suspected the genuineness of the documents during the past few months. The attestation of the council has been rated very high not in the Kingdom alone but internationally as well," said Dr. Hussein Al-Feraihi, secretary-general of the council. "Though the council did not have the evidence to prove that all those documents were forged, it has the right to reject a certificate if it suspects its origin or credibility."
The council detected 800 fake certificates while registering and grading their certificates for registration. The fake documents included those of doctors, pharmacists, nurses, opticians, laboratory technicians and physiotherapists, dental technicians and technicians of X-ray, sterilization, anesthesia, EEG, labor rooms and blood banks.
"However, the council has learned that some of the holders of rejected certificates are still working in their respective establishments, even after it notified the licensing department about such people," he said.
He added that the licensing department did not have sufficient number of inspectors to make field checks and stop unqualified people from working..
The council had informed the Passport Department and the Ministry of Health of the matter, he said.
He put the total number of barred medical workers in the Kingdom at 12,000. The ban is either temporary or final. The permanent ban is mostly because of the negligence in professional ethics or unacceptable qualifications including forgery. Temporary ban is for the workers who do not pass the evaluation tests, which they might pass later after attending more training programs, he said.
Meanwhile, Madinah Gov. Prince Abdul Aziz bin Majed ordered a committee to study and evaluate the courses and activities of all private medical institutes in the province. The students of
Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
Hello, Majid Alemi Junior.
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
Doctors will need to pass test for contracts' renewal
Arab News
MAKKAH: The Ministry of Health will not renew any work contracts with doctors, nurses and medical technicians both in private and government sectors unless they pass a test of the Saudi Council for Health Specialties, Al-Madinah daily reported yesterday.
"The Medical and Pharmacy Licensing Department of the Health Directorate in the Makkah province has sent a memo to medical and related establishments about the decision. The department has also taken steps to prepare a database for health establishments in the province," Dr. Muhammad Al- Mehmadi, director of the department, told the newspaper.
"The council rejected 1,500 certificates of doctors, pharmacists, nurses and other medical technicians in various medical specializations because it suspected the genuineness of the documents during the past few months. The attestation of the council has been rated very high not in the Kingdom alone but internationally as well," said Dr. Hussein Al-Feraihi, secretary-general of the council. "Though the council did not have the evidence to prove that all those documents were forged, it has the right to reject a certificate if it suspects its origin or credibility."
The council detected 800 fake certificates while registering and grading their certificates for registration. The fake documents included those of doctors, pharmacists, nurses, opticians, laboratory technicians and physiotherapists, dental technicians and technicians of X-ray, sterilization, anesthesia, EEG, labor rooms and blood banks.
"However, the council has learned that some of the holders of rejected certificates are still working in their respective establishments, even after it notified the licensing department about such people," he said.
He added that the licensing department did not have sufficient number of inspectors to make field checks and stop unqualified people from working..
The council had informed the Passport Department and the Ministry of Health of the matter, he said.
He put the total number of barred medical workers in the Kingdom at 12,000. The ban is either temporary or final. The permanent ban is mostly because of the negligence in professional ethics or unacceptable qualifications including forgery. Temporary ban is for the workers who do not pass the evaluation tests, which they might pass later after attending more training programs, he said.
Meanwhile, Madinah Gov. Prince Abdul Aziz bin Majed ordered a committee to study and evaluate the courses and activities of all private medical institutes in the province. The students of
The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily
Hello, Majid Alemi Junior.
kadara kursum is suggesting the following article from
The Shoura Council
Arab News
JEDDAH: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah yesterday reshuffled the consultative Shoura Council, inducting new faces to the body. Abdullah Al-Asheikh is the chairman of Shoura while Bandar Hajjar is the deputy chairman and Abdul Rahman Al-Barrak, assistant chairman. The following are members of the reshuffled council, who are appointed for four years.
1) Bandar bin Mohammed Hajjar
2) Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Al-Barrak
3) Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman Al-Belaihi
4) Ibrahim bin Abdul Aziz Al-Shadi
5) Ibrahim bin Abdul Aziz Al-Rabdi
6) Ibrahim bin Abdullah Al-Sulaiman
7) Ibrahim bin Abdullah Al-Ibrahim
8) Ibrahim bin Mubarak Al-Juwair
9) Ihsan bin Jaafer Faqeeh
10) Ihsan bin Farid Abdul Jawad
11) Ahmed bin Saad Al-Mufreh
12) Ahmed bin Omar Al-Zailae
13) Osama bin Ali Qabbani
14) Osama bin Mohammed Kurdi
15) Ismail bin Mohammed Al-Bishri
16) Badr bin Hamad Al-Hoqail
17) Bakr bin Hamza Khushaim
18) Thamer bin Nasser Ghashyan
19) Jibril bin Hassan Areeshi
20) Jameel bin Mohammed Al-Khairi
21) Hatem bin Hassan Al-Marzouki
22) Hatem bin Arif Al-Sharief
23) Hamid bin Dhafi Al-Sharari
24) Hasan bin Abdullah Al-Shahri
25) Hamad bin Daeej Al-Daeej
26) Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Qadi
27) Khaled bin Ibrahim Al-Awad
28) Khaled bin Abdul Rahman Al-Saif
29) Khaled bin Abdullah Al-Turki
30) Prince Khaled bin Abdullah bin Mohammed
31) Khaled bin Mohammed Al-Saudi
32) Khidr bin Olayan Al-Qurashi
33) Khaleefa bin Ahmed Al-Dossari
34) Khalil bin Ibrahim Al-Ibrahim
35) Rashid bin Hamad Al-Kuthairi
36) Zamil bin Abbas Abuzinada
37) Zuhair bin Fahd Al-Harithi
38) Zainul Abideen bin Abdullah Barri
39) Salim bin Rashid Al-Murri
40) Salim bin Ali Al-Qahtani
41) Saad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Bazie
42) Saad bin Mohammed Aseeri
43) Saadoun bin Saad Al-Saadoun
44) Saud bin Humaid Al-Subaie
45) Saud bin Abdul Rahman Al-Shammari
46) Saeed bin Abdullah Alshaikh
47) Saeed bin Mohammed Al-Malees
48) Suleiman bin Abdullah Al-Majed
49) Suleiman bin Awad Al-Zayedi
50) Shubaili bin Majdoue Al-Qarni
51) Saleh bin Zabin Al-Baqami
52) Saleh bin Eid Al-Hosaini
53) Saleh bin Faris Al-Zahrani
54) Saleh bin Mohammed Al-Namlah
55) Saleh bin Mohammed Al-Shuaibi
56) Sadaqa bin Yahya Fadil
57) Tarek bin Ali Fadaak
58) Talal bin Hassan Bakri
59) Talal bin Mahmoud Dhahi
60) Azib bin Saeed Al-Misbel
61) Amir bin Awad Al-Mutairi
62) Awad bin Bunaih Al-Radadi
63) Abdul Jaleel bin Ali Al-Saif
64) Abdul Rahman bin Ahmed Al-Yami
65) Abdul Rahman bin Ahmed Hejan
66) Abdul Rahman bin Hamoud Al-Qadib
67) Abdul Rahman bin Saad Al-Obaisi
68) Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Suwailem
69) Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Dawood
70) Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Al-Moshaikeh
71) Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed Al-Jedaie
72) Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed Al-Asimi
73) Abdul Rahman bin Nasser Al-Atwi
74) Abdul Aziz bin Ibrahim Al-Suwaiyel
75) Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al-Nasrallah
76) Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Kareem Al-Eissa
77) Abdul Aziz bin Mohammed Al-Tuwaijri
78) Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Askar
79) Abdullah bin Ahmed Al-Feefi
80) Abdullah bin Barjes Al-Dossari
81) Abdullah bin Hamoud Al-Harbi
82) Abdullah bin Dawood Al-Fayez
83) Abdullah bin Zamil Al-Derais
84) Abdullah bin Zubn Al-Otaibi
85) Abdullah bin Salim Al-Mietani
86) Abdullah bin Saeed Abumilha
87) Abdullah bin Suleiman Al-Othaim
88) Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Hudaithi
89) Abdullah bin Abdul Kareem Al-Saadoun
90) Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Abdul Qader
91) Abdullah bin Ali Al-Suqair
92) Abdullah bin Ali Al-Muneef
93) Abdullah bin Fahd Mubairek
94) Abdullah bin Muharib Al-Dhufairi
95) Abdullah bin Mohammed Al-Nasser
96) Abdullah bin Mohammed Naseef
97) Abdullah bin Yahya Bukhari
98) Abdul Mohsen bin Mohammed Al-Zakari
99) Abdul Malik bin Abdullah Al-Khayyal
100) Abdul Wahab bin Mohammed Al-Majthel
101) Atallah bin Ahmed Abuhassan
102) Abdul Majeed bin Ali Al-Balawi
103) Ali bin Saad Al-Takhees
104) Ali bin Saleh Al-Dahaiman
105) Ali bin Abdullah Al-Ghamdi
106) Ali bin Nasser Al-Wazra
107) Omar bin Ibrahim Rajab
108) Faleh bin Mohammed Al-Saghir
109) Fahhad bin Muetad Al-Hamad
110) Fahd bin Hamoud Al-Anazi
111) Fahd bin Nasser Al-Aboud
112) Faisal bin Abdul Qader Taher
113) Qadi bin Mohammed Al-Oqaili
114) Majed bin Abdullah Al-Muneef
115) Mazin bin Abdul Razak Balilah
116) Mazin bin Fouad Al-Khayyat
117) Majdi bin Mohammed Hariri
118) Mohsen bin Ali Al-Hazmi
119) Mohsen bin Mohammed Al-Tamim
120) Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al-Hulwa
121) Mohammed bin Ameen Al-Jefri
122) Mohammed bin Hamid Al-Naqadi
123) Mohammed bin Hussein Qarub
124) Mohammed bin Hamoud Al-Rasheed
125) Mohammed Riza Nasrallah
126) Mohammed bin Zamil Al-Sharief
127) Mohammed bin Saad Al-Saadan
128) Mohammed bin Saad Al-Salim
129) Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al-Shammari
130) Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al-Dehaishi
131) Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Qahtani
132) Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Amr
133) Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Quwaihes
134) Mohammed bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Turki
135) Mohammed bin Omar Naseef
136) Brig. Mohammed bin Faisal Abusak
137) Mohammed bin Mutlak Al-Mutlak
138) Mohammed bin Mahdi Al-Khunaizi
139) Mishaal bin Fahm Al-Salmi
140) Mishaal bin Mamdouh Al-Ali
141) Mufleh bin Daghiman Al-Rushaidi
142) Muwafek bin Fawaz Al-Ruwaili
143) Mansour bin Abdullah Aba Al-Khail
144) Moussa bin Mohammed Al-Sulaim
145) Walid bin Arab Hashim
146) Nasser bin Abdullah Al-Maiman
147) Najeeb bin Abdul Rahman Al-Zamil
148) Nawaf bin Badah Al-Faghem
149) Yahya bin Abdullah Al-Samaan
150) Yousuf bin Abdussatar Al-Maimani
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